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Ellsworth Huntington Quiz

Ellsworth Huntington Quiz Questions

English: Picture taken in 1920 and publicly av...

Ellsworth Huntington. Picture taken in 1920 and publicly available online at Yale’s Manuscripts and Archives. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1. When was Ellsworth Huntington born?
a) 5 February 1884
b) 2 April 1882
c) 16 September 1876
d) 14 December 1864

2. Where was Ellsworth Huntington born?
a) Galesburg
b) Chicago
c) Springfield
d) Ankara

3. At which college was Ellsworth Huntington instructor?
a) Christ Church College
b) Euphrates College
c) Trinity College
d) Bright College

4. Where did Ellsworth Huntington explore the canyons of the Euphrates?
a) Arabia
b) Egypt
c) Libya
d) Turkey

5. When did Ellsworth Huntington write The Pulse of Asia?
a) 1907
b) 1909
c) 1912
d) 1914

6. When did Ellsworth Huntington teach at Yale University?
a) 1898-1904
b) 1918-1924
c) 1907-1917
d) 1924-1936

7. When did Ellsworth Huntington publish Palestine and its Transformation?
a) 1948
b) 1936
c) 1925
d) 1911

8. Which book of Ellsworth Huntington was published in 1915?
a) The Human Habitat
b) Civilization and Climate
c) Mainsprings of Civilization
d) Clash of Civilizations

9. When did Ellsworth Huntington die?
a) 25 January 1959
b) 11 June 1958
c) 16 July 1953
d) 17 October 1947

10. Where did Ellsworth Huntington die?
a) Cairo
b) New Haven
c) Damascus
d) Beirut

Ellsworth Huntington Quiz Questions and Answers

Cover of "Civilization and Climate"

Cover of Civilization and Climate

1. When was Ellsworth Huntington born?
c) 16 September 1876

2. Where was Ellsworth Huntington born?
a) Galesburg

3. At which college was Ellsworth Huntington instructor?
b) Euphrates College

4. Where did Ellsworth Huntington explore the canyons of the Euphrates?
d) Turkey

5. When did Ellsworth Huntington write The Pulse of Asia?
a) 1907

6. When did Ellsworth Huntington teach at Yale University?
c) 1907-1917

7. When did Ellsworth Huntington publish Palestine and its Transformation?
d) 1911

8. Which book of Ellsworth Huntington was published in 1915?
b) Civilization and Climate

9. When did Ellsworth Huntington die?
d) 17 October 1947

10. Where did Ellsworth Huntington die?
b) New Haven

x (x)

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General Science & Ability MCQs (Natural Hazards and Disasters, Set-II)

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An example of a shield volcano is
(a) Mount Fuji
(b) Mount Pinatubo
(c) Puy de Dome
(d) Mauna Loa
Answer: (d)
Mauna Loa is one of five volcanoes that form the Island of Hawaii in the U.S. state of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.Mauna Loa is a shield volcano that has erupted some three dozen times since its first well-documented eruption in 1843

Volcanoes that have erupted in historic times and are still likely to erupt, are known as
(a) Active volcanoes
(b) Dormant volcanoes
(c) Extinct volcanoes
(d) Instinct volcanoes
Answer: (b)

Top of magma is forced onto Earth’s surface is known as
(a) Vent
(b) Cone
(c) Pipe
(d) Crater
Answer: (d)
A volcanic crater is a roughly circular depression in the ground caused by volcanic activity. It is typically a bowl-shaped feature within which occurs a vent or vents

Volcano that forms from column of magma is called a/an
(a) underwater volcano
(b) convergent volcano
(c) divergent volcano
(d) hot spot volcano
Answer: (d)

Reference to how thick a liquid is known as
(a) density
(b) conductivity
(c) viscosity
(d) volatility
Answer: (c)

Fluidity of lava is determined by amount of
(a) copper
(b) iron
(c) nickel
(d) silica
Answer: (d)

A flash flood is a flood that:
(a) is caused by heavy rain rather than from the flooding of a river
(b) occurs in urban areas
(c) occurs suddenly and unexpectedly and for a short duration
(d) is caused by the blocking of drains.
Answer: (c)
Flash floods are defined by the speed of flooding, not the source or location of flooding. While flash floods are often caused by heavy rainfall, they can also result from other events, such as drain blockages and bursts or the flooding of a river.

Monsoon is caused by: (CSS-2009)
(a) Seasonal reversal of winds
(b) Revolution of earth
(c) Movement of clouds
(d) Rise in temperature
(e) Rain forests
Answer: (a)
The monsoon, which is essentially the seasonal reversal in wind direction, causes most of the rainfall received in Pakistan and some other parts of the world. The primary cause of monsoons is the difference between annual temperature trends over land and sea. The apparent position of the Sun with reference to the Earth oscillates from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn. Thus the low pressure region created by solar heating also changes latitude. The northeast and southeast trade winds converge in this low pressure zone, which is also known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone or ITCZ. This low pressure regions sees continuous rise of moist wind from the sea surface to the upper layers of the atmosphere, where the cooling means the air can no longer hold so much moisture resulting in precipitation. The rainy seasons of East Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Australia and the southern parts of North America coincide with the shift of ITCZ towards these regions.

A flood can vary in:
(a) size
(b) speed of water flow
(c) duration
(d) all of the above.
Answer: (d)
The size, duration and water flow speed of floods can vary. The volume, rate of rise and areal extent (i.e. the total area under flood waters) of flooding can also vary.

When a river’s water level reaches 10 meters, this means that:
(a) the water level is 10 meters above an arbitrary ‘zero’ level
(b) the water level is 10 meters above mean sea level
(c) the water level is 10 meters above mean sea level or an arbitrary ‘zero’ level
(d) it will flood.
Answer: (c)
River height is the level of water in a river as measured by a river gauging station and is expressed in meters above either the Australian Height Datum (i.e. mean sea level) or an alternative arbitrary ‘zero’ level, depending on the location.

The size of a flood is measured by:
(a) the rate of flow of water in a waterway or river
(b) the level of water in a waterway or river
(c) a river gauging station
(d) all of the above.
Answer: (d)
The size of a flood can be measured by the highest level that water in a waterway reaches, referred to as the ‘peak water level’ or ‘flood peak’. It can also be measured by the maximum water flow rate in a waterway, referred to as the ‘peak flow rate’ or ‘peak water flow’. Each of these variables can be measured using a river gauging station.

Which of the following is associated with a La Niña event?
(a) The Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) is strongly negative.
(b) The ocean surface off the coast of South America is warmer than usual.
(c) There is an increased chance of above average rainfall in eastern Australia.
(d) All of the above.
Answer: (c)
In a La Niña event, the equatorial ocean surface off the coast of South America is abnormally cool, and the SOI is strongly positive. Trade winds blow strongly across the warm Pacific, picking up plenty of moisture and increasing the likelihood of above average rainfall in eastern Australia.

Which of the following potentially affects the size of a flood?
(a) bridges and other structures in waterways
(b) the size and windiness of a river
(c) vegetation in and around a river
(d) all of the above.
Answer: (d)
Many factors can affect the size of a flood, including rainfall intensity, weather conditions prior to a rainfall event, tidal and storm surges, dams and other man-made and natural water storages, catchment size and shape, soil types in a catchment, vegetation in and around a waterway, the size and windiness of a waterway, levees, bridges and other structures in waterways and catchments, and urbanization.

Seasons are generated by (CSS-2012)
(a) The movement of sun around the Milky Way
(b) The movement of the earth around the sun
(c) Relativistic Quantum
(d) None of these
Answer: (b)

The 2010 floods had cost the Pakistan’s economy around
(a) $17b
(b) $11b
(c) $10b
(d) $13b
Answer: (c)
It estimates that just a little less than 1pc of Pakistan’s GDP is exposed to river floods every year. It is ranked 16th by the WRI on the list of the top 20 countries with the highest GDP exposure to river floods.
The World Resources Institute (WRI) says Pakistan falls 5th on the list of top 15 countries that account for 80pc of the population exposed to river-flood risk worldwide.

In Pakistan, the most expensive natural disaster is:
(a) Drought
(b) Floods
(c) Bushfires
(d) Cyclones.
Answer: (b)
Pakistan faces a major financing challenge arising from natural catastrophes, with flooding causing an estimated annual economic impact of between three and four per cent of the federal budget,” adds the report. It estimates the annual economic impact of flooding at between $1.2bn and $1.8bn, or 0.5-0.8pc of GDP.

Which of the following is an environmental consequence of floods?
(a) dispersal of weed species
(b) erosion of soil
(c) release of pollutants into waterways
(d) all of the above.
Answer: (d)
Floods can have negative environmental consequences, such as soil erosion, release of pollutants and excess sediments and nutrients into waterways and the ocean, dispersal of weed species, and negative impacts on fish and other aquatic life. Floods can also have positive environmental consequences, such as recharging groundwater systems, filling wetlands, moving useful nutrients around the landscape, and triggering breeding events (for example, of water birds).

Which of the following is used to estimate which areas will be inundated during a flood, based on river height information?
(a) satellite and radar images
(b) flood maps / floodplain hydraulic models
(c) river gauging stations
(d) all of the above.
Answer: (b)
Floodplain hydraulic models and flood maps are used to estimate which areas will be inundated based on river height information. Satellite and radar images, rain gauges and river gauging stations are used to estimate river heights.

Which of the following statements is false?
(a) Weather forecasts for a small region are more accurate than those for a large region.
(b) Weather forecasts are more accurate in Melbourne than in Darwin.
(c) Forecasts of temperature are more accurate than forecasts of rainfall.
(d) All of the above.
Answer: (a)
The accuracy of weather forecasts varies depending on lead time, the size of the region of interest, the weather variable being forecast, and the latitude of the region. Generally, temperature forecasts are more accurate than rainfall forecasts; the mid-latitudes are easier to forecast than the tropics; and it is generally easier to forecast rainfall over a large area (for example, a large catchment) than local rainfall (for example, a reservoir).

Which of the following is true? Flood warnings:
(a) should not be released until the information is certain
(b) should indicate what the threat is, what
(c) action should be taken, by whom and when
(d) are best if they come from a single source
(e) all of the above.
Answer: (b)
Flood warnings should provide information on what the threat is, what action should be taken, by whom and when. While it is desirable for flood warnings to be accurate, warnings are predictions about the future, so there is inevitably some uncertainty. Accuracy needs to be balanced with timeliness, to allow enough time for appropriate action. Warnings are most likely to reach different audiences and to be heeded if they come from multiple trusted sources.

Flood risk refers to:
(a) the chance of a flood occurring
(b) the number of people and properties exposed to floodwaters if a flood occurs
(c) the vulnerability of people and properties that are exposed to floodwaters
(d) all of the above.
Answer: (d)
Flood risk includes both the chance (or probability) of a flood occurring, and the consequences if a flood occurs. The consequences of a flood are in turn affected by the number of people and properties exposed to floodwaters for a flood of a particular size, and the vulnerability of those people and properties. For example, a river might burst its banks regularly, but if this flooding occurs in an isolated area where there are no people or infrastructure, then the risk is low. Similarly, a river might flood very rarely, but if many people and properties are located near this river and they live in dwellings that are vulnerable to water damage, then the flood risk will be greater.

Which of the following can reduce the risk of flooding?
(a) zonings and building regulations for new developments
(b) dams, detention basins and levees
(c) flood awareness and education programs
(d) all of the above.
Answer: (d)
Flood risk in new developments can be reduced by restricting the location of development (zonings) and placing controls (regulations) on development. In existing developed areas, risk can be reduced by modifying flood behaviour (for example, through dams, detention basins, levees, waterway modifications), property modification measures (for example, land filling, flood proofing, house raising, removing developments), and response modification measures (for example, upgrading flood evacuation routes, flood warnings, flood evacuation planning, flood education programs).

The Probable Maximum Flood is:
(a) an estimation of the largest possible flood that could occur at a particular location
(b) the maximum flood experienced in the last 100 years
(c) the maximum flood experienced in the last 200 years
(d) the maximum flood experienced since flood records have existed.
Answer: (d)
The Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) is an estimate of the largest possible flood that could occur at a particular location, under the most severe meteorological and hydrological conditions as they are currently understood.

