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Placement of Women in our society___are Women oppressed or dominant?

What is Feminism?

Feminism is a literary movement of struggle, which endorses the set of ideologies and conviction systems. Feminists assert the equality between both sexes and the emancipation of oppressed women as an equal to men. The word ‘feminism’ can be a daunting and confusing word to some. Many people believe that feminism means hating men or wanting women to rule over everything– this could not be supplementary from the accuracy comas! Feminism simply means believing that men and women are equal, neither is better than the other and neither should be treated with more respect than the other – everyone should be equal on all levels, simple as that.

Why is Feminism important?

Importance of feminism

Feminism allows equal opportunities for both sexes. Gender roles (a set of conforming rules that say how a person should behave based on their gender) can be destructive to both men and women. The trendy belief is that women and girls are supposed to take care of the home while boys and men are meant to go out and supply for the family. Can you imagine not being allowed to go to school just because you’re a girl? Or being forced to stay at home and look after the house just because you’re a woman? This is the reality that many girls around the world face, even in this modern and urbanized era. Girls are not sent to school just because they are females and are not allowed to sustain the same rights and conveniences that boys hold. This implies the ideology of Patriarchy, means that women are innately inferior to men.

Even today when a woman gets pregnant, people anticipate and hope that it’s a baby boy. No one feels cheerfulness and joy on the birth of a baby girl. These are not biological but rather societal constructs. Feminists don’t deny the biological differences between men and women; but they don’t agree that how such differences as physical size, shape and body chemistry make men naturally superior to women.

What factors make women inferior and submissive to men.

There are abundant factors which chip into the inferiority and sedition of women in our society, but the foremost grounds are their women themselves have constructed their personalities as acquiescent and dependant on men. They have come to accept that they are good for nothing and therefore men have to look after them, be it their fathers, brothers or husbands. Submissive women their whole lives at first make themselves dependant on their fathers and then later in life on their husbands. They don’t even know the meaning of free sense of self, or how will it like to be free woman. Their personalities from the very start are skilfully constructed and they have been taught to internalize the societal norms. They have to deliver what society expects from them.

  • Effect of media:

Our media sadly is also showing the societal expectations from women, and under many circumstances they are oppressed to keep their mouths shut, no matter of how much pain she must be going through. Failures are expected from women, they’ll say: She couldn’t do it because she is a woman.

“Because I am a woman, I must make unusual effort to succeed. If I fail no one will say, “She doesn’t have what it take” in fact they’ll say, “A woman doesn’t have what it takes”.

Clare Bothe Luce.

On the other hand, Men are not permitted to fail at anything, because failure in any domain implies failure in one’s manhood.

To make this observable fact more lifelike, take the example of Disney’s renowned story Cinderella. It has been scrutinized that childhood stories like these make the young girls to live in the world of imagination and dystopia, because it equates femininity with submission, encouraging women to stomach abuse. Like Cinderella waits uncomplainingly for a man to come and rescue her, and view marriage as the only reward for “right” deportment. The character of Prince Charming which requires men to be wealthy rescuers of the poor beautiful girls is responsible to make their women happy.

          “Women’s chains are forged my men, not by anatomy”

Jane Fonda.

The singular rationale of women now is to get married; they don’t try to build their career because at the end they thought it is of no use since they’ll get married someday. After marriage the purpose of women shifted to their husbands. They try so hard to please their husbands and other people sometimes out of inevitability, that they forget their own self-esteem and reverence, whereas men never make women their sole spotlight, he has millions of other things to worry about. He always spends most of his time working and earning money, because it is his responsibility alone. Women’s soaring education (if she gets any) becomes useless after marriage if she doesn’t put it out practically.

It is only women who are told to make sacrifices and compromises, and in doing so they often settle for less than they warrant. Women have to be of specific age, colour and background to get a perfect match, while no such margins apply to men.

“Man endures pain as an undeserved punishment, while women accepts it as a natural heritage”


Solution to the problems:

Well, I am not saying that all women in our society are oppressed and not enjoying equal right as men does, but rather some are. Some husbands are that much supportive that they not only let their wives to do jobs, but they also fight for their feminist rights, and very evidence itself proves that Feminism is not gender biased. It is an ideology. It is a belief system which works for some people and not others. If a man is doing a job, then a woman also could. If a man is an educated doctor than a woman can also achieve that. If a man rides a motorcycle than a woman can also do so. Nothing in this world is gender biased, it is us, this society and our slender minded thinking that has made the matters that much complicated.

A woman should work, not because out of the need for money, but rather to keep herself busy and to focus her mind other than domestic issues. But nothing should be imposed on anyone if she wants to, than she should do whatever she wants because no society and nation as a whole can progress without their women participating in every field of life.

Gender should not be the hindrance in success.

Placement of Women in our society___are Women oppressed or dominant? Read More »

Articles, World

Constituents and Structure Solved MCQs (Set-II) | General Science & Ability

Click HERE for Q. No.1-50.

51) Planets are always small compared with stars because otherwise ______.
( a) the rotation of the planets would cause them to disintegrate
(b) the great mass of the planets would cause them to be pulled into their parent star
(c) the great mass of the planets would prevent them from being held in orbit and they would escape
(d) the planets would be stars themselves
Answer: (d)

52) The least likely reason why planetary systems have not been directly observed around stars other than the sun is that __
(a) Planets are small
(b) Planets shine by reflected light
(c) Planetary systems are rare
(d) Other stars are far away
Answer: (c)

53) Which of the following is the correct ordering of the inner planets according to their proximity to the sun? (CSS 2012)
(a) Jupiter, Saturn , Uranus , Neptune
(b) Phobos, Deimes , Europe , Tias
(c) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)

54) The term ‘Blue Shift’ is used to indicate: (CSS 2009)
(a) Doppler effect in which an object appears bluer when it is moving towards the observer or observer is moving towards the object.

(b) Turning a star from white to blue
(c) In future sun would become blue
(d) Black hole was blue at its start
(e) None of these
Answer: (a)

55) Which planet of our solar system is called as Morning star? (CSS 2008)
Answer: Venus

56) What is the diameter of the earth?
Answer: 12 756.2 kilometers

57) The number of natural satellites orbiting around the Mars is: (CSS 2002/2003)
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 5
(d) 14
Answer: (b)
Mars has two natural satellites, discovered by Asaph Hall in 1877. The innermost of these, Phobos, is about 7 mi (11 km) in diameter and orbits the planet with a period far less than Mars’s period of rotation (7 hr 39 min), causing it to rise in the west and set in the east. The outer satellite, Deimos, is about 4 mi (6 km) in diameter.

58) All stars are of the same color

59) Our galaxy milky way is shaped like a large thick concave lens with a large central bulge (CSS 2002)

60) The coldest planet of the solar system is: (CSS 2000)
(a) Earth
(b) Venus
(c) Neptune d) Pluto
(e) None of these
Answer: (c)
In the past, the title for “most frigid body” went to Pluto, as it was the farthest then-designated planet from the Sun. However, due to the IAU’s decision in 2006 to reclassify Pluto as a “dwarf planet”, the title has since passed to Neptune. As the eight planet from our Sun, it is now the outermost planet in the Solar System, and hence the coldest.

61) Venus is the smallest planet of the solar system. (CSS 1999)

62) Black hole is a hypothetical region of space having a gravitational pull so great that no matter or radiation can escape from it. (CSS 1998)

63) Our solar system has about — satellites. (CSS 1996)
(a) 35
(b) 179
(c) 96
(d) None of these
Answer: (b)
In the Solar System, there are 179 satellites. A majority of those moons belong to the planet of Jupiter, the second most belonging to Saturn. The largest of these moons is Ganymede, which is one of the Galilean Moons.

