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Abdus Salam Quiz

Abdus Salam Quiz Questions

(Some sources claim Abdus Salam was born in Santokdas.)

1. When did Abdus Salam win Nobel Prize for Physics?
a) 1972
b) 1979
c) 1984
d) 1986

2. When was Abdus Salam born?
a) 29 January 1926
b) 2 May 1914
c) 19 September 1918
d) 21 December 1922

3. Where was Abdus Salam born?
a) Ludhiana
b) Peshawar
c) Jhang Maghiana
d) Multan

4. Which college did Abdus Salam attend in 1940-1944?
a) Anglo-Mohammedan College
b) King Edward Medical College
c) Aitchison College
d) Government College

5. Where was Abdus Salam professor of theoretical physics in 1957-1960?
a) Lahore College for Women
b) Imperial College of Science and Technology
c) Hailey College of Commerce
d) California Institute of Technology

6. What was set up on 16 September 1961 on the advice of Abdus Salam?
a) Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
b) International Centre for Theoretical Physics
c) Pakistan Academy of Sciences
d) Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission

7. For what did Abdus Salam win Nobel Prize for Physics?
a) Formulating the electroweak theory
b) Discovery of argon
c) Spectroscopic and metrological investigations
d) Development of wireless telegraphy

8. When did Abdus Salam die?
a) 1 January 2001
b) 4 April 1998
c) 8 August 2002
d) 21 November 1996

9. Where did Abdus Salam die?
a) Karachi
b) Rawalpindi
c) Oxford
d) Faisalabad

10. The epitaph on Abdus Salam’s tomb read “First Muslim Nobel Laureate.” Which word was erased?
a) First
b) Muslim
c) Nobel
d) Laureate

Abdus Salam Quiz Questions with Answers

1. When did Abdus Salam win Nobel Prize for Physics?
b) 1979

2. When was Abdus Salam born?
a) 29 January 1926

3. Where was Abdus Salam born?
c) Jhang Maghiana

4. Which college did Abdus Salam attend in 1940-1944?
d) Government College

5. Where was Abdus Salam professor of theoretical physics in 1957-1960?
b) Imperial College of Science and Technology

6. What was set up on 16 September 1961 on the advice of Abdus Salam?
d) Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission

7. For what did Abdus Salam win Nobel Prize for Physics?
a) Formulating the electroweak theory

8. When did Abdus Salam die?
d) 21 November 1996

9. Where did Abdus Salam die?
c) Oxford

10. The epitaph on Abdus Salam’s tomb read “First Muslim Nobel Laureate.” Which word was erased?
b) Muslim

Abdus Salam Quiz Read More »

MCQs / Q&A, Personalities

MCQs Misc. Topics (September 9, 2018)

What type of animals make up the biggest group of amphibians? –
a. Bats
b. Frogs

What film series stars Marlon Brando and Al Pacino as leaders of a New York Mafia family? –
a. The Godfather
b. American Gangster

How many hours are there in one full week? –
a. 168 hours
b. 192 hours

Which Roman numerals represent the number 40? –
a. LX
b. XL

The diameter is half of the radius? –
a. True
b. False

Which country was Arnold Schwarzenegger born in? –
a. America
b. Cuba
c. Australia
d. Austria

During which year did the Apple iPhone first go on sale? –
a. 2000
b. 2004
c. 2005
d. 2007

Which country is Santiago the capital of? –
a. Somalia
b. Chile

Who designed the Statue of Liberty? –
a. Bartholdi
b. Igor Sikorsky

Which is the only mammal that able to kneel on all fours? –
a. Elephant
b. Camel

Where was the first nuclear reactor built? –
a. USA
b. France

Which country has the most football clubs? –
a. Spain
b. South Africa

What is the name of the branch of medicine that focuses on eyesight?
a. Oncology
b. Optometry

In a game of cricket, how many runs are awarded for hitting the ball over the boundary rope without bouncing? –
a. Four Runs
b. Six Runs

At 119 miles long, what is the name of Scotland’s longest river?
A. River Tay
B. River Dublin

Since 1987, which Tennis Grand Slam tournament has been the fourth and final in the tennis calendar? –
a. Australian Open
b. US Open

What is the name of the founder of the company Amazon who later went on to purchase The Washington Post newspaper?
a. Jeff Bezos
b. Steve Jobs

Which is the only country to have taken part in every football World Cup ?
a. Brazil
b. France

Writer of Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift is ?
a. American
b. British
c. Irish 
d. Greek

Clark Kent is the real name of which superhero?
a. Superman
b. Mr. Bean

“Alter Ego”
a. Close friend
b. Worst enemy
c. Distant relative
d. Forgotten Incident

Into how many regions the brain is mainly divided
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

Cuba is located in:
a. Central Asia
b. Eastern Europe
c. North America 
d. Far Fast

Which out of the flowing took place in 1963?
a. Indo Soviet Military Pact
b. Settlement of Pak Chin Border dispute
c. Uprising in Kashmir
d. Indo China war

During the anti- government movement of 1977, who was the President of PNA(Pakistan National Alliance)
a. Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan
b. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
c. Air Marshall Asghar Khan
d. Khan Abdul Wali Khan

Who is considered to be the Chief Architect of 1956 Constitution ?
a. Muhammad Ali Bogra
b. Ch. Muhammad Ali

Who was the 1st Muslim Caliph of Spain ?
a. Abd Al Malik
b. Abd ar-Rahman

The Muslim Invaded Spain in :
a. 714
b. 713
c. 712
d. 711

The Secon Ummayiad Caliph was:
a. Walid bin Abul Malik
b. Yazid bin Muawiya

Whic Abbasid Caliph laid the foundation of “Baghdad”
a. Harun Ur Rashid
b. Abbasi al Safah
c. Mamun Ur Rashid
d. Al Mansoor

“A Short History of the Saracens” was written by?
a. Allama Hibli Naumani
b. Syed Ameer Ali 
c. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
d. None

Iron Lady ??
a. Margret Thatcher
b. Inda Gandhi
c. Razia Sultana
d. Benazir Bhutto

Correct Spellings
a. Tusion
b. Tuition

A remedy for all deceases is know as :
a. Antiseptic
b. Panacea

Opposite of “Paucity”
a. Scanty
b. Abundance

MCQs Misc. Topics (September 9, 2018) Read More »

History, MCQs / Q&A, World

آئین پاکستان 1973 میں اب تک کی گئی 25 ترامیم آسان اردو زبان میں اختصار کے ساتھ

آئین پاکستان 1973 میں اب تک کی گئی 25 ترامیم آسان اردو زبان میں اختصار کے ساتھ ملاحظہ فرمائیں۔

پہلی ترمیم 1974
آئین پاکستان 1973 کی پہلی ترمیم میں پاکستان کے حدود اربعہ کا دوبارہ تعین کیا گیا.

دوسری ترمیم 1974
قادیانیوں کو غیر مسلم اقلیت قرار دیا گیا.

تیسری ترمیم 1975
اس ترمیم میں Preventive Detention کی مدت کو بڑھایا گیا۔Preventive Detention کا مطلب ہے کسی ایسے شخص کو نامعلوم مقام پر رکھنا جو ریاست پاکستان کے خلاف سرگرمیوں میں ملوث ہو۔

چوتھی ترمیم 1975
اقلیتوں کو پارلیمنٹ میں اضافی سیٹیں دی گئیں۔

پانچویں ترمیم 1976
ہائی کورٹ کا اختیار_سماعت وسیع کیا گیا

چھٹی ترمیم 1976
ہائی کورٹ اور سپریم کورٹ کے ججز کی ریٹائرمنٹ کی مدت بالترتیب 62 اور 65 سال کی گئ۔

ساتویں ترمیم 1977
وزیر اعظم کو یہ پاور دی گئ کہ وہ کسی بھی وقت پاکستان کی عوام سے اعتماد کا ووٹ حاصل کر سکتا ہے۔

آٹھویں ترمیم 1985
پارلیمانی نظام سے نیم صدارتی نظام متعارف کروایا گیا اور صدر کو اضافی پاورز دی گئیں۔

نویں ترمیم 1985
شریعہ لاء کو لاء آف دی لینڈ کا درجہ دیا گیا۔

دسویں ترمیم 1987
پارلیمنٹ کے اجلاس کا دورانیہ مقرر کیا گیا کہ دو اجلاس کا درمیانی وقفہ 130 دن سے نہیں بڑھے گا

گیارھویں ترمیم 1989
دونوں اسمبلیوں میں سیٹوں کی Revision کی گئ۔

بارھویں ترمیم 1991
سنگین جرائم کے تیز ترین ٹرائل کے لئے خصوصی عدالتیں عرصہ 3 سال کے لئے قائم کی گئیں

تیرھویں ترمیم 1997
صدر کی نیشنل اسمبلی تحلیل کرنے اور وزیر اعظم ہٹانے کی پاورز کو ختم کیا گیا۔

چودھویں ترمیم 1997
ممبران پارلیمنٹ میں Defect پائے جانے کی صورت میں ان کو عہدوں سے ہٹانے کا قانون وضح کیا گیا۔

پندرھویں ترمیم 1998
شریعہ لاء کو لاگو کرنے کے بل کو پاس نا کیا گیا۔

سولہویں ترمیم 1999
کوٹہ سسٹم کی مدت 20 سے بڑھا کر 40 سال کی گئ

سترھویں ترمیم 2003
صدر کی پاورز میں اضافہ کیا گیا

اٹھارویں ترمیم 2010
اس ترمیم میں NWFP کا نام تبدیل کیا گیا اور آرٹیکل 6 متعارف کروایا گیا،اور اس کے علاوہ صدر کی نیشنل اسمبلی تحلیل کرنے کی پاور کو ختم کیا گیا۔