In the future, which of the following is expected to increase the risk of flooding?
(a) population growth
(b) urbanization
(c) climate change
(d) all of the above.
Answer: (d)
In the future, climate change is likely to result in an increased chance of flash floods and coastal inundation. Australia’s growing population and urbanization are likely to place increased pressure on our waterways and to increase the chance of flooding in cities and the number of properties and people exposed to floodwaters.

In the future, which of the following is unlikely?
(a) There will be an increased chance of flash flooding and coastal inundation.
(b) Flood risk will increase due to population growth and urbanization.
(c) Improvements in flood forecasting and warning technologies will reduce the impacts of floods.
(d) We will be able to eliminate the risk of flooding.
Answer: (d)
It is not possible to eliminate the risk of flooding. Indeed, it is likely that flood risk will increase in the future due to climate change, population growth and urbanization. However, we can better manage flood risk through improvements in flood forecasting and warning technologies, as well as improved land use planning, floodplain management and integrated water management.

Higher level of floods and droughts are led by
(a) sand storms
(b) lower precipitation
(c) higher precipitation
(d) none of the above
Answer: (c)

Approximately how fast do tsunami waves travel in the open ocean?
(a) 100 km/hour
(b) 1600 km/hour
(c) 200 km/hour
(d) 400 km/hour
(e) 800 km/hour
Answer: (e)

Tsunami waves travel between 500 and 950 km/hour.
What can cause a tsunami?
(a) Landslide
(b) Underwater earthquake
(c) Volcanic eruption
(d) All of the above
Tsunamis are usually generated by undersea earthquakes at tectonic plate boundaries, but they can also be triggered by underwater landslides, volcanic eruptions, or even a giant meteor impact with the ocean.

Do all undersea earthquakes trigger a tsunami?
(a) Yes
(b) No
Answer: (b)
An undersea earthquake creates a tsunami only if it is of sufficient force and there is a violent enough movement of the seafloor to displace a massive amount of water.

What does the word “tsunami” mean in Japanese?
(a) Tidal wave
(b) Harbor wave
(c) Killer wave
(d) Century wave
Answer: (b)
English word “tsunami” comes from the Japanese term for “harbor wave.” Tsunamis are not the same things as tidal waves and actually consist of a series of waves.

Witnesses have said that an approaching tsunami sounds like what?
(a) Firecrackers exploding
(b) A freight train
(c) Ice cracking
(d) Nothing—there is absolute silence
Answer: (b)
Many witnesses have described the sound of an approaching tsunami as being similar to a freight train’s.

What is the most active tsunami area?
(a) Pacific Ocean
(b) Caribbean Sea
(c) Indian Ocean
(d) North Atlantic Ocean
Answer: (a)
Most tsunamis, about 80 percent, happen within the Pacific Ocean’s Ring of Fire, a geologically active area where tectonic shifts make volcanoes and earthquakes common.

What is the deadliest tsunami ever recorded?
(a) The 1782 South China Sea tsunami
(b) The 1868 northern Chile tsunami
(c) The 1883 South Java Sea tsunami
(d) The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
Answer: (d)
In 2004 more than 200,000 people—the most ever recorded—died in an Indian Ocean tsunami that was triggered by an earthquake off Sumatra, Indonesia.

How fast can a tsunami travel?
(a) Up to 100 miles an hour (160 kilometers an hour)
(b) Up to 200 miles an hour (320 kilometers an hour)
(c) Up to 500 miles an hour (800 kilometers an hour
(d.) Up to 1,000 miles an hour (1,600 kilometers an hour)
Answer: (c)
Tsunamis race across the sea at up to 500 miles (805 kilometers) an hour—about as fast as a jet airplane. At that pace they can cross the entire expanse of the Pacific Ocean in less than a day.

Can you detect a tsunami in the open ocean?
(a) Yes
(b) No
Answer: (b)
No. In the open ocean, the wave length of a tsunami is hundreds of miles long and only a few feet high. Boaters are safer out at sea during a tsunami than close to shore or tied up at port.

Where was the largest tsunami in history recorded?
(a) India
(b) Philippines
(c) Chile
(d) Japan
Answer: (d)
In 1971 a wall of water 278 feet (84.7 meters) high surged past Ishigaki Island, Japan. It moved a 750-block of coral 1.5 miles (2.4 kilometers) closer to shore but did little other damage.

What is frequently a warning sign of an impending tsunami?
(a) Winds suddenly change direction
(b) The sky suddenly clears
(c) Seawater suddenly retreats from the shore
(d) All of the above
Answer: (c)
If the tsunami’s trough reaches shore first, it sucks the water seaward, exposing the seafloor suddenly. The wave’s crest usually hits shore about five minutes later. Recognizing this phenomenon—and getting to higher ground immediately—can save lives.

Which one of the following is an example of non-renewable resources?
(a) Wind
(b) Water
(c) Vegetation
(d) Coal and minerals
Answer: (d)

Which of the following is a renewable resource?
(a) Soil
(b) Water
(c) Flora and fauna
(d) All the above
Answer: (d)

_____ of stratosphere provides protection to our life.
(a) Nitrogen
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Ozone
(d) Argon
Answer: 3

The life supporting gases such as O2, CO2 and N2 are chiefly concentrated in the_______.
(a) Troposphere
(b) Exosphere
(c) Homosphere
(d) Stratosphere
Answer: (a)

Which of the following soil is the best for plant growth?
(a) Sandy soil
(b) Clay
(c) Gravel
(d) Loamy soil
Answer: (d)

Both power and manure are provided by _______.
(a) Thermal plants
(b) Nuclear plants
(c) Biogas plants
(d) Hydroelectric plants
Answer: (c)

In the atmosphere, the layer above the troposphere is _____.
(a) Stratosphere
(b) Exosphere
(c) Mesosphere
(d) Thermosphere
Answer: (a)

______ is the major raw material for biogas.
(a) Plant leaves
(b) Cow dung
(c) Mud
(d) Grass
Answer: (b)

A biosphere reserve conserves and preserves_______.
(a) Wild animals
(b) Wild land
(c) Natural vegetation
(d) All the above
Answer: (d)

Atomic energy is obtained by using ores of_______.
(a) Copper
(b) Uranium
Answer: (b)

Sanctuaries are established to_______.
(a) Rear animals for milk
(b) Entrap animals
(c) Protect animals
(d) None of the above
Answer: (c)
An animal sanctuary is a facility where animals are brought to live and be protected for the rest of their lives. Unlike animal shelters, sanctuaries do not seek to place animals with individuals or groups, instead maintaining each animal until his or her natural death. At present there are 99 Wildlife Sanctuaries in Pakistan

The death of the last individual of a species is called_______.
(a) Extinction
(b) Clad
(c) Neither (a) nor (b)
(d) Species diversity
Answer: (a)
In biology and ecology, extinction is the end of an organism or of a group of organisms (taxon), normally a species. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of the species, although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point.

Which one of the following is not a fossil fuel?
(a) Natural gas
(b) Petrol
(c) Coal
(d) Uranium
Answer: (d)
Fossil fuels are sources of energy that have developed within the earth over millions of years. Because fossil fuels – oil, natural gas, and coal – take so long to form, they are considered nonrenewable

Biogas generation is mainly based on the principle of_______.
(a) Fermentation
(b) Degradation
(c) Putrification
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer: (a)
The biogas plant operating on the principle of a wet anaerobic fermentation process was selected for the determination of the composition of in-put raw material which is determinative for the final biogas quality. The biogas plant is designed as an accumulation through-flow device. The biogas production takes place during the wet fermentation process in the mesophile operation (average temperature 40°C). The produced biogas is used in a cogeneration unit. The biogas plant operates in automatic mode.

Floods can be prevented by_______.
(a) Afforestation
(b) Cutting the forests
(c) Tilling the land
(d) Removing the top soil
Answer: (a)
Afforestation is the establishment of a forest or stand of trees in an area where there was no forest. Reforestation is the reestablishment of forest cover, either naturally (by natural seeding, coppice, or root suckers) or artificially (by direct seeding or planting).
Afforestation Trees are planted near to the river. This means greater interception of rainwater and lower river discharge. This is a relatively low cost option, which enhances the environmental quality of the drainage basin.

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General Knowledge, MCQs / Q&A

World General Knowledge MCQs (Solved) Geographical Epithets (Countries and Cities)

Geographical MCQs (Countries)

1. Which country is called the ‘Buffer state of Asia’?
(a) Afghanistan
(b) Pakistan
(c) India
(d) China
Answer: a

2. Which country is called ‘Land of fertile fields’?
(a) Algeria
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Pakistan
(d) England
Answer: a

