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آئین پاکستان 1973 میں اب تک کی گئی 25 ترامیم آسان اردو زبان میں اختصار کے ساتھ

آئین پاکستان 1973 میں اب تک کی گئی 25 ترامیم آسان اردو زبان میں اختصار کے ساتھ ملاحظہ فرمائیں۔

پہلی ترمیم 1974
آئین پاکستان 1973 کی پہلی ترمیم میں پاکستان کے حدود اربعہ کا دوبارہ تعین کیا گیا.

دوسری ترمیم 1974
قادیانیوں کو غیر مسلم اقلیت قرار دیا گیا.

تیسری ترمیم 1975
اس ترمیم میں Preventive Detention کی مدت کو بڑھایا گیا۔Preventive Detention کا مطلب ہے کسی ایسے شخص کو نامعلوم مقام پر رکھنا جو ریاست پاکستان کے خلاف سرگرمیوں میں ملوث ہو۔

چوتھی ترمیم 1975
اقلیتوں کو پارلیمنٹ میں اضافی سیٹیں دی گئیں۔

پانچویں ترمیم 1976
ہائی کورٹ کا اختیار_سماعت وسیع کیا گیا

چھٹی ترمیم 1976
ہائی کورٹ اور سپریم کورٹ کے ججز کی ریٹائرمنٹ کی مدت بالترتیب 62 اور 65 سال کی گئ۔

ساتویں ترمیم 1977
وزیر اعظم کو یہ پاور دی گئ کہ وہ کسی بھی وقت پاکستان کی عوام سے اعتماد کا ووٹ حاصل کر سکتا ہے۔

آٹھویں ترمیم 1985
پارلیمانی نظام سے نیم صدارتی نظام متعارف کروایا گیا اور صدر کو اضافی پاورز دی گئیں۔

نویں ترمیم 1985
شریعہ لاء کو لاء آف دی لینڈ کا درجہ دیا گیا۔

دسویں ترمیم 1987
پارلیمنٹ کے اجلاس کا دورانیہ مقرر کیا گیا کہ دو اجلاس کا درمیانی وقفہ 130 دن سے نہیں بڑھے گا

گیارھویں ترمیم 1989
دونوں اسمبلیوں میں سیٹوں کی Revision کی گئ۔

بارھویں ترمیم 1991
سنگین جرائم کے تیز ترین ٹرائل کے لئے خصوصی عدالتیں عرصہ 3 سال کے لئے قائم کی گئیں

تیرھویں ترمیم 1997
صدر کی نیشنل اسمبلی تحلیل کرنے اور وزیر اعظم ہٹانے کی پاورز کو ختم کیا گیا۔

چودھویں ترمیم 1997
ممبران پارلیمنٹ میں Defect پائے جانے کی صورت میں ان کو عہدوں سے ہٹانے کا قانون وضح کیا گیا۔

پندرھویں ترمیم 1998
شریعہ لاء کو لاگو کرنے کے بل کو پاس نا کیا گیا۔

سولہویں ترمیم 1999
کوٹہ سسٹم کی مدت 20 سے بڑھا کر 40 سال کی گئ

سترھویں ترمیم 2003
صدر کی پاورز میں اضافہ کیا گیا

اٹھارویں ترمیم 2010
اس ترمیم میں NWFP کا نام تبدیل کیا گیا اور آرٹیکل 6 متعارف کروایا گیا،اور اس کے علاوہ صدر کی نیشنل اسمبلی تحلیل کرنے کی پاور کو ختم کیا گیا۔

انیسویں ترمیم 2010
اسلام آباد ہائی کورٹ قائم کی گئ،اور سپریم کورٹ کے ججز کی تعیناتی کے حوالے سے قانون وضح کیا گیا۔

بیسویں ترمیم 2012
صاف شفاف انتخابات کے لئے چیف الیکشن کمشنر کو الیکشن کمیشن آف پاکستان میں تبدیل کیا گیا۔

