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100 MCQs About World History

100 MCQs About World History

1. What is the oldest daily newspaper in England? – The Times

2. Which two American states joined the union in 1959? – Alaska and Hawaii

3. Which American President ordered the dropping of the first atomic bomb? – Harry S Truman

4. In which century did King George IV rule Great Britain? – 18th

5. After which famous person in history was the teddy bear named? – Theodore Roosevelt

6. What was the name given to the trials of 24 Nazi leaders for war crimes in 1945? – The Nuremberg Trials

7. In what century was the Taj Mahal built? – 17th

8. Which gangster said ‘I’ve been accused of every death except the casualty list of the World War’? – Al Capone

9. In what year was Prince William born? – 1982

10. The word ‘book’ originates from the middle English word ‘bok’ meaning which type of
tree? – Beech

11. Richard Byrd is credited with having been the first person to fly over what particular spot
in the world? – The North Pole

12. Why don’t the restaurants ‘Palm Court’, ‘Cafe Parisien’ and ‘Verandah’ exist anymore? – They were on the Titanic

13. What city was the capital of Poland between 1320 and 1611? – Krakow

14. Who was the first President of America? – George Washington

15. Which American President served only 31 days? – William Harrison

16. When the first World War broke out which three countries made up the Triple Entente? –
France, England and Russia

17. What is Adam’s ale or Adam’s wine? – Water

18. Who were the mother and father of Elizabeth I? – Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII

19. Which British Prime Minister resigned because of the Suez crisis? – Anthoney Eden

20. For what was Rosa Parks arrested in 1955, leading to the biggest US Civil Rights
movement? – Refusing to give up her seat on a bus for a white man

21. John Major became a member of Parliament in 1979 for which town, north of London? –

22. Which American President was shot in 1901 and died 8 days later? – McKinley

23. The Battle of Bosworth in 1485 was the last battle of which series of wars? – The Wars Of The Roses

24. The explorer Sir Edmund Hillary was from which country? – New Zealand

25. The popular British pub name ‘The Royal Oak’ is named after which King? – Charles II (he hid in an oak tree to escape enemies)

26. Collectively, by what name are Carole Richardson, Patrick Armstrong, Paul Hill and Gerard Conlon better known? – The Guildford Four