انیسویں ترمیم 2010
اسلام آباد ہائی کورٹ قائم کی گئ،اور سپریم کورٹ کے ججز کی تعیناتی کے حوالے سے قانون وضح کیا گیا۔

بیسویں ترمیم 2012
صاف شفاف انتخابات کے لئے چیف الیکشن کمشنر کو الیکشن کمیشن آف پاکستان میں تبدیل کیا گیا۔

اکیسویں ترمیم 2015
سانحہ APSکے بعد ملٹری کورٹس متعارف کروائی گئیں۔

بائیسویں ترمیم 2016
چیف الیکشن کمیشن آف پاکستان کی اہلیت کا دائرہ کار تبدیل کیا گیا کہ بیورو کریٹس اور ٹیکنو کریٹس بھی ممبر الیکشن کمیشن آف پاکستان بن سکیں گے۔

تئیسویں ترمیم 2017
سال 2015 میں قومی اسمبلی نے اکیسویں ترمیم میں 2 سال کے لئے ملٹری کورٹس قائم کیں۔ یہ دوسال کا دورانیہ 6 جنوری 2017 کو ختم ہو گیا،اس تئیسویں ترمیم میں ملٹری کورٹس کے دورانیے کو مزید 2 سال کے لئے 6 جنوری 2019 تک بڑھایا گیا۔

چوبیسویں ترمیم 2017
مردم شماری کے نتائج کی بنیاد پر حلقہ بندیوں کو دوبارہ تشکیل دیا گیا۔

پچیسویں ترمیم 2018
فاٹا کو خیبر پختونخواہ میں ملانے کے لئے صدر نے 31 مئ 2018 کو دستخط کیئے.

آئین پاکستان 1973 میں اب تک کی گئی 25 ترامیم آسان اردو زبان میں اختصار کے ساتھ Read More »

Political Science

Kuldip Nayar Quiz

1- When was Kuldip Nayar born?
  • Correct Answer: 14 August 1923
2- Where was Kuldip Nayar born?
  • Correct Answer: Sialkot
3- Where did Kuldip Nayar study journalism?
  • Correct Answer: Medill School
4- When was Kuldip Nayar Press Officer of Press Information Bureau?
  • Correct Answer: 1954-1964
5- When was Kuldip Nayar Editor of The Statesman?
  • Correct Answer: 1967-1975
6-  When was The Judgement published?
  • Correct Answer: 1977
7-  Where did Kuldip Nayar represent India as High Commissioner?
  • Correct Answer: UK
8- Which book has Kuldip Nayar’s articles on relations between India and Pakistan?
  • Correct Answer: Wall at Wagah
9-  When did Kuldip Nayar die?
  • Correct Answer: 23 August 2018
10-  Where did Kuldip Nayar die?
  • Correct Answer: Delhi

Kuldip Nayar Quiz Read More »

MCQs / Q&A, Personalities, Political Science

پاکستان کے بڑے شہروں کے نام کیسے پڑے، دلچسپ اور حیران کن معلومات*


*پاکستان کے بڑے شہروں کے نام کیسے پڑے، دلچسپ اور حیران کن معلومات*


*اســـلام آبــاد:-*
1959ءمیں مرکزی دارالحکومت کا علاقہ قرار پایا۔ اس کا نام مذہب اسلام کے نام پر اسلام آباد رکھا گیا۔


یہ شہر راول قوم کا گھر تھا۔ چودھری جھنڈے خان راول نے پندرہویں صدی میں باقاعدہ اس کی بنیاد رکھی۔


تقریباً 220 سال پہلے یہ ماہی گیروں کی بستی تھی۔ کلاچو نامی بلوچ کے نام پر اس کا نام کلاچی پڑگیا۔ پھر آہستہ آہستہ کراچی بن گیا۔ 1925ءمیں اسے شہر کی حیثیت دی گئی۔1947ءسے 1959ءتک یہ پاکستان کا دارالحکومت رہا۔


ایک نظریےکے مطابق ہندﺅں کے دیوتا راما کے بیٹے لاوا کے بعد لاہور نام پڑا، لاوا کو لوہ سے پکارا جاتا تھا اور لوہ (لاوا) کیلئے تعمیر کیا جانیوالا قلعہ ’لوہ، آور‘ سے مشہور ہوا
جس کا واضح معنی ’لوہ کا قلعہ ‘ تھا۔ اسی طرح صدیاں گزرتی گئیں اور پھر ’لوہ آور‘ لفظ بالکل اسی طرح لاہور میں بدل گیا جس طرح سیوستان سبی اور شالکوٹ، کوٹیا اور پھر کوئٹہ میں بدل گیا۔
اسی طرح ایک اور نظریئے کے مطابق دو بھائی لاہور
ایک اور نظریئے کے مطابق دو بھائی لاہور اور قاصو دو مہاجر بھائی تھے جو اس سرزمین پرآئے جسے لوگ آج لاہور کے نام سے جانتے ہیں، ایک بھائی قاصو نے پھر قصور آباد کیا جس کی وجہ سے اس کا نام بھی قصور پڑا جبکہ دوسرے بھائی نے اندرون شہر سے تین میل دور اچھرہ لااور کو اپنا مسکن بنایا اور بعد میں اسی لاہو کی وجہ سے اس شہر کا نام لاہور پڑ گیا اور شاید یہی وجہ ہے کہ اچھرہ کی حدود میں کئی ہندﺅوں کی قبریں بھی ملیں۔


*حــــــیدر آبــاد:-*
اس کا پرانا نام نیرون کوٹ تھا۔ کلہوڑوں نے اسے حضرت علیؓ کے نام سے منسوب کرکے اس کا نام حیدر آباد رکھ دیا۔ اس کی بنیاد غلام کلہوڑا نے 1768ءمیں رکھی۔


پیشہ ور لوگوں کی نسبت سے اس کا نام پشاور پڑگیا۔ ایک اور روایت کے مطابق محمود غزنوی نے اسے یہ نام دیا۔


لفظ کوئٹہ، کواٹا سے بنا ہے۔ جس کے معنی قلعے کے ہیں۔ بگڑتے بگڑتے یہ کواٹا سے کوئٹہ بن گیا۔


*ٹــــوبہ ٹیک سنــــگھ:-*
اس شہر کا نام ایک سکھ “ٹیکو سنگھ” کے نام پہ ہے “ٹوبہ” تالاب کو کہتے ہیں یہ درویش صفت سکھ ٹیکو سنگھ شہر کے ریلوے اسٹیشن کے پاس ایک درخت کے نیچے بیٹھا رہتا تھا اور ٹوبہ یعنی تالاب سے پانی بھر کر اپنے پاس رکھتا تھا اور اسٹیشن آنے والے مسافروں کو پانی پلایا کرتا تھا سعادت حسن منٹو کا شہرہ آفاق افسانہ “ٹوبہ ٹیک سنگھ” بھی اسی شہر سے منسوب ہے.


یہ سر اور گودھا سے مل کر بنا ہے۔ ہندی میں سر، تالاب کو کہتے ہیں، گودھا ایک فقیر کا نام تھا جو تالاب کے کنارے رہتا تھا۔ اسی لیے اس کا نام گودھے والا سر بن گیا۔ بعد میں سرگودھا کہلایا۔ 1930ءمیں باقاعدہ آباد ہوا۔


نواب بہاول خان کا آباد کردہ شہر جو انہی کے نام پر بہاولپور کہلایا۔ مدت تک یہ ریاست بہاولپور کا صدر مقام رہا۔ پاکستان کے ساتھ الحاق کرنے والی یہ پہلی رہاست تھی۔ ون یونٹ کے قیام تک یہاں عباسی خاندان کی حکومت تھی۔


کہا جاتا ہے کہ اس شہر کی تاریخ 4 ہزار سال قدیم ہے۔ البیرونی کے مطابق اسے ہزاروں سال پہلے آخری کرت سگیا کے زمانے میں آباد کیا گیا۔ اس کا ابتدائی نام ”کیساپور“ بتایا جاتا ہے۔


*فیصــــل آبــاد:-*
اسے ایک انگریز سر جیمزلائل (گورنرپنجاب) نے آباد کیا۔ اس کے نام پر اس شہر کا نام لائل پور تھا۔ بعدازاں عظیم سعودی فرماں روا شاہ فیصل شہید کے نام سے موسوم کر دیا گیا۔


*رحیــــم یار خــــاں:-*
بہاولپور کے عباسیہ خاندان کے ایک فرد نواب رحیم یار خاں عباسی کے نام پر یہ شہر آباد کیا گیا۔


جنوبی پنجاب کی ایک روحانی بزرگ ہستی کے نام پر یہ قصبہ آباد ہوا۔ جن کا مزار اسی قصبے میں ہے۔ یہ قصبہ دریائے راوی کے کنارے آباد ہے.


یہ شہر ساہی قوم کا مسکن تھا۔ اسی لیے ساہی وال کہلایا۔ انگریز دور میں پنجاب کے انگریز گورنر منٹگمری کے نام پر ”منٹگمری“ کہلایا۔ نومبر 1966ءصدر ایوب خاں نے عوام کے مطالبے پر اس شہر کا پرانا نام یعنی ساہیوال بحال کردیا۔


2 ہزار قبل مسیح میں راجہ سلکوٹ نے اس شہر کی بنیاد رکھی۔ برطانوی عہد میں اس کا نام سیالکوٹ رکھا گیا۔


ایک جاٹ سانہی خاں نے اسے 1365ءمیں آباد کیا اور اس کا نام ”خان پور“ رکھا۔ بعدازاں امرتسر سے آ کر یہاں آباد ہونے والے گوجروں نے اس کا نام بدل کر گوجرانوالہ رکھ دیا۔


مغل حکمران نورالدین سلیم جہانگیر کے حوالے سے آباد کیا جانے والا شہر۔ اکبر اپنے چہیتے بیٹے کو پیار سے ”شیخو“ کہہ کر پکارتا تھا اور اسی کے نام سے شیخوپورہ کہلایا۔


یہ دنیا کے قدیم ترین شہر کا اعزاز رکھنے والا شہر ہے۔ ہڑپہ، ساہیوال سے 12 میل کے فاصلے پر واقع ہے۔ کہا جاتا ہے کہ یہ موہنجوداڑو کا ہم عصر شہر ہے۔ جو 5 ہزار سال قبل اچانک ختم ہوگیا۔رگِ وید کے قدیم منتروں میں اس کا نام ”ہری روپا“ لکھا گیا ہے۔ زمانے کے چال نے ”ہری روپا“ کو ہڑپہ بنا دیا۔


گندھارا تہذیب کا مرکز۔ اس کا شمار بھی دنیا کے قدیم ترین شہروں میں ہوتا ہے۔ یہ راولپنڈی سے 22 میل کے فاصلے پر واقع ہے۔ 326 قبل مسیح میں یہاں سکندرِاعظم کا قبضہ ہوا.


