On which badge are Minerva, Clipper ship, Grizzly bear, Eureka?
On which badge are Minerva, Clipper ship, Grizzly bear, Eureka? California Highway Patrol – Chips
On which badge are Minerva, Clipper ship, Grizzly bear, Eureka? California Highway Patrol – Chips
According to truck drivers which US state has the worst drivers? California
What is the state song of California? I love you California
In 1940s California it was illegal to serve alcohol to who? Homosexuals
What can you find on California’s Mount Cook? Hollywood sign
What USA state drinks the most beer? California
In California more what are raised than in any other state? Turkeys
In 1925 the worlds first what opened Luis Obispo California? Motel – Called Motel Inn
In SF California by law what is guaranteed to the masses? Sunshine
California illegal to shoot game from moving vehicle except what? Whale