64) ——- cannot be nominated for the Nobel Prize. (CSS 1996)
(a) Physicists
(b) Economists
(c) Astronomers
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)

65) The largest planet of the solar system is Jupiter. (CSS 1995)

66) Planet Mars has (CSS 1995)
(a) 1 Moon
(b) 2 Moons
(c) 4 Moons
(d) None of these
Answer: (b)
The moons of Mars are Phobos and Deimos. Both moons were discovered in 1877 by Asaph Hall Asaph Hall was about to give up his frustrating search for a Martian moon one August night in 1877, but his wife Angelina urged him on. He discovered Deimos the next night, and Phobos six nights after that. Ninety-four years later, NASA’s Mariner 9 spacecraft got a much better look at the two moons from its orbit around Mars. The dominant feature on Phobos, it found, was a crater 10 km (6 miles) wide — nearly half the width of the moon itself. It was given Angelina’s maiden name: Stickney.

67) Where do most of Asteroids lie? (CSS 2007)
(a) In asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
(b) In asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Venus
(c) In asteroid belt between the orbits of Jupiter and Venus
(d) Everywhere in the sky
(e) None of these
Answer: (a)

68) This is the measure of moisture in the air.
(a) Temperature
(b) Humidity
(c) Altitude
(d) None of these
Answer: (b)

69) This is the greatest amount of water vapor the air could hold at a certain temperature
(a) Absolute humidity
(b) Relative humidity
(c) Variable humidity
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)
Absolute humidity is the measure of water vapor (moisture) in the air, regardless of temperature. It is expressed as grams of moisture per cubic meter of air (g/m3).
The maximum absolute humidity of warm air at 30°C/86°F is approximately 30g of water vapor – 30g/m3. The maximum absolute humidity of cold air at 0°C/32°F is approximately 5g of water vapor – 5g/m3.

70) This is how much actual water vapor is in the air at a certain temperature.
(a)Absolute humidity
(b) Relative humidity
(c) Variable
(d) None of these
Answer: (b)
Relative humidity also measures water vapor but RELATIVE to the temperature of the air. It is expressed as the amount of water vapor in the air as a percentage of the total amount that could be held at its current temperature.

71) Humidity is measured with a
(a) Barometer
(b) Thermometer
(c) Hygrometer
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)

72) Founder of modern astronomy was: (CSS-2009)
(a) Archimedes
(b) William Gilbert
(c) Nicolas Copernicus
(d) Michael Faraday
(e) None of these
Answer: (c)

73) The most splendid and the most magnificent constellation on the sky is: (CSS-2009)
(a) Orion
(b) Columbia
(c) Canis Major
(d) Taurus
(e) None of these
Answer: (a)
(Canis Major is a constellation in the southern sky. Its name means “the greater dog” in Latin.) Orion, which is located on the celestial equator, is one of the most prominent and recognizable constellations in the sky and can be seen throughout the world.

74) Which of the following explains the reason why there is no total eclipse of the sun? (CSS-2009)
(a) Size of the earth in relation to that of moon
(b) Orbit of moon around earth
(c) Direction of rotation of earth around sun
(d) Area of the sun covered by the moon
(e) None of these
Answer: (b)

75) Where do most of Asteroids lie? (CSS-2009)
(a) In asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
(b) In asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Venus
(c) In asteroid belt between the orbits of Jupiter and Venus
(d) Everywhere in the sky
(e) None of these
Answer: (a)
Most asteroids lie in a vast ring between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. This main asteroid belt holds more than 200 asteroids larger than 60 miles (100 kilometers) in diameter. Scientists estimate the asteroid belt also contains more than 750,000 asteroids larger than three-fifths of a mile (1 km) in diameter and millions of smaller ones. Not everything in the main belt is an asteroid — for instance, comets have recently been discovered there, and Ceres, once thought of only as an asteroid, is now also considered a dwarf planet.

76) The largest circular storm in our solar system is on the surface of which of the following planets?
(a) Jupiter
(b) Venus
(c) Uranus
(d) Earth
Answer: (a)
Jupiter boasts the largest storm in the Solar System . It is called the Great Red Spot and has been observed for hundreds of years that kind of storm is dwarfed by the Great Red Spot, a gigantic storm in Jupiter. There, gigantic means twice as wide as Earth. Today, scientists know the Great Red Spot is there and it’s been there for a while, but they still struggle to learn what causes its swirl of reddish hues.

77) The biggest asteroid known is:
(a) Vesta
(b) Icarus
(c) Ceres
(d) Eros
Answer: (c)
Ceres, a dwarf planet and the largest asteroid in the solar system yet known. Discovered in 1801 and first thought to be a planet and then an asteroid, we now call Ceres a dwarf planet. Gravitational forces from Jupiter billions of years ago prevented it from becoming a full-fledged planet. But Ceres has more in common with Earth and Mars than its rocky neighbors in the main asteroid belt. There may even be water ice buried under Ceres’ crust.

78) Rounded to the nearest day, the Mercurian year is equal to:
(a) 111 days
(b) 87.97 days
(c) 50 days
(d) 25 days
Answer: (b)
Mercurian Year: A year on Mercury takes 87.97 Earth days; it takes 87.97 Earth days for Mercury to orbit the sun once

79) One of the largest volcanoes in our solar system-if not the largest-is named Olympus Mons. This volcano is located on:
(a) Jupiter’s moon Callisto
(b) Venus
(c) Saturn’s moon Titan
(d) Mars
Answer: (d)
Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in the solar system. The massive Martian mountain towers high above the surrounding plains of the red planet, and may be biding its time until the next eruption. Olympus Mons rises three times higher than Earth’s highest mountain, Mount Everest, whose peak is 5.5 miles above sea level.

80) One Jupiter day is equal to which of the following?
(a) 30 hrs 40 min
(b) 9 hrs 50 min
(c) 3 hrs 20 min
(d) 52 hrs 10 min
Answer: (b)

81) The time interval between two successive occurrences of a specific type of alignment of a planet (or the moon) with the sun and the earth is referred to as:
(a) a conjunction
(b) an opposition
(c) a sidereal period
(d) a synodic period.
Answer: (d)
Synodic period , in astronomy, length of time during which a body in the solar system makes one orbit of the sun relative to the earth, i.e. The synodic period of the moon, which is called the lunar month, or lunation, is 291/2 days long; it is longer than the sidereal month.

82) Of the following four times, which one best represents the time it takes energy generated in the core of the sun to reach the surface of the sun and be radiated?
(a) Three minutes
(b) Thirty days
(c) One thousand years
(d) One million years
Answer: (d)

83) The sunspot cycle is:
(a) 3 years
(b) 11 years
(c) 26 years
(d) 49 years
Answer: (b)

The amount of magnetic flux that rises up to the Sun’s surface varies with time in a cycle called the solar cycle. This cycle lasts 11 years on average. This cycle is sometimes referred to as the sunspot cycle.

84) The Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram of stars DIRECTLY compares what TWO of the following properties of stars?
(a) size
(b) temperature
(c) luminosity
(d) Both b & c
Answer: (d)
One of the most useful and powerful plots in astrophysics is the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (hereafter called the H-R diagram). It originated in 1911 when the Danish astronomer, Ejnar Hertzsprung, plotted the absolute magnitude of stars against their color (hence effective temperature). Independently in 1913 the American astronomer Henry Norris Russell used spectral class against absolute magnitude. Their resultant plots showed that the relationship between temperature and luminosity of a star was not random but instead appeared to fall into distinct groups.