3. Which country is called ‘Island continent’?
(a) Austria
(b) Australia
(c) US
(d) England
Answer: b

4. Which country is called ‘Land of golden fleece’?
(a) US
(b) England
(c) Australia
(d) Germany
Answer: c

5. Which country is called ‘Remnant of a mighty empire’?
(a) Australia
(b) Austria
(c) India
(d) Iraq
Answer: b

6. Which country is called ‘Isle of June’?
(a) Bahamas
(b) Bahrain
(c) Belgium
(d) Cuba
Answer: a

7. Which country is called ‘Isle of pearls’?
(a) Egypt
(b) Iraq
(c) Iran
(d) Bahrain
Answer: d

8. Which country is called the ‘Land of Golden Fibre’?
(a) Sri Lanka
(b) Bangladesh
(c) Iran
(d) Pakistan
Answer: b

9. Which country is called ‘Cockpit of Europe’?
(a) Belgium
(b) Canada
(c) Colombia
(d) England
Answer: a

10. Which country is called ‘Crossroads of Europe’?
(a) Belgium
(b) Canada
(c) France
(d) Egypt
Answer: a

11. Which country is called ‘Land of lilies’?
(a) Canada
(b) Belgium
(c) Norway
(d) Sweden
Answer: a

12. Which country is called ‘Land of contrasts’?
(a) Canada
(b) Cuba
(c) Colombia
(d) England
Answer:. c

13. Which country is called ‘Pearl of Antilles’?
(a) England
(b) Cuba
(c) Egypt
(d) Denmark
Answer: b

14. Which country is called ‘Homeland of the Viking Empire’?
(a) Cuba
(b) England
(c) Denmark
(d) US
Answer: c

15. Which country is called ‘Gift of the Nile’?
(a) Iran
(b) Egypt
(c) Finland
(d) Iraq
Answer: b

16. Which country is called ‘Land of the Queen of Sheba’?
(a) Egypt
(b) Yemen
(c) Ghana
(d) Austria
Answer: b

17. Which country is called ‘Land of thousand lakes’?
(a) France
(b) Finland
(c) China
(d) Iraq
Answer: b

18. Which country is called ‘Key to the Mediterranean?
(a) Gibraltar
(b) Egypt
(c) Indonesia
(d) Iraq
Answer: a

19. Which country is called ‘Pillars of Hercules’?
(a) Gibraltar
(b) China
(c) Egypt
(d) Afghanistan
Answer: a

20. Which country is called ‘Whiteman’s grave’?
(a) Guinea
(b) Haiti
(c) Iraq
(d) Afghanistan
Answer: a

21. Which country is called ‘Island of Hispaniola?
(a) Hong Kong
(b) Haiti
(c) Iceland
(d) Malta
Answer: b

22. Which is called ‘The sorrow of China’?
(a) Hwang Hoo
(b) Beijing
(c) Peking
(d) Shangai
Answer: a

23. Which country is called ‘Land of thousand islands’?
(a) China
(b) Nepal
(c) Indonesia
(d) Cyprus
Answer: c

24. Which country is called ‘Site of ancient civilisations’?
(a) Iraq
(b) Iran
(c) Egypt
(d) India
Answer: a

25. Which country is called ‘Emerald Island’?
(a) Japan
(b) Ireland
(c) Iraq
(d) Iran
Answer: b

26. Which country is called ‘Great Britain of the Pacific’?
(a) Ireland
(b) Japan
(c) Korea
(d) China
Answer: b

27. Which country is called the ‘Land of rising sun’?
(a) Japan
(b) China
(c) Norway
(d) Sweden
Answer:. a

28. Which country is called the ‘Land of morning calm’?
(a) China
(b) South Korea
(c) Pakistan
(d) Nepal
Answer: b

29. Which country is called the ‘Land of milk and honey’?
(a) Iran
(b) Iraq
(c) Lebanon
(d) Nepal
Answer: c

30. Which country is called the ‘Land of amber’?
(a) Korea
(b) Lithuania
(c) Lebanon
(d) Nepal
Answer: b

31. Which country is called ‘George Cross Island’?
(a) Korea
(b) Malta
(c) China
(d) Nepal
Answer: b

32. Which country is called ‘Land of rice and teak’?
(a) Myanmar
(b) Korea
(c) China
(d) Nepal
Answer: a

33. Which country is called the ‘Land of mountains’?
(a) US
(b) Nepal
(c) China
(d) Korea
Answer: b

34. Which country is called ‘Land of Druk-yul’?
(a) Korea
(b) China
(c) Bhutan
(d) Malta
Answer: c

35. Which country is called the ‘Flower garden of Europe’?
(a) Netherlands
(b) Switzerland
(c) US
(d) England
Answer: a

36. Which country is called the ‘Britain of the South’?
(a) Norway
(b) New Zealand
(c) Canada
(d) Austria
Answer: b

37. Which country is called the ‘Land of Cakes’?
(a) Scotland
(b) England
(c) Netherlands
(d) None of these
Answer: a

38. Which country is called ‘Land of the midnight sun’?
(a) Sweden
(b) Norway
(c) Denmark
(d) Canada
Answer: b

39. Which country is called the ‘Land of pure people’?
(a) Norway
(b) Pakistan
(c) China
(d) Korea
Answer: b

40. Which country is called ‘Horn of Africa’?
(a) Norway
(b) China
(c) Ghana
(d) Somalia
Answer: d

41. Which country is called ‘Switzerland of Africa’?
(a) Swaziland
(b) Mozambique
(c) South Africa
(d) Somalia
Answer: a

42. Which country is called the ‘Playground of Europe’?
(a) Switzerland
(b) Thailand
(c) Egypt
(d) China
Answer: a

43. Which country is called the ‘Land of white elephants’?
(a) Korea
(b) Thailand
(c) US
(d) Russia
Answer: b

44. Which country is called the ‘Land of free people’?
(a) Thailand
(b) Korea
(c) China
(d) Japan
Answer: a

45. Which country is called the ‘Land of Smiles’?
(a) Thailand
(b) US
(c) India
(d) South Africa
Answer: a

Geographical MCQs (Cities)

46. Which city is called the ‘Granite city’?
(a) Aberdeen (Scotland)
(b) London
(c) Tehran
(d) Baghdad
Answer: a

47. Which city is called the ‘City of Eagles’?
(a) Sialkot
(b) Lahore
(c) Karachi
(d) None of these
Answer: a

48. Which city is called the ‘City of Golden Temple’?
(a) Amritsar
(b) Lahore
(c) Delhi
(d) Hassanabdal
Answer: a

49. Which city is called the ‘City of Water’?
(a) Venice
(b) Tehran
(c) Cairo
(d) Dhaka
Answer: a

50. Which city is called the ‘City of Angels’?
(a) Los Angeles
(b) London
(c) Delhi
(d) Baghdad
Answer: a

51. Which city is called the ‘Gateway to the East’?
(a) Beirut
(b) Bangkok
(c) Amritsar
(d) Cairo
Answer: a

52. Which city is called the ‘Little Pakistan’?
(a) Jeddah
(b) Bradford
(c) Chicago
(d) Dhaka
Answer: b

53. Which city is called the ‘City of bazaars’?
(a) Cairo
(b) Chicago
(c) Dhaka
(d) Amritsar
Answer: a

54. Which city is called the ‘Pyramid city’?
(a) Chicago
(b) Cairo
(c) London
(d) New York
Answer: b

55. Which city is called ‘City of space flights’?
(a) Cairo
(b) Lahore
(c) Cape Kennedy
(d) London
Answer: c

56. Which city is called the ‘Manchester of Pakistan’?
(a) Lahore
(b) Karachi
(c) Faisalabad
(d) Peshawar
Answer: c

57. Which city is called the ‘City of Conferences’?
(a) Mumbai
(b) Geneva
(c) Moscow
(d) London
Answer: b

58. Which city is called ‘City of Rams’?
(a) Guangzhou
(b) Multan
(c) Amritsar
(d) Colombo
Answer: a

59. Which city is called ‘Brasilia of Pakistan’?
(a) Karachi
(b) Islamabad
(c) Faisalabad
(d) Quetta
Answer: b

60. Which city is called the ‘Gateway of Pakistan’?
(a) Islamabad
(b) Karachi
(c) Multan
(d) Lahore
Answer: b

61. Which city is called the ‘City of Canals’?
(a) Venice
(b) Paris
(c) London
(d) None of these
Answer: a

62. Which city is called the ‘City of Palaces’?
(a) Lahore
(b) Mexico City
(c) Kiev
(d) Paris
Answer: b

63. Which city is called ‘Forbidden city’?
(a) Lhasa
(b) Moscow
(c) Rome
(d) Beruit
Answer: a

64. Which city is called the ‘Gateway of India’?
(a) Mumbai
(b) Agra
(c) Kolkata
(d) Hyderabad
64. a

65. Which city is called the ‘City of Cosmonauts’?
(a) New York
(b) Moscow
(c) Lahore
(d) Karachi
Answer: b

66. Which city is called the ‘City of skyscrapers’?
(a) Washington
(b) New York
(c) London
(d) Rome
Answer: b

67. Which city is called the ‘City of eternal spring’?
(a) New York
(b) Quito
(c) Rome
(d) Paris
Answer: b

68. Which city is called the ‘City of Popes’?
(a) Rome
(b) Vatican City
(c) London
(d) Cairo
Answer: b

69. Which city is called the ‘Land of seven hills’?
(a) Rome
(b) Venice
(c) Shiraz
(d) Baghdad
Answer: a

70. Which city is called the ‘The Golden Gate City’?
(a) San Francisco
(b) New York
(c) London
(d) Venice
Answer: a

71. Which city is called the ‘City of roses and nightingales’?
(a) Shiraz
(b) Rome
(c) Mumbai
(d) New York
Answer: a

72. Which city is called the ‘Queen of the Baltic’?
(a) Rome
(b) Stockholm
(c) Paris
(d) Karachi
Answer: b

73. Which city is called the ‘City of Gondolas’?
(a) Venice
(b) Rome
(c) Shiraz
(d) Lahore
Answer: A


World General Knowledge MCQs (Solved) Geographical Epithets (Countries and Cities) Read More »

General Knowledge, MCQs / Q&A, World

General Knowledge, World’s Longest, Largest and Smallest

● Largest Airport : King Abdul Khalid International Airport (Saudi Arabia)
● Highest Airport : Lhasa Airport, Tibet
● Tallest Animal : Giraffe
● Largest Animal : Blue Bottom whale
● Largest Bay : Hudson Bay, Canada.
● Largest Bird : Ostrich
● Smallest Bird : Humming bird
● Longest Bridge : Huey P. Long Bridge (USA)
● Tallest Building : Dubai Burj (Dubai)
● Longest Canal : Baltic sea White Canal
● Largest Cathedral : Cathedral Church of New York
● Largest Cemetry : Ohlsdorf Cemetry (Hamburg, Germany)
● Largest Church : Balisca of St. Peter in the Vatican City, Rome.
● Largest Continent : Asia
● Smallest Continent : Australia
● Largest Country (Area) : Russia
● Smallest Country (Area) : Vatican City
● Biggest Cinema House : Roxy, New York
● Highest City : Wenchuan, China
● Most Populous City : Tokyo
● Longest Day : June 21
● Shortest Day : December 22
● Largest Delta : Sunderban (India)
● Largest Desert : Sahara, North Africa

● Biggest Dome : Gol Gumbaz (Bijapur), India
● Largest Dams : Grand Coulee Dam, USA
● Tallest Fountain : Fountain Hills, Arizona
● Largest Gulf : Gulf of Mexico
● Largest Hotel : Excalibur Hotel (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)
● Largest Island : Greenland
● Largest Lake : Caspian Sea.
● Deepest Lake : Baikal (Siberia)
● Highest Lake : Titicaca (Bolivia)
● Largest Library : United States Library of Congress, Washington
● Largest Mosque : Jama Masjid, Delhi (India)
● Highest Mountain Peak : Mount Everest (Nepal)
● Highest Mountain Range : Himalayas, Asia.
● Largest Mountain Range : Andes (South America)
● Biggest Museum : American Museum of Natural History (New York).
● Largest Minaret : Sultan Hassan Mosque (Egypt)
● Tallest Minaret : Qutub Minar, Delhi (India)
● Biggest Oceans : Pacific Ocean
● Deepest Oceans : Pacific Ocean
● Biggest Palace : Vatican (Rome)
● Largest Palace : Imperial Palace (China)
● Largest Park : National Park of North-Eastern (Greenland)
● Largest Peninsula : Arabia
● Highest Plateau : Pamir (Tibet)
● Longest Platform : Kharagpur, W. Bengal (India)
● Largest Platform : Grand Central Terminal, (Rly. Station), New York (USA)
● Biggest Planet : Jupiter
● Smallest Planet : Mercury
● Brightest Planet : Venus
● Coldest Planet : Neptune
● Nearest Planet (to the Sun) : Mercury
● Farthest Planet (from the Sun) : Neptune
● Longest River : Nile, Africa
● Longest River Dam : Hirakud Dam, India
● Largest Sea : South China Sea
● Largest Stadium : Starhove Stadium, Prague (Czech Republic)
● Brightest Star : Sirius A
● Tallest Statue : Motherland (Russia)
● Largest Sea-bird : Albatross
● Biggest Telescope : Mt. Palomar (USA)
● Longest Train : Flying Scotsman
● Largest Temple : Angkorwat in Combodia.
● Oldest Theatre : Teatro Olimpico (Itlay)
● Tallest Tower : C. N. Tower, Toronto (Canada)
● Longest Wall : Great Wall of China
● Highest Waterfall : Angel (Venezuela)
● Widest Waterfall : Khone Falls (Laos)
● Lowest Water Level : Dead Sea
● Longest Epic : Mahabharata
● Hottest Place : Azizia (Libya)
● Rainiest Place : Mosinram, near Cherrapunji (India)
● Highest Road : Leh-Nobra, Ladakh division India.
● Highest Village : Andean (Chile)
● Highest Volcano : Ojos del Salado, (Argentina) Chile
● Largest Volcano : Manuna Lea (Hawai)
● Lightest Gas : Hydrogen
● Fastest Animal : Cheetah
● Biggest Flower : Rafflesia (Java)
● Longest Corridor : Rameshwaram Temple (India)
● Largest Democracy : India
● Highest Cable Car Project : Gulmarg (Jammu-Kashmir)
● Biggest Airbus : Double Decker A-380
● Highest Rail Track : Kwinghai- Tibbet Railway (China)

General Knowledge, World’s Longest, Largest and Smallest Read More »

General Knowledge, History, World

Model PaperMCQs

Meghan Markle is a former US_____
(A) Actress
(B) Politician
(C) Businessman
(D) None of the above.