اکیسویں ترمیم 2015
سانحہ APSکے بعد ملٹری کورٹس متعارف کروائی گئیں۔

بائیسویں ترمیم 2016
چیف الیکشن کمیشن آف پاکستان کی اہلیت کا دائرہ کار تبدیل کیا گیا کہ بیورو کریٹس اور ٹیکنو کریٹس بھی ممبر الیکشن کمیشن آف پاکستان بن سکیں گے۔

تئیسویں ترمیم 2017
سال 2015 میں قومی اسمبلی نے اکیسویں ترمیم میں 2 سال کے لئے ملٹری کورٹس قائم کیں۔ یہ دوسال کا دورانیہ 6 جنوری 2017 کو ختم ہو گیا،اس تئیسویں ترمیم میں ملٹری کورٹس کے دورانیے کو مزید 2 سال کے لئے 6 جنوری 2019 تک بڑھایا گیا۔

چوبیسویں ترمیم 2017
مردم شماری کے نتائج کی بنیاد پر حلقہ بندیوں کو دوبارہ تشکیل دیا گیا۔

پچیسویں ترمیم 2018
فاٹا کو خیبر پختونخواہ میں ملانے کے لئے صدر نے 31 مئ 2018 کو دستخط کیئے.

آئین پاکستان 1973 میں اب تک کی گئی 25 ترامیم آسان اردو زبان میں اختصار کے ساتھ Read More »

Political Science

Kuldip Nayar Quiz

1- When was Kuldip Nayar born?
  • Correct Answer: 14 August 1923
2- Where was Kuldip Nayar born?
  • Correct Answer: Sialkot
3- Where did Kuldip Nayar study journalism?
  • Correct Answer: Medill School
4- When was Kuldip Nayar Press Officer of Press Information Bureau?
  • Correct Answer: 1954-1964
5- When was Kuldip Nayar Editor of The Statesman?
  • Correct Answer: 1967-1975
6-  When was The Judgement published?
  • Correct Answer: 1977
7-  Where did Kuldip Nayar represent India as High Commissioner?
  • Correct Answer: UK
8- Which book has Kuldip Nayar’s articles on relations between India and Pakistan?
  • Correct Answer: Wall at Wagah
9-  When did Kuldip Nayar die?
  • Correct Answer: 23 August 2018
10-  Where did Kuldip Nayar die?
  • Correct Answer: Delhi

Kuldip Nayar Quiz Read More »

MCQs / Q&A, Personalities, Political Science

Inventions and Inventors

Inventions and Inventors


Air Brake : 
George Westinghouse, U.S.A. 1911.
Air Conditioning : 
Willis Carrier, U.S.A. 1911.
Airplane : 
engine-powered, Wilbur and Orville Wright, U.S.A., 1903.
Airship :
Henri Giffard, France, 1852; Ferdin von Zeppelin, Germany, 1900.
Antibiotics :
Louis Pasteur, Jules-Francois Joubert, France, 1887; (discovery of penicillin) Alexander Fleming, Scotland, 1928.
Antiseptic : 
(surgery) Joseph Lister, England, 1867.
Aspirin : 
Dr. Felix Hoffman, Germany, 1899.
Atom :
(nuclear model of) Ernest Rutherford, England, 1911.
Atomic Structure :
Ernest Rutherford, England, 1911; Niels Bohr, Denmark, 1913.
Automated Teller Machine (ATM) :
Don Wetzel, U.S.A., 1968.
Automobile :
(first with internal combustion engine, 250 rmp) Karl Benz, Germany, 1885; (first with practical highspeed internal combustion engine, 900 rpm) Gottlieb Daimler, Germany, 1885; (first true automobile, not carriage with motor) Rene Panhard, Emile Lavassor, France, 1891; (carburetor, spray) Charles E. Duryea, U.S.A., 1892.
Autopilot : 
(for aircraft) Elmer A. Sperry, U.S.A., c.1910, first successful test, 1912, in a Curtiss flying boat.