The majority of stars, including our Sun, are found along a region called the Main Sequence. Main Sequence stars vary widely in effective temperature but the hotter they are, the more luminous they are, hence the main sequence tends to follow a band going from the bottom right of the diagram to the top left. These stars are fusing hydrogen to helium in their cores. Stars spend the bulk of their existence as main sequence stars. Other major groups of stars found on the H-R diagram are the giants and supergiants; luminous stars that have evolved off the main sequence, and the white dwarfs. Whilst each of these types is discussed in detail in later pages we can use their positions on the H-R diagram to infer some of their properties.

85) The Andromeda Galaxy is which of the following types of galaxies?
(a) elliptical
(b) spiral
(c) barred-spiral
(d) irregular
Answer: (b)
The Andromeda Galaxy also known as Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224, is a spiral galaxy approximately 780 kilo parsecs (2.5 million light-years) from Earth

86) About how many light years across is the Milky Way? Is it:
(a) 1,000
(b) 10,000
(c) 100,000
(d) 1,000,000
Answer: (c)
100 000 light years across
A light-year is precisely equal to a whole number of meters, namely 9460730472580800 m or approximately 9.46073 1015 m. That’s the distance traveled by light in a vacuum, at a speed of 299792458 m/s, during a “scientific year” of 31557600 s. All these numbers are exact… In particular, “Einstein’s Constant” is exactly c = 299792458 m/s, because of the latest definition of the meter, officially adopted in 1983.

87) Who was the first man to classify stars according to their brightness. Was it:
(a) Aristarchus
(b) Pythagoras
(c) Copernicus
(d) Hipparchus
Answer: (d)
The first person to classify stars by their apparent magnitude (brightness) was Hipparchus in about 130 BC. He divided the stars into classes based on how bright they appeared in the night sky. The brightest stars were classified as magnitude 1, those that were just visible to the naked eye as magnitude 6. In practice the intensity of a magnitude 1 star is 100 times that of a magnitude 6 star, so the 5 magnitude steps correspond to a multiple of 100. For a geometric series of magnitudes each magnitude must be a times the intensity of the previous one with a5 – 100. This means that going up one magnitude increases the intensity by a factor of a = 2.51. So magnitude 3 is 2.51 times as intense as magnitude 4 and so on.

88) For what reason was the Schmidt telescope specially built? Was it to serve as:
(a) a sky camera
(b) a radio telescope
(c) an optical telescope
(d) a solar telescope
Answer: (a)

A Schmidt camera, also referred to as the Schmidt telescope, is a catadioptric astrophotographic telescope designed to provide wide fields of view with limited aberrations. The design was invented by Bernhard Schmidt in 1930.

89) The greatest distance of a planet from the sun is called what? Is it the planet’s:
(a) aphelion
(b) perihelion
(c) helix
(d) eccentricity
Answer: (a)
The closest point to the Sun in a planet’s orbit is called perihelion. The furthest point is called aphelion

90) How is the atmospheric pressure of Mars as compared to the atmospheric pressure of the earth? Is it:
(a) about the same as the earth’s
(b) about 100 times as great as the earth’s
(c) about 1/200th that of the earth’s
(d) half as much as that of the earth’s
Answer: (c)
The atmosphere and (probably) the interior of Mars differ substantially from that of the Earth. The atmosphere is much less dense and of different composition, and it is unlikely that the core is molten.
The atmosphere has a pressure at the surface that is only 1/200 that of Earth. The primary component of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide (95%), with the remainder mostly nitrogen. Seasonal heating drives strong winds that can reach 100 mph or more, stirring up large dust storms. Clouds form in the atmosphere, but liquid water cannot exist at the ambient pressure and temperature of the Martian surface: water goes directly between solid and vapor phases without becoming liquid.

91) A typical galaxy, such as our Milky Way galaxy, contains how many billion stars? Is it approximately:
(a) 10 billion
(b) 40 billion
(c) 400 billion
(d) 800 billion
Answer: (c)
According to astronomers, our Milky Way is an average-sized barred spiral galaxy measuring up to 120,000 light-years across. Our Sun is located about 27,000 light-years from the galactic core in the Orion arm. Astronomers estimate that the Milky Way contains up to 400 billion stars of various sizes and brightness.
According to astronomers, there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable Universe, stretching out into a region of space 13.8 billion light-years away from us in all directions.

92) A comet’s tail points in which direction?
(a) toward the sun
(b) toward the earth
(c) behind the comet in its orbit
(d) away from the sun
Answer: (d)
Comet tails are expansions of the coma. Comet tails point away from the Sun, regardless of the direction in which the comet is traveling. Comets have two tails because escaping gas and dust are influenced by the Sun in slightly different ways, and the tails point in slightly different directions.

93) Spectral line splitting due to the influence of magnetic fields is called:
(a) Boltzmann Effect
(b) Zeeman Effect
(c) Planck Effect
(d) Zanstra’s Effect
Answer: (b)
The Zeeman effect is the splitting of a spectral line by a magnetic field. That is, if an atomic spectral line of 400 nm was considered under normal conditions, in a strong magnetic field, because of the Zeeman effect, the spectral line would be split to yield a more energetic line and a less energetic line, in addition to the original line at 400 nm.

94) Which of the following is true for ORION? Orion is:
(a) the brightest star in the sky
(b) a constellation
(c) the name given to a NASA spacecraft
(d) an asteroid
Answer: (b)

95) Which of the following men wrote the book “On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres”?
(a) Kepler
(b) Euclid
(c) Copernicus
(d) Newton
Answer: (c)

De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) is the seminal work on the heliocentric theory of the Renaissance astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543).

96) The most distant planet in the solar system is (CSS 1995)
(a) Mars
(b) Pluto
(c) Jupiter
(d) None of these
Answer: (d)
New Dwarf Planet In Our Solar System May Be The Farthest One Yet. Object V774104 was discovered in late October, 2015, and is one of the most distant objects ever detected in the solar system. It appears to be about half the size of Pluto, but with an orbit two to three times larger than Pluto’s. (Nov 12, 2015)

97) The 2.7 Kelvin cosmic background radiation is concentrated in the:
(a) radio wavelengths
(b) infrared
(c) visible
(d) ultraviolet
Answer: (a)

98) If you were watching a star collapsing to form a black hole, the light would disappear because it:
(a) is strongly red shifted
(b) is strongly blue shifted
(c) its color suddenly becomes black
(d) none of the above
Answer: (a)

99) The Magellanic Clouds are
(a) irregular galaxies
(b) spiral galaxies
(c) elliptical galaxies
(d) large clouds of gas and dust
Answer: (a)
The Magellanic Clouds are comprised of two irregular galaxies, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), which orbit the Milky Way once every 1,500 million years and each other once every 900 million years. Lying only about 200,000 light years away, they were the closest known galaxies to the Milky Way until recently, when the Sagittarius and Canis Major dwarf galaxies were discovered and found to be even closer.

100) According to Kepler’s Laws, the cube of the mean distance of a planet from the sun is proportional to the:
(a) area that is swept out
(b) cube of the period
(c) square of the period
(d) fourth power of the mean distance
Answer: (c)

Constituents and Structure Solved MCQs (Set-II) | General Science & Ability Read More »

General Knowledge, MCQs / Q&A

Richard Benaud Quiz

(This quiz is about Australian Test cricketer Richard Benaud also known as Richie Benaud.)