The India Independence Act 1947 was mainly based on the recommendations made by ?
a. The Cabinet Mission
b. The Mountbatten Plan (Correct)

What was the title of Allama Iqbal’s Ph.D thesis ?
a. Reconstruction of religious thought in Islam
b. The Development of Metaphysics in Persia (Correct)

Which Britis officer shot and killed three of Bahadur shah Zafar’s Song during the 1857 war of Independence :
a. William Hudson (Correct)
b. Colonel Nicholson

Sun is a ?
a. Planet
b. Galaxy
c. Comet
d. Star (Correct)

Banaspati Ghee, commonly used in Pakistan is produced by hydrogenation of ?
a. Com Oil
b. Butter
c. Soyabean oil
d. Palm oil (Correct)

One of the bloodiest battles of the First World War was fought at Ypres (Lepers) where a large number of soldiers form South Asia also died. In Which country is this battlefield located ?
a. France
b. Belgium (Correct)
c. Austria
d. Germany

Who is considered to be the father of the nation of Singapore ?
a. Lee Kuan Yew (Correct)
b. Goh Choc Tong

Term the time during which an organism present in the body before causing disease ?
a. Rest Period
b. Incubation period (Correct)

Goldsmid line is the border between?
a. China & India
b. China & Bhutan
c. Pakistan & Iran (Correct)
d. China & Taiwan

In term of Scheduled International passengers carried Ryanair is the largest airline in the world it belongs to ?
a. Canada
b. France
c. Ireland (Correct)
d. UK

What is the old name of Tokyo ?
a. Surinam
b. Edo (Correct)

A small town in Sindh “Keti Bunder” is famous for ?
a. Gas and oil field
b. fish harbor (Correct)

“Omithology” is the study of ?
a. Birds (Correct)
b. Insects

Madame Tussaud’s museum is situated in ?
a. Paris
b. London (Correct)

“Dosimeter” is a device use to measure ?
a. Nuclear radiation for safety purposes (Correct)
b. The speed of win or any other gas

The Only vitamin which the human body can manufacture is ?
a. Vitamin C
b. Vitamin D (Correct)

“Philately” is a ?
a. Science of drugs
b. Stamp Collection (Correct)

Model PaperMCQs Read More »

Past Papers

World General Knowledge Important MCQs (Set-I) for Competitive Exams

1. Which is the saltiest water lake of the world?
(a) The Caspian Sea
(b) The Red Sea
(c) The Baltic Sea
(d) Assal Lake (Correct)

2. World’s longest river is:
(a) River Nile (Correct)
(b) River Amazon
(c) River Mississippi
(d) River Indus

3. Which of the following country has longest coast line?
(a) China
(b) USA
(c) Russia
(d) Canada (Correct)

4. Which is the largest peninsula?
(a) Gulf of Eden
(b) Africa
(c) Arabia (Correct)
(d) Sahara

5. Biggest country in population is:
(a) China (Correct)
(b) Russia
(c) India
(d) USA

6. Which is the largest gulf?
(a) Arabian Gulf
(b) Gulf of Mexico (Correct)
(c) Gulf of Oman
(d) None of them

7. The largest bay is located in
(a) USA
(b) Canada (Correct)
(c) Congo
(d) Russia

8. Name the largest railway station in the world is
(a) Grand Central Terminal – New York (Correct)
(b) Condor Station Bolivia
(c) Kharagpur railway station – India
(d) Frankfort International USA

9. Name the biggest sea of the world is
(a) Caribbean Sea
(b) South China Sea (Correct)
(c) Mediterranean Sea
(d) Baltic Sea

10. Name the biggest desert of the world is
(a) Gobi Desert
(b) Kalahari Desert
(c) Sahara Desert (Correct)
(d) None of these

11. The highest capital in the world is
(a) Belize
(b) La Paz (Correct)
(c) Quito
(d) Paris

12. In which country was the first oil-well drilled in 1859
(a) Saudi Arabia
(b) USA (Correct)
(c) Russia
(d) Venezuela

13. Which is the oldest written language in the world?
(a) Sanskrit
(b) Chinese (Correct)
(c) Japanese
(d) English

14. Which metal has the highest electrical conductivity
(a) Silver
(b) Tungsten (Correct)
(c) Copper
(d) Iron

15. Name the largest populous country of the Islamic World?
(a) Indonesia (Correct)
(b) Pakistan
(c) Bangladesh
(d) Turkey

16. Name the largest Hockey Stadium with capacity of 50,000 people:
(a) Most Beautiful Stadium
(b) Highest Hockey Stadium
(c) National hockey Stadium Lahore (Correct)
(d) Newest Hockey Stadium

17. Name the largest Cricket Stadium:
(a) Melbourne Cricket Club (Correct)
(b) Sharjah Cricket Ground
(c) The Oval. London
(d) Gaddafi Stadium, Lahore

18. World’s highest waterfall “Angel” is in:
(a) Zimbabwe
(b) Canada
(c) Venezuela (Correct)
(d) Norway

19. Where Niagara Waterfalls are located
(a) USA
(b) Canada
(c) Both of them (Correct)
(d) Pakistan

20. Which of the following ‘Desert’ is largest by area?
(a) Gobi
(b) Takla Makan
(c) Sahara (Correct)
(d) Thar

21. The Caspian Sea’ is known as largest lake. Which of the following countries share its water?
(a) Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan
(b) Turkmenistan
(c) Russia and Iran
(d) All of these (Correct)

22. The biggest Square ‘Tiananmen’ is situated in:
(a) Beijing (Correct)
(b) Tibet
(c) xinjiang
(d) Chu in

23. Which country is famous for publications of most newspapers?
(a) USA
(b) Canada
(c) India (Correct)
(d) China

24. The largest animal in the world is
(a) Elephant
(b) Rhinoceros
(c) Hippopotamus
(d) Blue Whale (Correct)

25. Who has the record of highest individuals score in limited over (ODI) match?
(a) Saeed Anwar
(b) Jayasuriya
(c) Sachin Tendulkar (Correct)
(d) De Silva

26. Which is the tallest building of the world?
(a) Tapai Center 101 (Taiwan)
(b) Daubi Burj (UAE) (Correct)
(c) Patronas Tower (Malaysia)
(d) Sears Tower (USA)

27. Which country has the longest coast line?
(a) China
(b) Russia
(c) Canada (Correct)
(d) USA

28. Largest Muslim country area-wise is
(a) Algeria
(b) Kazakhstan (Correct)
(c) Sudan
(d) Libya

29. Which of the following country is largest by area?
(a) India
(b) Russia (Correct)
(c) China
(d) America

30. Name the longest land mountain range:
(a) Alps
(b) Karakoram
(c) Andes of S. America (Correct)
(d) Pamirs

31. Which day is considered as the longest day of each year?
(a) 13th March
(b) 21st May
(c) 21st June (Correct)
(d) 17th August

32. Which day is considered as the shortest day of each year?
(a) 22nd December (Correct)
(b) 5th January
(c) 21st November
(d) 15th December

33. Which is the largest mountain range in the world?
(a) Alps
(b) Himalayas (Correct)
(c) Andes
(d) Tibet

34. Which of the following is the largest producer of copper in the world?
(a) Ghana
(b) Malaysia
(c) Australia
(d) Chile (Correct)

35. Which country is the largest oil producer?
(a) Iraq
(b) U.S.A.
(c) Russia
(d) Saudi Arabia (Correct)

36. Which was the first country to give women a right to vote?
(a) United Stated
(b) Denmark
(c) UK
(d) New Zealand (Correct)

37. In which country the largest oil field “Ghawar field” is located?
(a) Saudi Arabia (Correct)
(b) Kuwait
(c) Russia
(d) USA

38. Which country is the largest oil consumer in the world?
(a) USA (Correct)
(b) Russia
(c) Pakistan
(d) China

39. In land size which is the largest country?
(a) India
(b) Russia (Correct)
(c) China
(d) America

40. Where is the longest glacier “Lambert Glacier” located?
(a) China
(b) Canada
(c) Antarctica (Correct)
(d) Siberia

41. The most spoken language is:
(a) English
(b) Chinese (Correct)
(c) French
(d) Japanese

42. Identify the world’s largest library:
(a) The United States Library of Washington
(b) The United States Library of Congress (Correct)
(c) Washington Library
(d) None of them

43. Name the first President of Chinese Republic is
(a) Junko Tabar
(b) Dr. Sun Yat San (Correct)
(c) Mao Tse-Tung
(d) None of these.

44. Which is the largest continent (population wise) of the world?
(a) America
(b) Asia (Correct)
(c) Europe
(d) Australia

45. Which is the largest continent (area wise) of the world?
(a) America
(b) Asia (Correct)
(c) Europe
(d) Australia

46. Nile is the longest river of the world. Which one of the following is the largest river of the world?
(a) Amazon (Correct)
(b) Indus
(c) Hawang Ho
(d) None

47. Which countries share longest frontier 16416 km?
(a) China and India
(b) Australia and Japan
(c) Canada and USA (Correct)
(d) None of these

48. Which country has longest coastal line?
(a) China
(b) Australia
(c) Canada (Correct)
(d) USA

49. Who was the first Chief Justice of Pakistan?
(a) Munir Ahmad
(b) A.R. Cornelius
(c) Sardar Abdul Rashid (Correct)
(d) None of them

50. Name the country shares 16 borders with other states:
(a) China (Correct)
(b) Russia
(c) India
(d) Pakistan

51. Largest gold producer country:
(a) South Korea
(b) China (Correct)
(c) South Africa
(d) Russia

52. Largest silver producer:
(a) Pakistan
(b) China
(c) Mexico (Correct)
(d) Germany

53. Largest coal producer:
(a) China (Correct)
(b) UK
(c) Russia
(d) Germany

54. Identify the biggest bird:
(a) Ostrich (Correct)
(b) Indian Sparrow
(c) Eagle
(d) Indian parrot

55. Identify the smallest bird:
(a) Ostrich
(b) Indian Sparrow
(c) Hemming bird (Correct)
(d) Indian parrot

56. Name the oldest Monarchy?
(a) France
(b) UK
(c) Japan (Correct)
(d) None of these

57. Name the first lady Prime minister of the world?
(a) Benazir Bhutto
(b) Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike (Correct)
(c) Korino Akino
(d) Margrate Thatcher

58. Name the first woman president of the UN General Assembly?
(a) Mrs. Kumara Tunga of Sri Lanka
(b) Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan
(c) Pandit Vijaya Lakshmi of India (Correct)
(d) Pandit Vijay Lakshmi Nepal

59. Name the first UN Secretary-General
(a) Mr. Trygre Lie of Norway (Correct)
(b) Mr. William of USA
(c) Mr. Jorge Lie of Italy
(d) Mr. David of USA

60. Name the first animal to be sent in space:
(a) Laika, the dog (Russians) (Correct)
(b) Laika, the sheep
(c) Dolly, the dog
(d) Dolly, the sheep

61. Which of the following countries is the largest in area in the world?
(a) Australia
(b) Canada
(c) U.S.A.
(d) Russia (Correct)

62. Who was the first woman to travel into space?
(a) Sally Ride
(b) Valentina Tereshkova (Correct)
(c) Svetlana Savitskaya
(d) Eileen Collins

63. Which of the following countries has largest number of Islands?
(a) Malaysia
(b) Indonesia (Correct)
(c) Cuba
(d) Canada

64. Name the largest oil company of the world.
(a) Exxon (Correct)
(b) Caltex
(c) Shell
(d) PSO

65. Which is the largest lake of the world?
(a) Caspian sea (Correct)
(b) Superior lake
(c) Huron lake
(d) Aral sea

66. Name the largest hotel:
(a) Hotel USA
(b) Avari Hotel
(c) President Hotel
(d) MGM Grand Hotel (Correct)

67. The world’s largest fresh water lake is:
(a) Panch
(b) Lake Superior (US-Canada) (Correct)
(c) Baikal (Russia)
(d) Volta Lake (Ghana)

68. Which is the largest salt water lake of the world?
(a) The Caspian Sea (Correct)
(b) The Red Sea
(c) The Baltic Sea
(d) None

79. Which is the second highest mountain peak in the world?
(a) Mt Everest
(b) K-2 (Correct)
(c) Trich Mir
(d) Nanga Parbat

70. The second highest mountain peak Goodwin Austen in the world is located in
(a) Nepal
(b) India
(c) Pakistan (Correct)
(d) China

71. Which is the largest producer of coffee in the world?
(a) Brazil (Correct)
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Pakistan
(d) Myanmar

72. Which is the oldest Stock Exchange Market in the world?
(a) New York
(b) Amsterdam
(c) Hamburg (Correct)
(d) London

73. The fastest flying bird is:
(a) Indian Falcon
(b) African Falcon
(c) The Peragrine falcon (Correct)
(d) Australian Falcon

74. The world biggest oil refinery is situated in
(a) Saudi Arabia
(b) Iran (Correct)
(c) Kuwait
(d) Iraq

75. Largest continent among the followings?
(a) Europe
(b) Africa
(c) America
(d) Asia (Correct)

76. The Shortest River is:
(a) Amazon River
(b) Niger River
(c) Roe River (Correct)
(d) Lena River

77. The coldest place in the world is:
(a) Cherranpungi in India
(b) Al-Azizayah in Africa
(c) Vostok in Antarctica (Correct)
(d) None of these

78. Which country possesses the largest foreign exchange reserves in the world?
(a) Japan (Correct)
(b) Canada
(c) Germany
(d) USA

