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Wilson Consulting is a management consulting firm with seventy employees. As associate vice president of marketing, Suzanne Boyle is responsible for conducting performance appraisals of the twelve employees under her direct supervision. Suzanne plans to use the critical incident method to evaluate the performance of her subordinates. Which of the following, if true, undermines the argument that the critical incident method is the most appropriate performance appraisal tool for Suzanne to use?


Wilson Consulting is a management consulting firm with seventy employees. As associate vice president of marketing, Suzanne Boyle is responsible for conducting performance appraisals of the twelve employees under her direct supervision. Suzanne plans to use the critical incident method to evaluate the performance of her subordinates. Which of the following, if true, undermines the argument that the critical incident method is the most appropriate performance appraisal tool for Suzanne to use?


Employee performance standards are closely aligned with Wilson Consulting’s long-term strategic plans.


Other departments at Wilson Consulting have seen employee performance improve because of providing ongoing evaluations.


Suzanne will be conducting performance appraisals in conjunction with the HR manager to ensure EEO compliance.


Due to economic difficulties, the firm will be laying off the two lowest performing employees in Suzanne’s department.

Answer» d. Due to economic difficulties, the firm will be laying off the two lowest performing employees in Suzanne’s department.

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India