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American poet

May 10 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day

  • 28 BC – A sunspot is observed by Han dynasty astronomers during the reign of Emperor Cheng of Han, one of the earliest dated sunspot observations in China.
  • 1291 – Scottish nobles recognize the authority of Edward I of England pending the selection of a king.
  • 1497 – Amerigo Vespucci allegedly leaves Cádiz for his first voyage to the New World.
  • 1503 – Christopher Columbus visits the Cayman Islands and names them Las Tortugas after the numerous turtles there.
  • 1534 – Jacques Cartier visits Newfoundland.
  • 1688 – King Narai nominates Phetracha as regent, leading to the revolution of 1688 in which Phetracha becomes king of the Ayutthaya Kingdom.
  • 1768 – Rioting occurs in London after John Wilkes is imprisoned for writing an article for The North Briton severely criticizing King George III.
  • 1773 – The Parliament of Great Britain passes the Tea Act, designed to save the British East India Company by reducing taxes on its tea and granting it the right to sell tea directly to North America. The legislation leads to the Boston Tea Party.
  • 1774 – Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette become King and Queen of France.
  • 1775 – American Revolutionary War: A small Colonial militia led by Ethan Allen and Colonel Benedict Arnold captures Fort Ticonderoga.
  • 1775 – American Revolutionary War: The Second Continental Congress takes place in Philadelphia.
  • 1796 – War of the First Coalition: Napoleon wins a victory against Austrian forces at Lodi bridge over the Adda River in Italy. The Austrians lose some 2,000 men.
  • 1801 – First Barbary War: The Barbary pirates of Tripoli declare war on the United States of America.
  • 1824 – The National Gallery in London opens to the public.
  • 1837 – Panic of 1837: New York City banks suspend the payment of specie, triggering a national banking crisis and an economic depression whose severity was not surpassed until the Great Depression.
  • 1849 – Astor Place Riot: A riot breaks out at the Astor Opera House in Manhattan, New York City over a dispute between actors Edwin Forrest and William Charles Macready, killing at least 22 and injuring over 120.
  • 1857 – Indian Rebellion of 1857: In India, the first war of Independence begins. Sepoys mutiny against their commanding officers at Meerut.
  • 1865 – American Civil War: In Kentucky, Union soldiers ambush and mortally wound Confederate raider William Quantrill, who lingers until his death on June 6.
  • 1869 – The First Transcontinental Railroad, linking the eastern and western United States, is completed at Promontory Summit, Utah with the golden spike.
  • 1872 – Victoria Woodhull becomes the first woman nominated for President of the United States.
  • 1876 – The Centennial Exposition is opened in Philadelphia.
  • 1881 – Carol I is crowned the King of the Romanian Kingdom.
  • 1904 – The Horch & Cir. Motorwagenwerke AG is founded. It would eventually become the Audi company.
  • 1908 – Mother’s Day is observed for the first time in the United States, in Grafton, West Virginia.
  • 1916 – Sailing in the lifeboat James Caird, Ernest Shackleton arrives at South Georgia after a journey of 800 nautical miles from Elephant Island.
  • 1922 – The United States annexes the Kingman Reef.
  • 1924 – J. Edgar Hoover is appointed first Director of the United States’ Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and remains so until his death in 1972.
  • 1933 – Censorship: In Germany, the Nazis stage massive public book burnings.
  • 1940 – World War II: German fighters accidentally bomb the German city of Freiburg.
  • 1940 – World War II: Winston Churchill is appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain. On the same day, Germany invades France, Belgium and Luxembourg.Meanwhile, the United Kingdom occupies Iceland.
  • 1941 – World War II: The House of Commons in London is damaged by the Luftwaffe in an air raid.
  • 1941 – World War II: Rudolf Hess parachutes into Scotland to try to negotiate a peace deal between the United Kingdom and Nazi Germany.hai Phayap Army invades the Shan States during the Burma Campaign.
  • 1946 – First successful launch of an American V-2 rocket at White Sands Proving Ground.
  • 1962 – Marvel Comics publishes the first issue of The Incredible Hulk.
  • 1967 – The Northrop M2-F2 crashes on landing, becoming the inspiration for the novel Cyborg and TV series The Six Million Dollar Man.
  • 1969 – Vietnam War: The Battle of Dong Ap Bia begins with an assault on Hill 937. It will ultimately become known as Hamburger Hill.
  • 1975 – Sony introduces the Betamax videocassette recorder.
  • 1993 – In Thailand, a fire at the Kader Toy Factory kills over 200 workers.
  • 1994 – Nelson Mandela is inaugurated as South Africa’s first black president.
  • 1996 – A blizzard strikes Mount Everest, killing eight climbers by the next day.
  • 1997 – The 7.3 Mw Qayen earthquake strikes Iran’s Khorasan Province killing 1,567 people.
  • 2002 – FBI agent Robert Hanssen is sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for selling United States secrets to Russia for $1.4 million in cash and diamonds.
  • 2005 – A hand grenade thrown by Vladimir Arutyunian lands about 60 feet from U.S. President George W. Bush while he is giving a speech to a crowd in Tbilisi, Georgia, but it malfunctions and does not detonate.
  • 2012 – The Damascus bombings are carried out using a pair of car bombs detonated by suicide bombers outside of a military intelligence complex in Damascus, Syria, killing 55 people.
  • 2013 – One World Trade Center becomes the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere.

Births on May 10

  • 874 – Meng Zhixiang, Chinese general and emperor (d. 934)
  • 955 – Al-Aziz Billah, Fatimid caliph (d. 996)
  • 1491 – Suzanne, Duchess of Bourbon (d. 1521)
  • 1604 – Jean Mairet, French author and playwright (d. 1686)
  • 1697 – Jean-Marie Leclair, French violinist and composer (d. 1764)
  • 1727 – Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot, Baron de Laune, French economist and politician (d. 1781)
  • 1755 – Robert Gray, American captain and explorer (d. 1806)
  • 1760 – Johann Peter Hebel, German author and poet (d. 1826)
  • 1760 – Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle, French captain, engineer, and composer (d. 1836)
  • 1770 – Louis-Nicolas Davout, French general and politician, French Minister of War (d. 1823)
  • 1788 – Augustin-Jean Fresnel, French physicist and engineer (d. 1827)
  • 1812 – William Henry Barlow, English engineer (d. 1902)
  • 1813 – Montgomery Blair, American lieutenant and politician, 20th United States Postmaster General (d. 1883)
  • 1838 – John Wilkes Booth, American actor, assassin of Abraham Lincoln (d. 1865)
  • 1841 – James Gordon Bennett, Jr., American publisher and broadcaster (d. 1918)
  • 1843 – Benito Pérez Galdós, Spanish author and playwright (d. 1920)
  • 1847 – Wilhelm Killing, German mathematician and academic (d. 1923)
  • 1855 – Yukteswar Giri, Indian guru and educator (d. 1936)
  • 1872 – Marcel Mauss, French sociologist and anthropologist (d. 1950)
  • 1876 – Ivan Cankar, Slovenian poet and playwright (d. 1918)
  • 1878 – Konstantinos Parthenis, Greek painter (d. 1967)
  • 1878 – Gustav Stresemann, German journalist and politician, Chancellor of Germany, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1929)
  • 1879 – Symon Petliura, Ukrainian journalist and politician (d. 1926)
  • 1886 – Karl Barth, Swiss theologian and author (d. 1968)
  • 1888 – Max Steiner, Austrian-American composer and conductor (d. 1971)
  • 1890 – Alfred Jodl, German general (d. 1946)
  • 1891 – Mahmoud Mokhtar, Egyptian sculptor and academic (d. 1934)
  • 1893 – Tonita Peña, San Ildefonso Pueblo (Native American) artist (d. 1949)
  • 1894 – Dimitri Tiomkin, Ukrainian-American composer and conductor (d. 1979)
  • 1897 – Einar Gerhardsen, Norwegian politician, Prime Minister of Norway (d. 1987)
  • 1898 – Ariel Durant, American historian and author (d. 1981)
  • 1899 – Fred Astaire, American actor, singer, and dancer (d. 1987)
  • 1900 – Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, English-American astronomer and astrophysicist (d. 1979)
  • 1901 – John Desmond Bernal, Irish-English crystallographer and physicist (d. 1971)
  • 1901 – Hildrus Poindexter, American bacteriologist (d. 1987)
  • 1902 – David O. Selznick, American director and producer (d. 1965)
  • 1903 – Otto Bradfisch, German economist, jurist, and SS officer (d. 1994)
  • 1905 – Markos Vamvakaris, Greek singer-songwriter and bouzouki player (d. 1972)
  • 1908 – Carl Albert, American lawyer and politician, 54th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (d. 2000)
  • 1909 – Maybelle Carter, American autoharp player (d. 1978)
  • 1911 – Bel Kaufman, American author and educator (d. 2014)
  • 1915 – Denis Thatcher, English soldier and businessman, Spouse of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (d. 2003)
  • 1916 – Milton Babbitt, American composer and educator (d. 2011)
  • 1918 – T. Berry Brazelton, American pediatrician and author (d. 2018)
  • 1918 – Desmond MacNamara, Irish painter, sculptor, and author (d. 2008)
  • 1919 – Ella T. Grasso, Governor of Connecticut (d. 1981)
  • 1920 – Basil Kelly, Northern Irish barrister, judge and politician (d. 2008)
  • 1920 – Bert Weedon, English guitarist (d. 2012)
  • 1922 – David Azrieli, Polish-Canadian businessman and philanthropist (d. 2014)
  • 1922 – Nancy Walker, American actress, singer, and director (d. 1992)
  • 1923 – Heydar Aliyev, Azerbaijan general and politician, President of Azerbaijan (d. 2003)
  • 1923 – Otar Korkia, Georgian basketball player and coach (d. 2005)
  • 1926 – Hugo Banzer, Bolivian general and politician, President of Bolivia (d. 2002)
  • 1927 – Nayantara Sahgal, Indian author
  • 1928 – Arnold Rüütel, Estonian agronomist and politician, President of Estonia
  • 1928 – Lothar Schmid, German chess player (d. 2013)
  • 1929 – Audun Boysen, Norwegian runner (d. 2000)
  • 1929 – George Coe, American actor and producer (d. 2015)
  • 1929 – Antonine Maillet, Canadian author and playwright
  • 1930 – George E. Smith, American physicist and engineer, Nobel Prize laureate
  • 1931 – Ettore Scola, Italian director and screenwriter (d. 2016)
  • 1933 – Jean Becker, French actor, director, and screenwriter
  • 1935 – Larry Williams, American singer-songwriter, pianist, and producer (d. 1980)
  • 1937 – Tamara Press, Ukrainian shot putter and discus thrower
  • 1938 – Manuel Santana, Spanish tennis player
  • 1940 – Arthur Alexander, American country-soul singer-songwriter (d. 1993)
  • 1940 – Wayne Dyer, American author and educator (d. 2015)
  • 1942 – Jim Calhoun, American basketball player and coach
  • 1944 – Jim Abrahams, American director, producer, and screenwriter
  • 1944 – Marie-France Pisier, French actress, director, and screenwriter (d. 2011)
  • 1946 – Donovan, Scottish singer-songwriter
  • 1946 – Graham Gouldman, English guitarist and songwriter
  • 1946 – Dave Mason, English singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • 1947 – Caroline B. Cooney, American author
  • 1949 – Miuccia Prada, Italian fashion designer
  • 1952 – Sly Dunbar, Jamaican drummer
  • 1955 – Mark David Chapman, American murderer
  • 1956 – Vladislav Listyev, Russian journalist (d. 1995)
  • 1957 – Sid Vicious, English singer and bass player (d. 1979)
  • 1958 – Gaétan Boucher, Canadian speed skater
  • 1958 – Rick Santorum, American lawyer and politician, United States Senator from Pennsylvania
  • 1959 – Victoria Rowell, American actress
  • 1959 – Danny Schayes, American basketball player
  • 1959 – Cindy Hyde-Smith, American politician, United States Senator from Mississippi, Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce
  • 1960 – Bono, Irish singer-songwriter, musician and activist
  • 1960 – Dean Heller, American lawyer and politician, United States Senator from Nevada, Secretary of State of Nevada
  • 1960 – Merlene Ottey, Jamaican-Slovenian runner
  • 1963 – Lisa Nowak, American commander and astronaut
  • 1963 – Debbie Wiseman, English composer and conductor
  • 1965 – Linda Evangelista, Canadian model
  • 1966 – Jonathan Edwards, English triple jumper
  • 1967 – Eion Crossan, New Zealand rugby player
  • 1968 – Al Murray, English comedian and television host
  • 1968 – Tatyana Shikolenko, Russian javelin thrower
  • 1969 – Dennis Bergkamp, Dutch footballer and manager
  • 1969 – John Scalzi, American author and blogger
  • 1970 – Gabriela Montero, Venezuelan-American pianist
  • 1970 – David Weir, Scottish footballer
  • 1971 – Ådne Søndrål, Norwegian speed skater
  • 1972 – Christian Wörns, German footballer
  • 1973 – Joshua Eagle, Australian tennis player
  • 1973 – Ollie le Roux, South African rugby player
  • 1974 – Sylvain Wiltord, French footballer
  • 1975 – Hélio Castroneves, Brazilian race car driver
  • 1975 – Adam Deadmarsh, Canadian-American ice hockey player
  • 1978 – Bruno Cheyrou, French footballer
  • 1981 – Samuel Dalembert, Haitian-Canadian basketball player
  • 1981 – Humberto Suazo, Chilean footballer
  • 1983 – Gustav Fridolin, Swedish journalist and politician, Swedish Minister of Education
  • 1984 – Edward Mujica, Venezuelan baseball player
  • 1985 – Ryan Getzlaf, Canadian ice hockey player
  • 1985 – Jon Schofield, English canoe racer
  • 1987 – Wilson Chandler, American basketball player
  • 1990 – Salvador Pérez, Venezuelan baseball player
  • 1990 – Ivana Španović, Serbian long jumper
  • 1995 – Missy Franklin, American swimmer1995 – Gabriella Papadakis, French ice dancer
  • 1996 – Tyus Jones, American basketball player
  • 1996 – Kateřina Siniaková, Czech tennis player

Deaths on May 10

  • 1299 – Theingapati, heir to the Pagan Kingdom
  • 1403 – Katherine Swynford, widow of John of Gaunt
  • 1482 – Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli, Italian mathematician and astronomer (b. 1397)
  • 1493 – Colin Campbell, 1st Earl of Argyll, Scottish politician, Lord Chancellor of Scotland (b. 1433)
  • 1521 – Sebastian Brant, German author (b. 1457)
  • 1566 – Leonhart Fuchs, German physician and botanist (b. 1501)
  • 1569 – John of Ávila, Spanish mystic and saint (b. 1500)
  • 1641 – Johan Banér, Swedish field marshal (b. 1596)
  • 1717 – John Hathorne, American merchant and politician (b. 1641)
  • 1726 – Charles Beauclerk, 1st Duke of St Albans, English soldier and politician, Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire (b. 1670)
  • 1774 – Louis XV of France (b. 1710)
  • 1787 – William Watson, English physician, physicist, and botanist (b. 1715)
  • 1794 – Élisabeth of France, French princess and youngest sibling of Louis XVI (b.1764)
  • 1798 – George Vancouver, English navigator and explorer (b. 1757)
  • 1807 – Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau, French general (b. 1725)
  • 1818 – Paul Revere, American engraver and soldier (b. 1735)
  • 1829 – Thomas Young, English physician and linguist (b. 1773)
  • 1849 – Hokusai, Japanese painter and illustrator (b. 1760)
  • 1863 – Stonewall Jackson, American general (b. 1824)
  • 1868 – Henry Bennett, American lawyer and politician (b. 1808)
  • 1889 – Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Russian journalist, author, and playwright (b. 1826)
  • 1891 – Carl Nägeli, Swiss botanist and mycologist (b. 1817)
  • 1897 – Andrés Bonifacio, Filipino soldier and politician, President of the Philippines (b. 1863)
  • 1910 – Stanislao Cannizzaro, Italian chemist and academic (b. 1826)
  • 1945 – Richard Glücks, German SS officer (b. 1889)
  • 1945 – Konrad Henlein, Czech soldier and politician (b. 1898)
  • 1960 – Yury Olesha, Russian author, poet, and playwright (b. 1899)
  • 1964 – Mikhail Larionov, Russian painter, illustrator, and set designer (b. 1881)
  • 1965 – Hubertus van Mook, Dutch politician, Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies (b. 1894)
  • 1968 – Scotty Beckett, American actor and singer (b. 1929)
  • 1974 – Hal Mohr, American director and cinematographer (b. 1894)
  • 1977 – Joan Crawford, American actress (year of birth disputed)
  • 1982 – Peter Weiss, German playwright and painter (b. 1916)
  • 1988 – Shen Congwen, Chinese author and academic (b. 1902)
  • 1990 – Walker Percy, American novelist and essayist (b. 1916)
  • 1994 – John Wayne Gacy, American serial killer (b. 1942)
  • 1999 – Shel Silverstein, American poet, author, and illustrator
  • 2000 – Jules Deschênes, Canadian lawyer and judge (b. 1923)
  • 2000 – Dick Sprang, American illustrator (b. 1915)
  • 2001 – Sudhakarrao Naik, Indian politician, Governor of Himachal Pradesh (b. 1934)
  • 2002 – Kaifi Azmi, Indian poet and songwriter (b. 1919)
  • 2002 – Yves Robert, French actor, director, producer, and screenwriter (b. 1920)
  • 2003 – Milan Vukcevich, Serbian-American chemist and chess player (b. 1937)
  • 2006 – Soraya, Colombian-American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (b. 1969)
  • 2008 – Leyla Gencer, Turkish soprano (b. 1928)
  • 2010 – Frank Frazetta, American illustrator and painter (b. 1928)
  • 2012 – Horst Faas, German photographer and journalist (b. 1933)
  • 2012 – Carroll Shelby, American race car driver and designer (b. 1923)
  • 2012 – Gunnar Sønsteby, Norwegian captain and author (b. 1918)
  • 2015 – Chris Burden, American sculptor, illustrator, and academic (b. 1946)
  • 2018 – David Goodall, Australian botanist and ecologist (b. 1914)
  • 2019 – Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, Spanish politician and chemist (b. 1951)

Holidays and observances on May 10

  • Children’s Day (Maldives)
  • Christian feast day:
    • Alphius, Philadelphus and Cyrinus
    • Calepodius
    • Catald
    • Comgall
    • Damien of Molokai
    • Gordianus and Epimachus
    • Job (Roman Catholic Church, pre-1969 calendar)
    • John of Ávila
    • May 10 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • Confederate Memorial Day (North Carolina and South Carolina)
  • Constitution Day (Micronesia)
  • Earliest possible day on which Pentecost can fall, while June 13 is the latest; celebrated 50 days after Easter Day.(Christianity)
  • Golden Spike Day (Promontory, Utah)
  • Mother’s Day (Guatemala, and Mexico)

