Care for the elderly_____________? A. is provided by the family in 40 percent of cases B. falls mostly on the eldest sonC. is provided by the sandwich generation D. none of the above

Polygyny______________? A. is the preferred type of marriage in more than 40 per cent of societies? B. is generally available to all men in societies where it is permittedC. tend to be favored where large families are advantageous and women…

Occupational gender segregation is used to explain ? A. the belief that women control the private sphere B. women’s increasing labor market participationC. the allocation of men and women to different types of job D. relations between men and women…

The term informal economy is used to describe_____________? A. work where no money changes hands B. the activities of small businessesC. transactions outside the sphere of regular employment D. organizations with less rigid rules and procedures