27. In which century was the world’s first public railway opened? – 19th

28. The invention of what in 1867, made Alfred Nobel famous? – Dynamite

29. What was King William II killed by? An arrow, the plague or old age? – An Arrow

30. In Greek mythology, who was the goddess of marriage, women and childbirth? – Hera

31. In what year did Margaret Thatcher become Prime Minister? – 1979

32. In what year was London due to host the Olympic Games, but couldn’t because of the Second World War? – 1944

33. On March 3rd, 1991, who was severly beaten by Los Angeles police officers causing public outcry? – Rodney King

34. Which king was the target of the Gunpowder plot of 1605? – James I

35. What alloy was the most important metal for tools and weapons between the years 4000
and 2000 B.C.? – Bronze

36. In which year did Tony Blair first become British Prime Minister? – 1997

37. Who was the first US President to meet with a reigning British monarch? – Woodrow Wilson

38. In which month in 1914, did Britain declare war on Germany? – August

39. Thomas Chippendale was best known for making and designing what in the 18th century? – Furniture

40. What historic event does the nursery rhyme ‘Ring-a-ring of roses’ commemorate? – The Great Plague

41. In which year did colour TV transmissions begin in Britain? – 1969

42. As at the year 2001, who has been the tallest American President? – Abraham Lincoln

43. Which famous London department store opened on 15th March, 1909? – Selfridges

44. Which of the following occurred most recently? The Iron Age or The Bronze Age? – Iron Age

45. Who is the only American President to have served non-consecutive terms in office? – Grover Cleveland

46. In which country did the cloning of Dolly the sheep take place? – Scotland

47. Who ordered the beheading of Mary Queen Of Scots? – Queen Elizabeth I

48. Which English queen was married to Lord Guildford Dudley? – Lady Jane Grey

49. Which geographical location was the first word spoken on the moon? – Houston

50. What was Hitler’s title as the leader of Nazi Germany? – Fuhrer

51. What was the surname of Zachary, the President of the USA between 1849 and 1850? –Taylor

52. How many of Henry VIII’s wives had been previously married? – 2

53. Who did Queen Elizabeth I succeed to the throne? – Mary I

54. In which war was the Victoria Cross first awarded? – The Crimean War

55. In which century did the diamond engagement ring first become popular? – 15th

56. Which country declared war on both Germany and the Allies in World War II? – Italy

57. Which two brothers are associated with the invention of the aeroplane? – Orville and Wilbur Wright

58. By what title was Oliver Cromwell known? – Lord Protector

59. In 1978, what was Sweden’s most profitable export, ahead of Volvo? – Abba

60. What was the name of the bomb which was dropped on Nagasaki during World War II? – Fat Man

61. How did Robert The Bruce die? – Of the disease leprosy

62. Which famous museum opened in London, in April 1928? – Madam Tussauds

63. In Greek mythology, what was unusual about Medusa’s hair? – It was made of snakes

64. In America, what became the 49th state to enter the union in 1959? – Alaska

65. Which district of London was named after a battle fought in 1815? – Waterloo

66. In what year did the first successful Mars landings take place? – 1976

67. For how many years did the Jurassic period last? – 180 million

68. In which century was Mary, Queen Of Scots executed? – 16th

69. Who was the first American President to visit China? – Richard Nixon

70. Parker and Barrow were the surnames of which famous couple? – Bonnie and Clyde

71. What type of animal was the first to be sent into space? – A dog

72. For what reason did American Sally Ride become famous in 1983? – First American female in space

73. In which year did Richard Nixon begin the secret bombing of Cambodia? – 1969

74. Which famous person in history invented the greeting, ‘Hello’ first used for answering the telephone? – Thomas Edison

75. Who was the famous son of the Greek princess Olympias? – Alexander The Great

76. What were the names of Adam and Eve’s three sons? – Cain, Abel and Seth

77. Which war was called the ‘War to end all wars’? – World War I

78. In what year did Laika the dog become the first space traveller? – 1957

79. Which country in Europe has the oldest Parliament? – Iceland

80. Who was the third President of America and chief author of the Declaration Of Independence? – Thomas Jefferson

81. In what year was the battle of Agincourt? – 1415

82. By what name was the Scottish outlaw Robert McGregor better known? – Rob Roy

83. In 1969, what became the first song to be sung in outer space? – Happy Birthday

84. By what name was Sir Arthur Wellesley better known? – Duke of Wellington

85. What was the name of the suffragette who threw herself under the King’s horse in the
1913 Derby? – Emily Davison

86. What was the profession of Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone? – Teacher (of deaf and dumb children)

87. Which country suffered over 6 million deaths in World War II, equivalent to over 17% of
it’s population? – Poland

88. Which English King was killed by an arrow at the battle of Hastings? – King Harold

89. Who was murdered by Robert Ford? – Jesse James

90. In what year were protesting students murdered in Tiananman Square? – 1989

91. Which US President was forced to resign because of the Watergate scandal? – Richard Nixon

92. Which monarch’s last words were ‘All my possessions for a moment of time’? – Elizabeth  I

93. What happened in 1847 that is sometimes referred to as ‘Black Forty Seven’? – The potato famine in Ireland

94. In which country did Venetian blinds originate? Italy, India or Japan? – Japan

95. In which country was Mother Theresa born? – Yugoslavia

96. Who was the first American President to die while in office? – William Harrison

97. What was the maiden name of the bride at the first wedding watched by over 750 million
people? – Diana Spencer

98. Who was Queen Elizabeth II’s father? – George VI

99. Which famous raid did Guy Gibson lead in 1943? – The Dambusters

100. Who, in 1901, was the first man to send a Radio Telegraph signal across the Atlantic
Ocean? – Guglielmo Marconi


100 MCQs About World History Read More »

English, History, MCQs / Q&A, World

MY JOURNEY TO CSS by: Muhammad Ali Asghar (PAS)

Allah has indeed been kind upon me for my success in the CE-2010, and even more so at the interview part. I am humbled by the honor Almighty has given me. I would briefly share a few of my observations:

1. Clarity of Purpose:

As a first step, I consider that it is extremely important to be very clear right at the start of this journey as to why do you want to join the Civil Service or even why do you wish to attempt for the Competitive Exam. Different people have different motivations. You need to be really sure about yours. If you want to join the Civil Service for prestige, honour, power, authority, ‘dandda’, public service, then so be it and own it. There is no need to be ashamed of your reasons, be they knightly/saintly or knavish/selfish. If you are just following others in the lead, even then be clear about it. This brings us to our second point:

2. Motivation:

Once you have the clarity of purpose, you should evaluate that whether you have a desire sufficient enough to sustain you through a two year long duration. You need to be really motivated enough to work hard, motivated enough to sit back at home and indulge in a really non-interesting activity of studying boring stuff. You need to be motivated enough to counter all arguments of friends and relatives who would try to dissuade you from joining Civil Service on the way. And lastly you should be motivated enough to be persistent throughout two years in face of all adverse news you would hear and read in media about Civil Service. In short, motivation is your manna and fuel which will keep you going throughout this time. Many people do not give adequate importance to this aspect, but to me, it is the single most important element which feeds into others.

3. Dedicated Activity:

I find it really hard to buy the idea that one can continue to do a job and prepare for CSS simultaneously and ultimately score a high merit. If the aim is just to pass and get any allocation then probably yes, one can do it. But if the aim is to get the allocation of your choice and that too in a crystal clear respectable manner then you have to quite all other things, including your job, sit back home, develop a routine and seek agreement from parents and other family members that you would not be disturbed for one year at least. This leads to Point 4:

4. Commitment of Parents/Family:

It is very important to bring your parents and family on board. If they are committed to your cause and believe in it, then they must not only provide you with a conducive environment, but should also be a source of encouragement to you. This translates into you not being disturbed for routine household chores or you being forced to attend family dinners, parties and weddings etc. Your routine should take preference over all family matters for one year, unless once in a while you yourself want to get out and relax a little. This feeds into Point 5:

5. Room for Relaxation:

My father once told me that no horse in a Gymkhana can run 4 circuits of the race consecutively. The horse ultimately runs out of breath. Some horses make a sprint at the start and take the lead and then level off; others save it for the end. This means, you need to continuously release pressure during the preparation. You would be a fool to expect that you can lock yourself in a room for one year and study 10 hours per day. You will soon run out of steam. So, continue to meet friends and socialize, at least once a week. Plus, keep some energy for the end months when it would be most required.

6. Subject Selection:

I am not at all a believer of the idea that some subjects can be scoring and others not. I took Indo-Pak History and Journalism, the two most beaten subjects in the CE-2010, and still I managed to score into single digit merit. And I stand vindicated in my stance. So, select a subject which first of all interests you and at the same time lessens your load. Go for those subjects which overlap like Indo-Pak with Pakistan Affairs, and Public Administration with Political Science.

7. Be Simple:

I am a Computer Engineer but I never opted Computer Science, although it would have been fairly easy for me. Also someone might ask, if I can’t clear the Computer Science paper, who can? But selecting Computer Science as a subject would have meant revising a 4 year syllabus for only a 100 marks paper. I didn’t need to prove any one by selecting the subject that I am good at Computer Science. My aim was to become an officer and I opted subjects which are in the mainstream chosen by almost everyone, for whom adequate material is available in the market and elsewhere, and for which I can always seek help.