May 10 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day Read More »

On This Day

May 8 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day

  • 453 BC – Spring and Autumn period: The house of Zhao defeats the house of Zhi, ending the Battle of Jinyang, a military conflict between the elite families of the State of Jin.
  • 413 – Emperor Honorius signs an edict providing tax relief for the Italian provinces Tuscia, Campania, Picenum, Samnium, Apulia, Lucania and Calabria, which were plundered by the Visigoths.
  • 589 – Reccared I opens the Third Council of Toledo, marking the entry of Visigothic Spain into the Catholic Church.
  • 1429 – Joan of Arc lifts the Siege of Orléans, turning the tide of the Hundred Years’ War.
  • 1450 – Kentishmen revolt against King Henry VI.
  • 1516 – A group of imperial guards, led by Trịnh Duy Sản, murdered Emperor Lê Tương Dực and fled, leaving the capital Thăng Long undefended.
  • 1541 – Hernando de Soto stops near present-day Walls, Mississippi, and sees the Mississippi River(then known by the Spanish as Río de Espíritu Santo, the name given to it by Alonso Álvarez de Pineda in 1519).
  • 1788 – King Louis XVI of France attempts to impose the reforms of Étienne Charles de Loménie de Brienne by abolishing the parlements.
  • 1794 – Branded a traitor during the Reign of Terror, French chemist Antoine Lavoisier, who was also a tax collector with the Ferme générale, is tried, convicted and guillotined in one day in Paris.
  • 1821 – Greek War of Independence: The Greeks defeat the Turks at the Battle of Gravia Inn.
  • 1842 – A train derails and catches fire in Paris, killing between 52 and 200 people.
  • 1846 – Mexican–American War: American forces led by Zachary Taylor defeat a Mexican force north of the Rio Grande in the first major battle of the war.
  • 1877 – At Gilmore’s Gardens in New York City, the first Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show opens.
  • 1886 – Pharmacist John Pemberton first sells a carbonated beverage named “Coca-Cola” as a patent medicine.
  • 1898 – The first games of the Italian football league system are played.
  • 1899 – The Irish Literary Theatre in Dublin produced its first play.
  • 1902 – In Martinique, Mount Pelée erupts, destroying the town of Saint-Pierre and killing over 30,000 people. Only a handful of residents survive the blast.
  • 1912 – Paramount Pictures is founded.
  • 1919 – Edward George Honey proposes the idea of a moment of silence to commemorate the Armistice of 11 November 1918 which ended World War I.
  • 1921 – The creation of the Communist Party of Romania.
  • 1924 – The Klaipėda Convention is signed formally incorporating Klaipėda Region (Memel Territory) into Lithuania.
  • 1927 – Attempting to make the first non-stop transatlantic flight from Paris to New York, French war heroes Charles Nungesser and François Coli disappear after taking off aboard The White Bird biplane.
  • 1933 – Mohandas Gandhi begins a 21-day fast of self-purification and launched a one-year campaign to help the Harijan movement.
  • 1941 – World War II: The German Luftwaffe launches a bombing raid on Nottingham and Derby.
  • 1942 – World War II: The German 11th Army begins Operation Trappenjagd (Bustard Hunt) and destroys the bridgehead of the three Soviet armies defending the Kerch Peninsula.
  • 1942 – World War II: The Battle of the Coral Sea comes to an end with Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carrier aircraft attacking and sinking the United States Navy aircraft carrier USS Lexington.
  • 1942 – World War II: Gunners of the Ceylon Garrison Artillery on Horsburgh Island in the Cocos Islands rebel in the Cocos Islands Mutiny. Their mutiny is crushed and three of them are executed, the only British Commonwealth soldiers to be executed for mutiny during the Second World War.
  • 1945 – World War II: The German Instrument of Surrender signed at Reims comes into effect.
  • 1945 – End of the Prague uprising, celebrated now as a national holiday in the Czech Republic.
  • 1945 – Hundreds of Algerian civilians are killed by French Army soldiers in the Sétif massacre.
  • 1945 – The Halifax riot starts when thousands of civilians and servicemen rampage through Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  • 1946 – Estonian schoolgirls Aili Jõgi and Ageeda Paavel blow up the Soviet memorial which preceded the Bronze Soldier of Tallinn.
  • 1963 – South Vietnamese soldiers under the Roman Catholic President Ngo Dinh Diem open fire on Buddhists defying a ban on the flying of the Buddhist flag on Vesak, killing nine and sparking the Buddhist crisis.
  • 1967 – The Philippine province of Davao is split into three: Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, and Davao Oriental.
  • 1972 – Vietnam War: U.S. President Richard Nixon announces his order to place naval mines in major North Vietnamese ports in order to stem the flow of weapons and other goods to that nation.
  • 1973 – A 71-day standoff between federal authorities and the American Indian Movement members occupying the Pine Ridge Reservation at Wounded Knee, South Dakota ends with the surrender of the militants.
  • 1976 – The rollercoaster The New Revolution, the first steel coaster with a vertical loop, opens at Six Flags Magic Mountain.
  • 1978 – The first ascent of Mount Everest without supplemental oxygen, by Reinhold Messner and Peter Habeler.
  • 1980 – The World Health Organization confirms the eradication of smallpox.
  • 1984 – Corporal Denis Lortie enters the Quebec National Assembly and opens fire, killing three people and wounding 13. René Jalbert, Sergeant-at-Arms of the Assembly, succeeds in calming him, for which he will later receive the Cross of Valour.
  • 1984 – The Thames Barrier is officially opened, preventing the floodplain of most of Greater London from being flooded except under extreme circumstances.
  • 1987 – The SAS kills eight Provisional Irish Republican Army volunteers and a civilian during an ambush in Loughgall, Northern Ireland.
  • 1988 – A fire at Illinois Bell’s Hinsdale Central Office triggers an extended 1AESS network outage once considered to be the “worst telecommunications disaster in US telephone industry history”.
  • 1997 – China Southern Airlines Flight 3456 crashes on approach into Bao’an International Airport, killing 35 people.
  • 2019 – British 17-year-old Isabelle Holdaway is reported to be the first patient ever to receive a genetically modified phage therapy to treat a drug-resistant infection.

Births on May 8

  • 1326 – Joan I, Countess of Auvergne (d. 1360)
  • 1427 – John Tiptoft, 1st Earl of Worcester, Lord High Treasurer (d. 1470)
  • 1460 – Frederick I, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach (d. 1536)
  • 1492 – Andrea Alciato, Italian jurist and writer (d. 1550)
  • 1508 – Charles Wriothesley, English Officer of Arms (d. 1562)
  • 1521 – Peter Canisius, Dutch-Swiss priest and saint (d. 1597)
  • 1551 – Thomas Drury, English government informer and swindler (d. 1603)
  • 1587 – Victor Amadeus I, Duke of Savoy (d. 1637)
  • 1622 – Claes Rålamb, Swedish politician (d. 1698)
  • 1628 – Angelo Italia, Sicilian Jesuit and architect (d. 1700)
  • 1629 – Niels Juel, Norwegian-Danish admiral (d. 1697)
  • 1632 – Heino Heinrich Graf von Flemming, German field marshal and politician (d. 1706)
  • 1639 – Giovanni Battista Gaulli, Italian artist (d. 1709)
  • 1641 – Nicolaes Witsen, Mayor of Amsterdam, Netherlands (d. 1717)
  • 1653 – Claude Louis Hector de Villars, French general and politician, French Minister of Defence (d. 1734)
  • 1670 – Charles Beauclerk, 1st Duke of St Albans, English soldier and politician, Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire (d. 1726)
  • 1698 – Henry Baker, English naturalist (d. 1774)
  • 1720 – William Cavendish, 4th Duke of Devonshire, English politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (d. 1764)
  • 1735 – Nathaniel Dance-Holland, English painter and politician (d. 1811)
  • 1737 – Edward Gibbon, English historian and politician (d. 1794)
  • 1745 – Carl Stamitz, German violinist and composer (d. 1801)
  • 1753 – Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, Mexican priest and rebel leader (d. 1811)
  • 1786 – John Vianney, French priest and saint (d. 1859)
  • 1815 – Edward Tompkins, American lawyer and politician (d. 1872)
  • 1818 – Samuel Leonard Tilley, Canadian pharmacist and politician, 3rd Premier of New Brunswick (d. 1896)
  • 1821 – William Henry Vanderbilt, American businessman and philanthropist (d. 1885)
  • 1824 – William Walker, American physician, lawyer, journalist and mercenary (d. 1860)
  • 1825 – George Bruce Malleson, English-Indian colonel and author (d. 1898)
  • 1828 – Henry Dunant, Swiss businessman and activist, co-founded the Red Cross, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1910)
  • 1828 – Charbel Makhluf, Lebanese monk and saint (d. 1898)
  • 1829 – Louis Moreau Gottschalk, American pianist and composer (d. 1869)
  • 1835 – Bertalan Székely, Hungarian painter and academic (d. 1910)
  • 1839 – Adolphe-Basile Routhier, Canadian judge, author, and songwriter (d. 1920)
  • 1842 – Emil Christian Hansen, Danish physiologist and mycologist (d. 1909)
  • 1846 – Oscar Hammerstein I, American businessman and composer (d. 1919)
  • 1850 – Ross Barnes, American baseball player and manager (d. 1915)
  • 1853 – Dan Brouthers, American baseball player and manager (d. 1932)
  • 1856 – Pedro Lascuráin, Mexican politician, president for 45 minutes on February 13, 1913. (d. 1952)
  • 1858 – Heinrich Berté, Slovak-Austrian composer (d. 1924)
  • 1858 – J. Meade Falkner, English author and poet (d. 1932)
  • 1859 – Johan Jensen, Danish mathematician and engineer (d. 1925)
  • 1867 – Margarete Böhme, German novelist (d. 1939)
  • 1879 – Wesley Coe, American shot putter, discus thrower, and tug of war competitor (d. 1926)
  • 1884 – Harry S. Truman, American colonel and politician, 33rd President of the United States (d. 1972)
  • 1885 – Thomas B. Costain, Canadian journalist and author (d. 1965)
  • 1892 – Adriaan Pelt, Dutch journalist and diplomat (d. 1981)
  • 1893 – Francis Ouimet, American golfer (d. 1967)
  • 1893 – Edd Roush, American baseball player and coach (d. 1988)
  • 1893 – Teddy Wakelam, English rugby player and sportscaster (d. 1963)
  • 1895 – James H. Kindelberger, American businessman (d. 1962)
  • 1895 – Fulton J. Sheen, American archbishop (d. 1979)
  • 1895 – Edmund Wilson, American critic, essayist, and editor (d. 1972)
  • 1898 – Aloysius Stepinac, Croatian cardinal (d. 1960)
  • 1899 – Arthur Q. Bryan, American actor, voice actor, comedian and radio personality (d. 1959)
  • 1899 – Friedrich Hayek, Austrian economist and philosopher, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1992)
  • 1899 – Jacques Heim, French fashion designer (d. 1967)
  • 1901 – Turkey Stearnes, American baseball player (d. 1979)
  • 1902 – André Michel Lwoff, French microbiologist and physician, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1994)
  • 1903 – Fernandel, French actor and singer (d. 1971)
  • 1903 – Mary Stewart, Baroness Stewart of Alvechurch, British politician and educator (d. 1984)
  • 1904 – John Snagge, English journalist (d. 1996)
  • 1905 – Red Nichols, American cornet player, composer, and bandleader (d. 1965)
  • 1906 – Roberto Rossellini, Italian director and screenwriter (d. 1977)
  • 1910 – George Male, English footballer (d. 1998)
  • 1910 – Andrew E. Svenson, American author and publisher (d. 1975)
  • 1910 – Mary Lou Williams, American pianist and composer (d. 1981)
  • 1911 – Wilhelm Friedrich de Gaay Fortman, Dutch jurist and politician, Dutch Minister of The Interior (d. 1997)
  • 1911 – Robert Johnson, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 1938)
  • 1912 – George Woodcock, Canadian author and poet (d. 1995)
  • 1913 – Bob Clampett, American animator, director, and producer (d. 1984)
  • 1913 – Sid James, South African-English actor and singer (d. 1976)
  • 1915 – Milton Meltzer, American historian and author (d. 2009)
  • 1916 – João Havelange, Brazilian water polo player, lawyer, and businessman (d. 2016)
  • 1916 – Chinmayananda Saraswati, Indian spiritual leader and educator (d. 1993)
  • 1916 – Ramananda Sengupta, Indian cinematographer (d. 2017)
  • 1917 – John Anderson, Jr., American lawyer and politician, 36th Governor of Kansas (d. 2014)
  • 1919 – Lex Barker, American actor (d. 1973)
  • 1920 – Saul Bass, American graphic designer and director (d. 1996)
  • 1920 – Tom of Finland, Finnish illustrator (d. 1991)
  • 1920 – Sloan Wilson, American author and poet (d. 2003)
  • 1920 – Gordon McClymont, Australian ecologist and academic (d. 2000)
  • 1922 – Mary Q. Steele, American naturalist and author (d. 1992)
  • 1924 – S. Vithiananthan, Sri Lankan author and academic (d. 1989)
  • 1925 – Ali Hassan Mwinyi, Tanzanian politician, 2nd President of Tanzania
  • 1926 – David Attenborough, English environmentalist and television host
  • 1926 – David Hurst, German actor (d. 2019)
  • 1926 – Don Rickles, American comedian and actor (d. 2017)
  • 1927 – Chumy Chúmez, Spanish actor, director, and screenwriter (d. 2003)
  • 1927 – László Paskai, Hungarian cardinal (d. 2015)
  • 1928 – Robert Conley, American journalist (d. 2013)
  • 1928 – Ted Sorensen, American lawyer, 8th White House Counsel (d. 2010)
  • 1929 – Ethel D. Allen, American physician and politician (d. 1981)
  • 1929 – Girija Devi, Indian classical singer (d. 2017)
  • 1929 – Claude Castonguay, Canadian banker and politician
  • 1929 – Miyoshi Umeki, Japanese-American actress and singer (d. 2007)
  • 1930 – Heather Harper, Northern Irish soprano (d. 2019)
  • 1930 – Doug Atkins, American football player (d. 2015)
  • 1930 – René Maltête, French photographer and poet (d. 2000)
  • 1930 – Gary Snyder, American poet, essayist, and translator
  • 1932 – Julieta Campos, Cuban-Mexican author and translator (d. 2007)
  • 1932 – Phyllida Law, Scottish actress
  • 1932 – Harry Wells, Australian rugby league player
  • 1934 – Leonard Hoffmann, Baron Hoffmann, South African-English lawyer and judge
  • 1934 – Maurice Norman, English footballer
  • 1934 – David Williamson, Baron Williamson of Horton, English soldier and politician (d. 2015)
  • 1935 – Lucius Cary, 15th Viscount Falkland, Scottish politician
  • 1935 – Princess Elisabeth of Denmark (d. 2018)
  • 1935 – Jack Charlton, English footballer and manager
  • 1936 – Kazuo Koike, Japanese author
  • 1936 – Haljand Udam, Estonian orientalist and academic (d. 2005)
  • 1937 – Bernard Cleary, Canadian journalist, academic, and politician
  • 1937 – Mike Cuellar, Cuban-American baseball player (d. 2010)
  • 1937 – Carlos Gaviria Díaz, Colombian lawyer and politician (d. 2015)
  • 1937 – Thomas Pynchon, American novelist
  • 1938 – Javed Burki, Indian-Pakistani cricketer
  • 1938 – Jean Giraud, French author and illustrator (d. 2012)
  • 1939 – Paul Drayton, American sprinter (d. 2010)
  • 1940 – Peter Benchley, American author and screenwriter (d. 2006)
  • 1940 – James Blyth, Baron Blyth of Rowington, English businessman and academic
  • 1940 – Irwin Cotler, Canadian lawyer and politician, 47th Canadian Minister of Justice
  • 1940 – Emilio Delgado, Mexican-American actor, “Sesame Street”
  • 1940 – Ricky Nelson, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor (d. 1985)
  • 1940 – Toni Tennille, American singer-songwriter and keyboard player
  • 1941 – John Fred, American singer-songwriter (d. 2005)
  • 1941 – Bill Lockyer, American academic and politician, 30th Attorney General of California
  • 1941 – James Traficant, American lawyer and politician (d. 2014)
  • 1942 – Martin Dobkin, Canadian doctor and politician, 2nd Mayor of Mississauga
  • 1942 – Robin Hobbs, English cricketer
  • 1942 – Norman Lamont, Scottish banker and politician, Chancellor of the Exchequer
  • 1942 – Pierre Morency, Canadian poet and playwright
  • 1942 – Terry Neill, Irish footballer and manager
  • 1943 – Pat Barker, English author
  • 1943 – Johnny Greaves, Australian rugby league player
  • 1943 – Jon Mark, English-New Zealand singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • 1943 – Paul Samwell-Smith, English bass player and producer
  • 1943 – Danny Whitten, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 1972)
  • 1944 – Gary Glitter, English singer-songwriter
  • 1944 – Bill Legend, English drummer
  • 1945 – Arthur Docters van Leeuwen, Dutch jurist and politician
  • 1945 – Mike German, Baron German, Welsh educator and politician, Deputy First Minister for Wales
  • 1945 – Janine Haines, Australian politician (d. 2004)
  • 1945 – Keith Jarrett, American pianist and composer
  • 1946 – André Boulerice, Canadian politician
  • 1946 – Jonathan Dancy, English philosopher, author, and academic
  • 1947 – H. Robert Horvitz, American biologist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate
  • 1947 – Felicity Lott, English soprano
  • 1947 – John Reid, Baron Reid of Cardowan, Scottish historian and politician, Secretary of State for Defence
  • 1948 – Steve Braun, American baseball player and coach
  • 1948 – Stephen Stohn, American-Canadian lawyer and producer
  • 1949 – David Vines, Australian economist and academic
  • 1950 – Robert Mugge, American director and producer
  • 1950 – Lepo Sumera, Estonian composer and educator (d. 2000)
  • 1951 – Philip Bailey, American singer-songwriter, drummer, and actor
  • 1951 – Mike D’Antoni, American basketball player and coach
  • 1951 – Chris Frantz, American drummer and producer
  • 1952 – Peter McNab, Canadian ice hockey player and sportscaster
  • 1953 – Billy Burnette, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor
  • 1953 – Alex Van Halen, Dutch-American drummer
  • 1954 – Pam Arciero, American puppeteer and voice actress
  • 1954 – David Keith, American actor and director
  • 1954 – John Michael Talbot, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • 1955 – Stephen Furst, American actor and director (d. 2017)
  • 1955 – Mladen Markač, Croatian general
  • 1955 – Keith Osgood, English footballer
  • 1956 – Jeff Wincott, Canadian actor and martial artist
  • 1957 – Bill Cowher, American football player and coach
  • 1957 – Rino Katase, Japanese actress
  • 1957 – Gary Lunn, Canadian lawyer and politician, 6th Canadian Minister of Natural Resources
  • 1958 – Roddy Doyle, Irish novelist, playwright, and screenwriter
  • 1958 – Simone Kleinsma, Dutch actress and singer
  • 1958 – Brooks Newmark, American-English businessman and politician, Lord of the Treasury
  • 1958 – Lovie Smith, American football player and coach
  • 1959 – Ronnie Lott, American football player and sportscaster
  • 1959 – David Manners, 11th Duke of Rutland, English politician
  • 1959 – Ikue Sakakibara, Japanese actress and singer
  • 1960 – Franco Baresi, Italian footballer and coach
  • 1960 – Eric Brittingham, American bass player
  • 1961 – Bill de Blasio, American politician, 109th Mayor of New York City
  • 1961 – Gert Kruys, Dutch footballer and manager
  • 1961 – Vallo Reimaa, Estonian academic and politician
  • 1961 – David Winning, Canadian-American director, producer, and screenwriter
  • 1962 – Natalia Molchanova, Russian diver (d. 2015)
  • 1962 – David Sole, Scottish rugby player
  • 1963 – Sylvain Cossette, Canadian singer-songwriter
  • 1963 – Anthony Field, Australian guitarist, songwriter, producer, and actor
  • 1963 – Michel Gondry, French director and screenwriter
  • 1963 – Izabela Kloc, Polish politician
  • 1963 – Aleksandr Kovalenko, Belarusian triple jumper
  • 1963 – Rick Zombo, American ice hockey player and coach
  • 1964 – Päivi Alafrantti, Finnish javelin thrower
  • 1964 – Melissa Gilbert, American actress and director
  • 1964 – Bobby Labonte, American race car driver
  • 1964 – Nathalie Roy, Canadian lawyer and politician
  • 1964 – Dave Rowntree, English drummer and animator
  • 1964 – Metin Tekin, Turkish footballer, manager, and journalist
  • 1966 – Cláudio Taffarel, Brazilian footballer and coach
  • 1967 – Viviana Durante, Italian ballerina and actress
  • 1967 – Angus Scott, British sports television presenter
  • 1968 – Teet Kask, Estonian ballet dancer and choreographer
  • 1968 – Nathalie Normandeau, Canadian politician, Deputy Premier of Quebec
  • 1968 – Johan Pehrson, Swedish lawyer and politician
  • 1969 – Jonny Searle, English rower
  • 1969 – Akebono Tarō, American-Japanese sumo wrestler, the 64th Yokozuna
  • 1969 – John Timu, New Zealand rugby player
  • 1970 – Michael Bevan, Australian cricketer and coach
  • 1970 – Naomi Klein, Canadian author and activist
  • 1970 – Luis Enrique, Spanish footballer and manager
  • 1971 – Chuck Huber, American voice actor, director, and screenwriter
  • 1971 – Candice Night, American singer-songwriter
  • 1972 – Darren Hayes, Australian singer-songwriter
  • 1972 – Ray Whitney, Canadian ice hockey player
  • 1973 – Hiromu Arakawa, Japanese author and illustrator
  • 1973 – Jesús Arellano, Mexican footballer
  • 1973 – Marcus Brigstocke, English comedian, actor, and screenwriter
  • 1974 – Marge Kõrkjas, Estonian swimmer
  • 1974 – Korey Stringer, American football player (d. 2001)
  • 1974 – Christian XXX, American pornographic star
  • 1975 – Enrique Iglesias, Spanish-American singer-songwriter, producer, and actor
  • 1975 – Jussi Markkanen, Finnish ice hockey player
  • 1975 – Gastón Mazzacane, Argentinian race car driver
  • 1975 – Dmitri Ustritski, Estonian footballer
  • 1976 – Gonçalo Abecasis, Portuguese-American biochemist and academic
  • 1976 – Martha Wainwright, Canadian-American singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • 1977 – Joe Bonamassa, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • 1977 – Bad News Brown, Canadian rapper, harmonica player, and actor (d. 2011)
  • 1977 – Theodoros Papaloukas, Greek basketball player
  • 1977 – Kathrin Bringmann, German mathematician and academic
  • 1978 – Lúcio, Brazilian footballer
  • 1978 – Jang Woo-hyuk, South Korean rapper and dancer
  • 1979 – Ole Morten Vågan, Norwegian bassist
  • 1980 – Keyon Dooling, American basketball player
  • 1980 – Panagiotis Kafkis, Greek basketball player
  • 1980 – Evgeny Lebedev, Russian-English publisher and philanthropist
  • 1980 – Michelle McManus, Scottish singer-songwriter and actress
  • 1980 – Benny Yau, Hong Kong-Canadian actor and singer
  • 1981 – Stephen Amell, Canadian actor
  • 1981 – Andrea Barzagli, Italian footballer
  • 1981 – Tatyana Dektyareva, Russian hurdler
  • 1981 – Björn Dixgård, Swedish singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • 1981 – Manny Gamburyan, Armenian-American mixed martial artist
  • 1981 – John Maine, American baseball player
  • 1982 – Buakaw Banchamek, Thai kick-boxer
  • 1982 – Christina Cole, English actress
  • 1982 – Adrián González, American baseball player
  • 1982 – Uğur Yıldırım, Turkish-Dutch footballer
  • 1983 – Juan Martin Goity, Argentinian-German rugby player
  • 1983 – Bershawn Jackson, American hurdler
  • 1983 – Lawrence Vickers, American football player
  • 1983 – Vicky McClure, English actress
  • 1984 – David King, English figure skater
  • 1985 – Tommaso Ciampa, American wrestler
  • 1985 – Silvia Stroescu, Romanian gymnast
  • 1985 – Sarah Vaillancourt, Canadian ice hockey player
  • 1985 – Usama Young, American football player
  • 1986 – Pemra Özgen, Turkish tennis player
  • 1986 – Galen Rupp, American runner
  • 1986 – Marvell Wynne, American soccer player
  • 1987 – Felix Jones, American football player
  • 1987 – Aarne Nirk, Estonian hurdler
  • 1987 – Mark Noble, English footballer
  • 1987 – Kurt Tippett, Australian footballer
  • 1988 – Tanel Kurbas, Estonian basketball player
  • 1988 – Maicon Pereira de Oliveira, Brazilian footballer (d. 2014)
  • 1989 – Liam Bridcutt, English footballer
  • 1989 – Lars Eller, Danish ice hockey player
  • 1989 – Dinesh Patel, Indian baseball player
  • 1990 – Kemba Walker, American basketball player
  • 1991 – Ethan Gage, Canadian soccer player
  • 1991 – Valentijn Lietmeijer, Dutch basketball player
  • 1991 – Anamaria Tămârjan, Romanian gymnast
  • 1992 – Kevin Hayes, American ice hockey player
  • 1993 – Pat Cummins, Australian cricketer
  • 1996 – 6ix9ine, American rapper
  • 2001 – Jordyn Huitema, Canadian soccer player
  • 2003 – Moulay Hassan, Crown Prince of Morocco