1. Where did Richard Benaud make his Test debut?
a) Sydney
b) Durban
c) Salisbury
d) Wellington

2. Against which country did Richard Benaud make his Test debut?
a) South Africa
b) England
c) West Indies
d) India

3. Where did Richard Benaud score 122 in a Test Innings?
a) Calcutta
b) Dacca
c) Madras
d) Johannesburg

4. Where did Richard Benaud make his debut as Test captain?
a) Sydney
b) Brisbane
c) Lahore
d) Lord’s

5. What was the result of Brisbane Test in 1960 for Australia?
a) Win
b) Loss
c) Draw
d) Tie

6. How many Tests did Richard Benaud captain?
a) 18
b) 34
c) 28
d) 26

7. How many Test wickets did Richard Benaud take?
a) 236
b) 307
c) 252
d) 248

8. When was Richard Benaud’s My Spin on Cricket published?
a) 2005
b) 1961
c) 1983
d) 1998

9. Which book of Richard Benaud was published in 2010?
a) A Tale of Two Tests
b) Willow Patterns
c) Over But Not Out
d) The Hottest Summer

10. Which of the following is true of Richard Benaud?
a) First Test cricketer to hit a triple century
b) First Test cricketer to score 2,000 Test runs and take 200 Test wickets
c) First Test cricketer other than wicketkeeper to take six catches in a Test
d) First Australian captain to win Ashes

Richard Benaud Quiz Questions with Answers



Cover of My Spin on Cricket

1. Where did Richard Benaud make his Test debut?
a) Sydney

2. Against which country did Richard Benaud make his Test debut?
c) West Indies

3. Where did Richard Benaud score 122 in a Test Innings?
d) Johannesburg

4. Where did Richard Benaud make his debut as Test captain?
b) Brisbane

5. What was the result of Brisbane Test in 1960 for Australia?
d) Tie

6. How many Tests did Richard Benaud captain?
c) 28

7. How many Test wickets did Richard Benaud take?
d) 248

8. When was Richard Benaud’s My Spin on Cricket published?
a) 2005

9. Which book of Richard Benaud was published in 2010?
c) Over But Not Out

10. Which of the following is true of Richard Benaud?
b) First Test cricketer to score 2,000 Test runs and take 200 Test wickets

Richard Benaud Quiz Read More »

General Knowledge, MCQs / Q&A, Sports

10 Important Climate Change Facts

1) Temperatures are breaking records around the world:

The 21st century has seen the most temperature records broken in recorded history. 2016 was the hottest year on record since 1880, according to NASA, with average temperatures measuring 1.78 degrees Fahrenheit (0.99 degrees Celsius) warmer than the mid-20th century mean Since the 1950s, every continent has warmed substantially. NASA’s latest visualizations, above, make that reality stark.

2) There is no scientific debate about the reality of climate change:

Multiple studies show that a massive 97 per cent of researchers believe global warming is happening But climate change is considered only the third most serious issue facing the world by the world’s population, behind international terrorism and poverty, hunger and the lack of drinking water

3) Arctic sea ice and glaciers are melting:

Arctic sea ice coverage has shrunk every decade since 1979 by 3.5 to 4.1 per cent. Glaciers have also been in retreat, including in major mountain ranges like the Alps, Himalayas and Rockies. In 2017, Arctic sea ice reached a record low for the third straight running

4) Sea levels are rising at their fastest rate in 2,000 years:

Levels are currently rising at their fastest rate for more than 2,000 years and the current rate of change is 3.4mm a year. In July, a massive crack in the Larson C ice shelf finally gave way sending a 5,800 square km section of ice into the ocean. The newly formed iceberg is nearly four times the size of London.

5) Climate change will lead to a refugee crisis:

An average of 21.5 million people have been forcibly displaced since 2008 due to climate changed-related weather hazards, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

6) Two-thirds of the Great Barrier Reef has been damaged as a result of climate change:

In April 2017, it was revealed that two-thirds of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef has been severely damaged by coral bleaching. As a result, the coral loses its vibrant appearance, turns white and becomes weaker. Scientists say it will be hard for the damaged coral to recover.

7) The ocean is 26 percent more acidic than before the Industrial Revolution:

The pH of ocean surface water has decreased by 0.1, which makes them 26 percent more acidic now than at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The waters are more acidic now that at any other point in the last 300,000 years.

8) Global flooding could triple by 2030:

The number of people exposed to flooding each year is at risk of tripling from 21 million to 54 million by 2030, This would result in the economic costs of flooding increasing from £65 billion to around £340 billion.

9) More greenhouse gases are in our atmosphere than any time in human history:

The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reached the milestone of 400 parts per million for the first time in 2015 and surged again to new records in 2016

10) Earth could warm by six degrees this century:

The Earth’s temperature will continue to rise so long as we continue to produce greenhouse gases. The estimates for how much temperature will increase by 2100 range from two degrees Celsius to as much as six degrees Celsius.

10 Important Climate Change Facts Read More »


General Knowledge, World’s Longest, Largest and Smallest

● Largest Airport : King Abdul Khalid International Airport (Saudi Arabia)
● Highest Airport : Lhasa Airport, Tibet
● Tallest Animal : Giraffe
● Largest Animal : Blue Bottom whale
● Largest Bay : Hudson Bay, Canada.
● Largest Bird : Ostrich
● Smallest Bird : Humming bird
● Longest Bridge : Huey P. Long Bridge (USA)
● Tallest Building : Dubai Burj (Dubai)
● Longest Canal : Baltic sea White Canal
● Largest Cathedral : Cathedral Church of New York
● Largest Cemetry : Ohlsdorf Cemetry (Hamburg, Germany)
● Largest Church : Balisca of St. Peter in the Vatican City, Rome.
● Largest Continent : Asia
● Smallest Continent : Australia
● Largest Country (Area) : Russia
● Smallest Country (Area) : Vatican City
● Biggest Cinema House : Roxy, New York
● Highest City : Wenchuan, China
● Most Populous City : Tokyo
● Longest Day : June 21
● Shortest Day : December 22
● Largest Delta : Sunderban (India)
● Largest Desert : Sahara, North Africa

● Biggest Dome : Gol Gumbaz (Bijapur), India
● Largest Dams : Grand Coulee Dam, USA
● Tallest Fountain : Fountain Hills, Arizona
● Largest Gulf : Gulf of Mexico
● Largest Hotel : Excalibur Hotel (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)
● Largest Island : Greenland
● Largest Lake : Caspian Sea.
● Deepest Lake : Baikal (Siberia)
● Highest Lake : Titicaca (Bolivia)
● Largest Library : United States Library of Congress, Washington
● Largest Mosque : Jama Masjid, Delhi (India)
● Highest Mountain Peak : Mount Everest (Nepal)
● Highest Mountain Range : Himalayas, Asia.
● Largest Mountain Range : Andes (South America)
● Biggest Museum : American Museum of Natural History (New York).
● Largest Minaret : Sultan Hassan Mosque (Egypt)
● Tallest Minaret : Qutub Minar, Delhi (India)
● Biggest Oceans : Pacific Ocean
● Deepest Oceans : Pacific Ocean
● Biggest Palace : Vatican (Rome)
● Largest Palace : Imperial Palace (China)
● Largest Park : National Park of North-Eastern (Greenland)
● Largest Peninsula : Arabia
● Highest Plateau : Pamir (Tibet)
● Longest Platform : Kharagpur, W. Bengal (India)
● Largest Platform : Grand Central Terminal, (Rly. Station), New York (USA)
● Biggest Planet : Jupiter
● Smallest Planet : Mercury
● Brightest Planet : Venus
● Coldest Planet : Neptune
● Nearest Planet (to the Sun) : Mercury
● Farthest Planet (from the Sun) : Neptune
● Longest River : Nile, Africa
● Longest River Dam : Hirakud Dam, India
● Largest Sea : South China Sea
● Largest Stadium : Starhove Stadium, Prague (Czech Republic)
● Brightest Star : Sirius A
● Tallest Statue : Motherland (Russia)
● Largest Sea-bird : Albatross
● Biggest Telescope : Mt. Palomar (USA)
● Longest Train : Flying Scotsman
● Largest Temple : Angkorwat in Combodia.
● Oldest Theatre : Teatro Olimpico (Itlay)
● Tallest Tower : C. N. Tower, Toronto (Canada)
● Longest Wall : Great Wall of China
● Highest Waterfall : Angel (Venezuela)
● Widest Waterfall : Khone Falls (Laos)
● Lowest Water Level : Dead Sea
● Longest Epic : Mahabharata
● Hottest Place : Azizia (Libya)
● Rainiest Place : Mosinram, near Cherrapunji (India)
● Highest Road : Leh-Nobra, Ladakh division India.
● Highest Village : Andean (Chile)
● Highest Volcano : Ojos del Salado, (Argentina) Chile
● Largest Volcano : Manuna Lea (Hawai)
● Lightest Gas : Hydrogen
● Fastest Animal : Cheetah
● Biggest Flower : Rafflesia (Java)
● Longest Corridor : Rameshwaram Temple (India)
● Largest Democracy : India
● Highest Cable Car Project : Gulmarg (Jammu-Kashmir)
● Biggest Airbus : Double Decker A-380
● Highest Rail Track : Kwinghai- Tibbet Railway (China)