7. Current Affairs is the key:

Although Current Affairs is a 100 marks subject, but in recent times, it can be very easily observed that every paper has at least a couple of questions relating to current situation in our country and society. So, the more time you spend on current affairs, the more you would ultimately benefit in almost every paper. My suggestion would be to keep a 65-35 ratio with almost 35% of your entire CSS preparation focused on current affairs and 65% on routine books for subjects. Diversify your source of Current Affairs knowledge beyond DAWN (which is definitely the best newspaper for CSS). This would include journals from IPS, PIPS and IRS etc.
I think it would be a mere repetition if I say what everyone else has said time and again that there is simply no short cut to success. Hard work is the key. An average of 8 hours per day and an almost same number of months is what would get you to your dream occupational group with certainty and respect.
But, I must admit that this preparation has brought me a lot closer to the Almighty, and I would not be ashamed to say that I believe, the Almighty listens to my prayers. Closeness only comes if you get close to God, for He is always there to accommodate you.
Apart from the above, please keep in mind the following for preparation of interview:
  1. First of all, everyone must understand that the Interview part (Viva + Psychological) is almost as important as the written portion, if not more. Whereas we all tend to work really hard for the written, spending almost a year preparing it, we take the interview very lightly. Some people even say, there is simply no need to prepare at all. I beg to differ with them for Interview does require preparation. The reason I say interview is very important is that all the candidates who clear the written examination have their scores lying in a narrow band of around 100 marks (between 610 and 710 marks). This means that at this stage 300 marks of interview gives you a good leverage to make the difference. A high score of above 200 could very well land you in top 20~30 positions even if your written score is just an average one along with 600 or so other candidates.
  2. The second reason I emphasize on interview is that in my opinion it requires almost as much hard work as the written part. A dedicated preparation of 2~3 months, preferably even before or immediately after the announcement of written result would be my recommendation. Again, you must understand that by scoring 240 marks in interview, you can take a lead of almost 100 marks from a candidate who did just average in interview scoring around 150 or so.
  3. The third most important thing to realize is that Psychological assessment is a very significant component of the whole interview part. In my personal opinion it is even more important than the viva voce. The reason I say this is that the Psychiatrists spend two complete days judging almost every single aspect of your personality in depth. The personality profile prepared by them is given a lot of weightage by the FPSC panel, increasing so in recent years. They sort of go along with the advice of the professionals, and only reconfirm their assessment through different questioning techniques. The variation between the psychologists and FPSC panel cannot be markedly large. So, give you best effort to prepare for this part so that the psychologists draw a good personality profile of you and recommend you as an officer material.
  4. Prepare for group discussions and command tasks with your friends and other qualifiers. At this stage, you can also join an academy where you would have a chance to interact with many students at one place, something you cannot do on your own. Within the group discussions, adopt a stance which is moderate (not to extremist on either side). Your argument should be backed by logic and evidence. Your choice of words should be mild, but your tone should be firm and give an aura of seriousness. There is no need to shout and raise your voice unnecessarily merely to capture attention or drive your point. If your point is valid, it will be registered even with a soft voice. This way, an even better impact would be created that you are confident on your knowledge and argument and do not need the support of your oratory.
  5. For the Command Task take time to properly explain the problem to your team members instead of rushing through at this point. If your team does not fully understand your problem, they would be unable to help you or contribute in your problem. A few seconds saved at this stage can in fact cost you later. Once the problem is explained to team members, ask them if they have completely understood it. If any member is unclear on any aspect of the problem, this would be a good time to clarify things. This would also give a positive impression that as a leader you take care of how your subordinates comprehend you. In my frank opinion, there is no need to pre-assign designations and appointments. While wrapping up the discussions, you can simply point to your team members and assign them tasks.
  6. Try to think through different questions which might be asked on your personality both in the proforma as well as by the psychologist panel. Instead of these questions coming to you as a surprise, it is better that you have done some working on them. Questions like, your fondest childhood memory, things you like and dislike about your parents and friends, your domiciled district etc need to be prepared before hand. The forum would contain lots of questions asked by the psychologists to different batches.
  7. For the viva voce, try to build the opinions on different issues. Try to ask yourself questions. Read one or two newspapers. If possible start reading TIME and NEWSWEEK. Again, on your own, work out small questions on any issue that can be asked from different angles. You should have answers to cover these angles. At this stage, also go through actual statutes, laws and provisions of constitution that are often referred to in news item and articles. For instance, if Section 295 (Blasphemy Laws) of CrPC is mentioned repeatedly in press and media, you should read and understand the actual provisions verbatim. One good online source for such documents is: The Constitution of Pakistan and Pakistan’s Legislative History

I hope it helps. You can ask me about specifics, which I might have missed out.

Again, it is a personal belief, but God is the One Who has helped me beyond my capabilities. I was able to do CSS and an MSc from LSE UK in parallel. I got such high marks in interview and passed the essay paper on edge. So, get close to Him!