Deaths on May 8

  • 535 – Pope John II
  • 615 – Pope Boniface IV (b. 550)
  • 685 – Pope Benedict II
  • 997 – Tai Zong, Chinese emperor (b. 939)
  • 1157 – Ahmed Sanjar, Seljuk sultan (b. 1086)
  • 1192 – Ottokar IV, duke of Styria (b. 1163)
  • 1220 – Richeza of Denmark, queen of Sweden
  • 1278 – Duan Zong, Chinese emperor (b. 1269)
  • 1319 – Haakon V, king of Norway (b. 1270)
  • 1473 – John Stafford, 1st Earl of Wiltshire, English politician (b. 1420)
  • 1538 – Edward Foxe, English bishop and academic (b. 1496)
  • 1551 – Barbara Radziwiłł, queen of Poland (b. 1520)
  • 1668 – Catherine of St. Augustine, French-Canadian nun and saint (b. 1632)
  • 1766 – Samuel Chandler, English minister and author (b. 1693)
  • 1773 – Ali Bey al-Kabir, Egyptian sultan (b. 1728)
  • 1781 – Richard Jago, English priest and poet (b. 1715)
  • 1782 – Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, 1st Marquis of Pombal, Portuguese politician, Prime Minister of Portugal (b. 1699)
  • 1785 – Étienne François, duc de Choiseul, French general and politician, Prime Minister of France (b. 1719)
  • 1785 – Pietro Longhi, Italian painter (b. 1701)
  • 1788 – Giovanni Antonio Scopoli, Italian physician and botanist (b. 1723)
  • 1794 – Antoine Lavoisier, French chemist and biologist (b. 1743)
  • 1819 – Kamehameha I, king of the Hawaiian Islands
  • 1822 – John Stark, American general (b. 1728)
  • 1828 – Mauro Giuliani, Italian guitarist, cellist, and composer (b. 1781)
  • 1837 – Alexander Balashov, Russian general and politician, Russian Minister of Police (b. 1770)
  • 1842 – Jules Dumont d’Urville, French admiral and explorer (b. 1790)
  • 1853 – Jan Roothaan, Dutch priest, 21st Superior General of the Society of Jesus (b. 1785)
  • 1880 – Gustave Flaubert, French novelist (b. 1821)
  • 1891 – Helena Blavatsky, Russian-English mystic and author (b. 1831)
  • 1891 – John Robertson, English-Australian politician, 5th Premier of New South Wales (b. 1816)
  • 1893 – Manuel González Flores, Mexican general and president, 1880–1884 (b. 1833)
  • 1903 – Paul Gauguin, French painter and sculptor (b. 1848)
  • 1907 – Edmund G. Ross, American soldier and politician, 13th Governor of New Mexico Territory (b. 1826)
  • 1925 – John Beresford, Irish polo player (b. 1847)
  • 1936 – Oswald Spengler, German historian and philosopher (b. 1880)
  • 1941 – Natalie, queen consort of Serbia (b. 1859)
  • 1941 – Tore Svennberg, Swedish actor and director (b. 1858)
  • 1942 – Nikolai Reek, Estonian general and politician, 11th Estonian Minister of War (b. 1890)
  • 1943 – Mordechai Anielewicz, Polish commander (b. 1919)
  • 1944 – Themistoklis Diakidis, Greek high jumper (b. 1882)
  • 1945 – Frank Bourne, British soldier, last survivor of the Battle of Rorke’s Drift (b. 1854)
  • 1945 – Wilhelm Rediess, German SS officer (b. 1900)
  • 1945 – Bernhard Rust, German lieutenant and politician (b. 1883)
  • 1945 – Josef Terboven, German lieutenant and politician (b. 1898)
  • 1947 – Harry Gordon Selfridge, American-English businessman, founded Selfridges (b. 1858)
  • 1948 – U Saw, Burmese politician, Prime Minister of Burma (b. 1900)
  • 1950 – Vital Brazil, Brazilian physician and immunologist (b. 1865)
  • 1952 – William Fox, Austrian businessman, founded Fox Theatres (b. 1879)
  • 1959 – John Fraser, Canadian soccer player (b. 1881)
  • 1960 – J. H. C. Whitehead, Indian-English mathematician and academic (b. 1904)
  • 1965 – Wally Hardinge, English cricketer and footballer (b. 1886)
  • 1969 – Remington Kellogg, American zoologist and paleontologist (b. 1892)
  • 1972 – Pandurang Vaman Kane, Indologist and Sanskrit scholar, Bharat Ratna awardee (b. 1880)
  • 1972 – Beatrice Helen Worsley, Mexican-Canadian computer scientist (b. 1921)
  • 1975 – Avery Brundage, American businessman and art collector (b. 1887)
  • 1980 – Geoffrey Baker, English Field Marshal and Chief of the General Staff of the British Army (b. 1920)
  • 1981 – Uri Zvi Greenberg, Israeli poet and journalist (b. 1896)
  • 1982 – Neil Bogart, American record producer, co-founded Casablanca Records (b. 1943)
  • 1982 – Gilles Villeneuve, Canadian race car driver (b. 1950)
  • 1983 – John Fante, American author and screenwriter (b. 1909)
  • 1984 – Lila Bell Wallace, American publisher, co-founded Reader’s Digest (b. 1890)
  • 1984 – Gino Bianco, Italian-Brazilian race car driver (b. 1916)
  • 1985 – Karl Marx, German conductor and composer (b. 1897)
  • 1985 – Theodore Sturgeon, American author and critic (b. 1918)
  • 1985 – Dolph Sweet, American actor (b. 1920)
  • 1986 – Ernle Bradford, English historian and author (b. 1922)
  • 1987 – Doris Stokes, English psychic and author (b. 1920)
  • 1988 – Robert A. Heinlein, American science fiction writer and screenwriter (b. 1907)
  • 1990 – Luigi Nono, Italian composer and educator (b. 1924)
  • 1991 – Jean Langlais, French pianist and composer (b. 1907)
  • 1991 – Rudolf Serkin, Czech-Austrian pianist and educator (b. 1903)
  • 1992 – Joyce Ricketts, American baseball player (b. 1933)
  • 1993 – Avram Davidson, American soldier and author (b. 1923)
  • 1994 – George Peppard, American actor and producer (b. 1928)
  • 1995 – Teresa Teng, Taiwanese singer (b. 1953)
  • 1996 – Beryl Burton, English cyclist (b. 1937)
  • 1996 – Luis Miguel Dominguín, Spanish bullfighter (b. 1926)
  • 1996 – Larry Levis, American poet, author, and critic (b. 1946)
  • 1996 – Garth Williams, American illustrator (b. 1912)
  • 1998 – Johannes Kotkas, Estonian wrestler (b. 1915)
  • 1998 – Charles Rebozo, American banker and businessman (b. 1912)
  • 1999 – Dirk Bogarde, English actor and screenwriter (b. 1921)
  • 1999 – Ed Gilbert, American actor (b. 1931)
  • 1999 – Dana Plato, American actress (b. 1964)
  • 1999 – Soeman Hs, Indonesian author and educator (b. 1904)
  • 2000 – Pita Amor, Mexican poet and author (b. 1918)
  • 2000 – Dédé Fortin, Canadian singer-songwriter and guitarist (b. 1962)
  • 2000 – Henry Nicols, American activist (b. 1973)
  • 2003 – Elvira Pagã, Brazilian vedette, singer, and artist (b. 1920)
  • 2005 – Jean Carrière, French author (b. 1928)
  • 2005 – Nicolás Vuyovich, Argentinian race car driver (b. 1981)
  • 2006 – Iain Macmillan, Scottish photographer and author (b. 1938)
  • 2007 – Philip R. Craig, American author and poet (b. 1933)
  • 2007 – Carson Whitsett, American keyboard player, songwriter, and producer (b. 1945)
  • 2008 – Eddy Arnold, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor (b. 1918)
  • 2008 – François Sterchele, Belgian footballer (b. 1982)
  • 2009 – Dom DiMaggio, American baseball player (b. 1917)
  • 2009 – Bud Shrake, American journalist and author (b. 1931)
  • 2011 – Lionel Rose, Australian boxer (b. 1948)
  • 2012 – Everett Lilly, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (b. 1924)
  • 2012 – Jerry McMorris, American businessman (b. 1941)
  • 2012 – Stacy Robinson, American football player (b. 1962)
  • 2012 – Maurice Sendak, American author and illustrator (b. 1928)
  • 2012 – Ampon Tangnoppakul, Thai criminal (b. 1948)
  • 2012 – Roman Totenberg, Polish-American violinist and educator (b. 1911)
  • 2013 – Jeanne Cooper, American actress (b. 1928)
  • 2013 – Bryan Forbes, English actor, director, producer, and screenwriter (b. 1926)
  • 2013 – Juan José Muñoz, Argentinian businessman (b. 1950)
  • 2013 – Hugh J. Silverman, American philosopher and theorist (b. 1945)
  • 2013 – Ken Whaley, Austrian-English bass player (b. 1946)
  • 2014 – Roger L. Easton, American scientist, co-invented the GPS (b. 1921)
  • 2014 – Nancy Malone, American actress, director, and producer (b. 1935)
  • 2014 – Yago Lamela, Spanish long jumper (b. 1977)
  • 2014 – Jair Rodrigues, Brazilian singer (b. 1939)
  • 2014 – R. Douglas Stuart Jr., American businessman and diplomat, United States Ambassador to Norway (b. 1916)
  • 2014 – Joseph P. Teasdale, American lawyer and politician, 48th Governor of Missouri (b. 1936)
  • 2015 – Zeki Alasya, Turkish actor and director (b. 1943)
  • 2015 – Mwepu Ilunga, Congolese footballer (b. 1949)
  • 2015 – Menashe Kadishman, Israeli sculptor and painter (b. 1932)
  • 2015 – Juan Schwanner, Hungarian-Chilean footballer and manager (b. 1921)
  • 2015 – Atanas Semerdzhiev, Bulgarian soldier and politician, 1st Vice President of Bulgaria (b. 1924)
  • 2016 – Tom M. Apostol, American analytic number theorist (b. 1923)
  • 2016 – William Schallert, American actor; president (1979–81) of the Screen Actors Guild (b. 1922)
  • 2018 – Big Bully Busick, American professional wrestler (b. 1954)
  • 2018 – Anne V. Coates, British film editor (Lawrence of ArabiaThe Elephant ManErin Brockovich), Oscar winner (1963) (b. 1925)
  • 2019 – Sprent Dabwido, President of Nauru from 2011 to 2013 (b. 1972)

Holidays and observances on May 8

  • Christian feast day:
    • Amato Ronconi
    • Apparition of Saint Michael
    • Arsenius the Great
    • Desideratus
    • Blessed Catherine of St. Augustine
    • Julian of Norwich (Anglican, Lutheran)
    • Magdalene of Canossa
    • Our Lady of Luján
    • Peter of Tarentaise
    • Blessed Teresa Demjanovich (Ruthenian Catholic Church)
    • May 8 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • Earliest day on which Father’s Day can fall, while May 14 is the latest; celebrated on the second Sunday of May. (Romania)
  • Earliest day on which Mother’s Day can fall, while May 14 is the latest; celebrated on the second Sunday of May. (United States and others)
  • Earliest day on which State Flag and State Emblem Day can fall, while May 14 is the latest; celebrated on the second Sunday of May. (Belarus)
  • Earliest day on which World Fair Trade Day can fall, while May 14 is the latest; celebrated on the second Saturday of May (site of the WFTO) (International)
  • Emancipation Day (Columbus, Mississippi)
  • Furry Dance (Helston, UK)
  • Liberation Day (Czech Republic)
  • Miguel Hidalgo’s birthday (Mexico)
  • Parents’ Day (South Korea)
  • Truman Day (Missouri)
  • Veterans Day (Norway)
  • Victory in Europe Day, and its related observances (Europe):
    • Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives during the Second World War, continues to May 9
  • White Lotus Day (Theosophy)
  • World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day (International)

