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Pakistan Rivers Mcqs For Competitive Exams.

How many rivers flow in Punjab Province?
A. Six
B. Seven
C. Eight
D. Five
Answer is = D
How many rivers flow in Sindh Province?
A. Four
B. Seven
C. Eight
D. Nine
Answer is = A
How many rivers flow in Balochistan Province?
A. Six
B. Seven
C. Eight
D. Nine
Answer is = B
How many rivers flow in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province?
A. Six
B. Seven
C. Eight
D. Nine
Answer is = C
How many rivers are present in Pakistan?
A. 20
B. 22
C. 23
D. 24
Answer is = D
Where Jehlum and Chenab rivers meet?
A. Rasol Pur
B. Panjnad
C. Trimmu
D. Khanki Headworks
Answer is = C
Where all rivers of Punjab enter into Indus?
A. Rasol Pur
B. Panjnad
C. Kot mitthan
D. Khanki Headworks
Answer is = C
Indus River is also known as
A. Abaseen River
B. Attock River
C. Skardu River
D. All of above
Answer is = D
Name the logest river of Pakistan?
A. Indus
B. Kabul
C. Chenab
D. Sutlej
Answer is = A
Which is the smallest river of Pakistan?
A. Indus
B. Ravi
C. Chenab
D. Sutlej
Answer is = B
Which is the longest river in the sub continent?
A. Indus
B. Kabul
C. Barhamputra
D. Sutlej
Answer is = C
Name the most polluted river of Pakistan?
A. Indus
B. Ravi
C. Chenab
D. Sutlej
Answer is = B
Harrapa city is situated on the bank of
A. Indus
B. Ravi
C. Chenab
D. Sutlej
Answer is = B
Name the river in Pakistan whose annual flow is twice that of the Nile?
A. Indus
B. Kabul
C. Chenab
D. Sutlej
Answer is = A
From where the Indus River rises ?
A. Indus
B. Kabul
C. Tibet
D. Sutlej
Answer is = C
Where the Indus River ends?
A. Indus
B. Kabul
C. Arabean sea
D. Sutlej
Answer is = C
Most of the country rivers flow into
A. Indus
B. Kabul
C. Chenab
D. Sutlej
Answer is = A
The whole agriculture of Pakistan depends on the water of which river?
A. Indus
B. Kabul
C. Chenab
D. All of above
Answer is = D
The Bari Doab cannal originates from the river
A. Indus
B. Kabul
C. Ravi
D. Sutlej
Answer is = C
Into which the Kabul River falls?
A. Indus
B. Kabul
C. Chenab
D. Sutlej
Answer is = A
Name the tributaries of the Indus in the Punjab region
A. Indus
B. Kabul
C. Chenab
D. All of above
Answer is = D
Which of the following rivers is called “Nile of Pakistan” ?
A. Indus
B. Kabul
C. Chenab
D. Sutlej
Answer is = A
Panjkora River is located in the province of
A. Punjab
B. Sindh
C. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
D. Balochistan
Answer is =C
Bolan River is located in the Province of
A. Punjab
B. Sindh
C. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
D. Balochistan
Answer is = D
Baran River is located in the Province of
A. Punjab
B. Sindh
C. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
D. Balochistan
Answer is = B
Dast River is located in the Province of
A. Punjab
B. Sindh
C. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
D. Balochistan
Answer is = D
Porali River is located in the Province of
A. Punjab
B. Sindh
C. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
D. Balochistan
Answer is = D
Gomal and Kuram rivers are in the Province of
A. Punjab
B. Sindh
C. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
D. Balochistan
Answer is = C
Rukshan river flows in the Province of
A. Punjab
B. Sindh
C. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
D. Balochistan
Answer is = D
Kabul River is located in the Province
A. Punjab
B. Sindh
C. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
D. Balochistan
Answer is = C
What is the total length of Jehlum River?
A. 725 km
B. 254 km
C. 123 km
D. 785 km
Answer is = A
What is the total length of Ravi River?
A. 715 km
B. 254 km
C. 123 km
D. 785 km
Answer is = A
What is the total length of Indus River?
A. 2900 km
B. 2514 km
C. 1232 km
D. 7854 km
Answer is = A..

Pakistan Rivers Mcqs For Competitive Exams. Read More »

General Knowledge

What was given on the fourth day of Christmas?