General Knowledge, World’s Longest, Largest and Smallest Read More »

General Knowledge, History, World

Major Airlines of the World – Top 100 Airlines with Numbers of Flights Per DAy

  • Lufthansa German Airlines Germany
  • Aero-flot Airline – Russia
  • Pan American World Airways System – S.A.
  • Trans-world Airways – S.A.
  • Delta Airlines – S.A.
  • Thai Airways International – Thailand
  • Swissair – Switzerland
  • Emirates – A.E
  • Air-Ceylon – Sri Lanka
  • Iberia – Spain
  • Pakistan International Airlines – Pakistan
  • Braathens – Norway
  • Scandinavian Airlines System – Norway
  • KLM Royal Dutch – Netherlands
  • Royal Nepal Airlines – Nepal
  • Japan Airlines – Japan
  • All Nippon Airways – Japan
  • Alitalia – Italy
  • Ryanair – Ireland
  • Garuda Airways – Indonesia
  • Air-India – India
  • Cathay Pacific – Hong Kong
  • Air France – France
  • Finnair – Finland
  • Easy Jet – England
  • O.A.C. – England
  • Sabena – Belgium Qantas
  • Empire Airways – Australia
  • Araina Afghan Airlines – Afghanistan


Here is a list (as on 2020-04-03) of the 100 biggest airlines based on the number of departures (and not the number of passengers). The number of flights is the daily average for one week.

1 – American Airlines – 5961 flights every day
2 – Delta Air Lines – 4290 flights every day
3 – United Airlines – 4048 flights every day
4 – Southwest Airlines – 3795 flights every day
5 – Ryanair – 2151 flights every day
6 – easyJet – 1785 flights every day
7 – China Southern Airlines – 1781 flights every day
8 – China Eastern Airlines – 1716 flights every day
9 – IndiGo – 1665 flights every day
10 – Turkish Airlines – 1379 flights every day
11 – Air Canada – 1325 flights every day
12 – Air China – 1244 flights every day
13 – ANA – 1224 flights every day
14 – Alaska Airlines – 1119 flights every day
15 – LATAM Airlines – 1111 flights every day
16 – Air France – 1010 flights every day
17 – Aeroflot – 938 flights every day
18 – JetBlue Airways – 921 flights every day
19 – JAL – 825 flights every day
20 – British Airways – 782 flights every day
21 – Lufthansa – 720 flights every day
22 – KLM – 675 flights every day
23 – Qantas – 668 flights every day
24 – Shenzhen Airlines – 664 flights every day
25 – Gol – 660 flights every day
26 – Spirit Airlines – 646 flights every day
27 – Lion Air – 639 flights every day
28 – Wizz Air – 636 flights every day
29 – Vueling – 627 flights every day
30 – Azul – 620 flights every day
31 – Xiamen Airlines – 589 flights every day
32 – SpiceJet – 583 flights every day
33 – AirAsia – 583 flights every day
34 – WestJet – 575 flights every day
35 – AVIANCA – 575 flights every day
36 – Hainan Airlines – 568 flights every day
37 – Sichuan Airlines – 523 flights every day
38 – Shandong Airlines – 485 flights every day
39 – Saudia – 478 flights every day
40 – Emirates – 463 flights every day
41 – Air India – 457 flights every day
42 – Pegasus – 446 flights every day
43 – Garuda Indonesia – 439 flights every day
44 – Qatar Airways – 429 flights every day
45 – Wings Air – 426 flights every day
46 – Volaris – 398 flights every day
47 – Alitalia – 393 flights every day
48 – Aeromexico – 390 flights every day
49 – S7 Airlines – 389 flights every day
50 – Air New Zealand – 383 flights every day
51 – Thai AirAsia – 370 flights every day
52 – Frontier Airlines – 362 flights every day
53 – Malaysia Airlines – 361 flights every day
54 – Iberia – 356 flights every day
55 – Virgin Australia – 355 flights every day
56 – Vietnam Airlines – 353 flights every day
57 – Batik Air – 352 flights every day
58 – Ethiopian Airlines – 350 flights every day
59 – Jetstar – 350 flights every day
60 – Spring Airlines – 348 flights every day
61 – VietJet Air – 347 flights every day
62 – Philippine Airlines – 343 flights every day
63 – SAS – 335 flights every day
64 – Ravn Alaska – 334 flights every day
65 – Juneyao Airlines – 323 flights every day
66 – TAP Portugal – 313 flights every day
67 – Cebu Pacific Air – 310 flights every day
68 – Gestair – 307 flights every day
69 – Eurowings – 305 flights every day
70 – Shanghai Airlines – 302 flights every day
71 – Aer Lingus – 299 flights every day
72 – GoAir – 295 flights every day
73 – Citilink – 293 flights every day
74 – LOT – Polish Airlines – 281 flights every day
75 – Beijing Capital Airlines – 276 flights every day
76 – Interjet – 274 flights every day
77 – Aerolineas Argentinas – 273 flights every day
78 – Cape Air – 259 flights every day
79 – South African Airways – 255 flights every day
80 – Lucky Air – 253 flights every day
81 – Sriwijaya Air – 252 flights every day
82 – Copa Airlines – 251 flights every day
83 – Tianjin Airlines – 251 flights every day
84 – Norwegian Air Shuttle – 243 flights every day
85 – Hawaiian Airlines – 241 flights every day
86 – SWISS – 240 flights every day
87 – Allegiant Air – 236 flights every day
88 – Etihad Airways – 232 flights every day
89 – Austrian – 229 flights every day
90 – Tropic Air – 226 flights every day
91 – Air Europa – 224 flights every day
92 – Finnair – 220 flights every day
93 – AirAsia India – 220 flights every day
94 – Cathay Pacific – 218 flights every day
95 – Jet2 – 216 flights every day
96 -Singapore Airlines – 211 flights every day
97 – Maya Island Air – 209 flights every day
98 -Vistara – 204 flights every day
99 -Jeju Air – 203 flights every day
100 – EgyptAir – 199 flights every day

Click HERE to see the Largest airlines in the world page on Wikipedia

Major Airlines of the World – Top 100 Airlines with Numbers of Flights Per DAy Read More »