May 8 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day Read More »

On This Day

May 7 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day

  • 351 – The Jewish revolt against Constantius Gallus breaks out after his arrival at Antioch.
  • 558 – In Constantinople, the dome of the Hagia Sophia collapses, twenty years after its construction. Justinian I immediately orders that the dome be rebuilt.
  • 1274 – In France, the Second Council of Lyon opens to regulate the election of the Pope.
  • 1487 – The Siege of Málaga commences during the Spanish Reconquista.
  • 1544 – The Burning of Edinburgh by an English army is the first action of the Rough Wooing.
  • 1664 – Louis XIV of France begins construction of the Palace of Versailles.
  • 1685 – Battle of Vrtijeljka between rebels and Ottoman forces.
  • 1697 – Stockholm’s royal castle (dating back to medieval times) is destroyed by fire. It is replaced in the 18th century by the current Royal Palace.
  • 1718 – The city of New Orleans is founded by Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de Bienville.
  • 1763 – Pontiac’s War begins with Pontiac’s attempt to seize Fort Detroit from the British.
  • 1794 – French Revolution: Robespierre introduces the Cult of the Supreme Being in the National Convention as the new state religion of the French First Republic.
  • 1824 – World premiere of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony in Vienna, Austria. The performance is conducted by Michael Umlauf under the composer’s supervision.
  • 1832 – Greece’s independence is recognized by the Treaty of London.
  • 1840 – The Great Natchez Tornado strikes Natchez, Mississippi killing 317 people. It is the second deadliest tornado in United States history.
  • 1846 – The Cambridge Chronicle, America’s oldest surviving weekly newspaper, is published for the first time in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • 1864 – American Civil War: The Army of the Potomac, under General Ulysses S. Grant, breaks off from the Battle of the Wilderness and moves southwards.
  • 1864 – The world’s oldest surviving clipper ship, the City of Adelaide is launched by William Pile, Hay and Co. in Sunderland, England, for transporting passengers and goods between Britain and Australia.
  • 1895 – In Saint Petersburg, Russian scientist Alexander Stepanovich Popov demonstrates to the Russian Physical and Chemical Society his invention, the Popov lightning detector—a primitive radio receiver. In some parts of the former Soviet Union the anniversary of this day is celebrated as Radio Day.
  • 1915 – World War I: German submarine U-20 sinks RMS Lusitania, killing 1,198 people, including 128 Americans. Public reaction to the sinking turns many former pro-Germans in the United States against the German Empire.
  • 1915 – The Republic of China accedes to 13 of the 21 Demands, extending the Empire of Japan‘s control over Manchuria and the Chinese economy.
  • 1920 – Kiev Offensive: Polish troops led by Józef Piłsudski and Edward Rydz-Śmigły and assisted by a symbolic Ukrainian force capture Kiev only to be driven out by the Red Army counter-offensive a month later.
  • 1920 – Treaty of Moscow: Soviet Russia recognizes the independence of the Democratic Republic of Georgia only to invade the country six months later.
  • 1920 – Morecambe Football Club was founded during a meeting at the West View Hotel on the town’s promenade.
  • 1930 – The 7.1 Mw  Salmas earthquake shakes northwestern Iran and southeastern Turkey with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent). Up to three-thousand people were killed.
  • 1931 – The stand-off between criminal Francis Crowley and 300 members of the New York Police Department takes place in his fifth-floor apartment on West 91st Street, New York City.
  • 1937 – Spanish Civil War: The German Condor Legion, equipped with Heinkel He 51 biplanes, arrives in Spain to assist Francisco Franco’s forces.
  • 1940 – World War II: The Norway Debate in the British House of Commons begins, and leads to the replacement of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain with Winston Churchill three days later.
  • 1942 – World War II: During the Battle of the Coral Sea, United States Navy aircraft carrier aircraft attack and sink the Imperial Japanese Navy light aircraft carrier Shōhō; the battle marks the first time in naval history that two enemy fleets fight without visual contact between warring ships.
  • 1945 – World War II: Last German U boat attack of the war, two freighters are sunk off the Firth of Forth, Scotland.
  • 1945 – World War II: General Alfred Jodl signs unconditional surrender terms at Reims, France, ending Germany’s participation in the war. The document takes effect the next day.
  • 1946 – Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering (later renamed Sony) is founded
  • 1948 – The Council of Europe is founded during the Hague Congress.
  • 1952 – The concept of the integrated circuit, the basis for all modern computers, is first published by Geoffrey Dummer.
  • 1954 – Indochina War: The Battle of Dien Bien Phu ends in a French defeat and a Viet Minh victory (the battle began on March 13).
  • 1960 – Cold War: U-2 Crisis of 1960: Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev announces that his nation is holding American U-2 pilot Gary Powers.
  • 1976 – The Honda Accord is officially launched.
  • 1986 – Canadian Patrick Morrow becomes the first person to climb each of the Seven Summits.
  • 1992 – Michigan ratifies a 203-year-old proposed amendment to the United States Constitution making the 27th Amendment law. This amendment bars the U.S. Congress from giving itself a mid-term pay raise.
  • 1992 – Space Shuttle program: The Space Shuttle Endeavour is launched on its first mission, STS-49.
  • 1992 – Three employees at a McDonald’s Restaurant in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, are brutally murdered and a fourth permanently disabled after a botched robbery. It is the first “fast-food murder” in Canada.
  • 1994 – Edvard Munch’s painting The Scream is recovered undamaged after being stolen from the National Gallery of Norway in February.
  • 1998 – Mercedes-Benz buys Chrysler for US$40 billion and forms DaimlerChrysler in the largest industrial merger in history.
  • 1999 – Pope John Paul II travels to Romania, becoming the first pope to visit a predominantly Eastern Orthodox country since the Great Schism in 1054.
  • 1999 – Kosovo War: Three Chinese citizens are killed and 20 wounded when a NATO aircraft apparently inadvertently bombs the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, Serbia.
  • 1999 – In Guinea-Bissau, President João Bernardo Vieira is ousted in a military coup.
  • 2000 – Vladimir Putin is inaugurated as president of Russia.
  • 2002 – An EgyptAir Boeing 737-500 crashes on approach to Tunis–Carthage International Airport, killing 14 people.
  • 2002 – A China Northern Airlines MD-82 plunges into the Yellow Sea, killing 112 people.
  • 2004 – American businessman Nick Berg is beheaded by Islamic militants. The act is recorded on videotape and released on the Internet.

Births on May 7

  • Before 160 – Julia Maesa, Roman noblewoman (d. 224)
  • 1488 – John III of the Palatinate, archbishop of Regensburg (d. 1538)
  • 1530 – Louis, Prince of Condé (d. 1569)
  • 1553 – Albert Frederick, Duke of Prussia (d. 1618)
  • 1605 – Patriarch Nikon of Moscow (d. 1681)
  • 1643 – Stephanus Van Cortlandt, American politician, 10th Mayor of New York City (d. 1700)
  • 1700 – Gerard van Swieten, Dutch-Austrian physician (d. 1772)
  • 1701 – Carl Heinrich Graun, German tenor and composer (d. 1759)
  • 1711 – David Hume, Scottish economist, historian, and philosopher (d. 1776)
  • 1724 – Dagobert Sigmund von Wurmser, French-Austrian field marshal (d. 1797)
  • 1740 – Nikolai Arkharov, Russian police officer and general (d. 1814)
  • 1748 – Olympe de Gouges, French playwright and philosopher (d. 1793)
  • 1763 – Józef Poniatowski, Polish general (d. 1813)
  • 1767 – Princess Frederica Charlotte of Prussia (d. 1820)
  • 1774 – William Bainbridge, American commodore (d. 1833)
  • 1787 – Jacques Viger, Canadian archaeologist and politician, 1st mayor of Montreal (d. 1858)
  • 1812 – Robert Browning, English poet and playwright (d. 1889)
  • 1833 – Johannes Brahms, German pianist and composer (d. 1897)
  • 1836 – Joseph Gurney Cannon, American lawyer and politician, 40th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (d. 1926)
  • 1837 – Karl Mauch, German geographer and explorer (d. 1875)
  • 1840 – Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Russian composer and educator (d. 1893)
  • 1845 – Mary Eliza Mahoney, American nurse and activist (d. 1926)
  • 1847 – Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery, English politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (d. 1929)
  • 1857 – William A. MacCorkle, American lawyer and politician, 9th Governor of West Virginia (d. 1930)
  • 1860 – Tom Norman, English businessman (d. 1930)
  • 1861 – Rabindranath Tagore, Indian author and poet, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1941)
  • 1867 – Władysław Reymont, Polish novelist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1925)
  • 1875 – Bill Hoyt, American pole vaulter (d. 1951)
  • 1880 – Pandurang Vaman Kane, Indologist and Sanskrit scholar, Bharat Ratna awardee (d. 1972)
  • 1881 – George E. Wiley, American cyclist (d. 1954)
  • 1882 – Willem Elsschot, Belgian author and poet (d. 1960)
  • 1885 – George “Gabby” Hayes, American actor (d. 1969)
  • 1889 – Viktor Puskar, Estonian colonel (d. 1943)
  • 1891 – Harry McShane, Scottish engineer and activist (d. 1988)
  • 1892 – Archibald MacLeish, American poet, playwright, and lawyer (d. 1982)
  • 1892 – Josip Broz Tito, Yugoslav field marshal and politician, 1st President of Yugoslavia (d. 1980)
  • 1893 – Frank J. Selke, Canadian ice hockey coach and manager (d. 1985)
  • 1896 – Kathleen McKane Godfree, English tennis and badminton player (d. 1992)
  • 1899 – Alfred Gerrard, English sculptor and academic (d. 1998)
  • 1901 – Gary Cooper, American actor (d. 1961)
  • 1903 – Jimmy Ball, Canadian sprinter (d. 1988)
  • 1904 – Kurt Weitzmann, German-American historian and author (d. 1993)
  • 1906 – Eric Krenz, American discus thrower and shot putter (d. 1931)
  • 1909 – Edwin H. Land, American scientist and inventor, co-founded the Polaroid Corporation (d. 1991)
  • 1909 – Dorothy Sunrise Lorentino, Native American teacher (d. 2005)
  • 1911 – Ishirō Honda, Japanese director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 1993)
  • 1911 – Rıfat Ilgaz, Turkish author, poet, and educator (d. 1993)
  • 1912 – Pannalal Patel, Indian author (d. 1989)
  • 1913 – John Spencer Hardy, American general (d. 2012)
  • 1913 – Simon Ramo, American physicist and engineer (d. 2016)
  • 1914 – Arthur Snelling, English civil servant and diplomat. British Ambassador to South Africa (d. 1996)
  • 1916 – Huw Wheldon, Welsh-English broadcaster (d. 1986)
  • 1916 – W. B. Young, Scottish rugby player and physician (d. 2013)
  • 1917 – Domenico Bartolucci, Italian cardinal and composer (d. 2013)
  • 1917 – Lenox Hewitt, Australian public servant (d. 2020)
  • 1917 – David Tomlinson, English actor (d. 2000)
  • 1919 – Eva Perón, Argentinian actress, 25th First Lady of Argentina (d. 1952)
  • 1920 – Rendra Karno, Indonesian actor (d. 1985)
  • 1921 – Asa Briggs, Baron Briggs, English historian and academic (d. 2016)
  • 1921 – Gaston Rébuffat, French mountaineer and author (d. 1985)
  • 1922 – Darren McGavin, American actor and director (d. 2006)
  • 1922 – Joe O’Donnell, American photographer and journalist (d. 2007)
  • 1923 – Anne Baxter, American actress (d. 1985)
  • 1923 – Jim Lowe, American singer-songwriter, disc jockey, and radio host (d. 2016)
  • 1923 – Bülent Ulusu, Turkish admiral and politician, 18th Prime Minister of Turkey (d. 2015)
  • 1924 – Albert Band, French-American director and producer (d. 2002)
  • 1925 – Lauri Vaska, Estonian-American chemist and academic (d. 2015)
  • 1927 – Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, German-American author and screenwriter (d. 2013)
  • 1929 – Dick Williams, American baseball player, coach, and manager (d. 2011)
  • 1930 – Totie Fields, American comedian and author (d. 1978)
  • 1930 – Babe Parilli, American football player and coach (d. 2017)
  • 1930 – John Smith, Baron Kirkhill, English politician
  • 1931 – Teresa Brewer, American singer (d. 2007)
  • 1931 – Gene Wolfe, American author (d. 2019)
  • 1932 – Jordi Bonet, Spanish-Canadian painter and sculptor (d. 1979)
  • 1932 – Alan Cuthbert, English pharmacologist and academic (d. 2016)
  • 1932 – Pete Domenici, American lawyer and politician, 37th Mayor of Albuquerque (d. 2017)
  • 1932 – Derek Taylor, English journalist and author (d. 1997)
  • 1933 – Johnny Unitas, American football player and sportscaster (d. 2002)
  • 1935 – Avraham Heffner, Israeli actor, director, and screenwriter (d. 2014)
  • 1935 – Michael Hopkins, English architect
  • 1936 – Robin Hanbury-Tenison, English explorer and author
  • 1936 – Tony O’Reilly, Irish rugby player and businessman
  • 1936 – Jimmy Ruffin, American soul singer (d. 2014)
  • 1937 – Eddie Clayton, English footballer
  • 1937 – Claude Raymond, Canadian baseball player and coach
  • 1939 – Sidney Altman, Canadian-American biologist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate
  • 1939 – Ruggero Deodato, Italian actor, director, and screenwriter
  • 1939 – Ruud Lubbers, Dutch economist and politician, Prime Minister of the Netherlands (d. 2018)
  • 1939 – Johnny Maestro, American pop/doo-wop singer (d. 2010)
  • 1939 – Clive Soley, Baron Soley, English politician
  • 1940 – Angela Carter, English novelist and short story writer (d. 1992)
  • 1940 – Dave Chambers, Canadian ice hockey player and coach
  • 1941 – Lawrence Collins, Baron Collins of Mapesbury, English lawyer and judge
  • 1943 – Terry Allen, American singer and painter
  • 1943 – Harvey Andrews, English singer-songwriter and poet
  • 1943 – John Bannon, Australian academic and politician, 39th Premier of South Australia (d. 2015)
  • 1943 – Peter Carey, Australian novelist and short story writer
  • 1945 – Christy Moore, Irish singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • 1945 – Robin Strasser, American actress
  • 1946 – Thelma Houston, American R&B/disco singer and actress
  • 1946 – Marv Hubbard, American football player (d. 2015)
  • 1946 – Bill Kreutzmann, American drummer
  • 1946 – Michael Rosen, English author and poet
  • 1946 – Brian Turner, English chef and television host
  • 1949 – Kathy Ahern, American golfer (d. 1996)
  • 1949 – Deborah Butterfield, American sculptor
  • 1950 – John Dowling Coates, Australian lawyer, sports administrator and businessman
  • 1950 – Randall “Tex” Cobb, American boxer and actor
  • 1950 – Tim Russert, American television journalist and lawyer (d. 2008)
  • 1953 – Pat McInally, American football player and coach
  • 1953 – Ian McKay, English sergeant, Victoria Cross recipient (d. 1982)
  • 1954 – Philippe Geluck, Belgian cartoonist
  • 1954 – Joanna Haigh, English meteorologist and physicist
  • 1954 – Amy Heckerling, American director, producer, and screenwriter
  • 1955 – Clément Gignac, Canadian politician
  • 1955 – Ben Poquette, American basketball player
  • 1955 – Axel Zwingenberger, German pianist and songwriter
  • 1956 – Jan Peter Balkenende, Dutch jurist and politician, Prime Minister of the Netherlands
  • 1956 – Anne Dudley, English pianist and composer
  • 1956 – Nicholas Hytner, English director and producer
  • 1956 – Jean Lapierre, Canadian talk show host and politician
  • 1956 – Calum MacDonald, Scottish journalist and politician
  • 1957 – Kristina M. Johnson, American business executive, engineer, academic and government official
  • 1958 – Mikhail Biryukov, Russian footballer and manager
  • 1958 – Mark G. Kuzyk, American physicist and academic
  • 1958 – Anne Marie Rafferty, English nurse and academic
  • 1959 – Michael E. Knight, American actor
  • 1959 – Tony Sealy, English footballer, forward and manager
  • 1959 – Heiki Valk, Estonian archeologist and academic
  • 1960 – Adam Bernstein, American director and screenwriter
  • 1960 – Ara Darzi, Baron Darzi of Denham, Iraqi-English surgeon and academic
  • 1960 – Almudena Grandes, Spanish author
  • 1961 – Hans-Peter Bartels, German politician
  • 1961 – Sue Black, Scottish anthropologist and academic
  • 1961 – Ivar Must, Estonian composer and producer
  • 1962 – Tony Campbell, American basketball player and coach
  • 1962 – Judith Donath, American computer scientist and academic
  • 1963 – Johnny Lee Middleton, American bass player and songwriter
  • 1964 – Ronnie Harmon, American football player
  • 1964 – Denis Mandarino, Brazilian guitarist, composer, and painter
  • 1964 – Leslie O’Neal, American football player
  • 1965 – Reuben Davis, American football player
  • 1965 – Owen Hart, Canadian wrestler (d. 1999)
  • 1965 – Norman Whiteside, Northern Irish footballer and manager
  • 1965 – Huang Zhihong, Chinese shot putter
  • 1967 – Martin Bryant, Australian mass murderer
  • 1967 – Adam Price, Danish chef and screenwriter
  • 1967 – Joe Rice, American colonel and politician
  • 1968 – Traci Lords, American actress and singer
  • 1968 – Lisa Raitt, Canadian lawyer and politician, 30th Canadian Minister of Transport
  • 1969 – Eagle-Eye Cherry, Swedish singer-songwriter
  • 1969 – Jun Falkenstein, American director, producer, and screenwriter
  • 1969 – Katerina Maleeva, Bulgarian tennis player
  • 1971 – Reidar Horghagen, Norwegian drummer
  • 1971 – Dave Karpa, Canadian ice hockey player
  • 1971 – Thomas Piketty, French economist
  • 1972 – Peter Dubovský, Czech-Slovak footballer (d. 2000)
  • 1972 – Frank Trigg, American mixed martial artist and wrestler
  • 1973 – Kristian Lundin, Swedish songwriter and producer
  • 1973 – Paolo Savoldelli, Italian cyclist
  • 1974 – Ian Pearce, English footballer and assistant manager
  • 1973 – Lawrence Johnson, American pole vaulter
  • 1975 – Ashley Cowan, English cricketer
  • 1976 – Calvin Booth, American basketball player
  • 1976 – Berke Hatipoğlu, Turkish guitarist and songwriter
  • 1976 – Stacey Jones, New Zealand rugby league player
  • 1976 – Andrea Lo Cicero, Italian rugby player
  • 1976 – Michael P. Murphy, American lieutenant, Medal of Honor recipient (d. 2005)
  • 1976 – Ayelet Shaked, Israeli Minister of Justice (2015-2019)
  • 1977 – Elton Flatley, Australian rugby player
  • 1978 – Stian Arnesen, Norwegian guitarist, drummer, and songwriter
  • 1978 – James Carter, American hurdler
  • 1978 – Shawn Marion, American basketball player
  • 1979 – Katie Douglas, American basketball player
  • 1983 – Phionah Atuhebwe, Ugandan vaccinologist and immunization expert
  • 1984 – James Loney, American baseball player
  • 1984 – Alex Smith, American football player
  • 1984 – Kevin Owens, Canadian wrestler
  • 1985 – Jarrad Hickey, Australian rugby league player
  • 1985 – Drew Neitzel, American basketball player
  • 1986 – Matt Helders, English drummer
  • 1987 – Asami Konno, Japanese singer
  • 1987 – Michael Maidens, English footballer (d. 2007)
  • 1987 – Mark Reynolds, Scottish footballer
  • 1987 – David Schlemko, Canadian ice hockey player
  • 1988 – Eino Puri, Estonian footballer
  • 1988 – Sander Puri, Estonian footballer
  • 1989 – Earl Thomas, American football player
  • 1995 – Seko Fofana, French born Ivorian international footballer
  • 1997 – Daria Kasatkina, Russian tennis player
  • 1998 – Jesse Puljujärvi, Finnish ice hockey player