79. Name the first man to sail round the world is
(a) Ferdinand Magellan (Correct)
(b) John Maynard
(c) Milton Friedman
(d) None of these

80. Neil Alden Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon in the year
(a) 1969 (Correct)
(b) 1965
(c) 1967
(d) 1966

81. Which is the driest place of the world?
(a) Tripoli (Libya)
(b) Death Valley (California) (Correct)
(c) Jacobabad (Pakistan)
(d) Azizia (Libya)

82. The largest artificial lake is:
(a) Lake Baikal (Russia)
(b) Lake Superior (North America)
(c) Lake Great beer (Canada)
(d) Lake Mead (USA) (Correct)

83. The oldest university is “University of Karueein” located in:
(a) Morocco (Correct)
(b) Egypt
(c) Iran
(d) USA

84. The first Soccer World Cup was played in
(a) Paraguay
(b) Uruguay (Correct)
(c) Portugal
(d) Germany

85. Name the hottest place of the world
(a) Death Valley (USA)
(b) Jacobabad (Pakistan)
(c) Azizia (Libya) (Correct)
(d) None of them

86. Identify the largest ocean:
(a) Pacific (Correct)
(b) Arctic
(c) Indian
(d) southern

87. Name the smallest ocean?
(a) Arctic Ocean (Correct)
(b) Indian Ocean
(c) Pacific Ocean
(d) Southern Ocean

88. The world’s highest mountain peak is:
(a) K-2
(b) Nanga Parbat
(c) Mount Jabal
(d) Mount Everest (Correct)

89. The height of the Mount Everest is:
(a) 3348 m.
(b) 8850 m (Correct)
(c) 4448 m.
(d) 6648 m

90. Smallest Republic in the world is
(a) Balkan
(b) Nepal
(c) Nauru (Correct)
(d) Haiti

91. Largest Concrete Dam of the world is located in USA is
(a) Grand Coulee Dam (Correct)
(b) Tarbela Dam
(c) Rohunsky Dam
(d) None of these

92. Which one of the following is the largest university building in the world?
(a) Cambridge University U.K
(b) University of Riyadh (Correct)
(c) Al. Azhar University
(d) None of these

93. Which one of the following is the largest Peninsula of the world?
(a) Arabian Peninsula (Correct)
(b) Kalahari Peninsula
(c) Sahara Peninsula
(d) None of these

94. The world’s largest active volcano “Mauna Lao” is located in:
(a) Central Andes (Chile)
(b) Hawaii (USA) (Correct)
(c) Mount Mayon (Philippines)
(d) Java (Indonesia)

95. Kalaallit Nunaat (formerly Greenland) is
(a) Smallest Island
(b) Most inhabitant Island
(c) Largest Island (Correct)
(d) Last inhabitant Island

96. Name the country which is the largest producer of Natural gas in the world is
(a) Iran
(b) Tanzania
(c) Norway
(d) Russia (Correct)

97. Name the first president of India is:
(a) Dr. Ambedkar
(b) Dr. Rajendra Parsad (Correct)
(c) Sadder Patel
(d) Nehru

98. The First Woman Bank established in Pakistan in
(a) Dec 1, 1988
(b) Dec 1, 1989 (Correct)
(c) Dec 1, 1973
(d) August 14, 1948

99. First telegraph signal was transmitted in which year?
(a) 1951
(b) 1891
(c) 1901 (Correct)
(d) 1711

100. Which country has the largest foreign debts?
(a) Russia
(b) China
(c) Mexico
(d) USA (Correct)

World General Knowledge Important MCQs (Set-I) for Competitive Exams Read More »

English, General Knowledge, MCQs / Q&A, World

100 Questions & Answers About Asia

100 Questions & Answers About Asia

1. Highest mountain of world ‘Mount Everest’ is located in continent – Asia

2. Out of seven continents, continent Asia shares its East border with – Ural Mountains

3. Longest river in Asia Continent is – Yangtze of China

4. Country in Asia continent which is known as ‘Land of golden fiber’ is – Bangladesh

5. Out of seven continents, continent Asia shares its West border with – Pacific Ocean

6. What is the capital of the Republic of the Philippines? – Manila

7. Where can you find Mayon Volcano? – Albay

8. What is the main religion in Malaysia? – Islam

9. What is the national sport in Thailand? – Thai Boxing

10. What country is in south of Malaysia? – Singapore

11. In a country of over 1,900 islands, but with a land area of only one percent of its total
territory, which of these is one of the Maldives’ most important industries? – Tourism

12. The wildlife of Iran used to include an animal which is now extinct. Which of these used to
roam the northern regions of Iran? – Caspian tiger

13. The city of Rajshahi is an important center in the production of a natural fiber that comes
from a certain worm. What is the nickname of the city that comes from this association? – Silk City

14. India is bound on the north by a range of snow-capped mountains, which boast some of the
world’s highest peaks. What is the name of this mountain range, also considered to be the
world’s youngest? – The Himalayas

15. Which of these cities is in Vietnam? Pyonggang, Nam Dinh, Battambang or Alor Setar? – Nam Dinh

16. Which Asian city was awarded the honour of holding the 2014 winter Olympic games? – Sochi, Russia

17. Which of these IS an Asian city? Dushanbe, Moscow, Bucharest or Cairo? – Dushanbe

18. Which of these cities is in Sri Lanka? Thimpu, Islambad, Kabul or Colombo? – Colombo

19. Which city is just across the Bering Strait from Alaska, U.S.A.? – Uelen

20. Which Asian city is in a country that is in both Europe and Asia? – Novosibirsk

21. Mary (Mur-ree) is a city in – Turkmenistan

22. Which is the only city that is also a country in Asia? –

23. ________ city is the largest city (and former capital) of Kazakhstan – Almaty

24. Which city is capital of West Java province in Indonesia? – Bandung

25. _____________ city is principal port of Bangladesh, and is the country´s second largest city – Chittagong

26. Which city is the capital of Syria? – Damascus

27. Which city was capital of Persia 1598-1722? – Esfahan

28. ___________ city was known before 1980 as Lyallpur – Faisalabad

29. The city which is capital of Guangdong province, China – Guangzhou

30. Whart is the capital of Vietnam? – Hanoi

31. ________________is third largest city of Turkey and was formerly known as Smyrna – Izmir

32. What is the capital of Indonesia? – Jakarta

33. What is the capital of Afghanistan? – Kabul

34. Which city is capital of Punjab province in Pakistan? – Lahore

35. This city is capital of Khorasan province, Iran – Mashhad

36. Russian city which was formerly known as Novonikolaevsk – Novosibirsk

37. This Japanese city was formerly known as Naniwa. It is the center the Hanshin area, which is the most important industrial area in Japan – Osaka

38. _______ city is capital of North Korea – Pyongyang

39. The former name of Bishkek – Frunze

40. The former name of Gyumri – Leninakan

41. The city which is part of Kiaochow territory occupied by Germany in 1897 and leased to Germany for 99 years in 1898 – Qingdao

42. The capital of Saudi Arabia is – Riyadh

43. _____________city is capital of East Java province, Indonesia – Surabaya

44. What is the capital of Uzbekistan – Tashkent

45. Which city is also known as Benares? – Varanasi

46. Which Chinese city was formed in 1950 by the consolidation of Hankow, Hanyang and Wuchang – Wuhan

47. ___________ is the capital of Shaanxi province, China – Xian

48. The city which contains Japan´s major port and the country´s second largest is – Yokohama

49. What is the capital of Henan province, China – Zhengzhou

50. The people in this capital city in South Asia live in houses made of coral. The city is
located on an island – Male

51. The former name of the city Yangon is – Rangoon

52. Which Indian city is the capital of two Indian states but it itself is under the rule of the
Central Government – Chandigarh

53. What city was the capital of Pakistan from 1947 to 1959? – Karachi

54. In what city were 1000 British troops and their families killed by freedom fighters during the Indian revolt of 1857? – Kanpur

55. The former name of Banda Aceh – Kutaraja

56. The former name of Yekaterinburg – Sverdlovsk

57. Which was the second largest city in Sri Lanka? – Kotte

58. The name of the city which is also means ‘Canopy of Wood’ – Kathmandu

59. The headquarters of the fifth largest army in the world is in which of these cities? New
Delhi, Bangalore or Rawalpindi? – Rawalpindi

60. What is the only City in South-Asia which has French as an official language – Pondicherry

61. When King Charles II of Great Britain married a Portuguese princess, she brought this city
with her as dowry – Mumbai (Bombay)

62. The former name of the city Dalian is – Dairen

63. The former name of Xiamen – Amoy

64. The former name of Makassar – Ujung Pandang

65. The largest island in Iran? – Qeshm

66. The largest island in Oman? – Masirah

67. The former name of Jayapura – Hollandia

68. The former name of Kota Kinabalu – Jesselton

69. The former name of Jakarta – Batavia

70. The former name of Bandar Seri Begawan – Brunei Town

71. Which is the name of a city in both India and Pakistan? – Hyderabad

72. The former name of Astana – Tselinograd

73. Name the biggest island in Japan? – Honshu

74. The biggest island in India? – Middle Andaman

75. The former name of Bandar Khomeyni is – Bandar Shahpur

76. The former name of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is – Toyohara

77. What is the name of the former principality that was located between Nepal and Bhutan? – Sikkim

78. The mouth of the Ganges river can be found within what country? – Bangladesh

79. What is the largest island in Asia? – Borneo

80. How many of the top ten most populated countries of the world are located, at least partly,
in Asia? – 7

81. Which country shares the longest continuous border with China? – Mongolia

82. Which central Asian country, with the cities of Tashkent and Namangan, is one of the two
doubly landlocked countries in the world? – Uzbekistan

83. Which eastern/central Asian country, bordering China, is one of the least densely populated
countries in the world? – Mongolia

84. Which country, spanning two continents, has identified the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or
PKK, as a terrorist group? – Turkey

85. Which country, which has the city of Surabaya, also has land on the 2nd largest island on
the planet? – Indonesia

86. The former name of Shenyang is – Mukden

87. The former name of Guangzhou – Canton

88. What island country, south of Taiwan, has a major religion of Roman Catholicism, and is
prone to typhoons because of its location? – Philippines

89. What teardrop shaped island country has maritime borders with the Maldives, and another
country to its north? – Sri Lanka

90. What southeast Asian country is home to the Tonle Sap lake, a lake which floods to over
five times its size during the monsoon season? – Cambodia

91. Which extremely populated country has constituted a one-child policy in order to control
its population? – China
92. The former name of Vladikavkaz – Ordzhonikidze

93. The former name of Ganca, or Gandzha is – Kirovabad

94. Which very densely populated country separated from Pakistan in 1971? – Bangladesh

95. Which industrialized country has the largest metropolitan area in the world, and has more
than 6,000 islands? – Japan

96. Biggest island in China? (excluding Taiwan which is claimed by China) – Hainan

97. What is the largest island in South Korea? – Cheju

98. Which is the largest island in Philippines? – Luzon

99. The former name of Khudzhand – Leninabad

100. Name the largest island in Thailand – Phuket

100 Questions & Answers About Asia Read More »

General Knowledge, MCQs / Q&A, World

MCQs Misc. Topics (September 9, 2018)

What type of animals make up the biggest group of amphibians? –
a. Bats
b. Frogs

What film series stars Marlon Brando and Al Pacino as leaders of a New York Mafia family? –
a. The Godfather
b. American Gangster

How many hours are there in one full week? –
a. 168 hours
b. 192 hours

Which Roman numerals represent the number 40? –
a. LX
b. XL

The diameter is half of the radius? –
a. True
b. False

Which country was Arnold Schwarzenegger born in? –
a. America
b. Cuba
c. Australia
d. Austria

During which year did the Apple iPhone first go on sale? –
a. 2000
b. 2004
c. 2005
d. 2007

Which country is Santiago the capital of? –
a. Somalia
b. Chile

Who designed the Statue of Liberty? –
a. Bartholdi
b. Igor Sikorsky

Which is the only mammal that able to kneel on all fours? –
a. Elephant
b. Camel

Where was the first nuclear reactor built? –
a. USA
b. France

Which country has the most football clubs? –
a. Spain
b. South Africa

What is the name of the branch of medicine that focuses on eyesight?
a. Oncology
b. Optometry