ماضی میں ریاست بہاولپور کا ایک ضلع تھا۔ نواب سر صادق محمد خاں عباسی خامس پنجم کے مورثِ اعلیٰ کے نام پر بہاول نگر نام رکھا گیا۔


*مظـفــر گــــڑھ:-*
والئی ملتان نواب مظفرخاں کا آباد کردہ شہر۔ 1880ءتک اس کا نام ”خان گڑھ“ رہا۔ انگریز حکومت نے اسے مظفرگڑھ کا نام دیا۔

ُ╚═════════════╝ ُ╔═════════════╗

ایک صوفی بزرگ میاں علی کے نام سے موسوم شہر ”میانوالی“ سولہویں صدی میں آباد کیا گیا تھا۔

ُ╚═════════════╝ ُ╔═════════════╗

*ڈیرہ غــازی خــان:-*
پاکستان کا یہ شہر اس حوالے سے خصوصیت کا حامل ہے کہ اس کی سرحدیں چاروں صوبوں سے ملتی ہیں۔


یہ شہر کبھی چند جھونپڑیوں پر مشتمل تھا۔ اس شہر کی ابتدا صدیوں پہلے راجا سرجا سیال نے رکھی تھی اور یوں یہ علاقہ ”جھگی سیالu“ کہلایا۔ جو وقت گزرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ جھنگ سیال بن گیا اور پھر صرف جھنگ رہ گیا۔


پاکستان کے بڑے شہروں کے نام کیسے پڑے، دلچسپ اور حیران کن معلومات* Read More »

General Knowledge

Day by Day Current Affairs (August 29, 2018)

 August 29, 2018; National Current Affairs

  1. Cabinet forms six bodies to execute reforms agenda
  • In a move to implement its 100-day plan of `change`, the federal cabinet on August 28, 2018 set up six committees to introduce reforms in different sectors and to carve out a new province from Punjab, besides appointing the Intelligence Bureau (IB) director general and the head of National Counterterrorism Authority (Nacta).
  • The cabinet meeting, which was chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan, also decided to expedite the process of the merger of the erstwhile Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).
  • The cabinet decided to appoint Nacta chairman Dr Mohammad Suleman Khan (a grade-22 officer of the police service) as IB director general, while commandant of the National Police Academy Mehr Khalig Dad Lak, also a grade 22 officer, has been appointed as Nacta chairman in his place.
  • Another task force was formed on National Accountability Bureau (NAB) law reforms with main focus to retrieve national wealth laundered to other countries. Another task force constituted on Criminal Procedure Code reforms was asked to give its recommendations within 90 days to address the problems being faced by antiterrorism courts.
  • Other task forces were set up for introducing austerity measures, reforms in civil services /federal government restructuring, civil laws and the health sector.
  • One of the important decisions made in the meeting was that the government would not remove any official working on a contractual basis.
  1. Pakistan, India to begin talks on water disputes today
  • A nine-member delegation led by the Indian water commissioner arrived on August 28, 2018 for talks with their Pakistani counterparts on water disputes on the platform of the Pakistan-India Permanent Indus Commission.
  • Pakistan Water Commissioner Syed Mohammad Mehar Ali Shah welcomed the delegation, headed by Indian Water Commissioner Pradeep Kumar Saxena, at the Wagah border.
  • The two-day deliberations on water disputes will begin on August 29, 2018 (today). The talks will be held at the offices of the National Engineering Services of Pakistan (Nespak) in Lahore.
  • The Indian team was earlier supposed to arrive here for talks in July but the visit was rescheduled in view of the July 25 general elections.
  • The water commissioners of the neighbouring countries are required to meet twice a year and arrange technical visits to projects` sites and critical river headworks.
  • A government official said they would raise their concerns over the construction of 1,000MW Pakal Dul and 48MW Lower Kalnal hydroelectric projects on the River Chenab by New Delhi, ignoring Islamabad`s objections to their designs.
  1. Senate panel okays idea of criminalising enforced disappearances
  • A Senate committee on August 28, 2018 approved the idea of criminalising enforced disappearances.
  • Chairman of the Senate`s Functional Committee on Human Rights Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar gave the Ministry ofHuman Rights a month to engage all stakeholders to draft a bill for criminalising enforced disappearances and making it a punishable offence.
  • The directive came after the Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry on Enforced Disappearances, retired Justice Javed Iqbal, urged the committee to goforlegalsanctions torecover all missing persons. The meeting was informed that at presentallcases ofenforced disappearances were registered under Section 365 of the penal code which dealt with kidnapping.
  1. FBR gets new chief
  • The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) government on August 28, 2018 posted a senior officer of Pakistan Administration Services (PAS), Dr Muhammad Jehanzeb Khan, as chairman Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).
  • Mr Khan has also been given the additional post of secretary Revenue Division.
  • The outgoing FBR head, Ms Rukhsana Yasmin, who was posted as the first woman chairperson of the board on July 2 by the interim government, currently awaits directives on her new posting.
  • Dr Jehanzeb has served in Punjab for 10 years. He was serving as the secretary Board of Investment after being transferred by interim provincial government.
  • Previously, he has served as the chairman Planning and Development Board during the PML-N government.
  • PTI has emerged as the third consecutive party after PPP and PML-N to have posted non-tax officers from PAS to head FBR right at the start of their respective terms.
  • The PPP government had posted PAS officers including Sohail Ahmed, followed by Salman Siddique as chairmen FBR, while the PML-N government followed the previous government`s tradition when it posted Tariq Bajwa, a senior officer of PAS as chairman FBR.
  1. `2.2m abortions per year indicate unmet contraceptive demand`
  • A representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) on August 28, 2018 said 2.2 million abortions were carried out in Pakistan every year which clearly showed that there was an unmet demand for contraceptives in the country.
  • `Imagine how difficult it would be for a woman in Pakistan to go for an abortion. It shows that she did not want pregnancy but we failed to provide her the contraceptive. It is not acceptable at all and we need to do something to avoid such pregnancies,` Dr Hassan Mohtashami said at the launch of Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS). The survey was conducted by the National Institute of Population Studies (NIPS).
  • Dr Mohtashami said though Pakistan maynot achieve the commitment of family planning by 2020 it was not about an international commitment rather about the health of women.
  • As many as 34pc women were using any kind of contraceptives. The use of modern contraceptives was highest in Islamabad and lowest in Balochistan. The trend of unmet need for family planning has decreased from 31pc (in 1990) to 17pc. Under-five mortality rate is 74 per 1,000 children and the infant mortality rate is 62 per 1,000 live births. Around 66pc children received all vaccines and only four per cent did not get any vaccine.
  1. `Education, health emergency` in Balochistan
  • The Balochis tan government has decided to impose health and education emergency in the province and bring maximum entities in tax net through widening the working of the Balochistan Revenue Authority to increase provincial financial resources for reducing deficit of the current budget.
  • These decisions were made in the maiden meeting of the six-party alliance coalition`s cabinet here on August 28, 2018, which lasted for several hours with Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Alyani in the Chair.
  • The newly inducted minister, Zahoor Ahmed Buledi, announced the decisions after the cabinet meeting.

August 29, 2018; International Current Affairs

  1. Russia to hold biggest exercises since Cold War
  • Russia will next month hold its biggest war games since the fall of the Soviet Union, Defence Minister Sergei Sholgu said on August 28, 2018, a massive military exercise that will also involve the Chinese and Mongolian armies.
  • The exercise, called Vostok-2018 (East-2018), will take place in central and eastern Russian military districts and involve almost 300,000 troops, more than 1,000 military aircraft, two of Russia`s naval fleets, and all of its airborne units, Shoigu said in a statement.
  • The manoeuvres will take place at a time of heightened tension between the West and Russia, which is concerned about what it says is an unjustified build-up of the Nato military alliance on its western flank.
  • Nato says it has beefed up its forces in eastern Europe to deter potential Russian military action after Moscow annexed Ukraine`s Crimea in 2014 and backed a pro-Russian uprising in eastern Ukraine.
  1. American poet Sonia Sanchez wins $100,000 prize
  • Poet and author Sonia Sanchez has won a $100,000 lifetime achievement prize. The Academy of American Poets announced on August 28, 2018 that Sanchez is this year’s winner of the Wallace Stevens Award. Sanchez, 83, is known for such collections as Shake Loose My Skin: New and Selected Poems.
  • Also on August 28, 2018, five young poets received fellowships worth more than $25,000 apiece.
  • On August 28, 2018, the Poetry Foundation’s Poetry Magazine announced this year’s winners of the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship. The poets are Safia Elhillo, Hieu Minh Nguyen, Sam Sax, Natalie Scenters-Zapico, and Paul Tran. With prize money totaling $129,000, each will be given $25,800.
  • The fellowship was started in 1989. Winners must be between age 21 and 31 and the money is meant to give them time to write and study poetry. Work from each of the five winners will appear in the December issue of Poetry Magazine.

