The average of four positive integers is 69. The highest integer is 93 and the least integer is 39. The difference between the remaining two integers is 28. Which of the following integers is the higher of the remaining two integers?

The average of four positive integers is 69. The highest integer is 93 and the least integer is 39. The difference between the remaining two integers is 28. Which of the following integers is the higher of the remaining two integers?

A. 58
B. 86
C. 49
D. None of these
Let the four integers be A, B, C and D where A > B > C > D.
(A + B + C + D)/4 = 69 => A + B + C + D = 276 —> (1)
A = 93, D = 39 and B – C = 28
(1) => B + C = 276 – (A + D) = 276 – 132 = 144.
B + B -28 = 144
B = (144 + 28)/2 = 86