In a game of cricket, how many runs are awarded for hitting the ball over the boundary rope without bouncing? –
a. Four Runs
b. Six Runs

At 119 miles long, what is the name of Scotland’s longest river?
A. River Tay
B. River Dublin

Since 1987, which Tennis Grand Slam tournament has been the fourth and final in the tennis calendar? –
a. Australian Open
b. US Open

What is the name of the founder of the company Amazon who later went on to purchase The Washington Post newspaper?
a. Jeff Bezos
b. Steve Jobs

Which is the only country to have taken part in every football World Cup ?
a. Brazil
b. France

Writer of Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift is ?
a. American
b. British
c. Irish 
d. Greek

Clark Kent is the real name of which superhero?
a. Superman
b. Mr. Bean

“Alter Ego”
a. Close friend
b. Worst enemy
c. Distant relative
d. Forgotten Incident

Into how many regions the brain is mainly divided
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

Cuba is located in:
a. Central Asia
b. Eastern Europe
c. North America 
d. Far Fast

Which out of the flowing took place in 1963?
a. Indo Soviet Military Pact
b. Settlement of Pak Chin Border dispute
c. Uprising in Kashmir
d. Indo China war

During the anti- government movement of 1977, who was the President of PNA(Pakistan National Alliance)
a. Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan
b. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
c. Air Marshall Asghar Khan
d. Khan Abdul Wali Khan

Who is considered to be the Chief Architect of 1956 Constitution ?
a. Muhammad Ali Bogra
b. Ch. Muhammad Ali

Who was the 1st Muslim Caliph of Spain ?
a. Abd Al Malik
b. Abd ar-Rahman

The Muslim Invaded Spain in :
a. 714
b. 713
c. 712
d. 711

The Secon Ummayiad Caliph was:
a. Walid bin Abul Malik
b. Yazid bin Muawiya

Whic Abbasid Caliph laid the foundation of “Baghdad”
a. Harun Ur Rashid
b. Abbasi al Safah
c. Mamun Ur Rashid
d. Al Mansoor

“A Short History of the Saracens” was written by?
a. Allama Hibli Naumani
b. Syed Ameer Ali 
c. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
d. None

Iron Lady ??
a. Margret Thatcher
b. Inda Gandhi
c. Razia Sultana
d. Benazir Bhutto

Correct Spellings
a. Tusion
b. Tuition

A remedy for all deceases is know as :
a. Antiseptic
b. Panacea

Opposite of “Paucity”
a. Scanty
b. Abundance

MCQs Misc. Topics (September 9, 2018) Read More »

History, MCQs / Q&A, World

Day by Day Current Affairs (August 29, 2018)

 August 29, 2018; National Current Affairs

  1. Cabinet forms six bodies to execute reforms agenda
  • In a move to implement its 100-day plan of `change`, the federal cabinet on August 28, 2018 set up six committees to introduce reforms in different sectors and to carve out a new province from Punjab, besides appointing the Intelligence Bureau (IB) director general and the head of National Counterterrorism Authority (Nacta).
  • The cabinet meeting, which was chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan, also decided to expedite the process of the merger of the erstwhile Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).
  • The cabinet decided to appoint Nacta chairman Dr Mohammad Suleman Khan (a grade-22 officer of the police service) as IB director general, while commandant of the National Police Academy Mehr Khalig Dad Lak, also a grade 22 officer, has been appointed as Nacta chairman in his place.
  • Another task force was formed on National Accountability Bureau (NAB) law reforms with main focus to retrieve national wealth laundered to other countries. Another task force constituted on Criminal Procedure Code reforms was asked to give its recommendations within 90 days to address the problems being faced by antiterrorism courts.
  • Other task forces were set up for introducing austerity measures, reforms in civil services /federal government restructuring, civil laws and the health sector.
  • One of the important decisions made in the meeting was that the government would not remove any official working on a contractual basis.
  1. Pakistan, India to begin talks on water disputes today
  • A nine-member delegation led by the Indian water commissioner arrived on August 28, 2018 for talks with their Pakistani counterparts on water disputes on the platform of the Pakistan-India Permanent Indus Commission.
  • Pakistan Water Commissioner Syed Mohammad Mehar Ali Shah welcomed the delegation, headed by Indian Water Commissioner Pradeep Kumar Saxena, at the Wagah border.
  • The two-day deliberations on water disputes will begin on August 29, 2018 (today). The talks will be held at the offices of the National Engineering Services of Pakistan (Nespak) in Lahore.
  • The Indian team was earlier supposed to arrive here for talks in July but the visit was rescheduled in view of the July 25 general elections.
  • The water commissioners of the neighbouring countries are required to meet twice a year and arrange technical visits to projects` sites and critical river headworks.
  • A government official said they would raise their concerns over the construction of 1,000MW Pakal Dul and 48MW Lower Kalnal hydroelectric projects on the River Chenab by New Delhi, ignoring Islamabad`s objections to their designs.
  1. Senate panel okays idea of criminalising enforced disappearances
  • A Senate committee on August 28, 2018 approved the idea of criminalising enforced disappearances.
  • Chairman of the Senate`s Functional Committee on Human Rights Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar gave the Ministry ofHuman Rights a month to engage all stakeholders to draft a bill for criminalising enforced disappearances and making it a punishable offence.
  • The directive came after the Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry on Enforced Disappearances, retired Justice Javed Iqbal, urged the committee to goforlegalsanctions torecover all missing persons. The meeting was informed that at presentallcases ofenforced disappearances were registered under Section 365 of the penal code which dealt with kidnapping.
  1. FBR gets new chief
  • The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) government on August 28, 2018 posted a senior officer of Pakistan Administration Services (PAS), Dr Muhammad Jehanzeb Khan, as chairman Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).
  • Mr Khan has also been given the additional post of secretary Revenue Division.
  • The outgoing FBR head, Ms Rukhsana Yasmin, who was posted as the first woman chairperson of the board on July 2 by the interim government, currently awaits directives on her new posting.
  • Dr Jehanzeb has served in Punjab for 10 years. He was serving as the secretary Board of Investment after being transferred by interim provincial government.
  • Previously, he has served as the chairman Planning and Development Board during the PML-N government.
  • PTI has emerged as the third consecutive party after PPP and PML-N to have posted non-tax officers from PAS to head FBR right at the start of their respective terms.
  • The PPP government had posted PAS officers including Sohail Ahmed, followed by Salman Siddique as chairmen FBR, while the PML-N government followed the previous government`s tradition when it posted Tariq Bajwa, a senior officer of PAS as chairman FBR.
  1. `2.2m abortions per year indicate unmet contraceptive demand`
  • A representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) on August 28, 2018 said 2.2 million abortions were carried out in Pakistan every year which clearly showed that there was an unmet demand for contraceptives in the country.
  • `Imagine how difficult it would be for a woman in Pakistan to go for an abortion. It shows that she did not want pregnancy but we failed to provide her the contraceptive. It is not acceptable at all and we need to do something to avoid such pregnancies,` Dr Hassan Mohtashami said at the launch of Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS). The survey was conducted by the National Institute of Population Studies (NIPS).
  • Dr Mohtashami said though Pakistan maynot achieve the commitment of family planning by 2020 it was not about an international commitment rather about the health of women.
  • As many as 34pc women were using any kind of contraceptives. The use of modern contraceptives was highest in Islamabad and lowest in Balochistan. The trend of unmet need for family planning has decreased from 31pc (in 1990) to 17pc. Under-five mortality rate is 74 per 1,000 children and the infant mortality rate is 62 per 1,000 live births. Around 66pc children received all vaccines and only four per cent did not get any vaccine.
  1. `Education, health emergency` in Balochistan
  • The Balochis tan government has decided to impose health and education emergency in the province and bring maximum entities in tax net through widening the working of the Balochistan Revenue Authority to increase provincial financial resources for reducing deficit of the current budget.
  • These decisions were made in the maiden meeting of the six-party alliance coalition`s cabinet here on August 28, 2018, which lasted for several hours with Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Alyani in the Chair.
  • The newly inducted minister, Zahoor Ahmed Buledi, announced the decisions after the cabinet meeting.

August 29, 2018; International Current Affairs

  1. Russia to hold biggest exercises since Cold War
  • Russia will next month hold its biggest war games since the fall of the Soviet Union, Defence Minister Sergei Sholgu said on August 28, 2018, a massive military exercise that will also involve the Chinese and Mongolian armies.
  • The exercise, called Vostok-2018 (East-2018), will take place in central and eastern Russian military districts and involve almost 300,000 troops, more than 1,000 military aircraft, two of Russia`s naval fleets, and all of its airborne units, Shoigu said in a statement.
  • The manoeuvres will take place at a time of heightened tension between the West and Russia, which is concerned about what it says is an unjustified build-up of the Nato military alliance on its western flank.
  • Nato says it has beefed up its forces in eastern Europe to deter potential Russian military action after Moscow annexed Ukraine`s Crimea in 2014 and backed a pro-Russian uprising in eastern Ukraine.
  1. American poet Sonia Sanchez wins $100,000 prize
  • Poet and author Sonia Sanchez has won a $100,000 lifetime achievement prize. The Academy of American Poets announced on August 28, 2018 that Sanchez is this year’s winner of the Wallace Stevens Award. Sanchez, 83, is known for such collections as Shake Loose My Skin: New and Selected Poems.
  • Also on August 28, 2018, five young poets received fellowships worth more than $25,000 apiece.
  • On August 28, 2018, the Poetry Foundation’s Poetry Magazine announced this year’s winners of the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship. The poets are Safia Elhillo, Hieu Minh Nguyen, Sam Sax, Natalie Scenters-Zapico, and Paul Tran. With prize money totaling $129,000, each will be given $25,800.
  • The fellowship was started in 1989. Winners must be between age 21 and 31 and the money is meant to give them time to write and study poetry. Work from each of the five winners will appear in the December issue of Poetry Magazine.

August 29, 2018; Sports Current Affairs

  1. Pakistan down arch-rivals India in volleyball, thrash BD in hockey
  • Of the three victories for Pakistan at the Asian Games on August 28, 2018, there was little doubt that the one by the volleyball team was the sweetest.
  • After all this was against arch-rivals India, even if it was a 9-12th place playoff.
  • On a day when the hockey team produced yet another commanding performance, recording their fifth straight win, and the squash team won its third consecutive match, it was the 3-1 volleyball victory over India that was most celebrated.
  • In a contest lasting 100 minutes, Pakistan came back from a set down to win 21-25, 25-21, 25-21, 25-23 and will now face China in a 7-10th place playoff.
  • Pakistan closed their Pool `B` campaign in hockey with a perfect record after another big win, thrashing Bangladesh 5-0 to set up asemi-final against Japan on August 30, 2018. Atig Arshad and Mubashar Ali both scored two goals each while Ali Shan added the other goal.
  1. PCB unveils dates of Australia, NZ series in UAE
  • Australia will play their first Test since the infamous ball-tampering saga on the ill-fated tour of South Africa last March when Pakistan host them in the United Arab Emirates in a two-match series from Oct 7 besides three Twenty20 Internationals.
  • New Zealand then arrive in the UAE to take on Pakistan in three Tests, three One-day Internationals, and as many Twenty20 Internationals.
  • According to the schedule announced on August 28, 2018 by the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB), Australia open their tour with a four-day first-class fixture against Pakistan `A` at the ICC Academy in Dubai.
  • Pakistan, who are currently the top ranked side in the shortest format, would be playing six T20 Internationals in the space of 12 days since they also host New Zealand in three matches from Oct 31 to Nov 4.
  • The forthcoming months are probably Pakistan`s busiest in the lead-up to the 2019 ICC World Cup in England because Sarfraz Ahmed`s men kickstart the international season with the Asia Cup in the UAE from Sept 15 before playing Australia and New Zealand.

Day by Day Current Affairs (August 29, 2018) Read More »

Current Affairs, Sports, Test, World

NTS Pak Current Affairs MCQs With Answers

1. Due to which militant group, Iran threatened Pakistan that they would hit bases of Militants inside Pakistan?
B. Lashkar-e-Taiba
C. Jaish-al-Adl
D. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan

Answer: Option C

2. How many members joint investigation team (JIT) formed by Sup¬reme Court?
A. 4 members (JIT) team
B. 6 members (JIT) team
C. 7 members (JIT) team
D. None of these

Answer: Option B

3. Name the Head of Joint investigation team (JIT) to probe Panama case?
A. Wajid Zia (FIA)
B. Brigadier Muhammad Nauman Saeed (ISI)
C. Brigadier Kamran Khurshid (MI).
D. Irfan Naeem Mangi (NAB).