Bacteria : 
Anton van Leeuwenhoek, The Netherlands, 1683.
Bakelite :
Leo Hendrik Baekeland, U.S.A., 1907.
Ball Bearing :
Philip Vaughan, England, 1794.
Ballon, Hot-air : 
Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier, France, 1783.
Bar Codes :
Monarch Marking, U.S.A. 1970.
Barometer :
Evangelista Torricelli, Italy, 1643.
Bicycle :
Karl D. von Sauebronn, Germany, 1816; (first modern model) James Starley, England, 1884.
Big Bang Theory :
(the universe originated with a huge explosion) George LeMaitre, Belgium, 1927; (modified LeMaitre theory labeled �Big Bang�) George A. Gamov, U.S.A., 1948; (cosmic microwave background radiation discovered) Arno A. Penzias and Robert W. Wilson, U.S.A. 1965.
Blood, Circulation of :
William Harvey, England, 1628.
Bomb, Atomic : 
J. Robert Oppenheimer et al., U.S.A., 1945.
Bomb, Thermonuclear (hydrogen) :
Edward Teller et al., U.S.A., 1952.
Boyle�s Law :
(relation between pressure and volume in gases) Robert Boyle, Ireland, 1662.
Braille :
Louis Braille, France, 1829.
Bridges :
(suspension, iron chains) James Finley, Pa., 1800; (wire suspension) Marc Seguin, Lyons, 1825; (truss) Ithiel Town, U.S.A., 1820.
Bullet :
(conical) Claude Minie, France, 1849.


Calculating Machine :
(logarithms) John Napierm Scotland, 1614; (digital calculator) Blaise Pascal, 1642; (multiplication machine) Gottfried Leibniz, Germany, 1671; (�analytical engine� design, included concepts of programming, taping) Charles Babbage, England, 1835.
Camera :
George Eastman, U.S.A., 1888; (Polaroid) Edwin Land, U.S.A., 1948
Car Radio : 
William Lear, Elmer Wavering, U.S.A. 1929.
Cells :
Robert Hooke, England, 1665.
Chewing Gum : 
John Curtis, U.S.A., 1848; (chicle-based) Thomas Adams, U.S.A., 1870.
Cholera Bacterium :
Robert Koch, Germany, 1883.
Circuit, Integrated :
(theoretical) G.W.A. Dummer, England, 1952; Jack S. Kilby, Texas Instruments, U.S.A., 1959.
Clock, Pendulum :
Christian Huygens, The Netherlands, 1656.
Clock, Quartz :
Warren A. Marrison, Canada/U.S.A., 1927.
Cloning, Animal :
John B. Gurdon, U.K., 1970.
Coca-Cola :
John Pemberton, U.S.A., 1886.
Combustion :
Antoine Lavoisier, France, 1777.
Compact Disk : 
RCA, U.S.A., 1972.
Compact Disk (CD) :
Philips Electronics, The Netherlands; Sony Corp., Japan, 1980.
Computed Tomography 
(CT scan, CAT scan) :
Godfrey Hounsfield, Allan Cormack, U.K. U.S.A., 1972
Computers :
(analytical engine) Charles Babbage, 1830s; (ENIAC, Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator, first all-electronic, completed) John Presper Eckert, Jr., John Mauchly, U.S.A., 1945; (UNIVAC, Universal Automatic Computer) 1951; (personal computer) Steve Wozniak, U.S.A., 1976.
Computer Laptop :
Radio Shack Corp., U.S.A., 1983.
Concrete :
Joseph Monier, France, 1877.


Othmar Zeidler, Germany, 1874.
Detector, Metal :
Gerhard Fisher, Germany/U.S.A., late 1920s.
Deuterium :
(heavy hydrogen) Harold Urey, U.S.A., 1931.
(deoxyribonucleic acid) Friedrich Meischer, Germany, 1869; (determination of double-helical structure) F. H. Crick, England and James D. Watson, U.S.A., 1953.
Dye :
William H. Perkin, England, 1856.
Dynamite :
Alfred Nobel, Sweden, 1867.


