May 21 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day

May 21 in History 293 – Roman Emperors Diocletian and Maximian appoint Galerius as Caesar to Diocletian, beginning the period of four rulers known as the Tetrarchy. 878 – Syracuse, Sicily, is captured by the Muslim Aghlabids after a nine-month siege. 879 – Pope John VIII gives blessings to Branimir of Croatia and to the Croatian people, considered to be international recognition…

January 16 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day

January 16 in History 27 BCE – Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus is granted the title Augustus by the Roman Senate, marking the beginning of the Roman Empire. 378 – General Siyaj K’ak’ conquers Tikal, enlarging the domain of King Spearthrower Owl of Teotihuacán. 550 – Gothic War: The Ostrogoths, under King Totila, conquer Rome after a long siege,…

Following are the rules of precis writing. 1) Read the given passage carefully at least three times in order to be able to grasp what the writer has said. 2) Underline the important points to be included in your precis.…

Words Followed By Appropriate Preposition

? *Words Followed By Appropriate Preposition* ◾Abide *By* ◾Abounds *In* ◾Absconded *With* ◾Absorbed *In* ◾Abstained *From* ◾Accede *To* ◾Accord *With* ◾Accused *Of* ◾Accustomed *To* ◾Adapt *To* ◾Addicted *To* ◾Adhere *To* ◾Afflicted *With* ◾Adjourned *To* ◾Affiliated *To* ◾Amounts *To* ◾Appealed *To*…

How to Improve English Language for CSS / PMS Exams?

Improving English language is imperative for success in CSS. Not only that the very initial couple of papers – English Essay and Précis & Composition – filter out most of the candidates not well versed with English writing skills, the…

Emily Bronte Quiz

Emily Bronte Quiz Questions 1. When was Emily Bronte born? a) 3 March 1815 b) 4 August 1814 c) 30 July 1818 d) 6 November 1812 2. Where was Emily Bronte born? a) Derbyshire b) Dover c) Tweed d) Thornton…