General Knowledge, Uncategorized, World

Triple Centuries In Test Cricket Quiz

1) Who was the first cricketer to hit a triple century in a Test and create a record for highest number of runs by an individual in a Test Innings?
a) Andrew Sandham
b) C. B. Fry
c) Jack Hobbs
d) Leary Constantine

2) Who broke the previous record by scoring 334 runs in a Test Innings?
a) Donald George Bradman
b) Hanif Mohammed
c) Michael Colin Cowdrey
d) Vijay Samuel Hazare

3) How many runs were scored by Leonard Hutton to create a new world record?
a) 302
b) 336
c) 337
d) 364

4) Who could not complete his triple century against South Africa in a Test Innings and remained 299 not out as the last batting partner was run out?
a) Lawrence Rowe
b) Sunil Gavaskar
c) Donald George Bradman
d) Peter May

5) Who broke Leonard Hutton’s record by scoring 365 not out?
a) Rohan Kanhai
b) Clive Lloyd
c) Conrad Hunte
d) Garfield Sobers

6) How many runs were scored by Brian Charles Lara when he overtook the previous record that had stood for 36 years 1 month and 16 days?
a) 373
b) 375
c) 374
d) 371

7) Who broke Brian Charles Lara’s record by scoring 380?
a) Kim Hughes
b) Matthew Hayden
c) Ricky Ponting
d) Adam Gilchrist

8) Brian Charles Lara was back again to claim the world record to his name. How many runs did he score?
a) 381
b) 384
c) 390
d) 400 not out

9) Who of the following has not hit two triple centuries in Tests?
a) Brian Charles Lara
b) Donald George Bradman
c) Walter Hammond
d) Virender Sehwag

10) Who batted 970 minutes when scoring 337 runs?
a) John Edrich
b) Hanif Mohammad
c) Robert Simpson
d) Anthony Greig

Triple Centuries In Test Cricket Quiz Answers

1) Who was the first cricketer to hit a triple century in a Test and create a record for highest number of runs by an individual in a Test Innings?
a) Andrew Sandham

2) Who broke the previous record by scoring 334 runs in a Test Innings?
a) Donald George Bradman

3) How many runs were scored by Leonard Hutton to create a new world record?
d) 364

4) Who could not complete his triple century against South Africa in a Test Innings and remained 299 not out as the last batting partner was run out?
c) Donald George Bradman

5) Who broke Leonard Hutton’s record by scoring 365 not out?
d) Garfield Sobers

6) How many runs were scored by Brian Charles Lara when he overtook the previous record that had stood for 36 years 1 month and 16 days?
b) 375

7) Who broke Brian Charles Lara’s record by scoring 380?
b) Matthew Hayden

8) Brian Charles Lara was back again to claim the world record to his name. How many runs did he score?
d) 400 not out

9) Who of the following has not hit two triple centuries in Tests?
c) Walter Hammond

10) Who batted 970 minutes when scoring 337 runs?
b) Hanif Mohammad

Triple Centuries In Test Cricket Quiz Read More »

MCQs / Q&A, Sports, Test, World

Model PaperMCQs

Meghan Markle is a former US_____
(A) Actress
(B) Politician
(C) Businessman
(D) None of the above.

The India Independence Act 1947 was mainly based on the recommendations made by ?
a. The Cabinet Mission
b. The Mountbatten Plan (Correct)

What was the title of Allama Iqbal’s Ph.D thesis ?
a. Reconstruction of religious thought in Islam
b. The Development of Metaphysics in Persia (Correct)

Which Britis officer shot and killed three of Bahadur shah Zafar’s Song during the 1857 war of Independence :
a. William Hudson (Correct)
b. Colonel Nicholson

Sun is a ?
a. Planet
b. Galaxy
c. Comet
d. Star (Correct)

Banaspati Ghee, commonly used in Pakistan is produced by hydrogenation of ?
a. Com Oil
b. Butter
c. Soyabean oil
d. Palm oil (Correct)

One of the bloodiest battles of the First World War was fought at Ypres (Lepers) where a large number of soldiers form South Asia also died. In Which country is this battlefield located ?
a. France
b. Belgium (Correct)
c. Austria
d. Germany

Who is considered to be the father of the nation of Singapore ?
a. Lee Kuan Yew (Correct)
b. Goh Choc Tong

Term the time during which an organism present in the body before causing disease ?
a. Rest Period
b. Incubation period (Correct)

Goldsmid line is the border between?
a. China & India
b. China & Bhutan
c. Pakistan & Iran (Correct)
d. China & Taiwan

In term of Scheduled International passengers carried Ryanair is the largest airline in the world it belongs to ?
a. Canada
b. France
c. Ireland (Correct)
d. UK

What is the old name of Tokyo ?
a. Surinam
b. Edo (Correct)

A small town in Sindh “Keti Bunder” is famous for ?
a. Gas and oil field
b. fish harbor (Correct)

“Omithology” is the study of ?
a. Birds (Correct)
b. Insects

Madame Tussaud’s museum is situated in ?
a. Paris
b. London (Correct)

“Dosimeter” is a device use to measure ?
a. Nuclear radiation for safety purposes (Correct)
b. The speed of win or any other gas

The Only vitamin which the human body can manufacture is ?
a. Vitamin C
b. Vitamin D (Correct)

“Philately” is a ?
a. Science of drugs
b. Stamp Collection (Correct)

Model PaperMCQs Read More »

Past Papers

World General Knowledge Important MCQs (Set-I) for Competitive Exams

1. Which is the saltiest water lake of the world?
(a) The Caspian Sea
(b) The Red Sea
(c) The Baltic Sea
(d) Assal Lake (Correct)

2. World’s longest river is:
(a) River Nile (Correct)
(b) River Amazon
(c) River Mississippi
(d) River Indus

3. Which of the following country has longest coast line?
(a) China
(b) USA
(c) Russia
(d) Canada (Correct)

4. Which is the largest peninsula?
(a) Gulf of Eden
(b) Africa
(c) Arabia (Correct)
(d) Sahara

5. Biggest country in population is:
(a) China (Correct)
(b) Russia
(c) India
(d) USA

6. Which is the largest gulf?
(a) Arabian Gulf
(b) Gulf of Mexico (Correct)
(c) Gulf of Oman
(d) None of them

7. The largest bay is located in
(a) USA
(b) Canada (Correct)
(c) Congo
(d) Russia

8. Name the largest railway station in the world is
(a) Grand Central Terminal – New York (Correct)
(b) Condor Station Bolivia
(c) Kharagpur railway station – India
(d) Frankfort International USA

9. Name the biggest sea of the world is
(a) Caribbean Sea
(b) South China Sea (Correct)
(c) Mediterranean Sea
(d) Baltic Sea

10. Name the biggest desert of the world is
(a) Gobi Desert
(b) Kalahari Desert
(c) Sahara Desert (Correct)
(d) None of these

11. The highest capital in the world is
(a) Belize
(b) La Paz (Correct)
(c) Quito
(d) Paris

12. In which country was the first oil-well drilled in 1859
(a) Saudi Arabia
(b) USA (Correct)
(c) Russia
(d) Venezuela

13. Which is the oldest written language in the world?
(a) Sanskrit
(b) Chinese (Correct)
(c) Japanese
(d) English

14. Which metal has the highest electrical conductivity
(a) Silver
(b) Tungsten (Correct)
(c) Copper
(d) Iron

15. Name the largest populous country of the Islamic World?
(a) Indonesia (Correct)
(b) Pakistan
(c) Bangladesh
(d) Turkey

