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English Grammar

انگریزی کی کچھ دلچسپ باتیں

1۔ انگلش زبان کے جس بھی لفظ کے شروع یا درمیان میں “q” ہوگا تو اْسکے بعد ہمیشہ “u” آئے گا۔
2۔ “Dreamt” انگلش میں وہ واحد ایسا لفظ ہے جو “mt” پر ختم ہوتا ہے اس کے علاوہ انگلش میں کوئی ایسا لفظ نہیں جو’’mt‘‘پرختم ہو۔
3۔ “Underground” انگلش زبان میں واحد لفظ ہے جو “Und” سے شروع اور “Und” پر ہی ختم ہوتا ہے۔اس کے علاوہ انگلش میں کوئی ایسالفظ نہیں جو’’Und‘‘سے شروع ہواور’’Und‘‘پرختم ہو۔
4۔ پوری انگلش زبان میں صرف چار الفاظ ایسے ہیں جو “dous” پر ختم ہوتے ہیں
Tremendous, Horrendous, Stupendous, & Hazardous
5۔ آکسفورڈ ڈکشنری کے مطابق انگلش زبان کا سب سے بڑا لفظ۔۔!
“pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis” یہ ہے جو کہ پھیپھڑے کی ایک بیماری کا نام ہے۔
6۔ “Therein” انگلش کا ایک ایسا لفظ ہے جس سے دس الفاظ نکل سکتے ہیں۔۔!
, The, There, He, In, Rein, Her, Here, Ere, Therein, Herein
7۔ Key بورڈ پر صرف بائیں ہاتھ کی انگلیوں سے ٹائپ ہونے والا سب سے بڑا بامعنی لفظ “Stewardesses” ہے۔
8۔ ہم اپنی روزمرہ گفتگو میں (ok) کا لفظ بہت استعمال کرتے ہیں لیکن بہت سے افرادکواس کی تاریخ کے بارے میں معلوم نہیں ہوگا۔کہ یہ کیوں بولاجاتاہے ۔اِس کی تاریخ کچھ یوں ہے کہ ایک امریکی صدر “اینڈریو جیکسن” نے all correct کے غلط ہجے یعنی oll kurrect استعمال کرتے ہوئے اس کے ابتدائی حروف o.k کو پاپولر بنا دیا۔
9۔ بہت سے افرادکوانگریزی میں دنیا کے براعظموں کے نام یادکرنے میں دشواری پیش آتی ہے۔ جن کویادکرنے کاایک آسان ساطریقہ یہ ہے۔کہ اگر انگریزی میں لکھیں تو سوائے America , North اور South کے ہر براعظم کا نام جس انگریزی کے حرف سے شروع ہوتا ہے، اسی پر ختم ہوتا ہے۔
1۔ Asia۔۔۔2۔ Africa۔۔۔3۔ America۔۔۔4۔ Antarctica۔۔۔5۔ Europe۔۔۔6۔ Australia
10۔ “Typewriter” کا لفظ ہی وہ واحد بامعنی لفظ ہے جو Key بورڈ کی صرف پہلی قطار کے حروف کے اندر اندر ٹائپ کر سکتے ہیں۔
11۔ خدا حافظ کہنے کے لیے انگریزی کا لفظ “Good Bye” استعمال ہوتا ہے جس کی اصل “God be with you”ہے۔
12۔ انگریزی میں “Silver” اور “Orange” ہی دو ایسے الفاظ ہیں جن کا کوئی ہم قافیہ لفظ انگریزی میں موجود نہیں۔
13۔ انگریزی زبان میں صرف تین الفاظ ایسے ہیں جن میں دو “u” ایک ساتھ آتے ہیں Vacuum, Residuum, Continuum

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English, English Grammar

English Grammar Test Fill in the Blank with Suitable Answer

English Grammar Test Fill in the Blank with Suitable Answer

(correct answers are at the end)

1. A ________ in her hair yesterday.

a) nice yellow bow b) yellow nice bow c) bow nice yellow

2. She lost a ________ .

a) small white cat b) cat small white c) white small cat

3. I bought ________ oranges.

a) great some big b) big great some c) some great big

4. We met ________ people at the conference.

a) very smart two b) two very smart c) very two smart

5. The clown was wearing a ________ hat.

a) big green-yellow b) big green and yellow c) yellow and green big

6. The cookies that you ________ .

a) smell delicious baked b) baked smell delicious c) delicious smell baked

7. Is it ________ ?

a) cold getting outside b) getting cold outside c) getting outside cold

8. The course you are ________ .

a) taking sounds interesting b) sounds interesting taking c) interesting sounds taking

(Correct Answers)
1. nice yellow bow
2. small white cat
3. some great big
4. two very smart
5. big green and yellow
6. baked smell delicious
7. getting cold outside
8. taking sounds interesting

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English, English Grammar, English MCQs / Q&A, MCQs / Q&A, Test