What was given on the fourth day of Christmas?
Calling birds

In the Christmas song, “The 12 Days of Christmas”, how many total gifts does her true love give to her? The gifts are:

  1. A partridge in a pear tree,
  2. Two turtle doves,
  3. Three french hens,
  4. Four calling birds,
  5. Five gold rings,
  6. Six geese a-laying
  7. Seven swans a-swimming,
  8. Eight maids a-milking,
  9. Nine ladies dancing,
  10. Ten lords a-leaping,
  11. Eleven pipers piping,
  12. Twelve drummers drumming.

We could count the number of gifts she gets on each day.

On the first day she gets 1 gift

On the second day she gets 1 + 2 = 3gifts.

On the third day she gets 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 gifts.

On the fourth day she gets 1 + 2 + 3+ 4 = 10 gifts.

On the fifth day she gets 1 + 2 + 3+ 4 + 5 = 15 gifts.

On the sixth day she gets 1 + 2 + 3+ 4 + 5 + 6 = 21 gifts.

On the seventh day she gets 1 + 2 + 3+ 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 28 gifts.

On the eighth day she gets 1 + 2 + 3+ 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 36 gifts.

On the ninth day she gets 1 + 2 + 3+ 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 45 gifts.

On the tenth day she gets 1 + 2 + 3+ 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 = 55 gifts.

On the eleventh day she gets 1 + 2 + 3+ 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 = 66 gifts.

On the twelfth day she gets 1 + 2 + 3+ 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11+ 12 = 78 gifts.

We add 1 + 3 + 6 + 10 + 15 + 21 + 28 + 36 + 45 + 55 + 66 + 78 = 364 gifts.

We are adding the triangular numbers. The triangular numbers can be found in Pascal’s triangle, so we can use Pascal’s triangle.

What was given on the fourth day of Christmas? Read More »

General Knowledge, MCQs / Q&A

25 English Language Oddities

Many cultures find that English might possibly be one of the most difficult languages to learn. Not, in fact, for its words, but for the fact that it has so many unusual and contradictory rules. Just looking over an English study book will tell you that so many odd ifs and buts apply to so many words that it is enough to drive one crazy. Here are 25 examples of the oddities in the English language.

25. “Rhythms” is the longest English word without the normal vowels, a, e, i, o, or u.24. Excluding derivatives, there are only two words in English that end -shion and (though many words end in this sound). These are cushion and fashion.23. “THEREIN” is a seven-letter word that contains thirteen words spelled using consecutive letters: the, he, her, er, here, I, there, ere, rein, re, in, therein, and herein.22. There is only one common word in English that has five vowels in a row: queueing.21. Soupspoons is the longest word that consists entirely of letters from the second half of alphabet.

20. “Almost” is the longest commonly used word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.19. The longest uncommon word whose letters are in alphabetical order is the eight-letter Aegilops (a grass genus).18. The longest common single-word palindromes are deified, racecar, repaper, reviver, and rotator.17. “One thousand” contains the letter A, but none of the words from one to nine hundred ninety-nine has an A.16. “The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick” is said to be the toughest tongue twister in English.

15. Cwm (pronounced “koom”, defined as a steep-walled hollow on a hillside) is a rare case of a word used in English in which w is the nucleus vowel, as is crwth (pronounced “krooth”, a type of stringed instrument). Despite their origins in Welsh, they are accepted English words.14. “Asthma” and “isthmi” are the only six-letter words that begin and end with a vowel and have no other vowels between.13. The nine-word sequence I, in, sin, sing, sting, string, staring, starting (or starling), startling can be formed by successively adding one letter to the previous word.12. “Underground” and “underfund” are the only words in the English language that begin and end with the letters “und.”11. “Stewardesses” is the longest word that can be typed with only the left hand.

10. Antidisestablishmentarianism listed in the Oxford English Dictionary, was considered the longest English word for quite a long time, but today the medical term pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is usually considered to have the title, despite the fact that it was coined to provide an answer to the question ‘What is the longest English word?’.9. “Dreamt” is the only English word that ends in the letters “mt”.8. There are many words that feature all five regular vowels in alphabetical order, the commonest being abstemious, adventitious, facetious.7. The superlatively long word honorificabilitudinitatibus (27 letters) alternates consonants and vowels.6. “Fickleheaded” and “fiddledeedee” are the longest words consisting only of letters in the first half of the alphabet.

5. The two longest words with only one of the six vowels including y are the 15-letter defenselessness and respectlessness.4. “Forty” is the only number which has its letters in alphabetical order. “One” is the only number with its letters in reverse alphabetical order.3. Bookkeeper is the only word that has three consecutive doubled letters.2. Despite the assertions of a well-known puzzle, modern English does not have three common words ending in -gry. Angry and hungry are the only ones.1. “Ough” can be pronounced in eight different ways. The following sentence contains them all: “A rough-coated, dough-faced ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough, coughing and hiccoughing thoughtfully.