Deaths on May 7

  • 721 – John of Beverley, bishop of York
  • 833 – Ibn Hisham, Egyptian Muslim historian
  • 973 – Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor (b. 912)
  • 1014 – Bagrat III, 1st King of Georgia (b. 960)
  • 1092 – Remigius de Fécamp, English monk and bishop
  • 1166 – William I of Sicily
  • 1202 – Hamelin de Warenne, Earl of Surrey
  • 1205 – Ladislaus III of Hungary (b. 1201)
  • 1234 – Otto I, Duke of Merania (b. c. 1180)
  • 1243 – Hugh d’Aubigny, 5th Earl of Arundel
  • 1427 – Thomas la Warr, 5th Baron De La Warr, English priest (b. 1352)
  • 1494 – Eskender, Emperor of Ethiopia (b. 1471)
  • 1523 – Franz von Sickingen, German knight (b. 1481)
  • 1539 – Ottaviano Petrucci, Italian printer (b. 1466)
  • 1617 – David Fabricius, German astronomer and theologian (b. 1564)
  • 1667 – Johann Jakob Froberger, German organist and composer (b. 1616)
  • 1682 – Feodor III of Russia (b. 1661)
  • 1685 – Bajo Pivljanin (b. 1630)
  • 1718 – Mary of Modena (b. 1658)
  • 1793 – Pietro Nardini, Italian violinist and composer (b. 1722)
  • 1800 – Niccolò Piccinni, Italian composer (b. 1728)
  • 1805 – William Petty, 2nd Earl of Shelburne, Irish-English general and politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (b. 1737)
  • 1815 – Jabez Bowen, American colonel and politician, 45th Deputy Governor of Rhode Island (b. 1739)
  • 1825 – Antonio Salieri, Italian composer and conductor (b. 1750)
  • 1840 – Caspar David Friedrich, German painter and educator (b. 1774)
  • 1868 – Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux, Scottish lawyer and politician, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain (b. 1778)
  • 1872 – Alexander Loyd, American carpenter and politician, 4th Mayor of Chicago (b. 1805)
  • 1876 – William Buell Sprague, American clergyman, historian, and author (b. 1795)
  • 1887 – C. F. W. Walther, German-American religious leader and theologian (b. 1811)
  • 1896 – H. H. Holmes, American serial killer (b. 1861)
  • 1902 – Agostino Roscelli, Italian priest and saint (b. 1818)
  • 1917 – Albert Ball, English fighter pilot (b. 1896)
  • 1922 – Max Wagenknecht, German pianist and composer (b. 1857)
  • 1924 – Alluri Sitarama Raju, Indian activist (b. 1897/1898)
  • 1925 – William Lever, 1st Viscount Leverhulme, English businessman and politician (b. 1851)
  • 1937 – Ernst A. Lehmann, German captain and author (b. 1886)
  • 1938 – Octavian Goga, Romanian politician, former Prime Minister (b. 1881)
  • 1940 – George Lansbury, English journalist and politician (b. 1859)
  • 1941 – James George Frazer, Scottish-English anthropologist and academic (b. 1854)
  • 1942 – Felix Weingartner, Croatian pianist, composer, and conductor (b. 1863)
  • 1943 – Fethi Okyar, Turkish colonel and politician, 2nd Prime Minister of Turkey (b. 1880)
  • 1946 – Herbert Macaulay, Nigerian journalist and politician (b. 1864)
  • 1951 – Warner Baxter, American actor (b. 1889)
  • 1967 – Margaret Larkin, American writer and poet (b. 1899)
  • 1958 – Mihkel Lüdig, Estonian organist, composer, and conductor (b. 1880)
  • 1976 – Alison Uttley, English children’s book writer (b. 1884)
  • 1978 – Mort Weisinger, American journalist and author (b. 1915)
  • 1986 – Haldun Taner, Turkish playwright and author (b. 1915)
  • 1987 – Colin Blakely, Northern Irish actor (b. 1930)
  • 1987 – Paul Popham, American soldier and activist, co-founded Gay Men’s Health Crisis (b. 1941)
  • 1990 – Sam Tambimuttu, Sri Lankan lawyer and politician (b. 1932)
  • 1994 – Clement Greenberg, American art critic (b. 1909)
  • 1995 – Ray McKinley, American drummer, singer, and bandleader (Glenn Miller Orchestra) (b. 1910)
  • 1998 – Allan McLeod Cormack, South African-English physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1924)
  • 1998 – Eddie Rabbitt, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (b. 1941)
  • 2000 – Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., American captain, actor, and producer (b. 1909)
  • 2001 – Jacques de Bourbon-Busset, French author and politician (b. 1912)
  • 2004 – Waldemar Milewicz, Polish journalist (b. 1956)
  • 2005 – Tristan Egolf, American author and activist (b. 1971)
  • 2005 – Peter Rodino, American captain and politician (b. 1909)
  • 2005 – Otilino Tenorio, Ecuadorian footballer (b. 1980)
  • 2006 – Richard Carleton, Australian journalist (b. 1943)
  • 2006 – Joan C. Edwards, American singer and philanthropist (b. 1918)
  • 2007 – Isabella Blow, English magazine editor (b. 1958)
  • 2007 – Diego Corrales, American boxer (b. 1977)
  • 2007 – Octavian Paler, Romanian journalist and politician (b. 1926)
  • 2007 – Yahweh ben Yahweh, American cult leader, founded the Nation of Yahweh (b. 1935)
  • 2009 – David Mellor, English designer (b. 1930)
  • 2009 – Danny Ozark, American baseball player, coach, and manager (b. 1923)
  • 2011 – Seve Ballesteros, Spanish golfer (b. 1957)
  • 2011 – Willard Boyle, Canadian physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1924)
  • 2011 – Big George, English songwriter, producer, and radio host (b. 1957)
  • 2012 – Sammy Barr, Scottish trade union leader (b. 1931)
  • 2012 – Ferenc Bartha, Hungarian economist and politician (b. 1943)
  • 2012 – Dennis E. Fitch, American captain and pilot (b. 1942)
  • 2013 – Ferruccio Mazzola, Italian footballer and manager (b. 1948)
  • 2013 – George Sauer, Jr., American football player (b. 1943)
  • 2014 – Neville McNamara, Australian air marshal (b. 1923)
  • 2014 – Colin Pillinger, English astronomer, chemist, and academic (b. 1943)
  • 2014 – Dick Welteroth, American baseball player (b. 1927)
  • 2015 – Frank DiPascali, American businessman (b. 1956)
  • 2015 – John Dixon, Australian-American author, and illustrator (b. 1929)

Holidays and observances on May 7

  • Christian feast day:
    • Agathius of Byzantium
    • Agostino Roscelli
    • Pope Benedict II
    • Flavia Domitilla
    • Gisela of Hungary
    • Harriet Starr Cannon (Episcopal Church (USA))
    • John of Beverley
    • Rose Venerini
    • Stanislaus (Roman Martyrology)
    • May 7 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day (Kazakhstan)
  • Dien Bien Phu Victory Day (Vietnam)
  • Radio Day, commemorating the work of Alexander Popov (Russia, Bulgaria)

May 7 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day Read More »

On This Day

May 2 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day

May 2 in History

  • 1194 – King Richard I of England gives Portsmouth its first Royal Charter
  • 1230 – William de Braose is hanged by Prince Llywelyn the Great.
  • 1335 – Otto the Merry, Duke of Austria, becomes Duke of Carinthia.
  • 1536 – Anne Boleyn, Queen of England, is arrested and imprisoned on charges of adultery, incest, treason and witchcraft.
  • 1559 – John Knox returns from exile to Scotland to become the leader of the nascent Scottish Reformation.
  • 1568 – Mary, Queen of Scots, escapes from Loch Leven Castle.
  • 1611 – The King James Version of the Bible is published for the first time in London, England, by printer Robert Barker.
  • 1625 – Afonso Mendes, appointed by Pope Gregory XV as Latin Patriarch of Ethiopia, arrives at Beilul from Goa.
  • 1670 – King Charles II of England grants a permanent charter to the Hudson’s Bay Company to open up the fur trade in North America.
  • 1672 – John Maitland becomes Duke of Lauderdale and Earl of March.
  • 1808 – Outbreak of the Peninsular War: The people of Madrid rise up in rebellion against French occupation. Francisco de Goya later memorializes this event in his painting The Second of May 1808.
  • 1812 – The Siege of Cuautla during the Mexican War of Independence ends with both sides claiming victory after Mexican rebels under José María Morelos y Pavón abandon the city after 72 days under siege by royalist Spanish troops under Félix María Calleja.
  • 1816 – Marriage of Léopold of Saxe-Coburg and Princess Charlotte of Wales.
  • 1829 – After anchoring nearby, Captain Charles Fremantle of HMS Challenger, declares the Swan River Colony in Australia.
  • 1863 – American Civil War: Stonewall Jackson is wounded by friendly fire while returning to camp after reconnoitering during the Battle of Chancellorsville. He succumbs to pneumonia eight days later.
  • 1866 – Peruvian defenders fight off the Spanish fleet at the Battle of Callao.
  • 1876 – The April Uprising breaks out in Ottoman Bulgaria.
  • 1879 – The Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party is founded in Madrid by Pablo Iglesias.
  • 1885 – Cree and Assiniboine warriors win the Battle of Cut Knife, their largest victory over Canadian forces during the North-West Rebellion.
  • 1889 – Menelik II, Emperor of Ethiopia, signs the Treaty of Wuchale, giving Italy control over Eritrea.
  • 1906 – Closing ceremony of the Intercalated Games in Athens, Greece.
  • 1918 – General Motors acquires the Chevrolet Motor Company of Delaware.
  • 1920 – The first game of the Negro National League baseball is played in Indianapolis.
  • 1933 – Germany’s independent labor unions are replaced by the German Labour Front.
  • 1941 – Following the coup d’état against Iraq Crown Prince ‘Abd al-Ilah earlier that year, the United Kingdom launches the Anglo-Iraqi War to restore him to power.
  • 1945 – World War II: The Soviet Union announces the fall of Berlin.
  • 1945 – World War II: The surrender of Caserta comes into effect, by which German troops in Italy cease fighting.
  • 1945 – World War II: The US 82nd Airborne Division liberates Wöbbelin concentration camp finding 1000 dead prisoners, most of whom starved to death.
  • 1945 – World War II: A death march from Dachau to the Austrian border is halted by the segregated, all-Nisei 522nd Field Artillery Battalion of the U.S. Army in southern Bavaria, saving several hundred prisoners.
  • 1952 – A De Havilland Comet makes the first jetliner flight with fare-paying passengers, from London to Johannesburg.
  • 1955 – Tennessee Williams wins the Pulitzer Prize for Drama for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
  • 1963 – Berthold Seliger launches a rocket with three stages and a maximum flight altitude of more than 100 kilometres near Cuxhaven. It is the only sounding rocket developed in Germany.
  • 1964 – Vietnam War: An explosion sinks the American aircraft carrier USNS Card while it is docked at Saigon. Two Viet Cong combat swimmers had placed explosives on the ship’s hull. She is raised and returned to service less than seven months later.
  • 1964 – First ascent of Shishapangma, the fourteenth highest mountain in the world and the lowest of the Eight-thousanders.
  • 1969 – The British ocean liner Queen Elizabeth 2 departs on her maiden voyage to New York City.
  • 1972 – In the early morning hours a fire breaks out at the Sunshine Mine located between Kellogg and Wallace, Idaho, killing 91 workers.
  • 1982 – Falklands War: The British nuclear submarine HMS Conqueror sinks the Argentine cruiser ARA General Belgrano.
  • 1986 – Chernobyl disaster: The City of Chernobyl is evacuated six days after the disaster.
  • 1989 – Cold War: Hungary begins dismantling its border fence with Austria, which allows a number of East Germans to defect.
  • 1994 – A bus crashes in Gdańsk, Poland killing 32 people.
  • 1995 – During the Croatian War of Independence, the Army of the Republic of Serb Krajina fires cluster bombs at Zagreb, killing seven and wounding over 175 civilians.
  • 1998 – The European Central Bank is founded in Brussels in order to define and execute the European Union’s monetary policy.
  • 1999 – Panamanian general election, 1999: Mireya Moscoso becomes the first woman to be elected President of Panama.
  • 2000 – President Bill Clinton announces that accurate GPS access would no longer be restricted to the United States military.
  • 2004 – The Yelwa massacre concludes. It began on 4 February 2004 when armed Muslims killed 78 Christians at Yelwa. In response, about 630 Muslims were killed by Christians on May 2nd.
  • 2008 – Cyclone Nargis makes landfall in Burma killing over 138,000 people and leaving millions of people homeless.
  • 2008 – Chaitén Volcano begins erupting in Chile, forcing the evacuation of more than 4,500 people.
  • 2011 – Osama bin Laden, the suspected mastermind behind the September 11 attacks and the FBI’s most wanted man, is killed by the United States special forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
  • 2011 – An E. coli outbreak strikes Europe, mostly in Germany, leaving more than 30 people dead and many others sick from the bacteria outbreak.
  • 2012 – A pastel version of The Scream, by Norwegian painter Edvard Munch, sells for $120 million in a New York City auction, setting a new world record for a work of art at auction.
  • 2014 – Two mudslides in Badakhshan, Afghanistan, leave up to 2,500 people missing.