Regards, and Best of Luck

MY JOURNEY TO CSS by: Muhammad Ali Asghar (PAS) Read More »

Articles, Current Affairs, History, Political Science

10 Golden Rules on Spelling Correction in English Grammar

Rule 1: When the suffix “full” is added to a word, one “ I” is removed.
Faith + full = faithful
Use + full= useful

Rule 2: If the word to which the suffix “full” is added ends in “ll”, one “I” is removed from the word also.
Skill +full = skilful
Will + full= wilful

Rule 3: Words of two or three syllables ending in single vowel + single consonant double the final consonant if the last syllable is stressed. Eg-
Permit + ed = permitted
Occur + ing =occurring
Control + ed =controlled
Begin + ing = beginning

Rule 4: Consonant ‘L’ is doubled in the words ending in single vowel + “I” before a suffix beginning with a vowel eg.
Signal + ing = signalling
Repel + ent = repellent
Quarrel + ed = quarrelled
Travel + er = traveller

Rule 5: Words ending in silent “e”, drop the “e” before a suffix beginning with a voweleg.
Hope + ing = hoping
Live + ed = lived
Drive + er = driver
Tire + ing= tiring

Rule 6: If the suffix begins with a consonant “e” is not dropped e.g
Hope + full = hopeful
Sincere + ly= sincerely
True + ly = truly
Nine + th = ninth
Argue + ment = argument

Rule 7: A final “y” following a consonant changes to “i” before a suffix except “ing”. Eg.
Carry + ed = carried
Happy + ly = happily
Marry + age = marriage
Beauty + full = beautiful
Marry + ing = marrying
Carry + ing = carrying

Rule 8: A final “y” following a vowel does not change before a suffix. Eg:
Obey + ed = obeyed
Play + er = player
Pray + ed= prayed

Rule 9: When the suffix “ous” is added to a word ending in “ce”, “e” is changed to “i”.
Space + ous= spacious
Vice + ous= vicious
Malice + ous = malicious
Grace + ous= gracious

Rule 10: When the suffix “ing” is added to a word ending in “ie”, “ie” is changed to “y”.
Lie + ing= lying
Die + ing = dying
Tie + ing= tying

