A sum of money placed at C.I. interest doubles itself in 5 years. It will amount to eight times itself at the same rate of interest in?

A sum of money placed at C.I. interest doubles itself in 5 years. It will amount to eight times itself at the same rate of interest in?

A. 7 years
B. 10 years
C. 15 years
D. 20 years
P(1 + R/100)5 = 2P => (1 + R/100)5 = 2
Let P(1 + R/100)n = 8P
=> (1 + R/100)n = 8 = 23 = {(1 + R/100)5}3
=> (1 + R/100)n = (1 + R/100)15 => n = 15 Required time = 15 years.