August 29, 2018; Sports Current Affairs

  1. Pakistan down arch-rivals India in volleyball, thrash BD in hockey
  • Of the three victories for Pakistan at the Asian Games on August 28, 2018, there was little doubt that the one by the volleyball team was the sweetest.
  • After all this was against arch-rivals India, even if it was a 9-12th place playoff.
  • On a day when the hockey team produced yet another commanding performance, recording their fifth straight win, and the squash team won its third consecutive match, it was the 3-1 volleyball victory over India that was most celebrated.
  • In a contest lasting 100 minutes, Pakistan came back from a set down to win 21-25, 25-21, 25-21, 25-23 and will now face China in a 7-10th place playoff.
  • Pakistan closed their Pool `B` campaign in hockey with a perfect record after another big win, thrashing Bangladesh 5-0 to set up asemi-final against Japan on August 30, 2018. Atig Arshad and Mubashar Ali both scored two goals each while Ali Shan added the other goal.
  1. PCB unveils dates of Australia, NZ series in UAE
  • Australia will play their first Test since the infamous ball-tampering saga on the ill-fated tour of South Africa last March when Pakistan host them in the United Arab Emirates in a two-match series from Oct 7 besides three Twenty20 Internationals.
  • New Zealand then arrive in the UAE to take on Pakistan in three Tests, three One-day Internationals, and as many Twenty20 Internationals.
  • According to the schedule announced on August 28, 2018 by the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB), Australia open their tour with a four-day first-class fixture against Pakistan `A` at the ICC Academy in Dubai.
  • Pakistan, who are currently the top ranked side in the shortest format, would be playing six T20 Internationals in the space of 12 days since they also host New Zealand in three matches from Oct 31 to Nov 4.
  • The forthcoming months are probably Pakistan`s busiest in the lead-up to the 2019 ICC World Cup in England because Sarfraz Ahmed`s men kickstart the international season with the Asia Cup in the UAE from Sept 15 before playing Australia and New Zealand.

Day by Day Current Affairs (August 29, 2018) Read More »

Current Affairs, Sports, Test, World

MY JOURNEY TO CSS by: Muhammad Ali Asghar (PAS)

Allah has indeed been kind upon me for my success in the CE-2010, and even more so at the interview part. I am humbled by the honor Almighty has given me. I would briefly share a few of my observations:

1. Clarity of Purpose:

As a first step, I consider that it is extremely important to be very clear right at the start of this journey as to why do you want to join the Civil Service or even why do you wish to attempt for the Competitive Exam. Different people have different motivations. You need to be really sure about yours. If you want to join the Civil Service for prestige, honour, power, authority, ‘dandda’, public service, then so be it and own it. There is no need to be ashamed of your reasons, be they knightly/saintly or knavish/selfish. If you are just following others in the lead, even then be clear about it. This brings us to our second point:

2. Motivation:

Once you have the clarity of purpose, you should evaluate that whether you have a desire sufficient enough to sustain you through a two year long duration. You need to be really motivated enough to work hard, motivated enough to sit back at home and indulge in a really non-interesting activity of studying boring stuff. You need to be motivated enough to counter all arguments of friends and relatives who would try to dissuade you from joining Civil Service on the way. And lastly you should be motivated enough to be persistent throughout two years in face of all adverse news you would hear and read in media about Civil Service. In short, motivation is your manna and fuel which will keep you going throughout this time. Many people do not give adequate importance to this aspect, but to me, it is the single most important element which feeds into others.

3. Dedicated Activity:

I find it really hard to buy the idea that one can continue to do a job and prepare for CSS simultaneously and ultimately score a high merit. If the aim is just to pass and get any allocation then probably yes, one can do it. But if the aim is to get the allocation of your choice and that too in a crystal clear respectable manner then you have to quite all other things, including your job, sit back home, develop a routine and seek agreement from parents and other family members that you would not be disturbed for one year at least. This leads to Point 4:

4. Commitment of Parents/Family:

It is very important to bring your parents and family on board. If they are committed to your cause and believe in it, then they must not only provide you with a conducive environment, but should also be a source of encouragement to you. This translates into you not being disturbed for routine household chores or you being forced to attend family dinners, parties and weddings etc. Your routine should take preference over all family matters for one year, unless once in a while you yourself want to get out and relax a little. This feeds into Point 5:

5. Room for Relaxation:

My father once told me that no horse in a Gymkhana can run 4 circuits of the race consecutively. The horse ultimately runs out of breath. Some horses make a sprint at the start and take the lead and then level off; others save it for the end. This means, you need to continuously release pressure during the preparation. You would be a fool to expect that you can lock yourself in a room for one year and study 10 hours per day. You will soon run out of steam. So, continue to meet friends and socialize, at least once a week. Plus, keep some energy for the end months when it would be most required.

6. Subject Selection:

I am not at all a believer of the idea that some subjects can be scoring and others not. I took Indo-Pak History and Journalism, the two most beaten subjects in the CE-2010, and still I managed to score into single digit merit. And I stand vindicated in my stance. So, select a subject which first of all interests you and at the same time lessens your load. Go for those subjects which overlap like Indo-Pak with Pakistan Affairs, and Public Administration with Political Science.

7. Be Simple:

I am a Computer Engineer but I never opted Computer Science, although it would have been fairly easy for me. Also someone might ask, if I can’t clear the Computer Science paper, who can? But selecting Computer Science as a subject would have meant revising a 4 year syllabus for only a 100 marks paper. I didn’t need to prove any one by selecting the subject that I am good at Computer Science. My aim was to become an officer and I opted subjects which are in the mainstream chosen by almost everyone, for whom adequate material is available in the market and elsewhere, and for which I can always seek help.

7. Current Affairs is the key:

Although Current Affairs is a 100 marks subject, but in recent times, it can be very easily observed that every paper has at least a couple of questions relating to current situation in our country and society. So, the more time you spend on current affairs, the more you would ultimately benefit in almost every paper. My suggestion would be to keep a 65-35 ratio with almost 35% of your entire CSS preparation focused on current affairs and 65% on routine books for subjects. Diversify your source of Current Affairs knowledge beyond DAWN (which is definitely the best newspaper for CSS). This would include journals from IPS, PIPS and IRS etc.
I think it would be a mere repetition if I say what everyone else has said time and again that there is simply no short cut to success. Hard work is the key. An average of 8 hours per day and an almost same number of months is what would get you to your dream occupational group with certainty and respect.
But, I must admit that this preparation has brought me a lot closer to the Almighty, and I would not be ashamed to say that I believe, the Almighty listens to my prayers. Closeness only comes if you get close to God, for He is always there to accommodate you.
Apart from the above, please keep in mind the following for preparation of interview:
  1. First of all, everyone must understand that the Interview part (Viva + Psychological) is almost as important as the written portion, if not more. Whereas we all tend to work really hard for the written, spending almost a year preparing it, we take the interview very lightly. Some people even say, there is simply no need to prepare at all. I beg to differ with them for Interview does require preparation. The reason I say interview is very important is that all the candidates who clear the written examination have their scores lying in a narrow band of around 100 marks (between 610 and 710 marks). This means that at this stage 300 marks of interview gives you a good leverage to make the difference. A high score of above 200 could very well land you in top 20~30 positions even if your written score is just an average one along with 600 or so other candidates.
  2. The second reason I emphasize on interview is that in my opinion it requires almost as much hard work as the written part. A dedicated preparation of 2~3 months, preferably even before or immediately after the announcement of written result would be my recommendation. Again, you must understand that by scoring 240 marks in interview, you can take a lead of almost 100 marks from a candidate who did just average in interview scoring around 150 or so.
  3. The third most important thing to realize is that Psychological assessment is a very significant component of the whole interview part. In my personal opinion it is even more important than the viva voce. The reason I say this is that the Psychiatrists spend two complete days judging almost every single aspect of your personality in depth. The personality profile prepared by them is given a lot of weightage by the FPSC panel, increasing so in recent years. They sort of go along with the advice of the professionals, and only reconfirm their assessment through different questioning techniques. The variation between the psychologists and FPSC panel cannot be markedly large. So, give you best effort to prepare for this part so that the psychologists draw a good personality profile of you and recommend you as an officer material.
  4. Prepare for group discussions and command tasks with your friends and other qualifiers. At this stage, you can also join an academy where you would have a chance to interact with many students at one place, something you cannot do on your own. Within the group discussions, adopt a stance which is moderate (not to extremist on either side). Your argument should be backed by logic and evidence. Your choice of words should be mild, but your tone should be firm and give an aura of seriousness. There is no need to shout and raise your voice unnecessarily merely to capture attention or drive your point. If your point is valid, it will be registered even with a soft voice. This way, an even better impact would be created that you are confident on your knowledge and argument and do not need the support of your oratory.
  5. For the Command Task take time to properly explain the problem to your team members instead of rushing through at this point. If your team does not fully understand your problem, they would be unable to help you or contribute in your problem. A few seconds saved at this stage can in fact cost you later. Once the problem is explained to team members, ask them if they have completely understood it. If any member is unclear on any aspect of the problem, this would be a good time to clarify things. This would also give a positive impression that as a leader you take care of how your subordinates comprehend you. In my frank opinion, there is no need to pre-assign designations and appointments. While wrapping up the discussions, you can simply point to your team members and assign them tasks.
  6. Try to think through different questions which might be asked on your personality both in the proforma as well as by the psychologist panel. Instead of these questions coming to you as a surprise, it is better that you have done some working on them. Questions like, your fondest childhood memory, things you like and dislike about your parents and friends, your domiciled district etc need to be prepared before hand. The forum would contain lots of questions asked by the psychologists to different batches.
  7. For the viva voce, try to build the opinions on different issues. Try to ask yourself questions. Read one or two newspapers. If possible start reading TIME and NEWSWEEK. Again, on your own, work out small questions on any issue that can be asked from different angles. You should have answers to cover these angles. At this stage, also go through actual statutes, laws and provisions of constitution that are often referred to in news item and articles. For instance, if Section 295 (Blasphemy Laws) of CrPC is mentioned repeatedly in press and media, you should read and understand the actual provisions verbatim. One good online source for such documents is: The Constitution of Pakistan and Pakistan’s Legislative History

I hope it helps. You can ask me about specifics, which I might have missed out.