Electric Generator (dynamo) :
(laboratory model) Michael Faraday, England, 1832; Joseph Henry, U.S.A., c.1832; (hand-driven model) Hippolyte Pixii, France, 1833; (alternating-current generator) Nikola Tesla, U.S.A., 1892.
Electron :
Sir Joseph J. Thompson, U.S.A., 1897.
Electronic Mail :
Ray Tomlinson, U.S.A., 1972.
Elevator, Passenger :
Elisha G. Otis, U.S.A., 1852.
equivalence of mass and energy) Albert Einstein, Switzerland, 1907.
Engine, Internal Combustion :
No single inventor. Fundamental theory established by Sadi Carnot, France, 1824; (two-stroke) Etienne Lenoir, France, 1860; (ideal operating cycle for four-stroke) Alphonse Beau de Roche, France, 1862; (operating four-stroke) Nikolaus Otto, Germany, 1876; (diesel) Rudolf Diesel, Germany, 1892; (rotary) Felix Wanket, Germany, 1956.
Evolution :
: (organic) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, France, 1809; (by natural selection) Charles Darwin, England, 1859.


Facsimile (fax) :
Alexander Bain, Scotland, 1842.
Fiber Optics : 
Narinder Kapany, England, 1955.
Film Photographic :
George Eastman, U.S.A., 1884.
Flashlight, Battery-operated Portable :
Conrad Hubert, Russia/U.S.A., 1899
Flask, Vacuum (Thermos) :
Sir James Dewar, Scotland, 1892.
Fuel Cell :
William R. Grove, U.K., 1839


Genetic Engineering :
Stanley N. Cohen, Herbert W. Boyer, U.S.A., 1973.
Gravitation, Law of :
Sir Issac Newton, England, c.1665 (published 1687).
Gunpowder :
China, c.700.
Gyrocompass :
Elmer A. Sperry, U.S.A., 1905.
Gyroscope :
Jean Leon Foucault, France, 1852.


Helicopter :
(double rotor) Heinrich Focke, Germany, 1936; (single rotor) Igor Silorsky, U.S.A., 1939.
Helium First Observed on Sun:
Sir Joseph Lockyer, England, 1868.
Home Videotape Systems 
(VCR) :
(Betamax) Sony, Japan, (1975); (VHS) Matsushita, Japan, 1975.


Ice Age Theory :
Louis Agassiz, Swiss-American, 1840.
Insulin :
(first isolated) Sir Frederick G. Banting and Charles H. Best, Canada, 1921; (discovery first published) Banting and Best, 1922; (Nobel Prize awarded for purification for use in humans) John Macleod and Banting, 1923; (first synthesized), China, 1966.
Internet :
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) at the Dept. of Defense, U.S.A., 1969.
Iron, Electric : 
Henry W. Seely, U.S.A., 1882.
Isotopes : 
Frederick Soddy, England, 1912.


Jet Propulsion :
(engine) Sir Frank Whittle, England, Hans von Ohain, Germany, 1936; (aircraft) Heinkel He 178, 1939.


Laser :
(theoretical work on) Charles H. Townes, Arthur L. Schawlow, U.S.A. Basov, A. Prokhorov, U.S.S.R., 1958; (first working model) T. H. Maiman, U.S.A., 1960.
LCD (liquid crystal display) :
Hoffmann-La Roche, Switzerland, 1970.
Lens, Bifocal :
Benjamin Franklin, U.S.A., c.1760.
Light-Emitting Diode (LED) :
Nick Holonyak, Jr., U.S.A., 1962.
Light, Speed of :
(theory that light has finite velocity) Olaus Roemer, Denmark, 1675.
Locomotive :
(steam powered) Richard Trevithick, England, 1804; (first practical, due to multiple-fire-tube boiler) George Stephenson, England, 1829; (largest steam-powered) Union Pacific�s �Big Boy�, U.S.A., 1941.
Loud Speaker :
Chester W. Rice, Edward W. Kellogg, U.S.A., 1924.