Births on May 2

  • 1360 – Yongle Emperor of China (d. 1424)
  • 1402 – Eleanor of Aragon, Queen of Portugal (d. 1445)
  • 1451 – René II, Duke of Lorraine (d. 1508)
  • 1458 – Eleanor of Viseu (d. 1525)
  • 1476 – Charles I, Duke of Münsterberg-Oels, Count of Kladsko, Governor of Bohemia and Silesia (d. 1536)
  • 1533 – Philip II, Duke of Brunswick-Grubenhagen (d. 1596)
  • 1551 – William Camden, English historian and topographer (d. 1623)
  • 1567 – Sebald de Weert, Dutch captain, vice-admiral of the Dutch East India Company (d. 1603)
  • 1579 – Tokugawa Hidetada, Japanese shōgun (d. 1632)
  • 1601 – Athanasius Kircher, German priest and scholar (d. 1680)
  • 1660 – Alessandro Scarlatti, Italian composer (d. 1725)
  • 1695 – Giovanni Niccolò Servandoni, Italian-French painter and architect (d. 1766)
  • 1702 – Friedrich Christoph Oetinger, German theologian and theosopher (d. 1782)
  • 1707 – Jean-Baptiste Barrière, French cellist and composer (d. 1747)
  • 1729 – Catherine the Great of Russia (d. 1796)
  • 1737 – William Petty, 2nd Earl of Shelburne, Irish-English politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (d. 1805)
  • 1740 – Elias Boudinot, American lawyer and politician, 10th President of the Continental Congress (d. 1821)
  • 1750 – John André, English soldier and spy (d. 1780)
  • 1752 – Ludwig August Lebrun, German oboe player and composer (d. 1790)
  • 1754 – Vicente Martín y Soler, Spanish composer (d. 1806)
  • 1772 – Novalis, German author and poet (d. 1801)
  • 1773 – Henrik Steffens, Norwegian philosopher and poet (d. 1845)
  • 1797 – Abraham Pineo Gesner, Canadian physician and geologist (d. 1864)
  • 1802 – Heinrich Gustav Magnus, German chemist and physicist (d. 1870)
  • 1806 – Catherine Labouré, French nun and saint (d. 1876)
  • 1810 – Hans Christian Lumbye, Danish composer and conductor (d. 1874)
  • 1813 – Caroline Leigh Gascoigne, English novelist and poet (d. 1883)
  • 1815 – William Buell Richards, Canadian lawyer and judge, 1st Chief Justice of Canada (d. 1889)
  • 1822 – Jane Miller Thengberg, Scottish-Swedish governess and educator (d. 1902)
  • 1828 – Désiré Charnay, French archaeologist and photographer (d. 1915)
  • 1830 – Otto Staudinger, German entomologist and author (d. 1900)
  • 1843 – Elijah McCoy, Canadian-American engineer (d. 1929)
  • 1859 – Jerome K. Jerome, English author and playwright (d. 1927)
  • 1860 – John Scott Haldane, Scottish physiologist, physician, and academic (d. 1936)
  • 1860 – Theodor Herzl, Austro-Hungarian Zionist philosopher, journalist and author (d. 1904)
  • 1865 – Clyde Fitch, American playwright (d. 1909)
  • 1867 – Giuseppe Morello, Italian-American mobster (d. 1930)
  • 1873 – Jurgis Baltrušaitis, Lithuanian poet, critic, and translator (d. 1944)
  • 1879 – James F. Byrnes, American stenographer and politician, 49th United States Secretary of State (d. 1972)
  • 1880 – Bill Horr, American football player, discus thrower, and coach (d. 1955)
  • 1882 – Isabel González, Puerto Rican activist who helped pave the way for Puerto Ricans’ American citizenship (d. 1971)
  • 1885 – Hedda Hopper, American actress and gossip columnist (d. 1966)
  • 1886 – Gottfried Benn, German author and poet (d. 1956)
  • 1887 – Vernon Castle, English-American dancer (d. 1918)
  • 1887 – Eddie Collins, American baseball player and manager (d. 1951)
  • 1889 – Ki Hajar Dewantara, Indonesian philosopher, academic, and politician (d. 1959)
  • 1890 – E. E. Smith, American engineer and author (d. 1965)
  • 1892 – Manfred von Richthofen, German captain and pilot (d. 1918)
  • 1894 – Norma Talmadge, leading US actress of the silent era (d. 1957)
  • 1894 – Joseph Henry Woodger, English biologist, philosopher, and academic (d. 1981)
  • 1895 – Lorenz Hart, American playwright and lyricist (d. 1943)
  • 1897 – John Frederick Coots, American songwriter (d. 1985)
  • 1898 – Henry Hall, English bandleader, composer, and actor (d. 1989)
  • 1901 – Bob Wyatt, English cricketer (d. 1995)
  • 1901 – Edouard Zeckendorf, Belgian doctor, army officer and mathematician (d. 1983)
  • 1901 – Willi Bredel, German writer (d. 1964)
  • 1902 – Brian Aherne, English actor (d. 1986)
  • 1902 – Werner Finck, German Kabarett comedian, actor and author (d. 1978)
  • 1903 – Benjamin Spock, American rower, pediatrician, and author (d. 1998)
  • 1904 – Bill Brandt, German-English photographer and journalist (d. 1983)
  • 1905 – Alan Rawsthorne, British composer (d. 1971)
  • 1905 – Charlotte Armstrong, American author (d. 1969)
  • 1906 – Philippe Halsman, Latvian-American photographer (d. 1979)
  • 1907 – Pinky Lee, American comedian and television host (d. 1993)
  • 1908 – Frank Rowlett, American cryptologist (d. 1998)
  • 1909 – Teddy Stauffer, Swiss bandleader, musician, and actor (d. 1991)
  • 1910 – Alexander Bonnyman, Jr., American lieutenant, Medal of Honor recipient (d. 1943)
  • 1910 – Edmund Bacon, American urban planner, architect, educator, and author (d. 2005)
  • 1912 – Axel Springer, German journalist and publisher, founded Axel Springer AG (d. 1985)
  • 1912 – Karl Adam, German rowing coaches (d. 1976)
  • 1912 – Marten Toonder, Dutch comic strip creator (d. 2005)
  • 1912 – Nigel Patrick, English actor and director (d. 1981)
  • 1913 – Pietro Frua, Italian coachbuilder and car designer (d. 1983)
  • 1913 – Aydın Sayılı, Turkish historian and academic (d. 1993)
  • 1915 – Doris Fisher, American singer-songwriter (d. 2003)
  • 1915 – Peggy Mount, English actress (d. 2001)
  • 1917 – Albert Castelyns, Belgian water polo player and bobsledder
  • 1917 – Văn Tiến Dũng, Vietnamese general and politician, 6th Minister of Defence for Vietnam (d. 2002)
  • 1920 – Jean-Marie Auberson, Swiss violinist and conductor (d. 2004)
  • 1920 – Otto Buchsbaum, Austrian-Brazilian journalist and activist (d. 2000)
  • 1920 – Vasantrao Deshpande, Indian singer and sitar player (d. 1983)
  • 1920 – Guinn Smith, American pole vaulter, soldier, and pilot (d. 2004)
  • 1920 – Jacob Gilboa, Israeli composer (d. 2007)
  • 1921 – B. B. Lal, Indian archaeologist
  • 1921 – Satyajit Ray, Indian director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 1992)
  • 1922 – Roscoe Lee Browne, American actor and director (d. 2007)
  • 1922 – A. M. Rosenthal, Canadian-born American journalist and author (d. 2006)
  • 1922 – Serge Reggiani, Italian-born French singer and actor (d. 2004)
  • 1923 – Patrick Hillery, Irish physician and politician, 6th President of Ireland (d. 2008)
  • 1923 – Albert Nordengen, Norwegian banker and politician (d. 2004)
  • 1924 – Jamal Abro, Pakistani lawyer and author (d. 2004)
  • 1924 – Theodore Bikel, Austrian-American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor (d. 2015)
  • 1924 – Arthur Clues, Australian rugby league player (d. 1998)
  • 1924 – Hugh Cortazzi, English soldier, historian, and diplomat, British Ambassador to Japan (d. 2018)
  • 1925 – John Neville, English-Canadian actor (d. 2011)
  • 1926 – Gérard D. Levesque, Canadian lawyer and politician, 5th Deputy Premier of Quebec (d. 1993)
  • 1927 – Ray Barrett, Australian actor and singer (d. 2009)
  • 1927 – Amos Kenan, Israeli columnist, painter, sculptor, playwright and novelist (d. 2009)
  • 1927 – Michael Broadbent, British wine critic and writer (d. 2020)
  • 1928 – Hans Trass, Estonian ecologist and botanist (d. 2017)
  • 1928 – Georges-Arthur Goldschmidt, French writer and translator of German origin
  • 1928 – Horst Stein, German conductor (d. 2008)
  • 1929 – Édouard Balladur, Turkish-French economist and politician, 162nd Prime Minister of France
  • 1929 – James Dillion, American discus thrower (d. 2010)
  • 1929 – Link Wray, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 2005)
  • 1929 – Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, Druk Gyalpo of Bhutan (d. 1972)
  • 1930 – Yoram Kaniuk, Israeli painter and critic (d. 2013)
  • 1930 – Marco Pannella, Italian journalist and politician (d. 2016)
  • 1931 – Phil Bruns, American actor and stuntman (d. 2012)
  • 1931 – Martha Grimes, American author and poet
  • 1932 – Maury Allen, American journalist, actor, and author (d. 2010)
  • 1933 – Bunk Gardner, American musician
  • 1933 – Harry Woolf, Baron Woolf, English lawyer and judge, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales
  • 1934 – Manfred Durniok, German film producer, director and screenwriter (d. 2003)
  • 1935 – Luis Suárez Miramontes, Spanish footballer and manager
  • 1935 – Faisal II of Iraq, the last King of Iraq (d.1958)
  • 1936 – Norma Aleandro, Argentinian actress, director, and screenwriter
  • 1936 – Engelbert Humperdinck, English singer and pianist
  • 1936 – Michael Rabin, American violinist (d. 1972)
  • 1937 – Klaus Enders, German motorcycle sidecar racer (d. 2019)
  • 1937 – Lorenzo Music, American actor, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2001)
  • 1937 – Gisela Elsner, German writer (d. 1992)
  • 1938 – Moshoeshoe II of Lesotho (d. 1996)
  • 1939 – Sumio Iijima, Japanese physicist and engineer
  • 1939 – Ernesto Castano, Italian football player
  • 1940 – Jules Albert Wijdenbosch, Surinamese politician
  • 1941 – Tony Adamowicz, American race car driver (d. 2016)
  • 1941 – Bruce Cameron, Scottish bishop
  • 1941 – Clay Carroll, American baseball player
  • 1941 – Eddy Louiss, French jazz musician (d. 2015)
  • 1942 – Jacques Rogge, Belgian businessman
  • 1942 – Wojciech Pszoniak, Polish film and theater actor
  • 1944 – Robert G. W. Anderson, English chemist, historian, and curator
  • 1945 – Randy Cain, American soul singer (d. 2009)
  • 1945 – Judge Dread, English singer-songwriter (d. 1998)
  • 1945 – Bianca Jagger, Nicaraguan-American model, actress, and activist
  • 1945 – Goldy McJohn, Canadian keyboard player (d. 2017)
  • 1946 – Peter L. Benson, American psychologist and academic (d. 2011)
  • 1946 – Lesley Gore, American singer-songwriter (d. 2015)
  • 1946 – David Suchet, English actor
  • 1947 – James Dyson, English businessman, founded the Dyson Company
  • 1947 – Lynda Myles, English screenwriter and producer
  • 1947 – Philippe Herreweghe, Belgian conductor
  • 1948 – Larry Gatlin, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor
  • 1949 – Alan Titchmarsh, English gardener and author
  • 1949 – Alfons Schuhbeck, German celebrity chef, author and businessman
  • 1950 – Simon Gaskell, English chemist and academic
  • 1950 – Duncan Gay, Australian businessman and politician
  • 1950 – Lou Gramm, American singer-songwriter
  • 1950 – Richard Ground, English lawyer and judge (d. 2014)
  • 1950 – Fausto Silva, Brazilian television presenter
  • 1951 – John Glascock, English singer and bass player (d. 1979)
  • 1952 – Chris Anderson, Australian rugby league player and coach
  • 1952 – Christine Baranski, American actress and singer
  • 1952 – Isla St Clair, Scottish singer and actress
  • 1953 – Valery Gergiev, Russian conductor and director
  • 1953 – Jamaal Wilkes, American basketball player
  • 1954 – Elliot Goldenthal, American composer and conductor
  • 1954 – Dawn Primarolo, English politician
  • 1954 – Stephen Venables, English mountaineer and author
  • 1955 – Willie Miller, Scottish footballer
  • 1955 – Donatella Versace, Italian fashion designer
  • 1956 – Régis Labeaume, Canadian businessman and politician, 41st Mayor of Quebec City
  • 1958 – Yasushi Akimoto, Japanese songwriter and producer
  • 1958 – Stanislav Levý, Czech footballer and manager
  • 1958 – David O’Leary, English-Irish footballer and manager
  • 1959 – Alan Best, Canadian animator, director, and producer
  • 1959 – Tony Wakeford, English singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • 1960 – Stephen Daldry, English director and producer
  • 1961 – Steve James, English snooker player
  • 1961 – Sophie Thibault, Canadian journalist
  • 1961 – Phil Vickery, English chef and author
  • 1962 – Elizabeth Berridge, American actress
  • 1962 – Michael Grandage, English director and producer
  • 1962 – Jimmy White, English snooker player
  • 1965 – Félix José, Dominican-American baseball player
  • 1966 – Uwe Freiler, German footballer
  • 1966 – Margus Kolga, Estonian diplomat
  • 1966 – Belinda Stronach, Canadian businesswoman, philanthropist, and politician
  • 1967 – Bengt Åkerblom, Swedish ice hockey player (d. 1995)
  • 1967 – Mika Brzezinski, American journalist and author
  • 1967 – David Rocastle, English footballer (d. 2001)
  • 1968 – Jeff Agoos, Swiss-American soccer player, manager, and sportscaster
  • 1968 – Julia Hartley-Brewer, English broadcaster and columnist
  • 1968 – Ziana Zain, Malaysian singer-songwriter and actress
  • 1969 – Brian Lara, Trinidadian cricketer
  • 1970 – Marco Walker, Swiss footballer and coach
  • 1971 – Musashimaru Kōyō, Samoan-American sumo wrestler, the 67th Yokozuna
  • 1971 – Fatima Yusuf, Nigerian sprinter
  • 1972 – Paul Adcock, English footballer
  • 1972 – Ahti Heinla, Estonian programmer and businessman, co-developed Skype
  • 1972 – Dwayne Johnson, American-Canadian wrestler, actor, and producer
  • 1973 – Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, German director and screenwriter
  • 1974 – Horacio Carbonari, Argentinian footballer and manager
  • 1974 – Andy Johnson, English-Welsh footballer
  • 1974 – Janek Meet, Estonian footballer
  • 1975 – David Beckham, English footballer, coach, and model
  • 1975 – Joe Wilkinson, English comedian, actor and writer
  • 1976 – Jeff Gutt, American singer-songwriter
  • 1977 – Brian Cardinal, American basketball player
  • 1977 – Jan Fitschen, German runner
  • 1977 – Luke Hudson, American baseball player
  • 1977 – Fredrik Malm, Swedish journalist and politician
  • 1977 – Jenna von Oÿ, American actress and singer
  • 1977 – Kalle Palander, Finnish skier
  • 1978 – Melvin Ely, American basketball player
  • 1978 – Mike Weaver, Canadian ice hockey player
  • 1979 – Jason Chimera, Canadian ice hockey player
  • 1979 – Ioannis Kanotidis, Greek footballer
  • 1979 – Defne Joy Foster, Turkish-American actress, presenter and VJ (d. 2011)
  • 1980 – Tim Borowski, German footballer
  • 1980 – Pierre-Luc Gagnon, Canadian skateboarder
  • 1980 – Ellie Kemper, American actress, comedian and writer
  • 1980 – Zat Knight, English footballer
  • 1980 – Artūras Masiulis, Lithuanian basketball player
  • 1980 – Troy Murphy, American basketball player
  • 1980 – Lassaâd Ouertani, Tunisian footballer (d. 2013)
  • 1980 – Brad Richards, Canadian ice hockey player
  • 1980 – Vincent Tong, Canadian actor, singer, voice actor and director
  • 1981 – Robert Buckley, American actor
  • 1981 – Chris Kirkland, English footballer
  • 1981 – Tiago Mendes, Portuguese footballer
  • 1981 – Matt Murray, English footballer
  • 1981 – Rina Satō, Japanese voice actress and singer
  • 1982 – Timothy Benjamin, Welsh sprinter
  • 1982 – Johan Botha, South African cricketer
  • 1983 – Alessandro Diamanti, Italian footballer
  • 1983 – Maynor Figueroa, Honduran footballer
  • 1983 – Tina Maze, Slovenian skier
  • 1983 – Daniel Sordo, Spanish race car driver
  • 1983 – Ove Vanebo, Norwegian politician
  • 1984 – Saulius Mikoliūnas, Lithuanian footballer
  • 1984 – Thabo Sefolosha, Swiss basketball player
  • 1985 – Lily Allen, English singer-songwriter and actress
  • 1985 – Kyle Busch, American race car driver
  • 1985 – Ashley Harkleroad, American tennis player
  • 1985 – Sarah Hughes, American figure skater
  • 1987 – Saara Aalto, Finnish singer and actress
  • 1987 – Nana Kitade, Japanese singer-songwriter and actress
  • 1987 – Pat McAfee, American football player
  • 1987 – Kris Russell, Canadian ice hockey player
  • 1987 – Justin Young, English singer and songwriter
  • 1988 – Neftalí Feliz, Dominican baseball player
  • 1988 – Stephen Henderson, Irish footballer
  • 1989 – Jeanette Pohlen, American basketball player
  • 1990 – Kay Panabaker, American actress
  • 1990 – Paul George, American basketball player
  • 1991 – Jeong Jinwoon, South Korean actor and singer
  • 1992 – Sunmi, South Korean singer
  • 1992 – María Teresa Torró Flor, Spanish tennis player
  • 1993 – Owain Doull, Welsh track cyclist
  • 1993 – Isyana Sarasvati, Indonesian singer
  • 1993 – Huang Zitao, Chinese singer and rapper
  • 1996 – Cherprang Areekul, Thai singer
  • 1996 – Julian Brandt, German footballer
  • 1996 – Schuyler Bailar, American swimmer
  • 2015 – Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, British royal, and fourth in line to the British throne