Again, it is a personal belief, but God is the One Who has helped me beyond my capabilities. I was able to do CSS and an MSc from LSE UK in parallel. I got such high marks in interview and passed the essay paper on edge. So, get close to Him!

Regards, and Best of Luck

MY JOURNEY TO CSS by: Muhammad Ali Asghar (PAS) Read More »

Articles, Current Affairs, History, Political Science



Tarbela Dam is on ______ River.
None of these
Who is Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtoon Khawah (KPK)?
Pavez Khatak
Imran Khan
Ameer Haidar Khan Hoti
None of these
Which personality represented Pakistan in UNO?
Patras Bukhari
Faiz Ahmad Faiz
Perveen Shakar
Munir Niazi
Durand Line is between
Pakistan and Afghanistan
Pakistan and China
Pakistan and Iran
Pakistan and India
How many Round Table Conferences were held?
Who wrote “Friends, Not Masters”?
Ayub Khan
Zulifqar Ali Bhutto
Youm-e-Takbeer is celebrated on the 28th of May each year in commemoration of
Nuclear Test
Independence Day
Day of Deliverance
None of these
When first constitution of Pakistan was enacted?
None of these
Indus Basin Treaty was held in the reign of
Ayub Khan
Yahya Khan
Zulifqar Ali Bhutto
Dia Mir Bhasha Day is in
Quran revealed in _________ years.
When Holy Prophet (PBUH) died?
632 AD
633 AD
635 AD
630 AD
Who founded Baghdad?
None of these
Who wrote Spirit of Islam?
Syed Ameer Ali
Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
Ch. Rehmat Ali
Which province of Pakistan is least populated?
Khybar Pakhtoon Khawa
Who introduced “Basic Democracy” for the first time in Pakistan?
Ayub Khan
Yahya Khan
Zulifqar Ali Bhutto
Which of the following was the Ottoman capital?
None of these
The tribe of Hazrat Usman (R.A) was
Banu Tameem
None of these
Who was called Conqueror of Egypt (Fateh Misr)?
Hazrat Sa’ad Bin Abi Waqas (R.A)
Hazrat Ali (R.A)
Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid (R.A)
Hazrat Umar (R.A)
Najashi was the king of
Muhammad Bin Qasim is closely related to
Hajjaj Bin Yousaf
Haroon Rashid
Mamoon Rashid
Salah-ud-Din Ayubi
How many chapters (Parahs) in Quran?
Who was the first Muslim King of India?
Qutab-ud-Din Aibak
Muhammad bin Qasim
None of these
River Tigris is in
Ushr is
Who wrote Kitab-ul-Hind?
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
Who was named as Saif-Ullah?
Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A)
Hazrat Ali (R.A)
Hazrat Umar (R.A)
Hazrat Sa’ad Bin Abi Waqas (R.A)
Nature of Novels of Nasim Hijazi is
Native country of Alexander is
Theory of Evolution is associated with
None of these
Sherlock Holmes is associated with
Arthur Conan Doyle
Jonathan Aims
Nancy Drew
Tom Swift
Taliban recently opened their office in
Abu Dhabi
American President Barrack Obama’s political party is
None of these
Currently, GST in Pakistan is
Who has portfolio of Defense?
Nawaz Sharif
Sartaj Aziz
Zahid Hamid
Ch. Nisar Ali Khan
Who is president of Iran?
Hussan Rohani
Mahmoud Ahmdinejad
Ali Khameni
None of these
Al-Taqseem Square is in
Tunis City
ICC Championship was played in
Sri Lank
West Indies
Titanic is
Supersonic Fighter Jet
Bullet Train
Who was the president of America, during the American Civil War?
Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
J.F Kennedy
George W. Bush Senior
Third Marshal Law in Pakistan was imposed on
5 July 1977
4 July 1977
6 July 1977
7 July 1977
Which of the following Muslims was Pan-Islamism during 19th Century?
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
Syed Ameer Ali
Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar
Sir Agha Kan
Who is president of Syria?
Bashar al-Assad
Abdul Halim Khaddam
Husni Mubarak
Muhammad Mursi
Which of the following American presidents was killed?
  1. F. Kennedy
Richard Nixon
George Washington
None of these
Aswan Dam is in
Saudi Arabia
Who gifted Statue of Liberity to the United States of America
Great Britain
Prague is capital of
Czech Republic
Which of following Islamic countries has 2500 islands?
Saudi Arabia
Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated in
War of Waterloo
War of Buxor
War of Plassey
None of these
Who is incumbent British Prime Minister?
David Cameron
Tony Blair
Barack Obama
None of these
Who compiled Guru Granth?
Guru Nanak
Guru Amardas
Guru Ramdas
Guru Karishn
Who compiled Guru Granth?
Guru Nanak
Guru Amardas
Guru Ramdas
Guru Karishn
Mother Teresa was
Social Worker
Which of the following kings was assassinated?
Martin Luther King
Julius Caesar
Napoleon Bonaparte
By profession, Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh is
Which was the capital of British Indian before Delhi?
Torah is associated with
Hazrat Musa A.S
Hazrat Dawood A.S
Hazrat Musa A.S
None of these
Who is founder of All India Congress?
  1. O Hume
None of these
Naqsh-e-Faryadi is written by
Faiz Ahmad Faiz
Ahmad Sarfraz
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
Allama Iqbal
Yen is currency of
Hong Kong
South Korea
Pelle was famous player of
Old name of Netherlands is
Land of Republic
In Roman counting, XV is
Confucius is ancient philosopher of
UNO Head quarter is located in
New York
Mohanjo Daro is in
Who introduced the Law of Motion?
Dermatology is disease of
Who introduced Principle of Gravity?
Solar eclipse occurs when
Moon comes between Earth and Sun
Earth comes between Moon and Sun
Earth, Moon and Sun are in same line
None of these
Who was the first man at moon?
Neil Armstrong
Yuri Gagarin
Buzz Aldrin
None of these
Rain fall in measured with
Rain Gauge
Rain Rode
Rain Meter
Hydro Meter
Who is inventor of computer operating system “Windows”?
Bill Gates
Malinda Gates
Steve Jobs
Larry Page
Bronchitis is associated with
Respirator Cavity
A person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place
None of these
On doing it daily, the task soon became a leisurely.
Pick up the nearly associated word of “To be at arm’s length”
Turn on one’s heel mean to return
None of these
Shortsightedness is
None of these
Calculate: 9999+8888+777-?=19700
Calculate: 0.8+0.05+0.369+0.7683=?
Calculate: 6.837+3.1469=?
Calculate: 15-6.837-3.1469=?
Ali earns Rs. 20.56 on first day, Rs. 32.90 on second and Rs. 20.78 on third day of week. If he spend half of the amount he earned in first three days of week, find out the remaining amount.
Rs. 37.12
Rs. 37
Rs. 35.12
Solve: Under Root of 10 x Under Root of 250
Find out the highest ratio
If 314 men print 6594 papers in 10 minutes, then find out the average printing of each man in 1 minute.
Calculate: 4.56+3.82+5.06=?
Solve: 0.8/10=?
How many figures up to 100 can be divided by 7?
Water is _________ for life.
Objective Resolution was passed in
First General Elections were held on in Pakistan in
Deficit Financing is
Printing new currency
Paying back loan
Brain drain
None of these
Alexander’s native land is
There are how many planets in universe?
Jabir Bin Hayan was a famous Muslim __________.
I will not join Army as it is against my
I will not be ________ to the mistakes made by him.