Machine Gun :
(multibarrel) Richard J. Gatling, U.S.A., 1862; (single barrel, belt-fed) Hiram S. Maxim, Anglo-American, 1884.
Magnet, Earth is : 
William Gilbert, England, 1600.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) : 
Raymond Damadian, Paul Lauterbur, U.S.A., early 1970s.
Matchstick/box : 
(phosphorus) Francois Derosne, France, 1816; (friction) Charles Sauria, France, 1831; (safety) J. E. Lundstrom, Sweden, 1855.
Metric System : 
Revolutionary government of France, 1790-1801.
Microphone : 
Charles Wheatstone, England, 1827.
Microscope : 
(compound) Zacharias Janssen, The Netherlands, 1590; (electron) Vladimir Zworykin et al., U.S.A., Canada, Germany, 1932-1939.
Microwave Oven : 
Percy Spencer, U.S.A., 1947.
Missile, Guided : 
Wernher von Braun, Germany, 1942.
Motion, Laws of : 
Isaac Newton, England, 1687.
Motion Pictures : 
Thomas A. Edison, U.S.A., 1893.
Motion Pictures, Sound : 

Motor, Electric : 

Motorcycle : 
(motor tricycle) Edward Butler, England, 1884; (gasoline-engine motorcycle) Gottlieb Daimler, Germany, 1885.
Moving Assembly Line : 
Product of various inventions. First picture with synchronized musical score : Don Juan, 1926; with spoken diologue : The Jazz Singer, 1927; both Warner Bros.

Michael Faraday, England, 1822; (alternating-current) Nikola Tesla, U.S.A., 1892.


Ozone : 
Christian Schonbein, Germany, 1839.


Neutron : 
James Chadwick, England, 1932.
Nuclear Fission : 
Otto Hahn, Fritz Strassmann, Germany, 1938.
Nuclear Reactor : 
Enrico Fermi, Italy, et al., 1942.
Nylon : 
Wallace H. Carothers, U.S.A., 1937.


Pacemaker : 
Clarence W. Lillehie, Earl Bakk, U.S.A., 1957.
Paper : 
China, c.100 A.D.
Parachute : 
Louis S. Lenormand, France, 1783.
Pen : 
(fountain) Lewis E. Waterman, U.S.A., 1884; (ball-point) John H. Loud, U.S.A., 1888; Lazlo Biro, Argentina, 1944.
Phonograph : 
Thomas A. Edison, U.S.A., 1877.
Photography : 
(first paper negative, first photograph, on metal) Joseph Nicephore Niepce, France, 1816-1827; (discovery of fixative powers of hyposulfite of soda) Sir John Herschel, England, 1819; (first direct positive image on silver plate) Louis Dagauerre, based on work with Niepce, France, 1839; (first paper negative from which a number of positive prints could be made) William Talbot, England, 1841. Work of these four men, taken together, forms basis for all modern photography. (First color images) Alexandre Becquerel, Claude Niepce de Saint-Victor, France, 1848-1860; (commercial color film with three emulsion layers, Kodachrome) U.S.A. 1935.
Photovoltaic Effect :
(light falling on certain materials can produce electricity) Edmund Becquerel, France, 1839.
Planetary Motion, Laws of : 
Johannes Kepler, Germany, 1609, 1619.
Plastics : 
(first material nitrocellulose softened by vegetable oil, camphor, precursor to Celluloid) Alexander Parkes, England, 1855; (Celluloid, involving recognition of vital effect of camphor) John W. Hyatt, U.S.A., 1869; (Bakelite, first completely synthetic plastic) Leo H. Baekeland, U.S.A., 1910; (theoretical background of macromolecules and process of polymerization on which modern plastics industry rests) Hermann Staudinger, Germany, 1922; (polypropylene and low-pressure method for producing high-density polyethylene) Robert Banks, Paul Hogan, U.S.A., 1958.
Polio, Vaccine : 
(experimentally safe dead-virus vaccine) Jonas E. Salk, U.S.A., 1952; (effective large-scale field trials) 1954; (officially approved) 1955; (safe oral live-virus vaccine developed) Albert B. Sabin, U.S.A. 1954; (available in the U.S.A.) 1960.
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) : 
Eugen Baumann, Germany, 1872.
Printing : 
(block) Japan, c.700; (movable type) Korea, c.1400, Johann Gutenberg, Germany, c.1450; (lithography, offset) Aloys Senefelder, Germany, 1796; (rotary press) Richard Hoe, U.S.A. 1844; (linotype) Ottmar Mergenthaler, U.S.A., 1884.
Printing Press, Movable Type : 
Johannes Gutenburg, Germany, c.1450.
Proton : 
Ernest Rutherford, England, 1919.
Pulsars : 
Antony Hewish and Jocelyn Bell Burnel, England, 1967.