10 Golden Rules on Spelling Correction in English Grammar Read More »

English, English Grammar



1.What is the Current Islamic year:—– 
2.How many haj performed by Hazrat Mohammad pbuh—1
3. Where was last revelation revealed——-DURING HIJATUL WIDA
4.What is the shortest surah: KAUSAR
5.Which surah is the heart of Quran: YASEEN
6.Who was given the title of Ghaseel ul malaika: HANZILLA(R A)
7.What is the no. of total *surah: 114 (NON OF THESE)
8.What is the first month of Islamic calendar: MOHARRAM
9. Hazrat Mohammad PBUH called himself
10.last revelation at ?:HIJJA TUL WIDAH.
11. What was arfa karims age is the time of death:16
12. Who is us ambassador to Pakistan:CAMERON MENTOR
13. Who is Pakistan ambassador to united nations: ABDULLAH HAROON
14. Where does business train go to and from: LAHORE-KARACHI
15. What is the name of Oscar winning documentary of shirmeen:SAVING FACE
16. What drug was reported to be the cause of death in the Punjab institute of cardiology: ISOTAB
17. What is the cost of stamp of arfa karim released on her birthday:RS:8.
18. Who is Pakistan ambassador to US: Sherry rehman19. Who is the first female foreign affairs minister of Pakistan: HINA RABBANI
20. What is the cause of mehran bank scandal:ILLEGAL FUND TO POLITICIANS
21. Which English crickerter was jailed for spot fixing:
22. Where were academy awards,2012 held: LOS ANGELES
23. Christain wulff who resigned as head of state belonged to which country:GERMANY
24. Who is the secretary of state of US: HILLARY
25. What is the total no. of ammendements in 1973 constitution:20
26. Where are Olympic 2012 going to be held: LONDON
27. Pakistan beat England in test series in what ratio: 3
28. Who is the secretary general of united nations: BAN KI MOON
29. WHO recently declared which country as polio free:INDIA
30. Which is the largest seaport of Pakistan: KARACHI( NOT 100%)
31. Where is arfa karim software park located:LAHORE(FEROZPUR RD)
32. Where is Benazir shaheed international airport: Islam Abad33. Who is the current cricket chief selector of Pakistan:IQBAL QASIM
34. On which river has mangla dam been built:JEHLUM
35. What is the boundary between Afghanistan and Pakistan:DURAND LINE
36. Where is siachin glacier:BALTISTAN
37. Pakistan derby horse race,2012 was won by which horse:ASSASIN
38. Who is the current chairman of senate:NAYYER BUKHARI( OPTION WAS MISSING)
39. What does light year measure?: DISTANCE( B/W) STARS*
40. Which is the hardest substance on earth:DIAMOND
41. What happens to temperature of boiling water on a higher elevation:DECREASES
42. Which disease is caused by dogs:RABIES
43. What is the temperature of human body in farhenheits:98* OPTION WAS NONE OF THESE
44. Swimming pool water is disinfected by which chemical: CHLORINE
45. Blindness is caused by deficiency of which vitamin…VIT —A
46. Vitamin c is richest in which fruit:GUAVA
47. Soda water is carbonated by adding what:CO2
48. One mile has how many kilometres:1.60934
49. What is the unit of energy:JOULE
50. What is the filament of electric bulb made of:TUNGSTON
51. What is added in lead pencils:GRAPHITE
52. How does sunlight enter the rooms?:IRREGULAR REFLECTION(NOT 100% SURE)
53. How many colors are visible in the sunlight spectrum:7
54. Which substance is liquid at room temperature? MERCURY
55. Which of these is negatively charged? ELECTRONS
56. What happens to volume of water when it freezes:INCREASES BY 1/10
57. Which party has the highest no. of seats in senate after 2012 electionsp
58.Amir khan is ?:BRITISH NATIONAL
60.age of son was 1/3 of his father 5 years back if current age is 30 then father’s age?:80( NOW)
61.x:3=4:6 then x=2
62.no of student in a class is 30 3/5 are girls boys will be?:12
63.A student gets 68 marks and therefore gets 85% total marks are?:80
64.diamond is a: MATERIAL NOUN
65.police?: diverted the route
66.mean of 10, 30, y, and 50 is * *50 then y=110.
67.smallest natural no:1
68.smallest prime no: 2
69.30% of total amount is left after spending 280 rupees , total amount is:4000.
70.perimeter of a square is 20cm length of one side shall be?:5 CM
71.in absence of facts we can ?: INFER
72) 10×10 (that star is actually power of 10 as zero,i dont know how to insert zero)= right option was 0
73) 2,6,18,54,_____ answer was 162 in next
74)A man has 180 pens and 9 of them are blue ,how much % has he blue pens.correct answer was 5% but there was 6% so non of these was right.
75) a boy has 68 marks that is 85% ,what were total marks??
88) 85) 80) non of these??
76) a man bought a thing on 120 rupees and he has 25% discount.what is actual price he paid?
77) 95) 120) non of these) 90was correct answer
78). Smallest Natural Number? 1
79) Smallest Prime Number? 2
80) Five years ago, age of father was thrice the age of son. If son is 30 years old now, whats the current age of father? 80
81) 30% amount of total is left after spending 280 rupees. what was the amount before spending? 400
82). Mean of 10, 30, Y, and 50 is 50. Y is? 110
83). Boy can type 1350 words in 30 minutes, how many he could type in 5 minutes? 225
84). Perimeter of Square is 20, Length of one side is? 5CM
85)number of student in a class is 30. 3/5 are girls. then how many boys are there in class ? GIRLS ARE 18 THEN BOYS ARE 12.
86)X:3=4:6 then x = ? 2.
87)32-15*2+3= ? 5.
88)Afridi is one of those who never submits to the miseries of his life.( something like this was given= submit
89)- Shrimps are available in the market,…… they are good source of earning foreign exchange.
90) In absence of facts we can—–about the real reason.
1) Conclude 2) deduce 3) deduct 4) infer ——————-conclude correct
91) He set two alarms so as to—–that he woke up on time?
a) Assure b) reassure c)ensure D)confim —————confirm is correct

92) The word round in “He took round in” is—-parts of speech?
a) verb b) noun c) adjective————- round is a adjective
93 where is the siachin glacier a)boltistan
94. what is the clinical use for temperature A)foreign height


MCQs / Q&A, Past Papers