Deaths on May 2

  • 373 – Athanasius of Alexandria, Egyptian bishop and saint (b. 298)
  • 649 – Marutha of Tikrit, Persian theologian of the Syriac Orthodox Church (b. 565)
  • 821 – Liu Zong, general of the Tang Dynasty
  • 907 – Boris I of Bulgaria
  • 1219 – Leo I, King of Armenia (b. 1150)
  • 1230 – William de Braose, English son of Reginald de Braose (b. 1197)
  • 1293 – Meir of Rothenburg, German rabbi (b. c.1215)
  • 1300 – Blanche of Artois (b. 1248)
  • 1450 – William de la Pole, 1st Duke of Suffolk, English admiral (b. 1396)
  • 1519 – Leonardo da Vinci, Italian painter, sculptor, and architect (b. 1452)
  • 1564 – Rodolfo Pio da Carpi, Italian cardinal (b. 1500)
  • 1627 – Lodovico Grossi da Viadana, Italian composer and educator (b. 1560)
  • 1667 – George Wither, English poet and author (b. 1588)
  • 1683 – Stjepan Gradić, Croatian philosopher and mathematician (b. 1613)
  • 1711 – Laurence Hyde, 1st Earl of Rochester, English politician, First Lord of the Treasury (b. 1641)
  • 1799 – Juan Vicente de Güemes, 2nd Count of Revillagigedo (b. 1740)
  • 1802 – Herman Willem Daendels, Dutch general and politician, Governor-General of the Dutch Gold Coast (b. 1762)
  • 1810 – Henry Jerome de Salis, English priest (b. 1740)
  • 1819 – Mary Moser, English painter and academic (b. 1744)
  • 1857 – Alfred de Musset, French dramatist, poet, and novelist (b. 1810)
  • 1864 – Giacomo Meyerbeer, German composer and educator (b. 1791)
  • 1880 – Eberhard Anheuser, German-American businessman, co-founded Anheuser-Busch (b. 1805)
  • 1880 – Tom Wills, Australian cricketer, co-created Australian rules football (b. 1835)
  • 1885 – Terézia Zakoucs, Hungarian-Slovene author (b. 1817)
  • 1915 – Clara Immerwahr, German chemist (b. 1870)
  • 1918 – Jüri Vilms, Estonian lawyer and politician (b. 1889)
  • 1925 – Antun Branko Šimić, Croatian and Bosnian-Herzegovinian poet (b. 1898)
  • 1927 – Ernest Starling, English physiologist and academic (b. 1866)
  • 1929 – Charalambos Tseroulis, Greek general and politician, Greek Minister for Military Affairs (b. 1879)
  • 1941 – Penelope Delta, Greek author (b. 1874)
  • 1945 – Martin Bormann, German politician (b. 1900)
  • 1945 – Joe Corbett, American baseball player and journalist (b. 1875)
  • 1947 – Dorothea Binz, German SS officer (b. 1920)
  • 1953 – Wallace Bryant, American archer (b. 1863)
  • 1957 – Joseph McCarthy, American captain, lawyer, judge, and politician (b. 1908)
  • 1963 – Ronald Barnes, 3rd Baron Gorell, English cricketer, peer, politician, poet, author and newspaper editor (b. 1884)
  • 1964 – Nancy Astor, Viscountess Astor, American-English politician (b. 1879)
  • 1969 – Franz von Papen, German general and politician, Chancellor of Germany (b. 1879)
  • 1972 – J. Edgar Hoover, American 1st director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (b. 1895)
  • 1974 – James O. Richardson, American admiral (b. 1878)
  • 1977 – Nicholas Magallanes, American principal dancer and charter member of the New York City Ballet (b. 1922)
  • 1979 – Giulio Natta, Italian chemist and engineer, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1903)
  • 1980 – Clarrie Grimmett, New Zealand-Australian cricketer (b. 1891)
  • 1980 – George Pal, Hungarian-American animator and producer (b. 1908)
  • 1983 – Norm Van Brocklin, American football player and coach (b. 1926)
  • 1984 – Jack Barry, American game show host and producer, co-founded Barry & Enright Productions (b. 1918)
  • 1984 – Bob Clampett, American animator, director, and producer (b. 1913)
  • 1985 – Attilio Bettega, Italian race car driver (b. 1951)
  • 1985 – Larry Clinton, American trumpet player and bandleader (b. 1909)
  • 1986 – Sergio Cresto, American race car driver (b. 1956)
  • 1986 – Henri Toivonen, Finnish race car driver (b. 1956)
  • 1989 – Veniamin Kaverin, Russian author (b. 1902)
  • 1989 – Giuseppe Siri, Italian cardinal (b. 1906)
  • 1990 – David Rappaport, English-American actor (b. 1951)
  • 1991 – Gauri Shankar Rai, Indian Politician(b.1924)
  • 1991 – Ronald McKie, Australian journalist and author (b. 1909)
  • 1992 – Wilbur Mills, American lawyer and politician (b. 1909)
  • 1993 – André Moynet, French race car driver, pilot, and politician (b. 1921)
  • 1994 – Dorothy Marie Donnelly, American poet and author (b. 1903)
  • 1995 – John Bunting, Australian public servant and diplomat, (b. 1918)
  • 1995 – Michael Hordern, English actor (b. 1911)
  • 1997 – John Eccles, Australian neurophysiologist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1903)
  • 1997 – Paulo Freire, Brazilian philosopher and academic (b. 1921)
  • 1998 – hide, Japanese singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (b. 1964)
  • 1998 – Justin Fashanu, English footballer (b. 1961)
  • 1998 – Gene Raymond, American actor (b. 1908)
  • 1998 – Lord Voldemort, English wizard and terrorist (b. 1926)
  • 1999 – Douglas Harkness, Canadian colonel and politician (b. 1903)
  • 1999 – Oliver Reed, English actor (b. 1938)
  • 2000 – Sundar Popo, Indo-Trinidadian musician (b. 1943)
  • 2002 – W. T. Tutte, English-Canadian mathematician and academic (b. 1917)
  • 2005 – Wee Kim Wee, Singaporean journalist and politician, 4th President of Singapore (b. 1915)
  • 2006 – Louis Rukeyser, American journalist and author (b. 1933)
  • 2007 – Brad McGann, New Zealand director and screenwriter (b. 1964)
  • 2008 – Beverlee McKinsey, American actress (b. 1940)
  • 2008 – Izold Pustõlnik, Ukrainian-Estonian astronomer and academic (b. 1938)
  • 2009 – Marilyn French, American author and academic (b. 1929)
  • 2009 – Kiyoshiro Imawano, Japanese singer-songwriter, producer, and actor (b. 1951)
  • 2009 – Jack Kemp, American football player and politician, 9th United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (b. 1935)
  • 2010 – Lynn Redgrave, English-American actress and singer (b. 1943)
  • 2011 – Osama bin Laden, Saudi Arabian terrorist, founder of Al-Qaeda (b. 1957)
  • 2012 – Fernando Lopes, Portuguese director and screenwriter (b. 1935)
  • 2012 – Zenaida Manfugás, Cuban-born American-naturalized pianist (b. 1932)
  • 2012 – Tufan Miñnullin, Russian playwright and politician (b. 1936)
  • 2012 – Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, Indonesian physician and politician, Indonesian Minister of Health (b. 1955)
  • 2012 – Akira Tonomura, Japanese physicist, author, and academic (b. 1942)
  • 2013 – Ernie Field, English boxer (b. 1943)
  • 2013 – Jeff Hanneman, American guitarist and songwriter (b. 1964)
  • 2013 – Joseph P. McFadden, American bishop (b. 1947)
  • 2013 – Dvora Omer, Israeli author and educator (b. 1932)
  • 2013 – Ivan Turina, Croatian footballer (b. 1980)
  • 2013 – Charles Banks Wilson, American painter and illustrator (b. 1918)
  • 2014 – Tomás Balduino, Brazilian bishop (b. 1922)
  • 2014 – Žarko Petan, Slovenian director, playwright, and screenwriter (b. 1929)
  • 2014 – Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., American actor (b. 1918)
  • 2015 – Stuart Archer, English colonel and architect (b. 1915)
  • 2015 – Michael Blake, American author and screenwriter (b. 1945)
  • 2015 – Guy Carawan, American singer and musicologist (b. 1927)
  • 2015 – Maya Plisetskaya, Russian-Lithuanian ballerina, choreographer, actress, and director (b. 1925)
  • 2015 – Ruth Rendell, English author (b. 1930)
  • 2016 – Afeni Shakur, American music businesswoman, activist, and Black Panther (b. 1947)
  • 2020 – Arif Wazir, Pakistani politician, leader of the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (b. 1982)

Holidays and observances on May 2

  • Christian feast day:
    • Athanasius of Alexandria (Western Christianity)
    • Boris I of Bulgaria (Bulgarian Orthodox Church)
    • Germanus of Normandy
    • May 2 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • International Harry Potter Day
  • The last day of the Festival of Ridván (Bahá’í Faith) (Note that this date is non-Gregorian and may change according to the March equinox, see List of observances set by the Baháʼí calendar)
  • Anniversary of the Dos de Mayo Uprising (Community of Madrid, Spain)
  • Birth Anniversary of Third Druk Gyalpo (Bhutan)
  • Flag Day (Poland)
  • Indonesia National Education Day
  • Teachers’ Day (Iran) (Note that this date is non-Gregorian and may change according to the March Equinox, see List of observances set by the Solar Hijri calendar)

May 2 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day Read More »

On This Day

April 30 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day

  • 311 – The Diocletianic Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire ends.
  • 313 – Battle of Tzirallum: Emperor Licinius defeats Maximinus II and unifies the Eastern Roman Empire.
  • 642 – Chindasuinth is proclaimed king by the Visigothic nobility and bishops.
  • 1315 – Enguerrand de Marigny is hanged at the instigation of Charles, Count of Valois.
  • 1492 – Spain gives Christopher Columbus his commission of exploration.
  • 1513 – Edmund de la Pole, Yorkist pretender to the English throne, is executed on the orders of Henry VIII.
  • 1557 – Mapuche leader Lautaro is killed by Spanish forces at the Battle of Mataquito in Chile.
  • 1598 – Juan de Oñate begins the conquest of Santa Fe de Nuevo México.
  • 1598 – Henry IV of France issues the Edict of Nantes, allowing freedom of religion to the Huguenots.
  • 1636 – Eighty Years’ War: Dutch Republic forces recapture a strategically important fort from Spain after a nine-month siege.
  • 1671 – Petar Zrinski, the Croatian Ban from the Zrinski family, is executed.
  • 1789 – On the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York City, George Washington takes the oath of office to become the first elected President of the United States.
  • 1803 – Louisiana Purchase: The United States purchases the Louisiana Territory from France for $15 million, more than doubling the size of the young nation.
  • 1812 – The Territory of Orleans becomes the 18th U.S. state under the name Louisiana.
  • 1838 – Nicaragua declares independence from the Central American Federation.
  • 1863 – A 65-man French Foreign Legion infantry patrol fights a force of nearly 2,000 Mexican soldiers to nearly the last man in Hacienda Camarón, Mexico.
  • 1871 – The Camp Grant massacre takes place in Arizona Territory.
  • 1885 – Governor of New York David B. Hill signs legislation creating the Niagara Reservation, New York’s first state park, ensuring that Niagara Falls will not be devoted solely to industrial and commercial use.
  • 1897 – J. J. Thomson of the Cavendish Laboratory announces his discovery of the electron as a subatomic particle, over 1,800 times smaller than a proton (in the atomic nucleus), at a lecture at the Royal Institution in London.
  • 1900 – Hawaii becomes a territory of the United States, with Sanford B. Dole as governor.
  • 1904 – The Louisiana Purchase Exposition World’s Fair opens in St. Louis, Missouri.
  • 1905 – Albert Einstein completes his doctoral thesis at the University of Zurich.
  • 1925 – Automaker Dodge Brothers, Inc is sold to Dillon, Read & Co. for US$146 million plus $50 million for charity.
  • 1927 – The Federal Industrial Institute for Women opens in Alderson, West Virginia, as the first women’s federal prison in the United States.
  • 1927 – Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford become the first celebrities to leave their footprints in concrete at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.
  • 1937 – The Commonwealth of the Philippines holds a plebiscite for Filipino women on whether they should be extended the right to suffrage; over 90% would vote in the affirmative.
  • 1938 – The animated cartoon short Porky’s Hare Hunt debuts in movie theaters, introducing Happy Rabbit, an early version of Bugs Bunny.
  • 1939 – The 1939–40 New York World’s Fair opens.
  • 1939 – NBC inaugurates its regularly scheduled television service in New York City, broadcasting President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s N.Y. World’s Fair opening day ceremonial address.
  • 1943 – World War II: The British submarine HMS Seraph surfaces near Huelva to cast adrift a dead man dressed as a courier and carrying false invasion plans.
  • 1945 – World War II: Führerbunker: Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun commit suicide after being married for less than 40 hours. Soviet soldiers raise the Victory Banner over the Reichstag building.
  • 1945 – World War II: Stalag Luft I prisoner-of-war camp near Barth, Germany is liberated by Soviet soldiers, freeing nearly 9000 American and British airmen.
  • 1947 – In Nevada, Boulder Dam is renamed Hoover Dam.
  • 1948 – In Bogotá, Colombia, the Organization of American States is established.
  • 1956 – Former Vice President and Democratic Senator Alben Barkley dies during a speech in Virginia.
  • 1957 – Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery entered into force.
  • 1961 – K-19, the first Soviet nuclear submarine equipped with nuclear missiles, is commissioned.
  • 1963 – The Bristol Bus Boycott is held in Bristol to protest the Bristol Omnibus Company’s refusal to employ Black or Asian bus crews, drawing national attention to racial discrimination in the United Kingdom.
  • 1966 – The Church of Satan is formed in The Black House, San Francisco.
  • 1973 – Watergate scandal: U.S. President Richard Nixon announces that White House Counsel John Dean has been fired and that other top aides, most notably H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman, have resigned.
  • 1975 – Fall of Saigon: Communist forces gain control of Saigon. The Vietnam War formally ends with the unconditional surrender of South Vietnamese president Dương Văn Minh.
  • 1980 – Beatrix is inaugurated as Queen of the Netherlands following the abdication of Juliana.
  • 1980 – The Iranian Embassy siege begins in London.
  • 1982 – The Bijon Setu massacre occurs in Calcutta, India.
  • 1993 – CERN announces World Wide Web protocols will be free.
  • 1994 – Formula One racing driver Roland Ratzenberger is killed in a crash during the qualifying session of the San Marino Grand Prix run at Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari outside Imola, Italy.
  • 2000 – Canonization of Faustina Kowalska in the presence of 200,000 people and the first Divine Mercy Sunday celebrated worldwide.
  • 2004 – U.S. media release graphic photos of American soldiers abusing and sexually humiliating Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison.
  • 2008 – Two skeletal remains found near Yekaterinburg, Russia are confirmed by Russian scientists to be the remains of Alexei and Anastasia, two of the children of the last Tsar of Russia, whose entire family was executed at Yekaterinburg by the Bolsheviks.
  • 2009 – Chrysler files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
  • 2009 – Seven civilians and the perpetrator are killed and another ten injured at a Queen’s Day parade in Apeldoorn, Netherlands in an attempted assassination on Queen Beatrix.
  • 2012 – An overloaded ferry capsizes on the Brahmaputra River in India killing at least 103 people.
  • 2013 – Willem-Alexander is inaugurated as King of the Netherlands following the abdication of Beatrix.
  • 2014 – A bomb blast in Ürümqi, China kills three people and injures 79 others.