Words Followed By Appropriate Preposition

? *Words Followed By Appropriate Preposition*

◾Abide *By*

◾Abounds *In*

◾Absconded *With*

◾Absorbed *In*

◾Abstained *From*

◾Accede *To*

◾Accord *With*

◾Accused *Of*

◾Accustomed *To*

◾Adapt *To*

◾Addicted *To*

◾Adhere *To*

◾Afflicted *With*

◾Adjourned *To*

◾Affiliated *To*

◾Amounts *To*

◾Appealed *To*

◾Apprised *Of*

◾Approved *Of*

◾Ascribed *To*

◾Assent *To*

◾Assigned *To*

◾Assimilated *Into*

◾Attuned *To*

◾Balance *Up*

◾Bailed *Out*

◾Bargain *For*

◾Begin *With*

◾Benefit *By*

◾Blurt *Out*

◾Bottled *Up*

◾Break *Away*

◾Break *Down*

◾Broke *Out*

◾Break *Through*

◾Bring *About*

◾Bring *Up*

◾Brushed *Off*

◾Burst *Into*

◾Carried *Off*

◾Caught Up *In*

◾Changed *Over*

◾Charged *With*

◾Cleared *Of*

◾Come *About*

◾Came *Across*

◾Round *To*

◾Conceive *Of*

◾Condemned *To*

◾Conferred *With*

◾Conflicts *With*

◾Confronted *With*

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English, English Grammar, Uncategorized

Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning | 6 October 2018

Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
October 06, 2018


 Sinister اشوب، بدشگونی، منحوس

giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen
Synonyms: menacing, threatening, ominous, forbidding, baleful, frightening, eerie, alarming,
Antonyms: auspicious, benign, bright, encouraging, favorable,

Rhetoric فن خطابت، بیان بازی

the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing
Synonyms: oratory, eloquence, power of speech, command of language, expression
Antonyms: inarticulacy, conciseness

Articulate واضح، جوڑنا،

having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently
Synonyms: eloquent, fluent, communicative, effective, persuasive, coherent, lucid, vivid,
Antonyms: inarticulate, hesitant, unintelligible

Coercive تشدد آمیز، دباﺅ، سخت

relating to or using force or threats
Synonyms: bullying, violent, forced, forceful, intimidating, Antonyms:

Snare پھندا، پھندے سے پکڑنا، جال

a trap for catching birds or mammals typically one having a noose of wire or cord
Synonyms: trap, gin, net, noose; rarespringe
Antonyms: disentangle, untangle

Perpetual مستقل طور پر، دائمی، مسلسل ہمیشہ

never ending or changing
Synonyms: everlasting, never-ending, eternal, permanent, unending, endless
Antonyms: transitory, temporary, intermittent

Perplexed مضطرب، پریشان یا حیران، گھبرایا ہوا ہونا

completely baffled; very puzzled
Synonyms: puzzle, baffle, mystify, bemuse, bewilder, confound, confuse, nonplus, disconcert,
Antonyms: undaunted, unfazed, composed, untroubled

Disruptive تفرقہ ڈالنے والا، منتشر کرنا

causing or tending to cause disruption
Synonyms: troublemaking, troublesome, unruly, rowdy, disorderly, undisciplined, attention-seeking,
Antonyms: well behaved, manageable

Sovereign حاکمیت، اقتدار اعلیٰ، مختار

a supreme ruler, especially a monarch
Synonyms: ruler, monarch, supreme ruler, Crown, crowned head, head of state,
Antonyms: inconsequential, insignificant, minor, negligible

Congested گنجان، بھیڑ بھاڑ

(of a road or place) so crowded with traffic or people as to hinder or prevent freedom of movement
Synonyms: crowded, overcrowded, full, overfull, overflowing, full to overflowing/bursting
Antonyms: clear

Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning | 6 October 2018 Read More »

English, English Grammar

How to Improve English Language for CSS / PMS Exams?

Improving English language is imperative for success in CSS. Not only that the very initial couple of papers – English Essay and Précis & Composition – filter out most of the candidates not well versed with English writing skills, the candidates are also required to attempt all papers in English language. Having a good English grammatical foundation is indispensable in this regard.

The best way to improve understanding of English grammar is to study and acquaint oneself with rules of English grammar. A very useful book to learn basic rules of English grammar is ‘English Grammar in Use’ by Raymond Murphy. It contains grammar rules with exercises to help you find out and correct your mistakes.

Read any popular book on CSS English. It helps candidates prepare for examination by focusing specifically on English Précis & Composition paper. Following guidelines would help you improve your writing skills:


Read, read, and read is the rule for improving your writing skills. Give at least a couple of hours daily to reading books.

Quality Books:

Try to read books written by foreign authors who are native English speakers.


Regularly read articles on topics of your interest.


Reading newspapers regularly is a must.