16. Name the largest Hockey Stadium with capacity of 50,000 people:
(a) Most Beautiful Stadium
(b) Highest Hockey Stadium
(c) National hockey Stadium Lahore (Correct)
(d) Newest Hockey Stadium

17. Name the largest Cricket Stadium:
(a) Melbourne Cricket Club (Correct)
(b) Sharjah Cricket Ground
(c) The Oval. London
(d) Gaddafi Stadium, Lahore

18. World’s highest waterfall “Angel” is in:
(a) Zimbabwe
(b) Canada
(c) Venezuela (Correct)
(d) Norway

19. Where Niagara Waterfalls are located
(a) USA
(b) Canada
(c) Both of them (Correct)
(d) Pakistan

20. Which of the following ‘Desert’ is largest by area?
(a) Gobi
(b) Takla Makan
(c) Sahara (Correct)
(d) Thar

21. The Caspian Sea’ is known as largest lake. Which of the following countries share its water?
(a) Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan
(b) Turkmenistan
(c) Russia and Iran
(d) All of these (Correct)

22. The biggest Square ‘Tiananmen’ is situated in:
(a) Beijing (Correct)
(b) Tibet
(c) xinjiang
(d) Chu in

23. Which country is famous for publications of most newspapers?
(a) USA
(b) Canada
(c) India (Correct)
(d) China

24. The largest animal in the world is
(a) Elephant
(b) Rhinoceros
(c) Hippopotamus
(d) Blue Whale (Correct)

25. Who has the record of highest individuals score in limited over (ODI) match?
(a) Saeed Anwar
(b) Jayasuriya
(c) Sachin Tendulkar (Correct)
(d) De Silva

26. Which is the tallest building of the world?
(a) Tapai Center 101 (Taiwan)
(b) Daubi Burj (UAE) (Correct)
(c) Patronas Tower (Malaysia)
(d) Sears Tower (USA)

27. Which country has the longest coast line?
(a) China
(b) Russia
(c) Canada (Correct)
(d) USA

28. Largest Muslim country area-wise is
(a) Algeria
(b) Kazakhstan (Correct)
(c) Sudan
(d) Libya

29. Which of the following country is largest by area?
(a) India
(b) Russia (Correct)
(c) China
(d) America

30. Name the longest land mountain range:
(a) Alps
(b) Karakoram
(c) Andes of S. America (Correct)
(d) Pamirs

31. Which day is considered as the longest day of each year?
(a) 13th March
(b) 21st May
(c) 21st June (Correct)
(d) 17th August

32. Which day is considered as the shortest day of each year?
(a) 22nd December (Correct)
(b) 5th January
(c) 21st November
(d) 15th December

33. Which is the largest mountain range in the world?
(a) Alps
(b) Himalayas (Correct)
(c) Andes
(d) Tibet

34. Which of the following is the largest producer of copper in the world?
(a) Ghana
(b) Malaysia
(c) Australia
(d) Chile (Correct)

35. Which country is the largest oil producer?
(a) Iraq
(b) U.S.A.
(c) Russia
(d) Saudi Arabia (Correct)

36. Which was the first country to give women a right to vote?
(a) United Stated
(b) Denmark
(c) UK
(d) New Zealand (Correct)

37. In which country the largest oil field “Ghawar field” is located?
(a) Saudi Arabia (Correct)
(b) Kuwait
(c) Russia
(d) USA

38. Which country is the largest oil consumer in the world?
(a) USA (Correct)
(b) Russia
(c) Pakistan
(d) China

39. In land size which is the largest country?
(a) India
(b) Russia (Correct)
(c) China
(d) America

40. Where is the longest glacier “Lambert Glacier” located?
(a) China
(b) Canada
(c) Antarctica (Correct)
(d) Siberia

41. The most spoken language is:
(a) English
(b) Chinese (Correct)
(c) French
(d) Japanese

42. Identify the world’s largest library:
(a) The United States Library of Washington
(b) The United States Library of Congress (Correct)
(c) Washington Library
(d) None of them

43. Name the first President of Chinese Republic is
(a) Junko Tabar
(b) Dr. Sun Yat San (Correct)
(c) Mao Tse-Tung
(d) None of these.

44. Which is the largest continent (population wise) of the world?
(a) America
(b) Asia (Correct)
(c) Europe
(d) Australia

45. Which is the largest continent (area wise) of the world?
(a) America
(b) Asia (Correct)
(c) Europe
(d) Australia

46. Nile is the longest river of the world. Which one of the following is the largest river of the world?
(a) Amazon (Correct)
(b) Indus
(c) Hawang Ho
(d) None

47. Which countries share longest frontier 16416 km?
(a) China and India
(b) Australia and Japan
(c) Canada and USA (Correct)
(d) None of these

48. Which country has longest coastal line?
(a) China
(b) Australia
(c) Canada (Correct)
(d) USA

49. Who was the first Chief Justice of Pakistan?
(a) Munir Ahmad
(b) A.R. Cornelius
(c) Sardar Abdul Rashid (Correct)
(d) None of them

50. Name the country shares 16 borders with other states:
(a) China (Correct)
(b) Russia
(c) India
(d) Pakistan

51. Largest gold producer country:
(a) South Korea
(b) China (Correct)
(c) South Africa
(d) Russia

52. Largest silver producer:
(a) Pakistan
(b) China
(c) Mexico (Correct)
(d) Germany

53. Largest coal producer:
(a) China (Correct)
(b) UK
(c) Russia
(d) Germany

54. Identify the biggest bird:
(a) Ostrich (Correct)
(b) Indian Sparrow
(c) Eagle
(d) Indian parrot

55. Identify the smallest bird:
(a) Ostrich
(b) Indian Sparrow
(c) Hemming bird (Correct)
(d) Indian parrot

56. Name the oldest Monarchy?
(a) France
(b) UK
(c) Japan (Correct)
(d) None of these

57. Name the first lady Prime minister of the world?
(a) Benazir Bhutto
(b) Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike (Correct)
(c) Korino Akino
(d) Margrate Thatcher

58. Name the first woman president of the UN General Assembly?
(a) Mrs. Kumara Tunga of Sri Lanka
(b) Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan
(c) Pandit Vijaya Lakshmi of India (Correct)
(d) Pandit Vijay Lakshmi Nepal

59. Name the first UN Secretary-General
(a) Mr. Trygre Lie of Norway (Correct)
(b) Mr. William of USA
(c) Mr. Jorge Lie of Italy
(d) Mr. David of USA

60. Name the first animal to be sent in space:
(a) Laika, the dog (Russians) (Correct)
(b) Laika, the sheep
(c) Dolly, the dog
(d) Dolly, the sheep

61. Which of the following countries is the largest in area in the world?
(a) Australia
(b) Canada
(c) U.S.A.
(d) Russia (Correct)

62. Who was the first woman to travel into space?
(a) Sally Ride
(b) Valentina Tereshkova (Correct)
(c) Svetlana Savitskaya
(d) Eileen Collins

63. Which of the following countries has largest number of Islands?
(a) Malaysia
(b) Indonesia (Correct)
(c) Cuba
(d) Canada

64. Name the largest oil company of the world.
(a) Exxon (Correct)
(b) Caltex
(c) Shell
(d) PSO

65. Which is the largest lake of the world?
(a) Caspian sea (Correct)
(b) Superior lake
(c) Huron lake
(d) Aral sea

66. Name the largest hotel:
(a) Hotel USA
(b) Avari Hotel
(c) President Hotel
(d) MGM Grand Hotel (Correct)

67. The world’s largest fresh water lake is:
(a) Panch
(b) Lake Superior (US-Canada) (Correct)
(c) Baikal (Russia)
(d) Volta Lake (Ghana)

