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Bachelor of Mass Media (BMM)

What is Subheadline?


What is Subheadline?


Detailed explanation of the printed ad copy to convince the reader


Short sentences that interesting, and often made like a rhymes that are useful for attracting attention and at the same time can be remembered by the reader


Complete information from the title that can explain the sentence in the ad title


Main information of the printed ad copy

Answer» c. Complete information from the title that can explain the sentence in the ad title

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

What is Subheadline? Read More »

» Copywriting solved MCQs

This rule that journalists abide by, attempts to answer six questions with their reporting.


This rule that journalists abide by, attempts to answer six questions with their reporting.


Five W’s and H Rule


The Rule of Thirds


Five H’s and W


Sunny 16 Rule

Answer» a. Five W’s and H Rule

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

This rule that journalists abide by, attempts to answer six questions with their reporting. Read More »

» Copywriting solved MCQs