Try to follow English news bulletins. It would enrich your current affairs vocabulary.


Make a habit and read English, write English, converse in English. It would automatically enable you to start thinking in English.


Take notes while reading articles or listening to current affairs programmes.


Maintain a personalized dictionary. Note down words that you find interesting and write their synonyms as well. This habit would give you a useful collection of words and phrases to be used in your scripts.

Chat Rooms & Blogs:

Try to engage in chat forums. In such forums, you have to respond quickly which sharpens your thought process. Moreover, you learn from others’ argumentation.

Public Speaking:

Always look for chances to speak in a group or in front of class. It helps you as you prepare yourself for such occasions and rectify your mistakes through internal feedback.

Revising your write-ups:

Make a habit of editing your scripts. Take help of dictionary and thesaurus and do not hesitate to substitute your phrases and words with more suitable ones. Even if you have to re-write the whole script, do it.


It is important to get your work checked by someone well versed with basic rules of English grammar.

Constructive Criticism:

Always be open to positive criticism for there is always a room for improvement.

How to Improve English Language for CSS / PMS Exams? Read More »

Articles, Current Affairs, English, English Grammar, Guidelines

Antonym Quiz

Antonym Quiz Questions

1. What is the antonym of astute?
a) Fast
b) Quick
c) Brilliant
d) Stupid

2. What is the antonym of bizarre?
a) Straight
b) Flower
c) Ordinary
d) Fall

3. What is the antonym of nadir?
a) Heavy
b) Zenith
c) Life
d) Knowledge

4. What is the antonym of abandon?
a) Keep
b) Divesify
c) Sell
d) Buy

5. What is the antonym of ban?
a) Swim
b) Float
c) Allow
d) Dig

6. What is the antonym of daft?
a) Sensible
b) Light
c) Swoon
d) Peak

7. What is the antonym of relinquish?
a) Distinguish
b) Extinguish
c) Retain
d) Borrow

8. What is the antonym of profound?
a) Heat
b) Superficial
c) Tall
d) Pollution

9. What is the antonym of nasty?
a) Kind
b) Rude
c) Clear
d) Wet

10. What is the antonym of jeer?
a) Drag
b) Push
c) Cheer

Antonym Quiz Questions with Answers

1. What is the antonym of astute?
d) Stupid

2. What is the antonym of bizarre?
c) Ordinary

3. What is the antonym of nadir?
b) Zenith

4. What is the antonym of abandon?
a) Keep

5. What is the antonym of ban?
c) Allow

6. What is the antonym of daft?
a) Sensible

7. What is the antonym of relinquish?
c) Retain

8. What is the antonym of profound?
b) Superficial

9. What is the antonym of nasty?
a) Kind

10. What is the antonym of jeer?
c) Cheer


Antonym Quiz Read More »

English Grammar, MCQs / Q&A

10 Golden Rules on Spelling Correction in English Grammar

Rule 1: When the suffix “full” is added to a word, one “ I” is removed.
Faith + full = faithful
Use + full= useful

Rule 2: If the word to which the suffix “full” is added ends in “ll”, one “I” is removed from the word also.
Skill +full = skilful
Will + full= wilful

Rule 3: Words of two or three syllables ending in single vowel + single consonant double the final consonant if the last syllable is stressed. Eg-
Permit + ed = permitted
Occur + ing =occurring
Control + ed =controlled
Begin + ing = beginning

Rule 4: Consonant ‘L’ is doubled in the words ending in single vowel + “I” before a suffix beginning with a vowel eg.
Signal + ing = signalling
Repel + ent = repellent
Quarrel + ed = quarrelled
Travel + er = traveller

Rule 5: Words ending in silent “e”, drop the “e” before a suffix beginning with a voweleg.
Hope + ing = hoping
Live + ed = lived
Drive + er = driver
Tire + ing= tiring

Rule 6: If the suffix begins with a consonant “e” is not dropped e.g
Hope + full = hopeful
Sincere + ly= sincerely
True + ly = truly
Nine + th = ninth
Argue + ment = argument

Rule 7: A final “y” following a consonant changes to “i” before a suffix except “ing”. Eg.
Carry + ed = carried
Happy + ly = happily
Marry + age = marriage
Beauty + full = beautiful
Marry + ing = marrying
Carry + ing = carrying

Rule 8: A final “y” following a vowel does not change before a suffix. Eg:
Obey + ed = obeyed
Play + er = player
Pray + ed= prayed

Rule 9: When the suffix “ous” is added to a word ending in “ce”, “e” is changed to “i”.
Space + ous= spacious
Vice + ous= vicious
Malice + ous = malicious
Grace + ous= gracious

Rule 10: When the suffix “ing” is added to a word ending in “ie”, “ie” is changed to “y”.
Lie + ing= lying
Die + ing = dying
Tie + ing= tying

10 Golden Rules on Spelling Correction in English Grammar Read More »

English, English Grammar