68. Which is the largest salt water lake of the world?
(a) The Caspian Sea (Correct)
(b) The Red Sea
(c) The Baltic Sea
(d) None

79. Which is the second highest mountain peak in the world?
(a) Mt Everest
(b) K-2 (Correct)
(c) Trich Mir
(d) Nanga Parbat

70. The second highest mountain peak Goodwin Austen in the world is located in
(a) Nepal
(b) India
(c) Pakistan (Correct)
(d) China

71. Which is the largest producer of coffee in the world?
(a) Brazil (Correct)
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Pakistan
(d) Myanmar

72. Which is the oldest Stock Exchange Market in the world?
(a) New York
(b) Amsterdam
(c) Hamburg (Correct)
(d) London

73. The fastest flying bird is:
(a) Indian Falcon
(b) African Falcon
(c) The Peragrine falcon (Correct)
(d) Australian Falcon

74. The world biggest oil refinery is situated in
(a) Saudi Arabia
(b) Iran (Correct)
(c) Kuwait
(d) Iraq

75. Largest continent among the followings?
(a) Europe
(b) Africa
(c) America
(d) Asia (Correct)

76. The Shortest River is:
(a) Amazon River
(b) Niger River
(c) Roe River (Correct)
(d) Lena River

77. The coldest place in the world is:
(a) Cherranpungi in India
(b) Al-Azizayah in Africa
(c) Vostok in Antarctica (Correct)
(d) None of these

78. Which country possesses the largest foreign exchange reserves in the world?
(a) Japan (Correct)
(b) Canada
(c) Germany
(d) USA

79. Name the first man to sail round the world is
(a) Ferdinand Magellan (Correct)
(b) John Maynard
(c) Milton Friedman
(d) None of these

80. Neil Alden Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon in the year
(a) 1969 (Correct)
(b) 1965
(c) 1967
(d) 1966

81. Which is the driest place of the world?
(a) Tripoli (Libya)
(b) Death Valley (California) (Correct)
(c) Jacobabad (Pakistan)
(d) Azizia (Libya)

82. The largest artificial lake is:
(a) Lake Baikal (Russia)
(b) Lake Superior (North America)
(c) Lake Great beer (Canada)
(d) Lake Mead (USA) (Correct)

83. The oldest university is “University of Karueein” located in:
(a) Morocco (Correct)
(b) Egypt
(c) Iran
(d) USA

84. The first Soccer World Cup was played in
(a) Paraguay
(b) Uruguay (Correct)
(c) Portugal
(d) Germany

85. Name the hottest place of the world
(a) Death Valley (USA)
(b) Jacobabad (Pakistan)
(c) Azizia (Libya) (Correct)
(d) None of them

86. Identify the largest ocean:
(a) Pacific (Correct)
(b) Arctic
(c) Indian
(d) southern

87. Name the smallest ocean?
(a) Arctic Ocean (Correct)
(b) Indian Ocean
(c) Pacific Ocean
(d) Southern Ocean

88. The world’s highest mountain peak is:
(a) K-2
(b) Nanga Parbat
(c) Mount Jabal
(d) Mount Everest (Correct)

89. The height of the Mount Everest is:
(a) 3348 m.
(b) 8850 m (Correct)
(c) 4448 m.
(d) 6648 m

90. Smallest Republic in the world is
(a) Balkan
(b) Nepal
(c) Nauru (Correct)
(d) Haiti

91. Largest Concrete Dam of the world is located in USA is
(a) Grand Coulee Dam (Correct)
(b) Tarbela Dam
(c) Rohunsky Dam
(d) None of these

92. Which one of the following is the largest university building in the world?
(a) Cambridge University U.K
(b) University of Riyadh (Correct)
(c) Al. Azhar University
(d) None of these

93. Which one of the following is the largest Peninsula of the world?
(a) Arabian Peninsula (Correct)
(b) Kalahari Peninsula
(c) Sahara Peninsula
(d) None of these

94. The world’s largest active volcano “Mauna Lao” is located in:
(a) Central Andes (Chile)
(b) Hawaii (USA) (Correct)
(c) Mount Mayon (Philippines)
(d) Java (Indonesia)

95. Kalaallit Nunaat (formerly Greenland) is
(a) Smallest Island
(b) Most inhabitant Island
(c) Largest Island (Correct)
(d) Last inhabitant Island

96. Name the country which is the largest producer of Natural gas in the world is
(a) Iran
(b) Tanzania
(c) Norway
(d) Russia (Correct)

97. Name the first president of India is:
(a) Dr. Ambedkar
(b) Dr. Rajendra Parsad (Correct)
(c) Sadder Patel
(d) Nehru

98. The First Woman Bank established in Pakistan in
(a) Dec 1, 1988
(b) Dec 1, 1989 (Correct)
(c) Dec 1, 1973
(d) August 14, 1948

99. First telegraph signal was transmitted in which year?
(a) 1951
(b) 1891
(c) 1901 (Correct)
(d) 1711

100. Which country has the largest foreign debts?
(a) Russia
(b) China
(c) Mexico
(d) USA (Correct)

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English, General Knowledge, MCQs / Q&A, World

Liechtenstein Quiz

Liechtenstein Quiz Questions

1. Which country is to the east of Liechtenstein?
a) Belgium
b) Ireland
c) Austria
d) Portugal

2. Which is the capital of Liechtenstein?
a) Eschen
b) Planken
c) Triessen
d) Vaduz

3. Which is the official language of Liechtenstein?
a) Italian
b) German
c) Swedish
d) Dutch

4. Which is the currency of Liechtenstein?
a) Euro
b) Peso
c) Krone
d) Swiss Franc

5. When did Liechtenstein become a member of European Free Trade Association?
a) 1986
b) 1994
c) 1991
d) 1972

6. Which country is responsible for Liechtenstein’s defence?
a) Switzerland
b) Italy
c) Cyprus
d) Malta

7. Who was the prince of Liechtenstein in 1938-1989?
a) Rainier III
b) Francis Joseph II
c) Albert II
d) Soulivong Savang

8. Who was the prime minister of Liechtenstein in 2006?
a) Nouhak Phoumsavan
b) Francis Joseph II
c) Otmas Hasler
d) Hans Adam I

9. When did the International Court of Justice reject Liechtenstein’s claim for damages from Germany for assets seized in 1945?
a) 10 February 2005
b) 24 May 2008
c) 14 September 1994
d) 4 December 1998

10. When did Hans Adam II transfer day-to-day governing power in Liechtenstein to Alois?
a) 14 March 2001
b) 17 April 2006
c) 15 August 2004
d) 18 November 2000

Liechtenstein Quiz Questions with Answers

1. Which country is to the east of Liechtenstein?
c) Austria

2. Which is the capital of Liechtenstein?
d) Vaduz

3. Which is the official language of Liechtenstein?
b) German

4. Which is the currency of Liechtenstein?
d) Swiss Franc

5. When did Liechtenstein become a member of European Free Trade Association?
c) 1991

6. Which country is responsible for Liechtenstein’s defence?
a) Switzerland

7. Who was the prince of Liechtenstein in 1938-1989?
b) Francis Joseph II

8. Who was the prime minister of Liechtenstein in 2006?
c) Otmas Hasler

9. When did the International Court of Justice reject Liechtenstein’s claim for damages from Germany for assets seized in 1945?
a) 10 February 2005

10. When did Hans Adam II transfer day-to-day governing power in Liechtenstein to Alois?
c) 15 August 2004

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MCQs / Q&A, World