The theory pictures social movements as operating within a competitive field of movements __ a “social movement industry” ____ within which they compete not least for members and activists Which theory of social movements is this ___________? A. new social…

How do market and command economies differ ? A. Market economies rely on free markets whereas command economies rely on consumer sovereignty B. Market economies rely on cooperation whereas command economies rely on conflictC. Market economies rely on privately held…

Political parties ? A. are organizations designed to gain control of the government but not necessarily by putting their own people in office B. tend to be pulled to the “right”C. must appeal to a broad base of the electorate…

Totalitarianism ? A. is the authoritative formulation of policies that are binding and pervasive throughout the society? B. is a state in which the government is concerned with satisfying the needs of the total person?C. is a state in which…