Planet Mercury Quiz – The innermost and smallest planet in the Solar System
Mercury Quiz Questions
1) Who is Mercury in mythology?
a) God of justice
b) God of war
c) God of wind
d) God of commerce (Correct)
2) What is the minimum surface temperature of Mercury?
a) 72?C
b) 0?C
c) -10?C
d) -173?C (Correct)
3) What is the maximum surface temperature of Mercury?
a) 122?C
b) 427?C (Correct)
c) 285?C
d) 576?C
4) What is the tilt of axis (degrees) of Mercury?
a) One
b) Two
c) Zero (Correct)
d) Three
5) Which spacecraft first visited Mercury?
a) Pioneer 4
b) Mariner 8
c) Ulysses
d) Mariner 10 (Correct)
6) Which theory correctly predicted the motions of Mercury?
a) Gravitational Theory
b) General Theory of Relativity (Correct)
c) Theory of Evolution
d) Heliocentric Theory
7) Who determined that Mercury must be tidally locked to the Sun? (This was proved wrong later on.)
a) John Dyce
b) Albert Goldstein
c) Giovanni Schiaparelli (Correct)
d) James Pettengill
8) Who of the following believed that Mercury orbited the Sun?
a) Aristotle
b) Heraclitus (Correct)
c) Plato
d) Socrates
9) What is Mercury’ rotation period around axis?
a) 31.25 days
b) 44.75 days
c) 58.65 days (Correct)
d) 71.29 days
10) What is the length of a year of Mercury?
a) 92.245 days
b) 87.969 days (Correct)
c) 47.701 days
d) 164.321 days
Planet Mercury Quiz – The innermost and smallest planet in the Solar System Read More »
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