MCQs / Q&A, Past Papers



1.What is the Current Islamic year:—– 
2.How many haj performed by Hazrat Mohammad pbuh—1
3. Where was last revelation revealed——-DURING HIJATUL WIDA
4.What is the shortest surah: KAUSAR
5.Which surah is the heart of Quran: YASEEN
6.Who was given the title of Ghaseel ul malaika: HANZILLA(R A)
7.What is the no. of total *surah: 114 (NON OF THESE)
8.What is the first month of Islamic calendar: MOHARRAM
9. Hazrat Mohammad PBUH called himself
10.last revelation at ?:HIJJA TUL WIDAH.
11. What was arfa karims age is the time of death:16
12. Who is us ambassador to Pakistan:CAMERON MENTOR
13. Who is Pakistan ambassador to united nations: ABDULLAH HAROON
14. Where does business train go to and from: LAHORE-KARACHI
15. What is the name of Oscar winning documentary of shirmeen:SAVING FACE
16. What drug was reported to be the cause of death in the Punjab institute of cardiology: ISOTAB
17. What is the cost of stamp of arfa karim released on her birthday:RS:8.
18. Who is Pakistan ambassador to US: Sherry rehman19. Who is the first female foreign affairs minister of Pakistan: HINA RABBANI
20. What is the cause of mehran bank scandal:ILLEGAL FUND TO POLITICIANS
21. Which English crickerter was jailed for spot fixing:
22. Where were academy awards,2012 held: LOS ANGELES
23. Christain wulff who resigned as head of state belonged to which country:GERMANY
24. Who is the secretary of state of US: HILLARY
25. What is the total no. of ammendements in 1973 constitution:20
26. Where are Olympic 2012 going to be held: LONDON
27. Pakistan beat England in test series in what ratio: 3
28. Who is the secretary general of united nations: BAN KI MOON
29. WHO recently declared which country as polio free:INDIA
30. Which is the largest seaport of Pakistan: KARACHI( NOT 100%)
31. Where is arfa karim software park located:LAHORE(FEROZPUR RD)
32. Where is Benazir shaheed international airport: Islam Abad33. Who is the current cricket chief selector of Pakistan:IQBAL QASIM
34. On which river has mangla dam been built:JEHLUM
35. What is the boundary between Afghanistan and Pakistan:DURAND LINE
36. Where is siachin glacier:BALTISTAN
37. Pakistan derby horse race,2012 was won by which horse:ASSASIN
38. Who is the current chairman of senate:NAYYER BUKHARI( OPTION WAS MISSING)
39. What does light year measure?: DISTANCE( B/W) STARS*
40. Which is the hardest substance on earth:DIAMOND
41. What happens to temperature of boiling water on a higher elevation:DECREASES
42. Which disease is caused by dogs:RABIES
43. What is the temperature of human body in farhenheits:98* OPTION WAS NONE OF THESE
44. Swimming pool water is disinfected by which chemical: CHLORINE
45. Blindness is caused by deficiency of which vitamin…VIT —A
46. Vitamin c is richest in which fruit:GUAVA
47. Soda water is carbonated by adding what:CO2
48. One mile has how many kilometres:1.60934
49. What is the unit of energy:JOULE
50. What is the filament of electric bulb made of:TUNGSTON
51. What is added in lead pencils:GRAPHITE
52. How does sunlight enter the rooms?:IRREGULAR REFLECTION(NOT 100% SURE)
53. How many colors are visible in the sunlight spectrum:7
54. Which substance is liquid at room temperature? MERCURY
55. Which of these is negatively charged? ELECTRONS
56. What happens to volume of water when it freezes:INCREASES BY 1/10
57. Which party has the highest no. of seats in senate after 2012 electionsp
58.Amir khan is ?:BRITISH NATIONAL
60.age of son was 1/3 of his father 5 years back if current age is 30 then father’s age?:80( NOW)
61.x:3=4:6 then x=2
62.no of student in a class is 30 3/5 are girls boys will be?:12
63.A student gets 68 marks and therefore gets 85% total marks are?:80
64.diamond is a: MATERIAL NOUN
65.police?: diverted the route
66.mean of 10, 30, y, and 50 is * *50 then y=110.
67.smallest natural no:1
68.smallest prime no: 2
69.30% of total amount is left after spending 280 rupees , total amount is:4000.
70.perimeter of a square is 20cm length of one side shall be?:5 CM
71.in absence of facts we can ?: INFER
72) 10×10 (that star is actually power of 10 as zero,i dont know how to insert zero)= right option was 0
73) 2,6,18,54,_____ answer was 162 in next
74)A man has 180 pens and 9 of them are blue ,how much % has he blue pens.correct answer was 5% but there was 6% so non of these was right.
75) a boy has 68 marks that is 85% ,what were total marks??
88) 85) 80) non of these??
76) a man bought a thing on 120 rupees and he has 25% discount.what is actual price he paid?
77) 95) 120) non of these) 90was correct answer
78). Smallest Natural Number? 1
79) Smallest Prime Number? 2
80) Five years ago, age of father was thrice the age of son. If son is 30 years old now, whats the current age of father? 80
81) 30% amount of total is left after spending 280 rupees. what was the amount before spending? 400
82). Mean of 10, 30, Y, and 50 is 50. Y is? 110
83). Boy can type 1350 words in 30 minutes, how many he could type in 5 minutes? 225
84). Perimeter of Square is 20, Length of one side is? 5CM
85)number of student in a class is 30. 3/5 are girls. then how many boys are there in class ? GIRLS ARE 18 THEN BOYS ARE 12.
86)X:3=4:6 then x = ? 2.
87)32-15*2+3= ? 5.
88)Afridi is one of those who never submits to the miseries of his life.( something like this was given= submit
89)- Shrimps are available in the market,…… they are good source of earning foreign exchange.
90) In absence of facts we can—–about the real reason.
1) Conclude 2) deduce 3) deduct 4) infer ——————-conclude correct
91) He set two alarms so as to—–that he woke up on time?
a) Assure b) reassure c)ensure D)confim —————confirm is correct

92) The word round in “He took round in” is—-parts of speech?
a) verb b) noun c) adjective————- round is a adjective
93 where is the siachin glacier a)boltistan
94. what is the clinical use for temperature A)foreign height


MCQs / Q&A, Past Papers

NTS Pak Current Affairs MCQs With Answers

1. Due to which militant group, Iran threatened Pakistan that they would hit bases of Militants inside Pakistan?
B. Lashkar-e-Taiba
C. Jaish-al-Adl
D. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan

Answer: Option C

2. How many members joint investigation team (JIT) formed by Sup¬reme Court?
A. 4 members (JIT) team
B. 6 members (JIT) team
C. 7 members (JIT) team
D. None of these

Answer: Option B

3. Name the Head of Joint investigation team (JIT) to probe Panama case?
A. Wajid Zia (FIA)
B. Brigadier Muhammad Nauman Saeed (ISI)
C. Brigadier Kamran Khurshid (MI).
D. Irfan Naeem Mangi (NAB).

Answer: Option A

4. Who is the current IG of Islamabad Police?
A. Ahmed Khan
B. Muhammad Khalid Khattak
C. Tahir Masood Yasin
D. Sikandar Hayat

Answer: Option B

5. Who is the current IG of Balochistan Police?
A. Mr. Tariq Umar Khittab
B. Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed Sukhera
C. Rao Amin Hashim
D. Mr. Ahsan Mehboob

Answer: Option D

6. Who is the Current IG of Punjab Police?
A. Mushtaq Sukhera
B. Usman Khattak
C. Arif Nawaz
D. Ameen Venus

Answer: Option B

7. Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. Special Forces during raid in Abbottabad on____________?
A. 2nd May 2010
B. 3rd May 2010
C. 2nd May 2011
D. 3rd May 2011

Answer: Option C

8. Name the Pakistani Cricket player who announced his retirement from Test cricket in April-2017?
A. Younas Khan
B. Shahid Khan Afridi
C. Misbah Ul Haq
D. Mohammed Yousaf

Answer: Option C

9. Name the Imam-i-Kaaba who was invited by Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (JUI-F) for Centenary celebrations on 6th April 2017?
A. Hassan Al Bukhari
B. Ahmad Mohammad Al al-Abbas
C. Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais
D. Sheikh Saleh bin Muhammad Bin Talib

Answer: Option D

10. Who is the current IG of Sindh police?
A. Allah Dino Khowaja
B. Ghulam Hyder Jamali
C. Nasir Khan Durrani
D. Shahid Nadeem Baloch

Answer: Option A

11. Who is the current IG of KPK police?
A. Ihsan Ghani
B. Salahuddin Mehsud
C. Nasir Khan Durrani
D. Ali Ahmed

Answer: Option B

12. State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) will issue a Coin in Recognition of Edhi’s services on March 31 2017, will worth Rs___________?
A. RS 30
B. RS 40
C. RS 50
D. RS 60

Answer: Option C

13. Name the First Woman Chief Executive Officer and President of of a Major Pakistani Bank?

Answer: Option D

14. Who is the current Chief Justice of Sindh High Court?
A. Justice Ahmed Ali M. Sheikh
B. Justice Sajjad Ali Shah
C. Justice Faisal Arab
D. Justice Maqbool Baqar

Answer: Option A

15. Sixth population census Started on 15th March 2017, which is being carried out after___________years?
A. 17 Years
B. 18 Years
C. 19 Years
D. 20 Years

Answer: Option C

16. Who won Pakistan Super League 2017?
A. Peshawar Zalmi
B. Quetta Gladiators
C. Karachi Kings
D. Islamabad United

Answer: Option A

17. Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad means ______________?
A. Path to Salvation
B. Elimination of discord
C. Sharp and cutting strike
D. None of these

Answer: Option B

18. Pakistan Army on launched ‘Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad’ across the country on ______________?
A. 13th Jan 2017
B. 2nd Feb 2017
C. 15th Feb 2017
D. 22nd Feb 2017

Answer: Option D

19. Which country boycotts South Asian Speakers’ summit-2017 ?
A. Pakistan
B. Nepal
C. Maldives
D. Sri Lanka

Answer: Option A

20. South Asian Speakers’ Summit-2017 19-20 Feb 2017 will be held in___________?
A. Colombo, Sri Lanka
B. Kathmandu, Nepa
C. Indore, India
D. Male, Maldives

Answer: Option C

21. Who is Newly appointed Ambassador of Pakistan to USA?
A. Jalil Abbas Jilani
B. Tahmina Janjua
C. Aizaz Chaudhary
D. Nafees Zakria

Answer: Option C

22. Who is currently appointed as adviser to the prime minister on aviation PIA?
A. Zafar Iqbal Jahgra
B. Azam Shigal
C. Tariq Fatmi
D. Sardar Mehtab Ahmed Khan

Answer: Option D

23. The 13th Meeting of the ECO Heads of State/Government on 1st March 2017 will be hosted by__________?
A. Pakistan
B. Turkey
C. Iran
D. China

Answer: Option A

24. Which team has won blind cricket T-20 world cup-on 12 february 2017 in India?
A. Pakistan
B. Australia
C. India
D. West Indies

Answer: Option C

25. How many countries had participated in conducting international naval exercise ‘Aman-17’ in the Arabian Sea off the coast of Karachi on 10 to 14 February-2017?
A. 21
B. 38
C. 27
D. 17

Answer: Option B

26. Bhikki Power Plant, district Sheikhupura has installed capacity of__________?
A. 1180 MW
B. 1320 MW
C. 480 MW
D. 1480 MW