Answer: Option A

4. Who is the current IG of Islamabad Police?
A. Ahmed Khan
B. Muhammad Khalid Khattak
C. Tahir Masood Yasin
D. Sikandar Hayat

Answer: Option B

5. Who is the current IG of Balochistan Police?
A. Mr. Tariq Umar Khittab
B. Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed Sukhera
C. Rao Amin Hashim
D. Mr. Ahsan Mehboob

Answer: Option D

6. Who is the Current IG of Punjab Police?
A. Mushtaq Sukhera
B. Usman Khattak
C. Arif Nawaz
D. Ameen Venus

Answer: Option B

7. Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. Special Forces during raid in Abbottabad on____________?
A. 2nd May 2010
B. 3rd May 2010
C. 2nd May 2011
D. 3rd May 2011

Answer: Option C

8. Name the Pakistani Cricket player who announced his retirement from Test cricket in April-2017?
A. Younas Khan
B. Shahid Khan Afridi
C. Misbah Ul Haq
D. Mohammed Yousaf

Answer: Option C

9. Name the Imam-i-Kaaba who was invited by Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (JUI-F) for Centenary celebrations on 6th April 2017?
A. Hassan Al Bukhari
B. Ahmad Mohammad Al al-Abbas
C. Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais
D. Sheikh Saleh bin Muhammad Bin Talib

Answer: Option D

10. Who is the current IG of Sindh police?
A. Allah Dino Khowaja
B. Ghulam Hyder Jamali
C. Nasir Khan Durrani
D. Shahid Nadeem Baloch

Answer: Option A

11. Who is the current IG of KPK police?
A. Ihsan Ghani
B. Salahuddin Mehsud
C. Nasir Khan Durrani
D. Ali Ahmed

Answer: Option B

12. State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) will issue a Coin in Recognition of Edhi’s services on March 31 2017, will worth Rs___________?
A. RS 30
B. RS 40
C. RS 50
D. RS 60

Answer: Option C

13. Name the First Woman Chief Executive Officer and President of of a Major Pakistani Bank?

Answer: Option D

14. Who is the current Chief Justice of Sindh High Court?
A. Justice Ahmed Ali M. Sheikh
B. Justice Sajjad Ali Shah
C. Justice Faisal Arab
D. Justice Maqbool Baqar

Answer: Option A

15. Sixth population census Started on 15th March 2017, which is being carried out after___________years?
A. 17 Years
B. 18 Years
C. 19 Years
D. 20 Years

Answer: Option C

16. Who won Pakistan Super League 2017?
A. Peshawar Zalmi
B. Quetta Gladiators
C. Karachi Kings
D. Islamabad United

Answer: Option A

17. Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad means ______________?
A. Path to Salvation
B. Elimination of discord
C. Sharp and cutting strike
D. None of these

Answer: Option B

18. Pakistan Army on launched ‘Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad’ across the country on ______________?
A. 13th Jan 2017
B. 2nd Feb 2017
C. 15th Feb 2017
D. 22nd Feb 2017

Answer: Option D

19. Which country boycotts South Asian Speakers’ summit-2017 ?
A. Pakistan
B. Nepal
C. Maldives
D. Sri Lanka

Answer: Option A

20. South Asian Speakers’ Summit-2017 19-20 Feb 2017 will be held in___________?
A. Colombo, Sri Lanka
B. Kathmandu, Nepa
C. Indore, India
D. Male, Maldives

Answer: Option C

21. Who is Newly appointed Ambassador of Pakistan to USA?
A. Jalil Abbas Jilani
B. Tahmina Janjua
C. Aizaz Chaudhary
D. Nafees Zakria

Answer: Option C

22. Who is currently appointed as adviser to the prime minister on aviation PIA?
A. Zafar Iqbal Jahgra
B. Azam Shigal
C. Tariq Fatmi
D. Sardar Mehtab Ahmed Khan

Answer: Option D

23. The 13th Meeting of the ECO Heads of State/Government on 1st March 2017 will be hosted by__________?
A. Pakistan
B. Turkey
C. Iran
D. China

Answer: Option A

24. Which team has won blind cricket T-20 world cup-on 12 february 2017 in India?
A. Pakistan
B. Australia
C. India
D. West Indies

Answer: Option C

25. How many countries had participated in conducting international naval exercise ‘Aman-17’ in the Arabian Sea off the coast of Karachi on 10 to 14 February-2017?
A. 21
B. 38
C. 27
D. 17

Answer: Option B

26. Bhikki Power Plant, district Sheikhupura has installed capacity of__________?
A. 1180 MW
B. 1320 MW
C. 480 MW
D. 1480 MW

Answer: Option A

27. Which Renowned Pakistani novelist passes away on 4th February -2017 at the age of 88 years?
A. Fatima Surayya Bajia
B. Razia Butt
C. Bano Qudsia
D. Parveen Shakir

Answer: Option C

28. Ex PM Nawaz Shairf has inaugurated 75-km long section of Karachi-Hyderabad motorway(total length would be 136 KM) on 3rd February-2017 it is?
A. M8 Motorway
B. M9 Motorway
C. M12 Motorway
D. M4 Motorway

Answer: Option B

29. Current Deputy Chairman Senate is____________?
A. Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman
B. Marvi Memon
C. Moulana Abdul Gafoor Haidri
D. Faisal Kareem Kundi

Answer: Option C

30. Current Chairman Senate is___________?
A. Ayaz Sadiq
B. Khrsheed Shah
C. Aitzaz Ehsan
D. Raza Rabbani

Answer: Option D

31. Who became the first Pakistani Women bowler from the country in Women ODIs to take 100 wickets in One-day International?
A. Sana Mir
B. Anam Amin
C. Asmavia Iqbal
D. Bismah Maroof

Answer: Option A

32. Current Governor Sindh is _______________?
A. Murad Ali Shah
B. Dr. Ishratul Ebad
C. Justice(R) Saeed U zaman Saddiqi
D. Muhammad Zubair
updated on 31 jan 2017

Answer: Option D

33. Name the Pakistan’s surface-to-surface ballistic missile, which is capable of delivering multiple warheads using Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology?
A. Shaheen-II
B. Ababeel
C. Nasr
D. Ghauri

Answer: Option B

34. Multan Metro Bus Project Inaugurated by ex-PM Nawaz Sharif on 24th January-2017 completed with cost of 28.88 Billions Rs. its route length is?
A. 22.5 KM
B. 27 KM
C. 33.5 KM
D. 18.5 KM

Answer: Option D

35. Pakistan conducted a successful test of the “Ababeel” surface-to-surface ballistic missile on 24 January 2017, its range is___________?
A. 450 KM
B. 750 KM
C. 2200 KM
D. 1400 KM

Answer: Option C

36. After how many Years Pakistan’s win first ODI on Australian soil in jan 2017?
A. 12 Years
B. 10 Years
C. 15 years
D. None of these

Answer: Option A

37. The late Justice(R) Saeed U zaman Saddiqi Governor Sindh had served as the _________Chief Justice of Pakistan?
A. 13th Chief Justice of Pakistan
B. 14th Chief Justice of Pakistan
C. 15th Chief Justice of Pakistan
D. 16th Chief Justice of Pakistan

Answer: Option C

38. The Shortest-Serving Governor in Sindh’s History is?
A. Murad Ali Shah
B. Dr. Ishratul Ebad
C. Justice(R) Saeed U zaman Saddiqi
D. Khursheed Shah

Answer: Option C

39. Pakistan test fired its first submarine launched cruise missile Babur-III on 9 January 2017, has the range of___________ kilometres?
A. 450 kilometres
B. 550 kilometres
C. 650 kilometres
D. 700 kilometres

Answer: Option A

Islamic military coalition formed to combat terrorism is the alliance of ___________ Nations
A. 34 nations
B. 38 Nations
C. 39 Nations
D. 40 Nations

Answer: Option C

41. joint operations center to coordinate and support military operations of Saudi-led Islamic military alliance of 39 Nations against terrorism is located in?
A. Riyadh
B. Jeddah
C. Medina
D. Damma

Answer: Option A

42. Who has been appointed as a Chief of Saudi-led Islamic anti-terror alliance of 39 Nations in January 2017?
A. General (retd) Raheel Sharif
B. General (retd) Ashfaq Parvez Kayani
C. General (retd) Pervez Musharraf
D. General Qamar Javed Bajwa

Answer: Option A

43. Who becomes most experienced international umpire in cricket history in January 2017?
A. Aleem Dar
B. Rod Tucker
C. Sundaram Ravi
D. Marais Erasmus

Answer: Option A

44. Justice Mian Saqib Nisar took oath as Chief justice of Pakistan on __________?
A. 25 December 2016
B. 31 December 2016
C. 1 January 2017
D. 15 January 2017

Answer: Option B

45. Who is Current Chief justice of Pakistan?
A. Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali
B. Justice Mian Saqib Nisar
C. Justice Nasir-ul-Mulk
D. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry

Answer: Option B

46. The current Chief Justice of Peshawar High Court is?
A. Justice Mazhar ALam Khan Miankhel
B. Justice Mian Fasih-ul-Mulk
C. Justice Dost Muhammad Khan
D. Justice Yahya Afridi

Answer: Option D

47. Recently inaugurated Chashma- III nuclear power plant can generate___________ megawatts of electricity?
A. 340 megawatts
B. 360 megawatts
C. 400 megawatts
D. 150 megawatt

Answer: Option A

48. Pak-Jordan joint military exercise held in December-2016 near Attock, called?
A. Raadul Baraq
B. Ataturk-IX
C. Friendship-2016
D. Fajr-ul-Sharq 1

Answer: Option D

49. Ex PM Nawaz has inaugurated 340 MW Chashma Nuclear Project-III in Mianwali on 28 December-2016 with the help of?
A. China
B. Turkey
C. Russia
D. Canada

Answer: Option A

50. How many regulatory bodies placed under the administrative control of the respective ministries concerned in December 2016?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 7

Answer: Option C

51. Who becomes first Pakistani to win ICC Spirit of Cricket Award in December 2016?
A. Shahid Khan Afridi
B. Misbah-ul-Haq
C. Younas khan
D. Azhar Ali

Answer: Option B

52. China Pakistan Economics Corridor (CPEC) total length?
A.2896 KM
B. 7200 KM
C. 2442 KM
C. 4400 KM

Answer: Option C

53. Who is Current DG Rangers Sindh?
A. Major Nadeem
B. Gen Muhammad Saeed
C. Gen Rizwan Akhtar
D. Gen Asim Bajwa

Answer: Option B

54. The 10-rupee coin, recently issued by SBP, contains the picture of _____________?
A. Derawar Fort
B. Gwadar Port
C. Badshahi Mosque
D. Faisal Mosque

Answer: Option D

55. What is the name of the “chaiwala” Who got famous from social media in 2016?
A. Kamal Khan
B. Irshad Khan
C. Rasheed Khan
D. Arshad Khan

Answer: Option D

56. Pakistan will conduct its ____________ Population cencus in 2017?
A. 4th population census
B. 5th population census
C. 6th population census
D. 7th population census

Answer: Option C

57. Pakistan’s sixth population census will be carried out in _____________?
A. February 2017
B. March 2017
C. April 2017
D. May 2017

Answer: Option B

58. Who is newly Appointed DG ISPR of Pakistan Army?
A. Lt General Asim Saleem Bajwa
B. Major General Asif Ghafoor
C. Major General Athar Abbas
D. Major General Waheed Arshad

Answer: Option B

59. USA have signed an agreement to provide Rs 8.5 billion to the WAPDA for the construction of?
A. Dia Mir Bahasha Dam Project
B. Kala Bagh Dam Project
C. Kurram Tangi Dam Project
D. Mirani Dam Project

Answer: Option C

60. Name the special task force, which is established in December 2016 by Pakistan Navy to safeguard and protect the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as well as Gwadar port?
A. Task Force 21
B. Task Force 44
C. Task Force 88
D. Task Force 2