25 English Language Oddities Read More »


100 MCQs About World History

100 MCQs About World History

1. What is the oldest daily newspaper in England? – The Times

2. Which two American states joined the union in 1959? – Alaska and Hawaii

3. Which American President ordered the dropping of the first atomic bomb? – Harry S Truman

4. In which century did King George IV rule Great Britain? – 18th

5. After which famous person in history was the teddy bear named? – Theodore Roosevelt

6. What was the name given to the trials of 24 Nazi leaders for war crimes in 1945? – The Nuremberg Trials

7. In what century was the Taj Mahal built? – 17th

8. Which gangster said ‘I’ve been accused of every death except the casualty list of the World War’? – Al Capone

9. In what year was Prince William born? – 1982

10. The word ‘book’ originates from the middle English word ‘bok’ meaning which type of
tree? – Beech

11. Richard Byrd is credited with having been the first person to fly over what particular spot
in the world? – The North Pole

12. Why don’t the restaurants ‘Palm Court’, ‘Cafe Parisien’ and ‘Verandah’ exist anymore? – They were on the Titanic

13. What city was the capital of Poland between 1320 and 1611? – Krakow

14. Who was the first President of America? – George Washington

15. Which American President served only 31 days? – William Harrison

16. When the first World War broke out which three countries made up the Triple Entente? –
France, England and Russia

17. What is Adam’s ale or Adam’s wine? – Water

18. Who were the mother and father of Elizabeth I? – Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII

19. Which British Prime Minister resigned because of the Suez crisis? – Anthoney Eden

20. For what was Rosa Parks arrested in 1955, leading to the biggest US Civil Rights
movement? – Refusing to give up her seat on a bus for a white man

21. John Major became a member of Parliament in 1979 for which town, north of London? –

22. Which American President was shot in 1901 and died 8 days later? – McKinley

23. The Battle of Bosworth in 1485 was the last battle of which series of wars? – The Wars Of The Roses

24. The explorer Sir Edmund Hillary was from which country? – New Zealand

25. The popular British pub name ‘The Royal Oak’ is named after which King? – Charles II (he hid in an oak tree to escape enemies)

26. Collectively, by what name are Carole Richardson, Patrick Armstrong, Paul Hill and Gerard Conlon better known? – The Guildford Four