Answer: Option A

27. Which Renowned Pakistani novelist passes away on 4th February -2017 at the age of 88 years?
A. Fatima Surayya Bajia
B. Razia Butt
C. Bano Qudsia
D. Parveen Shakir

Answer: Option C

28. Ex PM Nawaz Shairf has inaugurated 75-km long section of Karachi-Hyderabad motorway(total length would be 136 KM) on 3rd February-2017 it is?
A. M8 Motorway
B. M9 Motorway
C. M12 Motorway
D. M4 Motorway

Answer: Option B

29. Current Deputy Chairman Senate is____________?
A. Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman
B. Marvi Memon
C. Moulana Abdul Gafoor Haidri
D. Faisal Kareem Kundi

Answer: Option C

30. Current Chairman Senate is___________?
A. Ayaz Sadiq
B. Khrsheed Shah
C. Aitzaz Ehsan
D. Raza Rabbani

Answer: Option D

31. Who became the first Pakistani Women bowler from the country in Women ODIs to take 100 wickets in One-day International?
A. Sana Mir
B. Anam Amin
C. Asmavia Iqbal
D. Bismah Maroof

Answer: Option A

32. Current Governor Sindh is _______________?
A. Murad Ali Shah
B. Dr. Ishratul Ebad
C. Justice(R) Saeed U zaman Saddiqi
D. Muhammad Zubair
updated on 31 jan 2017

Answer: Option D

33. Name the Pakistan’s surface-to-surface ballistic missile, which is capable of delivering multiple warheads using Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology?
A. Shaheen-II
B. Ababeel
C. Nasr
D. Ghauri

Answer: Option B

34. Multan Metro Bus Project Inaugurated by ex-PM Nawaz Sharif on 24th January-2017 completed with cost of 28.88 Billions Rs. its route length is?
A. 22.5 KM
B. 27 KM
C. 33.5 KM
D. 18.5 KM

Answer: Option D

35. Pakistan conducted a successful test of the “Ababeel” surface-to-surface ballistic missile on 24 January 2017, its range is___________?
A. 450 KM
B. 750 KM
C. 2200 KM
D. 1400 KM

Answer: Option C

36. After how many Years Pakistan’s win first ODI on Australian soil in jan 2017?
A. 12 Years
B. 10 Years
C. 15 years
D. None of these

Answer: Option A

37. The late Justice(R) Saeed U zaman Saddiqi Governor Sindh had served as the _________Chief Justice of Pakistan?
A. 13th Chief Justice of Pakistan
B. 14th Chief Justice of Pakistan
C. 15th Chief Justice of Pakistan
D. 16th Chief Justice of Pakistan

Answer: Option C

38. The Shortest-Serving Governor in Sindh’s History is?
A. Murad Ali Shah
B. Dr. Ishratul Ebad
C. Justice(R) Saeed U zaman Saddiqi
D. Khursheed Shah

Answer: Option C

39. Pakistan test fired its first submarine launched cruise missile Babur-III on 9 January 2017, has the range of___________ kilometres?
A. 450 kilometres
B. 550 kilometres
C. 650 kilometres
D. 700 kilometres

Answer: Option A

Islamic military coalition formed to combat terrorism is the alliance of ___________ Nations
A. 34 nations
B. 38 Nations
C. 39 Nations
D. 40 Nations

Answer: Option C

41. joint operations center to coordinate and support military operations of Saudi-led Islamic military alliance of 39 Nations against terrorism is located in?
A. Riyadh
B. Jeddah
C. Medina
D. Damma

Answer: Option A

42. Who has been appointed as a Chief of Saudi-led Islamic anti-terror alliance of 39 Nations in January 2017?
A. General (retd) Raheel Sharif
B. General (retd) Ashfaq Parvez Kayani
C. General (retd) Pervez Musharraf
D. General Qamar Javed Bajwa

Answer: Option A

43. Who becomes most experienced international umpire in cricket history in January 2017?
A. Aleem Dar
B. Rod Tucker
C. Sundaram Ravi
D. Marais Erasmus

Answer: Option A

44. Justice Mian Saqib Nisar took oath as Chief justice of Pakistan on __________?
A. 25 December 2016
B. 31 December 2016
C. 1 January 2017
D. 15 January 2017

Answer: Option B

45. Who is Current Chief justice of Pakistan?
A. Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali
B. Justice Mian Saqib Nisar
C. Justice Nasir-ul-Mulk
D. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry

Answer: Option B

46. The current Chief Justice of Peshawar High Court is?
A. Justice Mazhar ALam Khan Miankhel
B. Justice Mian Fasih-ul-Mulk
C. Justice Dost Muhammad Khan
D. Justice Yahya Afridi

Answer: Option D

47. Recently inaugurated Chashma- III nuclear power plant can generate___________ megawatts of electricity?
A. 340 megawatts
B. 360 megawatts
C. 400 megawatts
D. 150 megawatt

Answer: Option A

48. Pak-Jordan joint military exercise held in December-2016 near Attock, called?
A. Raadul Baraq
B. Ataturk-IX
C. Friendship-2016
D. Fajr-ul-Sharq 1

Answer: Option D

49. Ex PM Nawaz has inaugurated 340 MW Chashma Nuclear Project-III in Mianwali on 28 December-2016 with the help of?
A. China
B. Turkey
C. Russia
D. Canada

Answer: Option A

50. How many regulatory bodies placed under the administrative control of the respective ministries concerned in December 2016?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 7

Answer: Option C

51. Who becomes first Pakistani to win ICC Spirit of Cricket Award in December 2016?
A. Shahid Khan Afridi
B. Misbah-ul-Haq
C. Younas khan
D. Azhar Ali

Answer: Option B

52. China Pakistan Economics Corridor (CPEC) total length?
A.2896 KM
B. 7200 KM
C. 2442 KM
C. 4400 KM

Answer: Option C

53. Who is Current DG Rangers Sindh?
A. Major Nadeem
B. Gen Muhammad Saeed
C. Gen Rizwan Akhtar
D. Gen Asim Bajwa

Answer: Option B

54. The 10-rupee coin, recently issued by SBP, contains the picture of _____________?
A. Derawar Fort
B. Gwadar Port
C. Badshahi Mosque
D. Faisal Mosque

Answer: Option D

55. What is the name of the “chaiwala” Who got famous from social media in 2016?
A. Kamal Khan
B. Irshad Khan
C. Rasheed Khan
D. Arshad Khan

Answer: Option D

56. Pakistan will conduct its ____________ Population cencus in 2017?
A. 4th population census
B. 5th population census
C. 6th population census
D. 7th population census

Answer: Option C

57. Pakistan’s sixth population census will be carried out in _____________?
A. February 2017
B. March 2017
C. April 2017
D. May 2017

Answer: Option B

58. Who is newly Appointed DG ISPR of Pakistan Army?
A. Lt General Asim Saleem Bajwa
B. Major General Asif Ghafoor
C. Major General Athar Abbas
D. Major General Waheed Arshad

Answer: Option B

59. USA have signed an agreement to provide Rs 8.5 billion to the WAPDA for the construction of?
A. Dia Mir Bahasha Dam Project
B. Kala Bagh Dam Project
C. Kurram Tangi Dam Project
D. Mirani Dam Project

Answer: Option C

60. Name the special task force, which is established in December 2016 by Pakistan Navy to safeguard and protect the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as well as Gwadar port?
A. Task Force 21
B. Task Force 44
C. Task Force 88
D. Task Force 2

Answer: Option C

61. Who is the First Pakistani female member of bomb disposal squad (BDU)?
A. Shazadi Gillani
B. Maryyam
C. Rafia Qaseem Baig
D. None of these

Answer: Option C

62. According to a notification by the Ministry of Law and Justice, Who will be the next Chief Justice of Pakistan in 2017?
A. Justice Mian Saqib Nisar
B. Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali
C. Justice Asif Saeed Khan Khosa
D. Justice Amir Hani Muslim

Answer: Option A

63. Name the University which Department to be rename as “Abdus Salam Center for Physics” Approved by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in December 2016?
A. Punjab University (Lahore)
B. Quaid-e-Azam University (Islamabad)
C. Gomal University (DI Khan)
D. All of Above

Answer: Option B

64. Name the International University which started Benazir Bhutto Leadership Program (BBLP) / international leadership course in December 2016?
A. University of Oxford
B. Harvard University
C. University of Cambridge
D. None of these

Answer: Option B

65. The 2017 Heart of Asia – Istanbul Ministerial Process will be hosted by which country?
A. Pakistan
B. India
C. Bhutan
D. Azerbaijan

Answer: Option D

66. Heart of Asia – Istanbul Ministerial Process on December 3 to December 4, 2016 was hosted by which country?
A. Pakistan
B. India (Amritsar city)
C. Bhutan
D. Iran

Answer: Option B

67. How many Participating Countries are there in Heart of Asia Conference?
A. 12 Participating Countries
B. 14 Participating Countries
C. 16 Participating Countries
D. None of these

Answer: Option B

68. Number of Supporting Countries in Heart of Asia – Istanbul Ministerial Process are?
A. 15 Supporting Countries
B. 17 Supporting Countries
C. 19 Supporting Countries
D. None of these

Answer: Option B

69. Pakistan has started direct train and freight service in December 2016 with which Country?
A. Iran
B. India
C. Afghanistan
D. China

Answer: Option D

70. Till now, How many Chief of Army Staff (COAS), of Pakistan are selected from Baloch Regiment?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. None of these

Answer: Option C

71. General Qamar Javed Bajwa took oath as Army Chief on __________?
A. 23 November 2016
B. 25 November 2016
C. 27 November 2016
D. 29 November 2016

Answer: Option D

72. General Zubair Hayat is the ___________ Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) of Pakistan?
A. 13th
B. 15th
C. 16th
D. 17th

Answer: Option D

73. Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa is___________ Chief of Amy Staff of Pakistan?
A. 13th
B. 15th
C. 16th
D. None of these

Answer: Option C

74. Newly selected Army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa belongs to Regiment___________?
A. 6th FF
B. 16th Baloch Ragiment
C. 5th Punjab
D. 13th Lancers

Answer: Option B

75. Who is the Current Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), Pakistan?
A. General Rashad Mahmood
B. General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani
C. General Zubair Hayat
D. General Raheel Sharif

Answer: Option C

76. Who is the Current Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Pakistan?
A. Gen Raheel Sharif
B. Gen Ashfaq Parvaz kayani
C. Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa
D. Gen Zubair Hayat

Answer: Option C

77. Name the cricket Stadium which is located in Khyber Agency and inaugurated by Gen Raheel Sharif in November 2016?
A. Younas Khan cricket stadium
B. Shahid Afridi cricket stadium
C. Gaddafi Stadium
D. Arbab Niaz Stadium

Answer: Option B

78. Pakistan Army shoots down Indian Quad Copter drone at LOC in November 2016 at which sector?
A) Bhimber Sector
B) Rakhchakri Sector
C) Shahkot sector
D) Jura sector.