Quantum Theory : 
(general) Max Planck, Germany, 1900; (sub-atomic) Niels Bohr, Denmark, 1913; (quantum mechanics) Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrodinger, Germany, 1925.


Rabies Immunization : 
Louis Pasteur, France, 1885.
Radar : 
(limited range) Christian Hulsmeyer, Germany, 1904; (pulse modulation, used for measuring height of ionosphere) Gregory Breit, Merle Tuve, U.S.A., 1925; (first practical radar-radio detection and ranging) Sir Robert Watson-Watt, England, 1934-1935.
Radio : 
(electromagnetism theory of) James Clerk Maxwell, England, 1873; (spark coil, generator of electromagnetic waves) Heinrich Hertz, Germany, 1886; (first practical system of wireless telegraphy) Guglielmo Marconi, Italy, 1895; (first long-distance telegraphic radio signal sent across the Atlantic) Macroni, 1901; (vacuum electron tube, basis for radio telephony) Sir John Fleming, England, 1904; (regenerative circuit, allowing long-distance sound reception) Edwin H. Armstrong, U.S.A., 1912; (frequency modulation-FM) Edwin H. Armstrong, U.S.A., 1933.
Radiocarbon Dating, Carbon-14 Method : 
(discovered) Willard F. Libby, U.S.A., 1947; (first demonstrated) U.S.A., 1950.
Razor : 
(safety) King Gillette, U.S.A., 1901; (electric) Jacob Schick, U.S.A., 1928, 1931.
Refrigerator : 
Alexander Twining, U.S.A., James Harrison, Australia, 1850; (first with a compressor) the Domelse, Chicago, U.S.A., 1913.
Remote Control, Television : 
Robert Adler, U.S.A., 1950.
Richter Scale : 
Charles F. Richter, U.S.A., 1935.
Rifle : 
(muzzle-loaded) Italy, Germany, c.1475; (breech-loaded) England, France, Germany, U.S.A., c.1866; (bolt-action) Paul von Mauser, Germany, 1889; (automatic) John Browning, U.S.A., 1918.
Rocket : 
(liquid-fueled) Robert Goddard, U.S.A., 1926.
Rotation of Earth : 
Jean Bernard Foucault, France, 1851.
Rubber : 
(vulcanization process) Charles Goodyear, U.S.A., 1839.


Saccharin : 
Constantine Fuhlberg, Ira Remsen, U.S.A., 1879.
Safety Pin : 
Walter Hunt, U.S.A., 1849.
Saturn, Ring Around : 
Christian Huygens, The Netherlands, 1659.
Seismograph : 
(first accurate) John Bohlin, Sweden, 1962.
Sewing Machine : 
Elias Howe, U.S.A., 1846; (continuous stitch) Isaac Singer, U.S.A., 1851.
Spectrum : 
Sir Isaac Newton, England, 1665-1666.
Steam Engine : 
Thomas Savery, England, 1639; (atmospheric steam engine) Thomas Newcomen, England, 1705; (steam engine for pumping water from collieries) Savery, Newcomen, 1725; (modern condensing, double acting) James Watt, England, 1782; (high-pressure) Oliver Evans, U.S.A., 1804.
Steel, Stainless : 
Harry Brearley, U.K., 1914.
Stethoscope : 
Rene Laennec, France, 1819.
Submarine : 
Cornelis Drebbel, The Netherlands, 1620.