27. In which century was the world’s first public railway opened? – 19th

28. The invention of what in 1867, made Alfred Nobel famous? – Dynamite

29. What was King William II killed by? An arrow, the plague or old age? – An Arrow

30. In Greek mythology, who was the goddess of marriage, women and childbirth? – Hera

31. In what year did Margaret Thatcher become Prime Minister? – 1979

32. In what year was London due to host the Olympic Games, but couldn’t because of the Second World War? – 1944

33. On March 3rd, 1991, who was severly beaten by Los Angeles police officers causing public outcry? – Rodney King

34. Which king was the target of the Gunpowder plot of 1605? – James I

35. What alloy was the most important metal for tools and weapons between the years 4000
and 2000 B.C.? – Bronze

36. In which year did Tony Blair first become British Prime Minister? – 1997

37. Who was the first US President to meet with a reigning British monarch? – Woodrow Wilson

38. In which month in 1914, did Britain declare war on Germany? – August

39. Thomas Chippendale was best known for making and designing what in the 18th century? – Furniture

40. What historic event does the nursery rhyme ‘Ring-a-ring of roses’ commemorate? – The Great Plague

41. In which year did colour TV transmissions begin in Britain? – 1969

42. As at the year 2001, who has been the tallest American President? – Abraham Lincoln

43. Which famous London department store opened on 15th March, 1909? – Selfridges

44. Which of the following occurred most recently? The Iron Age or The Bronze Age? – Iron Age

45. Who is the only American President to have served non-consecutive terms in office? – Grover Cleveland

46. In which country did the cloning of Dolly the sheep take place? – Scotland

47. Who ordered the beheading of Mary Queen Of Scots? – Queen Elizabeth I

48. Which English queen was married to Lord Guildford Dudley? – Lady Jane Grey

49. Which geographical location was the first word spoken on the moon? – Houston

50. What was Hitler’s title as the leader of Nazi Germany? – Fuhrer

51. What was the surname of Zachary, the President of the USA between 1849 and 1850? –Taylor

52. How many of Henry VIII’s wives had been previously married? – 2

53. Who did Queen Elizabeth I succeed to the throne? – Mary I

54. In which war was the Victoria Cross first awarded? – The Crimean War

55. In which century did the diamond engagement ring first become popular? – 15th

56. Which country declared war on both Germany and the Allies in World War II? – Italy

57. Which two brothers are associated with the invention of the aeroplane? – Orville and Wilbur Wright

58. By what title was Oliver Cromwell known? – Lord Protector

59. In 1978, what was Sweden’s most profitable export, ahead of Volvo? – Abba

60. What was the name of the bomb which was dropped on Nagasaki during World War II? – Fat Man

61. How did Robert The Bruce die? – Of the disease leprosy

62. Which famous museum opened in London, in April 1928? – Madam Tussauds

63. In Greek mythology, what was unusual about Medusa’s hair? – It was made of snakes

64. In America, what became the 49th state to enter the union in 1959? – Alaska

65. Which district of London was named after a battle fought in 1815? – Waterloo

66. In what year did the first successful Mars landings take place? – 1976

67. For how many years did the Jurassic period last? – 180 million

68. In which century was Mary, Queen Of Scots executed? – 16th

69. Who was the first American President to visit China? – Richard Nixon

70. Parker and Barrow were the surnames of which famous couple? – Bonnie and Clyde

71. What type of animal was the first to be sent into space? – A dog

72. For what reason did American Sally Ride become famous in 1983? – First American female in space

73. In which year did Richard Nixon begin the secret bombing of Cambodia? – 1969

74. Which famous person in history invented the greeting, ‘Hello’ first used for answering the telephone? – Thomas Edison

75. Who was the famous son of the Greek princess Olympias? – Alexander The Great

76. What were the names of Adam and Eve’s three sons? – Cain, Abel and Seth

77. Which war was called the ‘War to end all wars’? – World War I

78. In what year did Laika the dog become the first space traveller? – 1957

79. Which country in Europe has the oldest Parliament? – Iceland

80. Who was the third President of America and chief author of the Declaration Of Independence? – Thomas Jefferson

81. In what year was the battle of Agincourt? – 1415

82. By what name was the Scottish outlaw Robert McGregor better known? – Rob Roy

83. In 1969, what became the first song to be sung in outer space? – Happy Birthday

84. By what name was Sir Arthur Wellesley better known? – Duke of Wellington

85. What was the name of the suffragette who threw herself under the King’s horse in the
1913 Derby? – Emily Davison

86. What was the profession of Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone? – Teacher (of deaf and dumb children)

87. Which country suffered over 6 million deaths in World War II, equivalent to over 17% of
it’s population? – Poland

88. Which English King was killed by an arrow at the battle of Hastings? – King Harold

89. Who was murdered by Robert Ford? – Jesse James

90. In what year were protesting students murdered in Tiananman Square? – 1989

91. Which US President was forced to resign because of the Watergate scandal? – Richard Nixon

92. Which monarch’s last words were ‘All my possessions for a moment of time’? – Elizabeth  I

93. What happened in 1847 that is sometimes referred to as ‘Black Forty Seven’? – The potato famine in Ireland

94. In which country did Venetian blinds originate? Italy, India or Japan? – Japan

95. In which country was Mother Theresa born? – Yugoslavia

96. Who was the first American President to die while in office? – William Harrison

97. What was the maiden name of the bride at the first wedding watched by over 750 million
people? – Diana Spencer

98. Who was Queen Elizabeth II’s father? – George VI

99. Which famous raid did Guy Gibson lead in 1943? – The Dambusters

100. Who, in 1901, was the first man to send a Radio Telegraph signal across the Atlantic
Ocean? – Guglielmo Marconi


100 MCQs About World History Read More »

English, History, MCQs / Q&A, World

General Knowledge – Namaz

?• 48 total numbers of Rakats are in Farz prayer.

?• Namaz-e-Khasoof is offered for Moon Eclipse.

?• Namaz-e-Kasoof is offered for Solar Eclipse.

?• Namaz-e-Istasqa is offered for Rain.

?• Holy Prophet offered Jumma Prayer in 1. A.H.

?• Namaz-e-Istasqa is offered with backside of hands upward.

?• Holy prophet offered first Eid Prayer in 2. A.H.

?• Eid Namaz is Wajib.

?•Madurak is the person who starts prayer with Immam.

?• Musbaq is the person who comes after one rakat.

?• Fajar and Isha were essential in the early period of Islam.

?• Tahajud mean abandon sleep.

?• Qaada is to sit straight in Salat.

?• Jasla is short pause between two sajdas.

?• Qaumaa is standing straight during Rukus.

