Which books chief rival is the Encyclopaedia Galactica?
Which books chief rival is the Encyclopaedia Galactica? Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Which books chief rival is the Encyclopaedia Galactica? Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Star which TV show really a programmer written 20 books on it? Buffy Vampire Slayer Sarah Michelle Geller
Which author sold most books in the first half of 20th century? Edgar Rice Burroughs
In the Vietnam war Comic Books was US military slang for what? Maps
Books original title 4.5 years struggle against lies stupidity & co? Mein Kampf
Where would you find the original Mr Plod? Noddy books
All the Richard Hannay books got their titles from where? Bunyon’s The Pilgrims Progress
What author wrote the books Rage and The Sunbird? Wilber Smith
In the 18th century offensive what were whipped? Books
John Books was the final role of which actor? John Wayne in The Shootist