Answer: Option B

79. PAKISTAN 9th International Defense Exhibition and Seminar to be held on 22-25 November-2016 in Karachi Expo Center, its name?
A. Defense Production Workshop-2016
B. Army Arms Ideas-2016
C. IDEAS-2016
D. Combat-2016

Answer: Option C

80. Who was the only Pakistani to have climbed six of the world’s tallest mountains of 8000 m passed away on 21-Nov-2016 due to blood Cancer?
A. Ashraf Amman
B. Nazeer Sabar
C. Numera Saleem
D. Hassan Sadpara

Answer: Option D

81. Current Minister of Planning and Development of Pakistan?
A. Nawaz Sharief
B. Khwaja Saad Rafique
C. Ahsan Iqbal
D. Zafar ul Haq

Answer: Option C

82. Ishratul Ebad has longest tenure as a Governor of any province of Pakistan?
A. 12 years (2001-2012)
B. 16 Years ( 2001-2016)
C. 14 Years ( 2002-2016)
D. 10 Years ( 2006-2016)

Answer: Option C

83. First caretaker female chief election commissioner of Pakistan who took oath on 7 November-2016?
A. Justice Majida Rizvi
B. Asima Jhangir
C. Maryam Orangzaib
D. Justice (Retd) Irshad Qaiser

Answer: Option D

84. Current National Assembly of Pakistan is_________?
A. 12th National Assembly
B. 13th National Assembly
C. 14th National Assembly
D. 16th National Assembly

Answer: Option C

85. 22nd Amendment in 1973 Constitution of Pakistan is related to____________?
A. Pak Army Trail Courts
B. Powers of Election Commission Members
C. Related to NRO
D. Not made yet

Answer: Option B

86. Woman Seats in Senat?
A. 12
B. 17
C. 4
D. 10

Answer: Option B

87. Renowned former producer and director of PTV died at the age of 73 years due to lung complications in Lahore on 4-11-2016, name?
A. Sohail Azeem
B. Bushra Adil
C. Yawar Hayat
D. Azeem Bombywalay

Answer: Option C

88. Who received the ‘most resilient journalist award’ by the International Free Press in Hague, Holland on 2nd November-2016
A. Javed Chauhdary
B. Hamid Mir
C. Talat Huusain
D. Kamran Khan

Answer: Option B

89. Terrorists attacked on Police Training Center on 25 October-2016 night which result 61 martyred and 124 injured in?
A. Peshawar
B. Quetta
C. Karachi
D. Rawalpindi

Answer: Option B

90. Pakistan Army won the gold medal at an annual international military patrolling exercise, ‘Exercise Cambrian Patrol’ held in?
A. New South Wales, Australia
B. Moscow, Russia
C. Wales, United Kingdom
D. Istanbul, Turkey

Answer: Option C

91. Which Pakistani footballer died in a road accident in Karachi on October 13, 2016?
A. Shahlyla Baloch
B. Samreen Marvi
C. Iffat Saeed
D. None of Above

Answer: Option A

92. Who have made first century,double century and also triple century in day and night Test Match with pink ball in Oct-2016?
A. Veerat Kohli (IndiA.
B. Brandom Macalum (NuzilanD.
C. Azhar Ali (Pakistan)
D. Hashim Amlaa (South AfricA.

Answer: Option C

93. Pakistan issued $1 billion five-year Sukuk bonds on October 6, 2016 @ the rate of__________?
A. 9.3%
B. 7.5%
C. 5.5%
D. 4.75%

Answer: Option C

94. Which Bank has installed world highest ATM at Pakistan-China border in Khunjerab Pass in October-2016?
A. National Bank of Pakistan (NBP)
B. Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB)
C. United Bank Limited (UBL)
D. Allied Bank Limited. (ABL)

Answer: Option A

95. 19th SAARC conference-2016 which was going to held in Islamabad, Pakistan has postponed due to opposite of 3 SAARC Countries?
A. Nepal, India, Bangladesh
B. India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh
C. Bangladesh, Afghanistan, India
D. None of Above

Answer: Option C

96. Which country declared as the third largest host for refugees by Amnesty International in October-2016?
A. Jordan
B. Turkey
C. Germany
D. Pakistan

Answer: Option D

97. Joint Military Exercises Started between Pakistan & Russia in September-2016, called_________?
A. Inspired Gambit
B. North Thunder
C. Operation Rajjgal
D. Druzhba 2016 OR (Friendship 2016)

Answer: Option D

98. Seven Years old British Pakistani who became world’s youngest computer programmer in September-2016?
A. Muhammad Usaman
B. Hamza Shahzad
C. Ali Raza
D. Imran Abbas

Answer: Option B

99. Military Exercises held in September-2016 between Pak & USA in South Carolina,called?
A. Thunder Bolt
B. Joint C-2016
C. Inspired Gambit
D. none of Above

Answer: Option C

100. Current Hijri Year is ?
A. 1435 AH
B. 1437 AH
C. 1438 AH
D. 1434 AH

Answer: Option C

101. Which country got first position in Test Ranking in Cricket in its History on 22 Aug-2016?
A. Pakistan
B. India
C. South Africa
D. Sri Lanka

Answer: Option A

102. Member of Sindh Assembly and MQM resigned on 22 Aug-2016 ?
A. Farooq Sattar
B. Kashmala Tariq
C. Waseem Akhtar
D. Iram Farooqi

Answer: Option D

103. Which country won first position by wining 121 medals in Olympics-2016?
B. China
D. Russia

Answer: Option C

104. Tallest Building of Pakistan?
A. Burj Khalifa
B. Habib Bank Plaza, Karachi
C. Minar-e-Pakistan Lahore
D. Icon Tower, Karachi

Answer: Option D

105. Pakistan Army conducting an operation along the Pak-Afghan border in Khyber Agency, called?
A. Operation Zarb-e- Azab
B. Operation Rah-e-Nijaat
C. Operation Rajjgal
D. Operation Zarb-e-Ahaan

Answer: Option C

106. Pakistan has launched its biggest Navy’s Warship Fleet Tanker with the help of ?
A. Turkey
B. China
C. Canada

Answer: Option A

107. Who is Chairman NADRA ?
A. Syed Muzzafar
B. Uzma Adil
C. Abid Sher Ali
D. Usman Yousaf Mobeen

Answer: Option D

108. Pakistan has became 6th time world champion on 17 Aug-2016 in?
A. Cricket
B. Junior Squash
C. Hockey
D. Kabadi

Answer: Option B

109. Recently in which country Amnesty International has closed its offices?
A. Afghanistan
B. Pakistan
C. India
D. Syria

Answer: Option C

110. Current President of Azad Kashmir is?
A. Ch. Abdul Majeed
B. Sardar Masood Khan
C. Raja Farooq
D. Sardar Yaqoob

Answer: Option B

111. “Combing operation” Means________________?
A. A searching operation by Forces to find out hidden terrorists.
B. Kidney Operation by qualified Surgeons
C. A bill passed by Pakistani Parliament.
D. None of Above

Answer: Option A

112. Neelum-Jhelum Hydropower Plant based in Muzzafarabad will produce electricity?
A. 969 Mwt
B. 4500 Mwt
C. 425 Mgw
D. 3200 Mwt

Answer: Option A

113. Ex Pakistani Cricket Captain Hanif Muhammad died on 11 Aug-2016 at the age of 81 years, got the title?
A. Flying Shaheen
B. Little Master
C. Asian Legend
D. None of Above

Answer: Option B

114. Russia will invest__________ in the construction of North-South gas pipeline.
A. $1 billion
B. $2 billion
C. $3 billion
D. $4 billion

Answer: Option B

115. The North-South gas pipeline will transport LNG from____________?
A. Karachi to Lahore
B. Lahore to Karachi
C. Gwadar to Karachi
D. Gwadar to Sukkur

Answer: Option A

116. The total length of North-South gas pipeline is_____________?
A. 1,000 km
B. 1,100 km
C. 1,200 km
D. 1,300 km

Answer: Option B

117. Around _______billion m3 of gas would be transported from Karachi to Lahore per annum through North-South gas pipeline.
A. 11.0
B. 11.4
C. 12.0
D. 12.4

Answer: Option D

118. The total length of Karachi-Lahore Motorway is___________?
A. 1,000 km
B. 1,100 km
C. 1,200 km
D. 1,300 km

Answer: Option B

119. Pakistan issued 10-year Eurobonds of _____ in the international Eurobond market on 25 September 2015.
A. $5 million
B. $50 million
C. $500 million
D. $5000 million

Answer: Option C

120. The coupon rate of Eurobonds issued on 25 September 2015 is___________%?
A. 7.75%
B. 8.0%
C. 8.25%
D. 8.50%

Answer: Option C

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