?• A person who performs prayer alone is Munfarid.

?• Farz in wuzu=4, Sunats=14.

?• Farz in Ghusual=3, Sunats=5

?• Types of Sunnah prayer are of two types.

?• In Fajr, Maghrib & witr no change in farz rakaat in case of Qasr.

?• Takbeer-e-Tashreeq is recited in Eid-ul-Uzha.

?• Jumma prayer is Farz salat.

?• Conditions of Salat are Seven.

?• Takbeer-e-Tehreema are to be said in the salat: one.

?• Jasla is wajib.

?• To sit straight in Salat is called Qa’ada.

?• Qa’ada is farz.

?• Two persons are required for a Jamat prayer.

?• Salat Juma became Farz in Madina.

?• Five salat made compulsory in 10th Nabvi.
✒✒ *By Shakeel Hussain Anjum CSS Aspirant*

General Knowledge – Namaz Read More »

General Knowledge, Islam

Samuel Tilden Quiz

Samuel Tilden who was Democratic candidate in USA Presidential Election 1876. He was cheated of Presidency.)

Samuel Tilden Quiz Questions

1) When was Samuel Tilden born?
a) 9 February 1814
b) 21 June 1818
c) 7 August 1810
d) 20 December 1808

2) Where was Samuel Tilden born?
a) Los Angeles
b) Panama
c) Austin
d) New Lebanon

3) Which University did Samuel Tilden attend?
a) Oxford
b) Harvard
c) Regent
d) Yale

4) When was Samuel Tilden elected Governor of New York?
a) 1868
b) 1870
c) 1872
d) 1874

Rutherford B. Hayes - 19th President of the United States

Rutherford B. Hayes – 19th President of the United States  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

5) How many popular votes did Samuel Tilden get in the Presidential Election 1876?
a) 4,211,315
b) 4,264,117
c) 4,284,757
d) 4,300,858

6) The Republicans disputed the results in four states. Which state soon decided in favour of Republicans?
a) South Carolina
b) Florida
c) Louisiana
d) Oregon

7) What was the number of electoral votes won by candidates leaving aside the four disputed states?
a) Samuel Tilden 184, Rutherford Hayes 165
b) Samuel Tilden 172, Rutherford Hayes 162
c) Samuel Tilden 170, Rutherford Hayes 164
d) Samuel Tilden 180, Rutherford Hayes 175

8) The Electoral Commission set up to resolve the dispute was to consist of seven Democrats, seven Republicans and one independent justice. What happened to the independent justice?
a) He left the country.
b) He went on leave.
c) He was not informed.
d) He was offered a Senate seat from Illinois and a Republican supporter replaced him.

9) By how many votes the Electoral Commission decided in favour of Rutherford Hayes?
a) 15-0
b) 14-1
c) 12-3
d) 8-7

10) What was the number of electoral votes the candidates got after the decision of the Electoral Commission?
a) Samuel Tilden 184, Rutherford Hayes 185
b) Samuel Tilden 172, Rutherford Hayes 182
c) Samuel Tilden 170, Rutherford Hayes 180
d) Samuel Tilden 180, Rutherford Hayes 185

Samuel Tilden Quiz Questions with Answers

Campaign poster for the election of 1876.

Campaign poster for the election of 1876. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1) When was Samuel Tilden born?
a) 9 February 1814

2) Where was Samuel Tilden born?
d) New Lebanon

3) Which University did Samuel Tilden attend?
d) Yale

4) When was Samuel Tilden elected Governor of New York?
d) 1874

5) How many popular votes did Samuel Tilden get in the Presidential Election 1876?
c) 4,284,757

6) The Republicans disputed the results in four states. Which state soon decided in favour of Republicans?
d) Oregon

7) What was the number of electoral votes won by candidates leaving aside the four disputed states?
a) Samuel Tilden 184, Rutherford Hayes 165

Results of the United States presidential election in Alabama, 1876 Samuel J. Tilden (D) Rutherford B. Hayes (R)

Results of the United States presidential election in Alabama, 1876 Samuel J. Tilden (D) Rutherford B. Hayes (R) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

8) The Electoral Commission set up to resolve the dispute was to consist of seven Democrats, seven Republicans and one independent justice. What happened to the independent justice?
d) He was offered a Senate seat from Illinois and a Republican supporter replaced him.

9) By how many votes the Electoral Commission decided in favour of Rutherford Hayes?
d) 8-7

10) What was the number of electoral votes the candidates got after the decision of the Electoral Commission?
a) Samuel Tilden 184, Rutherford Hayes 185

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MCQs / Q&A, Personalities