Answer: Option C

61. Who is the First Pakistani female member of bomb disposal squad (BDU)?
A. Shazadi Gillani
B. Maryyam
C. Rafia Qaseem Baig
D. None of these

Answer: Option C

62. According to a notification by the Ministry of Law and Justice, Who will be the next Chief Justice of Pakistan in 2017?
A. Justice Mian Saqib Nisar
B. Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali
C. Justice Asif Saeed Khan Khosa
D. Justice Amir Hani Muslim

Answer: Option A

63. Name the University which Department to be rename as “Abdus Salam Center for Physics” Approved by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in December 2016?
A. Punjab University (Lahore)
B. Quaid-e-Azam University (Islamabad)
C. Gomal University (DI Khan)
D. All of Above

Answer: Option B

64. Name the International University which started Benazir Bhutto Leadership Program (BBLP) / international leadership course in December 2016?
A. University of Oxford
B. Harvard University
C. University of Cambridge
D. None of these

Answer: Option B

65. The 2017 Heart of Asia – Istanbul Ministerial Process will be hosted by which country?
A. Pakistan
B. India
C. Bhutan
D. Azerbaijan

Answer: Option D

66. Heart of Asia – Istanbul Ministerial Process on December 3 to December 4, 2016 was hosted by which country?
A. Pakistan
B. India (Amritsar city)
C. Bhutan
D. Iran

Answer: Option B

67. How many Participating Countries are there in Heart of Asia Conference?
A. 12 Participating Countries
B. 14 Participating Countries
C. 16 Participating Countries
D. None of these

Answer: Option B

68. Number of Supporting Countries in Heart of Asia – Istanbul Ministerial Process are?
A. 15 Supporting Countries
B. 17 Supporting Countries
C. 19 Supporting Countries
D. None of these

Answer: Option B

69. Pakistan has started direct train and freight service in December 2016 with which Country?
A. Iran
B. India
C. Afghanistan
D. China

Answer: Option D

70. Till now, How many Chief of Army Staff (COAS), of Pakistan are selected from Baloch Regiment?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. None of these

Answer: Option C

71. General Qamar Javed Bajwa took oath as Army Chief on __________?
A. 23 November 2016
B. 25 November 2016
C. 27 November 2016
D. 29 November 2016

Answer: Option D

72. General Zubair Hayat is the ___________ Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) of Pakistan?
A. 13th
B. 15th
C. 16th
D. 17th

Answer: Option D

73. Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa is___________ Chief of Amy Staff of Pakistan?
A. 13th
B. 15th
C. 16th
D. None of these

Answer: Option C

74. Newly selected Army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa belongs to Regiment___________?
A. 6th FF
B. 16th Baloch Ragiment
C. 5th Punjab
D. 13th Lancers

Answer: Option B

75. Who is the Current Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), Pakistan?
A. General Rashad Mahmood
B. General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani
C. General Zubair Hayat
D. General Raheel Sharif

Answer: Option C

76. Who is the Current Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Pakistan?
A. Gen Raheel Sharif
B. Gen Ashfaq Parvaz kayani
C. Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa
D. Gen Zubair Hayat

Answer: Option C

77. Name the cricket Stadium which is located in Khyber Agency and inaugurated by Gen Raheel Sharif in November 2016?
A. Younas Khan cricket stadium
B. Shahid Afridi cricket stadium
C. Gaddafi Stadium
D. Arbab Niaz Stadium

Answer: Option B

78. Pakistan Army shoots down Indian Quad Copter drone at LOC in November 2016 at which sector?
A) Bhimber Sector
B) Rakhchakri Sector
C) Shahkot sector
D) Jura sector.

Answer: Option B

79. PAKISTAN 9th International Defense Exhibition and Seminar to be held on 22-25 November-2016 in Karachi Expo Center, its name?
A. Defense Production Workshop-2016
B. Army Arms Ideas-2016
C. IDEAS-2016
D. Combat-2016

Answer: Option C

80. Who was the only Pakistani to have climbed six of the world’s tallest mountains of 8000 m passed away on 21-Nov-2016 due to blood Cancer?
A. Ashraf Amman
B. Nazeer Sabar
C. Numera Saleem
D. Hassan Sadpara

Answer: Option D

81. Current Minister of Planning and Development of Pakistan?
A. Nawaz Sharief
B. Khwaja Saad Rafique
C. Ahsan Iqbal
D. Zafar ul Haq

Answer: Option C

82. Ishratul Ebad has longest tenure as a Governor of any province of Pakistan?
A. 12 years (2001-2012)
B. 16 Years ( 2001-2016)
C. 14 Years ( 2002-2016)
D. 10 Years ( 2006-2016)

Answer: Option C

83. First caretaker female chief election commissioner of Pakistan who took oath on 7 November-2016?
A. Justice Majida Rizvi
B. Asima Jhangir
C. Maryam Orangzaib
D. Justice (Retd) Irshad Qaiser

Answer: Option D

84. Current National Assembly of Pakistan is_________?
A. 12th National Assembly
B. 13th National Assembly
C. 14th National Assembly
D. 16th National Assembly

Answer: Option C

85. 22nd Amendment in 1973 Constitution of Pakistan is related to____________?
A. Pak Army Trail Courts
B. Powers of Election Commission Members
C. Related to NRO
D. Not made yet

Answer: Option B

86. Woman Seats in Senat?
A. 12
B. 17
C. 4
D. 10

Answer: Option B

87. Renowned former producer and director of PTV died at the age of 73 years due to lung complications in Lahore on 4-11-2016, name?
A. Sohail Azeem
B. Bushra Adil
C. Yawar Hayat
D. Azeem Bombywalay

Answer: Option C

88. Who received the ‘most resilient journalist award’ by the International Free Press in Hague, Holland on 2nd November-2016
A. Javed Chauhdary
B. Hamid Mir
C. Talat Huusain
D. Kamran Khan

Answer: Option B

89. Terrorists attacked on Police Training Center on 25 October-2016 night which result 61 martyred and 124 injured in?
A. Peshawar
B. Quetta
C. Karachi
D. Rawalpindi

Answer: Option B

90. Pakistan Army won the gold medal at an annual international military patrolling exercise, ‘Exercise Cambrian Patrol’ held in?
A. New South Wales, Australia
B. Moscow, Russia
C. Wales, United Kingdom
D. Istanbul, Turkey

Answer: Option C

91. Which Pakistani footballer died in a road accident in Karachi on October 13, 2016?
A. Shahlyla Baloch
B. Samreen Marvi
C. Iffat Saeed
D. None of Above

Answer: Option A

92. Who have made first century,double century and also triple century in day and night Test Match with pink ball in Oct-2016?
A. Veerat Kohli (IndiA.
B. Brandom Macalum (NuzilanD.
C. Azhar Ali (Pakistan)
D. Hashim Amlaa (South AfricA.

Answer: Option C

93. Pakistan issued $1 billion five-year Sukuk bonds on October 6, 2016 @ the rate of__________?
A. 9.3%
B. 7.5%
C. 5.5%
D. 4.75%

Answer: Option C

94. Which Bank has installed world highest ATM at Pakistan-China border in Khunjerab Pass in October-2016?
A. National Bank of Pakistan (NBP)
B. Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB)
C. United Bank Limited (UBL)
D. Allied Bank Limited. (ABL)

Answer: Option A

95. 19th SAARC conference-2016 which was going to held in Islamabad, Pakistan has postponed due to opposite of 3 SAARC Countries?
A. Nepal, India, Bangladesh
B. India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh
C. Bangladesh, Afghanistan, India
D. None of Above

Answer: Option C

96. Which country declared as the third largest host for refugees by Amnesty International in October-2016?
A. Jordan
B. Turkey
C. Germany
D. Pakistan

Answer: Option D

97. Joint Military Exercises Started between Pakistan & Russia in September-2016, called_________?
A. Inspired Gambit
B. North Thunder
C. Operation Rajjgal
D. Druzhba 2016 OR (Friendship 2016)

Answer: Option D

98. Seven Years old British Pakistani who became world’s youngest computer programmer in September-2016?
A. Muhammad Usaman
B. Hamza Shahzad
C. Ali Raza
D. Imran Abbas

Answer: Option B

99. Military Exercises held in September-2016 between Pak & USA in South Carolina,called?
A. Thunder Bolt
B. Joint C-2016
C. Inspired Gambit
D. none of Above

Answer: Option C

100. Current Hijri Year is ?
A. 1435 AH
B. 1437 AH
C. 1438 AH
D. 1434 AH

Answer: Option C

101. Which country got first position in Test Ranking in Cricket in its History on 22 Aug-2016?
A. Pakistan
B. India
C. South Africa
D. Sri Lanka

Answer: Option A

102. Member of Sindh Assembly and MQM resigned on 22 Aug-2016 ?
A. Farooq Sattar
B. Kashmala Tariq
C. Waseem Akhtar
D. Iram Farooqi

Answer: Option D

103. Which country won first position by wining 121 medals in Olympics-2016?
B. China
D. Russia

Answer: Option C

104. Tallest Building of Pakistan?
A. Burj Khalifa
B. Habib Bank Plaza, Karachi
C. Minar-e-Pakistan Lahore
D. Icon Tower, Karachi

Answer: Option D

105. Pakistan Army conducting an operation along the Pak-Afghan border in Khyber Agency, called?
A. Operation Zarb-e- Azab
B. Operation Rah-e-Nijaat
C. Operation Rajjgal
D. Operation Zarb-e-Ahaan

Answer: Option C

106. Pakistan has launched its biggest Navy’s Warship Fleet Tanker with the help of ?
A. Turkey
B. China
C. Canada

Answer: Option A

107. Who is Chairman NADRA ?
A. Syed Muzzafar
B. Uzma Adil
C. Abid Sher Ali
D. Usman Yousaf Mobeen

Answer: Option D

108. Pakistan has became 6th time world champion on 17 Aug-2016 in?
A. Cricket
B. Junior Squash
C. Hockey
D. Kabadi

Answer: Option B

109. Recently in which country Amnesty International has closed its offices?
A. Afghanistan
B. Pakistan
C. India
D. Syria

Answer: Option C

110. Current President of Azad Kashmir is?
A. Ch. Abdul Majeed
B. Sardar Masood Khan
C. Raja Farooq
D. Sardar Yaqoob

Answer: Option B

111. “Combing operation” Means________________?
A. A searching operation by Forces to find out hidden terrorists.
B. Kidney Operation by qualified Surgeons
C. A bill passed by Pakistani Parliament.
D. None of Above

Answer: Option A

112. Neelum-Jhelum Hydropower Plant based in Muzzafarabad will produce electricity?
A. 969 Mwt
B. 4500 Mwt
C. 425 Mgw
D. 3200 Mwt

Answer: Option A

113. Ex Pakistani Cricket Captain Hanif Muhammad died on 11 Aug-2016 at the age of 81 years, got the title?
A. Flying Shaheen
B. Little Master
C. Asian Legend
D. None of Above

Answer: Option B

114. Russia will invest__________ in the construction of North-South gas pipeline.
A. $1 billion
B. $2 billion
C. $3 billion
D. $4 billion

Answer: Option B

115. The North-South gas pipeline will transport LNG from____________?
A. Karachi to Lahore
B. Lahore to Karachi
C. Gwadar to Karachi
D. Gwadar to Sukkur

Answer: Option A

116. The total length of North-South gas pipeline is_____________?
A. 1,000 km
B. 1,100 km
C. 1,200 km
D. 1,300 km

Answer: Option B

117. Around _______billion m3 of gas would be transported from Karachi to Lahore per annum through North-South gas pipeline.
A. 11.0
B. 11.4
C. 12.0
D. 12.4

Answer: Option D

118. The total length of Karachi-Lahore Motorway is___________?
A. 1,000 km
B. 1,100 km
C. 1,200 km
D. 1,300 km

Answer: Option B

119. Pakistan issued 10-year Eurobonds of _____ in the international Eurobond market on 25 September 2015.
A. $5 million
B. $50 million
C. $500 million
D. $5000 million

Answer: Option C

120. The coupon rate of Eurobonds issued on 25 September 2015 is___________%?
A. 7.75%
B. 8.0%
C. 8.25%
D. 8.50%

Answer: Option C

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