Tank, Military : 
Sir Ernest Swinton, England, 1914.
Tape Recorder : 
Valdemar Poulsen, Denmark, 1899.
Teflon : 
DuPont, U.S.A., 1943.
Telegraph : 
Samuel F. B. Morse, U.S.A., 1837.
Telephone : 
Alexander Graham Bell, U.S.A., 1837.
Telephoe, Mobile : 
Bell Laboratories, U.S.A., 1946.
Telescope : 
Hans Lippershey, The Netherlands, 1608; (astronomical) Galileo Galilei, Italy, 1609; (reflecting) Isaac Newton, England, 1668.
Television : 
Vladimir Zworykin, U.S.A., 1923, and also kinescope (cathode ray tube) 1928; (mechanical disk-scanning method) successfully demaonstrated by J. L. Baird, Scotland, C. F. Jenkins, U.S.A., 1926; (first all-electric television image) Philo T. Famsworth, U.S.A., 1927; (color, mechanical disk) Baird, 1928; (color, compatible with black and white) George Valensi, France, 1938; (color, sequential rotating filter) Peter Goldmark, U.S.A., first introduced, 1951; (color, compatible with black and white) commercially introduced in U.S.A., National Television Systems committee, 1953.
Thermodynamics : 
(first law : energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one from to another) Julius Von Mayer, Germany, 1842; James Joule, England, 1843; (second law : heat cannot itself pass from a colder to a warmer body) Rudolph Clausius, Germany, 1850; (third law : the entropy of ordered solids reaches zero at the absolute zero of temperature) Walter Nernstm Germany, 1918.
Thermometer : 
(open-column) Galileo Galilei, c.1593; (clinical) Santorio Santorio, Padua, c.1615; (mercury, also Fahrenheit scale) Gabriel D. Fahrenheit, Germany, 1714; (centigrade scale) Anders Celsius, Sweden, 1742; (absolute-temperature, or Kelvin, scale) William Thompson, Lord Kelvin, England, 1848.
Tire, Pneumatic : 
Robert W. Thompson, England, 1845; (bicycle tire) John B. Dunlop, Northern Ireland, 1888.
Transformer, Electric : 
William Stanely, U.S.A., 1885.
Transistor : 
John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, William B. Shockley, U.S.A., 1947.
Typewriter : 
Christopher Sholes, Carlos Glidden, U.S.A., 1867.


Velcro : 
George de Mestral, Switzerland, 1948.
Video Disk : 
Philips Co., The Netherlands, 1972.
Vitamins : 
(hypothesis of disease deficiency) Sir F. G. Hopkins, Casimir Funk, England, 1912; (vitamin A) Elmer V. McCollum, M. Davis, U.S.A., 1912-1914; (vitamin B) McCollum, U.S.A., 1915-1916; (thiamin B1) Casimir Funk, England, 1912; ( riboflavin, B2) D. T. Smith, E. G. Hendrick, U.S.A., 1926; (niacin) Conrad Elvehjem, U.S.A., 1937; (B6) Paul Gyorgy, U.S.A., 1934; (vitamin C) C. A. Hoist, T. Froelich, Norway, 1912; (vitamin D) McCollum, U.S.A., 1922; (folic acid) Lucy Wills, England, 1933.


Wheel : 
(cart, solid wood) Mesopotamia, c.3800-3600 B.C.
Windmill : 
Persia, c.600.
World Wide Web : 
(developed while working at CERN) Tim Berners-Lee, England, 1989; (development of Mosaic browser makes WWW available for general use) Marc Andreeson, U.S.A., 1993.


X-ray Imaging : 
Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen, Germany, 1895.
Xerography : 
Chester Carlson, U.S.A., 1900.


Zero : 
India, c.600; (absolute zero temperature, cessation of all molecular energy) William Thompson, Lord Kelvin, England, 1848.

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