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Race and Ethnicity

Which theoretical approach emphasizes racism not as a deviation from the non-racist norm but rather as the everyday normal experience for people of color ?

Which theoretical approach emphasizes racism not as a deviation from the non-racist norm but rather as the everyday normal experience for people of color ?

A. critical race theory
B. conflict theories
C. ethnocentrism
D. primordialism

Which theoretical approach emphasizes racism not as a deviation from the non-racist norm but rather as the everyday normal experience for people of color ? Read More »

Race and Ethnicity, Sociology Mcqs

Why do many sociologists use scare quotes when discussing race ?

Why do many sociologists use scare quotes when discussing race ?

A. it,s a complex concept with multiple meanings
B. to reflect the fact that the number of races is disputed
C. the concept has no scientific basis but is still widely used
D. to distinguish the science of race from discussions of ethnicity

Why do many sociologists use scare quotes when discussing race ? Read More »

Race and Ethnicity, Sociology Mcqs

A child who is repeatedly criticized as being lazy and lacking intelligence eventually accepts these criticisms and uses them to justify poor performance in school This is an example of___________?

A child who is repeatedly criticized as being lazy and lacking intelligence eventually accepts these criticisms and uses them to justify poor performance in school This is an example of___________?

A. the contact hypothesis
B. a self-fulfilling prophecy
C. scapegoating
D. reverse discrimination

A child who is repeatedly criticized as being lazy and lacking intelligence eventually accepts these criticisms and uses them to justify poor performance in school This is an example of___________? Read More »

Race and Ethnicity, Sociology Mcqs

Theories of racialized discourse suggest that________________?

Theories of racialized discourse suggest that________________?

A. race is an objective way of categorizing people on biological grounds
B. the idea of race is socially constructed through powerful ideologies
C. race relations in Britain and America can be traced back to colonial times
D. people choose their racial identity, and this becomes fixed

Theories of racialized discourse suggest that________________? Read More »

Race and Ethnicity, Sociology Mcqs

Which of the following is TRUE of interactionists ?

Which of the following is TRUE of interactionists ?

A. Interactionist believe that groups will experience conflict only if they are of two distinct ethnic groups
B. Interactionists downplay the role of communication in ethnicity
C. Interactionists believe the world we experience is socially constructed
D. all of the above

Which of the following is TRUE of interactionists ? Read More »

Race and Ethnicity, Sociology Mcqs