Births on April 30

  • 1245 – Philip III of France (d. 1285)
  • 1310 – King Casimir III of Poland (d. 1368)
  • 1331 – Gaston III, Count of Foix (d. 1391)
  • 1383 – Anne of Gloucester, English countess, granddaughter of King Edward III of England (d. 1438)
  • 1425 – William III, Landgrave of Thuringia (d. 1482)
  • 1504 – Francesco Primaticcio, Italian painter (d. 1570)
  • 1553 – Louise of Lorraine (d. 1601)
  • 1623 – François de Laval, French-Canadian bishop and saint (d. 1708)
  • 1651 – Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, French priest and saint (d. 1719)
  • 1662 – Mary II of England (d. 1694)
  • 1664 – François Louis, Prince of Conti (d. 1709)
  • 1710 – Johann Kaspar Basselet von La Rosée, Bavarian general (d. 1795)
  • 1723 – Mathurin Jacques Brisson, French zoologist and philosopher (d. 1806)
  • 1758 – Emmanuel Vitale, Maltese commander and politician (d. 1802)
  • 1770 – David Thompson, English-Canadian cartographer and explorer (d. 1857)
  • 1777 – Carl Friedrich Gauss, German mathematician and physicist (d. 1855)
  • 1803 – Albrecht von Roon, Prussian soldier and politician, 10th Minister President of Prussia (d. 1879)
  • 1829 – Ferdinand von Hochstetter, Austrian geologist and academic (d. 1884)
  • 1857 – Eugen Bleuler, Swiss psychiatrist and eugenicist (d. 1940)
  • 1857 – Walter Simon, German banker and philanthropist (d. 1920)
  • 1865 – Max Nettlau, German historian and academic (d. 1944)
  • 1866 – Mary Haviland Stilwell Kuesel, American pioneer dentist (d. 1936)
  • 1869 – Hans Poelzig, German architect, designed the IG Farben Building and Großes Schauspielhaus (d. 1936)
  • 1870 – Franz Lehár, Hungarian composer (d. 1948)
  • 1870 – Dadasaheb Phalke, Indian director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 1944)
  • 1874 – Cyriel Verschaeve, Flemish priest and author (d. 1949)
  • 1876 – Orso Mario Corbino, Italian physicist and politician (d. 1937)
  • 1877 – Léon Flameng, French cyclist (d. 1917)
  • 1877 – Alice B. Toklas, American memoirist (d. 1967)
  • 1878 – Władysław Witwicki, Polish psychologist, philosopher, translator, historian (of philosophy and art) and artist (d. 1948)
  • 1880 – Charles Exeter Devereux Crombie, Scottish cartoonist (d. 1967)
  • 1883 – Jaroslav Hašek, Czech soldier and author (d. 1923)
  • 1883 – Luigi Russolo, Italian painter and composer (d. 1947)
  • 1884 – Olof Sandborg, Swedish actor (d. 1965)
  • 1888 – John Crowe Ransom, American poet, critic, and academic (d. 1974)
  • 1893 – Harold Breen, Australian public servant (d. 1966)
  • 1893 – Joachim von Ribbentrop, German soldier and politician, 14th German Reich Minister for Foreign Affairs (d. 1946)
  • 1895 – Philippe Panneton, Canadian physician, academic, and diplomat (d. 1960)
  • 1896 – Reverend Gary Davis, American singer and guitarist (d. 1972)
  • 1896 – Hans List, Austrian scientist and businessman, founded the AVL Engineering Company (d. 1996)
  • 1897 – Humberto Mauro, Brazilian director and screenwriter (d. 1983)
  • 1900 – Erni Krusten, Estonian author and poet (d. 1984)
  • 1901 – Simon Kuznets, Belarusian-American economist, statistician, and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1985)
  • 1902 – Theodore Schultz, American economist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1998)
  • 1905 – Sergey Nikolsky, Russian mathematician and academic (d. 2012)
  • 1908 – Eve Arden, American actress (d. 1990)
  • 1908 – Bjarni Benediktsson, Icelandic professor of law and politician, 13th Prime Minister of Iceland (d. 1970)
  • 1908 – Frank Robert Miller, Canadian air marshal and politician (d. 1997)
  • 1909 – F. E. McWilliam, Irish sculptor and educator (d. 1992)
  • 1909 – Juliana of the Netherlands (d. 2004)
  • 1910 – Levi Celerio, Filipino pianist, violinist, and composer (d. 2002)
  • 1914 – Charles Beetham, American middle-distance runner (d. 1997)
  • 1914 – Dorival Caymmi, Brazilian singer-songwriter, actor, and painter (d. 2008)
  • 1916 – Paul Kuusberg, Estonian journalist and author (d. 2003)
  • 1916 – Claude Shannon, American mathematician and engineer (d. 2001)
  • 1916 – Robert Shaw, American conductor (d. 1999)
  • 1917 – Bea Wain, American singer (d. 2017)
  • 1920 – Duncan Hamilton, Irish-English race car driver and pilot (d. 1994)
  • 1920 – Tom Moore, British army officer and fundraiser
  • 1921 – Roger L. Easton, American scientist, co-invented the GPS (d. 2014)
  • 1922 – Anton Murray, South African cricketer (d. 1995)
  • 1923 – Percy Heath, American bassist (d. 2005)
  • 1923 – Kagamisato Kiyoji, Japanese sumo wrestler, the 42nd Yokozuna (d. 2004)
  • 1924 – Uno Laht, Estonian KGB officer and author (d. 2008)
  • 1925 – Corinne Calvet, French actress (d. 2001)
  • 1925 – Johnny Horton, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 1960)
  • 1926 – Shrinivas Khale, Indian composer (d. 2011)
  • 1926 – Cloris Leachman, American actress and comedian
  • 1928 – Hugh Hood, Canadian author and academic (d. 2000)
  • 1928 – Orlando Sirola, Italian tennis player (d. 1995)
  • 1930 – Félix Guattari, French psychotherapist and philosopher (d. 1992)
  • 1933 – Charles Sanderson, Baron Sanderson of Bowden, English politician
  • 1934 – Jerry Lordan, English singer-songwriter (d. 1995)
  • 1934 – Don McKenney, Canadian ice hockey player and coach
  • 1937 – Tony Harrison, English poet and playwright
  • 1938 – Gary Collins, American actor and talk show host (d. 2012)
  • 1938 – Juraj Jakubisko, Slovak director and screenwriter
  • 1938 – Larry Niven, American author and screenwriter
  • 1940 – Jeroen Brouwers, Dutch journalist and writer
  • 1940 – Michael Cleary, Australian rugby player and politician
  • 1941 – Stavros Dimas, Greek lawyer and politician, Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • 1941 – Max Merritt, New Zealand-Australian singer-songwriter
  • 1942 – Sallehuddin of Kedah, Sultan of Kedah
  • 1943 – Frederick Chiluba, Zambian politician, 2nd President of Zambia (d. 2011)
  • 1943 – Bobby Vee, American pop singer-songwriter (d. 2016)
  • 1944 – Jon Bing, Norwegian author, scholar, and academic (d. 2014)
  • 1944 – Jill Clayburgh, American actress (d. 2010)
  • 1945 – J. Michael Brady, British radiologist
  • 1945 – Annie Dillard, American novelist, essayist, and poet
  • 1945 – Mimi Fariña, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and activist (d. 2001)
  • 1945 – Michael J. Smith, American captain, pilot, and astronaut (d. 1986)
  • 1946 – King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden
  • 1946 – Bill Plympton, American animator, producer, and screenwriter
  • 1946 – Don Schollander, American swimmer
  • 1947 – Paul Fiddes, English theologian and academic
  • 1947 – Finn Kalvik, Norwegian singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • 1947 – Tom Køhlert, Danish footballer and manager
  • 1947 – Mats Odell, Swedish economist and politician, Swedish Minister for Financial Markets
  • 1948 – Wayne Kramer, American guitarist and singer-songwriter
  • 1948 – Pierre Pagé, Canadian ice hockey player and coach
  • 1948 – Margit Papp, Hungarian athlete
  • 1949 – Phil Garner, American baseball player and manager
  • 1949 – António Guterres, Portuguese academic and politician, 114th Prime Minister of Portugal and 9th Secretary-General of the United Nations
  • 1949 – Karl Meiler, German tennis player (d. 2014)
  • 1952 – Jacques Audiard, French director and screenwriter
  • 1952 – Jack Middelburg, Dutch motorcycle racer (d. 1984)
  • 1953 – Merrill Osmond, American singer and bass player
  • 1954 – Jane Campion, New Zealand director, producer, and screenwriter
  • 1954 – Kim Darroch, English diplomat, UK Permanent Representative to the European Union
  • 1954 – Frank-Michael Marczewski, German footballer
  • 1955 – Nicolas Hulot, French journalist and environmentalist
  • 1955 – David Kitchin, English lawyer and judge
  • 1955 – Zlatko Topčić, Bosnian writer and screenwriter
  • 1956 – Lars von Trier, Danish director and screenwriter
  • 1957 – Wonder Mike, American rapper and songwriter
  • 1958 – Charles Berling, French actor, director, and screenwriter
  • 1959 – Stephen Harper, Canadian economist and politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Canada
  • 1960 – Geoffrey Cox, English lawyer and politician
  • 1960 – Kerry Healey, American academic and politician, 70th Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts
  • 1961 – Arnór Guðjohnsen, Icelandic footballer
  • 1961 – Isiah Thomas, American basketball player, coach, and sportscaster
  • 1963 – Andrew Carwood, English tenor and conductor
  • 1963 – Michael Waltrip, American race car driver and sportscaster
  • 1964 – Tony Fernandes, Malaysian-Indian businessman, co-founded Tune Group
  • 1964 – Ian Healy, Australian cricketer, coach, and sportscaster
  • 1964 – Lorenzo Staelens, Belgian footballer and manager
  • 1964 – Abhishek Chatterjee, Indian actor
  • 1965 – Daniela Costian, Romanian-Australian discus thrower
  • 1965 – Adrian Pasdar, American actor
  • 1966 – Jeff Brown, Canadian ice hockey player and coach
  • 1966 – Dave Meggett, American football player and coach
  • 1967 – Phil Chang, Taiwanese singer-songwriter and actor
  • 1969 – Warren Defever, American bass player and producer
  • 1969 – Justine Greening, English accountant and politician, Secretary of State for International Development
  • 1969 – Paulo Jr., Brazilian bass player
  • 1972 – Takako Tokiwa, Japanese actress
  • 1973 – Leigh Francis, English comedian and actor
  • 1974 – Christian Tamminga, Dutch athlete
  • 1975 – Johnny Galecki, American actor
  • 1976 – Davian Clarke, Jamaican sprinter
  • 1976 – Amanda Palmer, American singer-songwriter and pianist
  • 1976 – Daniel Wagon, Australian rugby league player
  • 1977 – Jeannie Haddaway, American politician
  • 1977 – Meredith L. Patterson, American technologist, journalist, and author
  • 1978 – Liljay, Taiwanese singer
  • 1979 – Gerardo Torrado, Mexican footballer
  • 1980 – Luis Scola, Argentinian basketball player
  • 1980 – Jeroen Verhoeven, Dutch footballer
  • 1981 – Nicole Kaczmarski, American basketball player
  • 1981 – John O’Shea, Irish footballer
  • 1981 – Kunal Nayyar, British-Indian actor
  • 1981 – Justin Vernon, American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer
  • 1982 – Kirsten Dunst, American actress
  • 1982 – Drew Seeley, Canadian-American singer-songwriter, dancer, and actor
  • 1983 – Chris Carr, American football player
  • 1983 – Tatjana Hüfner, German luger
  • 1983 – Marina Tomić, Slovenian hurdler
  • 1983 – Troy Williamson, American football player
  • 1984 – Seimone Augustus, American basketball player
  • 1984 – Shawn Daivari, American wrestler and manager
  • 1984 – Risto Mätas, Estonian javelin thrower
  • 1984 – Lee Roache, English footballer
  • 1985 – Brandon Bass, American basketball player
  • 1985 – Gal Gadot, Israeli actress and model
  • 1985 – Ashley Alexandra Dupré, American journalist, singer, and prostitute
  • 1986 – Dianna Agron, American actress and singer
  • 1986 – Martten Kaldvee, Estonian biathlete
  • 1987 – Alipate Carlile, Australian footballer
  • 1987 – Chris Morris, South African cricketer
  • 1987 – Rohit Sharma, Indian cricketer
  • 1988 – Andy Allen, Australian chef
  • 1988 – Sander Baart, Dutch field hockey player
  • 1988 – Liu Xijun, Chinese singer
  • 1988 – Oh Hye-ri, South Korean taekwondo athlete
  • 1989 – Jang Wooyoung, South Korean singer and actor
  • 1990 – Jonny Brownlee, English triathlete
  • 1990 – Mac DeMarco, Canadian singer-songwriter
  • 1990 – Kaarel Kiidron, Estonian footballer
  • 1991 – Chris Kreider, American ice hockey player
  • 1992 – Travis Scott, American rapper and producer
  • 1992 – Marc-André ter Stegen, German footballer
  • 1993 – Dion Dreesens, Dutch swimmer
  • 1993 – Martin Fuksa, Czech canoeist
  • 1994 – Chae Seo-jin, South Korean actress
  • 1994 – Wang Yafan, Chinese tennis player
  • 1996 – Luke Friend, English singer
  • 1997 – Adam Ryczkowski, Polish footballer
  • 1999 – Jorden van Foreest, Dutch chess grandmaster
  • 2000 – Yui Hiwatashi, Japanese singer
  • 2003 – Jung Yun-Seok, South Korean actor

Deaths on April 30

  • AD 65 – Lucan, Roman poet (b. 39)
  • 125 – An, Chinese emperor (b. 94)
  • 535 – Amalasuntha, Ostrogothic queen and regent
  • 783 – Hildegard of the Vinzgau, Frankish queen
  • 1002 – Eckard I, German nobleman
  • 1030 – Mahmud of Ghazni, Ghaznavid emir (b. 971)
  • 1063 – Ren Zong, Chinese emperor (b. 1010)
  • 1131 – Adjutor, French knight and saint
  • 1305 – Roger de Flor, Italian military adventurer (b. 1267)
  • 1341 – John III, duke of Brittany (b. 1286)
  • 1439 – Richard de Beauchamp, 13th Earl of Warwick, English commander (b. 1382)
  • 1524 – Pierre Terrail, seigneur de Bayard, French soldier (b. 1473)
  • 1544 – Thomas Audley, 1st Baron Audley of Walden, English lawyer and judge, Lord Chancellor of England (b. 1488)
  • 1550 – Tabinshwehti, Burmese king (b. 1516)
  • 1632 – Johann Tserclaes, Count of Tilly, Bavarian general (b. 1559)
  • 1632 – Sigismund III Vasa, Swedish-Polish son of John III of Sweden (b. 1566)
  • 1637 – Niwa Nagashige, Japanese daimyō (b. 1571)
  • 1655 – Eustache Le Sueur, French painter (b. 1617)
  • 1660 – Petrus Scriverius, Dutch historian and scholar (b. 1576)
  • 1672 – Marie of the Incarnation, French-Canadian nun and saint, founded the Ursulines of Quebec (b. 1599)
  • 1696 – Robert Plot, English chemist and academic (b. 1640)
  • 1712 – Philipp van Limborch, Dutch theologian and author (b. 1633)
  • 1736 – Johann Albert Fabricius, German scholar and author (b. 1668)
  • 1758 – François d’Agincourt, French organist and composer (b. 1684)
  • 1792 – John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, English politician, Secretary of State for the Northern Department (b. 1718)
  • 1795 – Jean-Jacques Barthélemy, French archaeologist and author (b. 1716)
  • 1806 – Onogawa Kisaburō, Japanese sumo wrestler, the 5th Yokozuna (b. 1758)
  • 1841 – Peter Andreas Heiberg, Danish philologist and author (b. 1758)
  • 1847 – Charles, Austrian commander and duke of Teschen (b. 1771)
  • 1863 – Jean Danjou, French captain (b. 1828)
  • 1865 – Robert FitzRoy, English admiral, meteorologist, and politician, 2nd Governor of New Zealand (b. 1805)
  • 1870 – Thomas Cooke, Canadian bishop and missionary (b. 1792)
  • 1875 – Jean-Frédéric Waldeck, French explorer, lithographer, and cartographer (b. 1766)
  • 1879 – Emma Smith, American religious leader (b. 1804)
  • 1883 – Édouard Manet, French painter (b. 1832)
  • 1891 – Joseph Leidy, American paleontologist and author (b. 1823)
  • 1900 – Casey Jones, American engineer (b. 1863)
  • 1903 – Emily Stowe, Canadian physician and activist (b. 1831)
  • 1910 – Jean Moréas, Greek poet and critic (b. 1856)
  • 1936 – A. E. Housman, English poet and scholar (b. 1859)
  • 1939 – Frank Haller, American boxer (b. 1883)
  • 1943 – Otto Jespersen, Danish linguist and academic (b. 1860)
  • 1943 – Beatrice Webb, English sociologist and economist (b. 1858)
  • 1953 – Jacob Linzbach, Estonian linguist and author (b. 1874)
  • 1956 – Alben W. Barkley, American lawyer and politician, 35th Vice President of the United States (b. 1877)
  • 1970 – Jacques Presser, Dutch historian, writer and poet (b. 1899)
  • 1970 – Inger Stevens, Swedish-American actress (b. 1934)
  • 1972 – Gia Scala, English-American model and actress (b. 1934)
  • 1973 – Václav Renč, Czech poet and playwright (b. 1911)
  • 1974 – Agnes Moorehead, American actress (b. 1900)
  • 1980 – Luis Muñoz Marín, Puerto Rican journalist and politician, 1st Governor of Puerto Rico (b. 1898)
  • 1982 – Lester Bangs, American journalist and author (b. 1949)
  • 1983 – George Balanchine, Russian dancer and choreographer (b. 1904)
  • 1983 – Muddy Waters, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and bandleader (b. 1913)
  • 1983 – Edouard Wyss-Dunant, Swiss physician and mountaineer (b. 1897)
  • 1986 – Robert Stevenson, English director, producer, and screenwriter (b. 1905)
  • 1989 – Sergio Leone, Italian director, producer, and screenwriter (b. 1929)
  • 1993 – Tommy Caton, English footballer (b. 1962)
  • 1994 – Roland Ratzenberger, Austrian race car driver (b. 1960)
  • 1994 – Richard Scarry, American author and illustrator (b. 1919)
  • 1995 – Maung Maung Kha, Burmese colonel and politician, 8th Prime Minister of Burma (b. 1920)
  • 1998 – Nizar Qabbani, Syrian-English poet, publisher, and diplomat (b. 1926)
  • 2000 – Poul Hartling, Danish politician, 36th Prime Minister of Denmark (b. 1914)
  • 2002 – Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, German philanthropist, founded the Gründerzeit Museum (b. 1928)
  • 2003 – Mark Berger, American economist and academic (b. 1955)
  • 2003 – Possum Bourne, New Zealand race car driver (b. 1956)
  • 2005 – Phil Rasmussen, American lieutenant and pilot (b. 1918)
  • 2006 – Jean-François Revel, French philosopher (b. 1924)
  • 2006 – Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Indonesian author and academic (b. 1925)
  • 2007 – Kevin Mitchell, American football player (b. 1971)
  • 2007 – Tom Poston, American actor, comedian, and game show panelist (b. 1921)
  • 2007 – Gordon Scott, American film and television actor (b. 1926)
  • 2008 – John Cargher, English-Australian journalist and author (b. 1919)
  • 2008 – Juancho Evertsz, Dutch Antillean politician (b. 1923)
  • 2009 – Henk Nijdam, Dutch cyclist (b. 1935)
  • 2011 – Dorjee Khandu, Indian politician, 6th Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh (b. 1955)
  • 2011 – Evald Okas, Estonian painter (b. 1915)
  • 2011 – Ernesto Sabato, Argentinian physicist, author, and painter (b. 1911)
  • 2012 – Tomás Borge, Nicaraguan poet and politician, co-founded the Sandinista National Liberation Front (b. 1930)
  • 2012 – Alexander Dale Oen, Norwegian swimmer (b. 1985)
  • 2012 – Giannis Gravanis, Greek footballer (b. 1958)
  • 2012 – Benzion Netanyahu, Russian-Israeli historian and academic (b. 1910)
  • 2012 – Sicelo Shiceka, South African politician (b. 1966)
  • 2013 – Roberto Chabet, Filipino painter and sculptor (b. 1937)
  • 2013 – Shirley Firth, Canadian skier (b. 1953)
  • 2013 – Viviane Forrester, French author and critic (b. 1925)
  • 2013 – Mike Gray, American director, producer, and screenwriter (b. 1935)
  • 2014 – Khaled Choudhury, Indian painter and set designer (b. 1919)
  • 2014 – Julian Lewis, English biologist and academic (b. 1946)
  • 2014 – Carl E. Moses, American businessman and politician (b. 1929)
  • 2014 – Ian Ross, Australian journalist (b. 1940)
  • 2015 – Lennart Bodström, Swedish politician (b. 1928)
  • 2015 – Ben E. King, American singer-songwriter and producer (b. 1938)
  • 2015 – Steven Goldmann, Canadian director and producer (b. 1961)
  • 2016 – Daniel Berrigan, American priest and activist (b. 1921)
  • 2016 – Harry Kroto, English chemist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1939)
  • 2019 – Peter Mayhew, English-American actor (b. 1944)
  • 2020 – Tony Allen, Nigerian drummer and composer (b. 1940)

Holidays and observances on April 30

  • Armed Forces Day (Georgia)
  • Birthday of the King Carl XVI Gustaf, one of the official flag days of Sweden.
  • Camarón Day (French Foreign Legion)
  • Children’s Day (Mexico)
  • Christian feast day:
    • Adjutor
    • Aimo
    • Amator, Peter and Louis
    • Donatus of Evorea
    • Eutropius of Saintes
    • Marie Guyart (Anglican Church of Canada)
    • Marie of the Incarnation (Ursuline)
    • Maximus of Rome
    • Blessed Miles Gerard
    • Pomponius of Naples
    • Pope Pius V
    • Quirinus of Neuss
    • Sarah Josepha Hale (Episcopal Church)
    • Suitbert the Younger
    • April 30 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • Consumer Protection Day (Thailand)
  • Earliest day on which Ascension Day can fall, while June 3 is the latest; celebrated 40 days after Easter (Christianity), and its related observances:
    • Festa della Sensa (Venice)
    • Global Day of Prayer (Western Christianity)
    • Sheep Festival (Cameroon)
  • Honesty Day (United States)
  • International Jazz Day (UNESCO)
  • Martyrs’ Day (Pakistan)
  • May Eve, the eve of the first day of summer in the Northern hemisphere (see May 1):
    • Beltane begins at sunset in the Northern hemisphere, Samhain begins at sunset in the Southern hemisphere. (Neo-Druidic Wheel of the Year)
    • Carodejnice (Czech Republic and Slovakia)
    • Walpurgis Night (Central and Northern Europe)
  • National Persian Gulf Day (Iran)
  • Reunification Day (Vietnam)
  • Russian State Fire Service Day (Russia)
  • Teachers’ Day (Paraguay)

April 30 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day Read More »

On This Day

April 26 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day

  • 1336 – Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch) ascends Mont Ventoux.
  • 1478 – The Pazzi family attack Lorenzo de’ Medici and kill his brother Giuliano during High Mass in Florence Cathedral.
  • 1564 – Playwright William Shakespeare is baptized in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England (date of actual birth is unknown).
  • 1607 – English colonists make landfall at Cape Henry, Virginia.
  • 1721 – A massive earthquake devastates the Iranian city of Tabriz.
  • 1777 – Sybil Ludington, aged 16, rode 40 miles (64 km) to alert American colonial forces to the approach of the British regular forces
  • 1794 – Battle of Beaumont during the Flanders Campaign of the War of the First Coalition.
  • 1802 – Napoleon Bonaparte signs a general amnesty to allow all but about one thousand of the most notorious émigrés of the French Revolution to return to France.
  • 1803 – Thousands of meteor fragments fall from the skies of L’Aigle, France; the event convinces European scientists that meteors exist.
  • 1805 – First Barbary War: United States Marines captured Derne under the command of First Lieutenant Presley O’Bannon.
  • 1865 – American Civil War: Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston surrenders his army to General William Tecumseh Sherman at the Bennett Place near Durham, North Carolina. Also the date of Confederate Memorial Day for two states.
  • 1865 – Union cavalry troopers corner and shoot dead John Wilkes Booth, assassin of President Abraham Lincoln, in Virginia.
  • 1903 – Atlético Madrid Association football club is founded
  • 1923 – The Duke of York weds Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon at Westminster Abbey.
  • 1925 – Paul von Hindenburg defeats Wilhelm Marx in the second round of the German presidential election to become the first directly elected head of state of the Weimar Republic.
  • 1933 – The Gestapo, the official secret police force of Nazi Germany, is established.
  • 1937 – Spanish Civil War: Guernica, Spain, is bombed by German Luftwaffe.
  • 1942 – Benxihu Colliery accident in Manchukuo leaves 1549 Chinese miners dead.
  • 1943 – The Easter Riots break out in Uppsala, Sweden.
  • 1944 – Georgios Papandreou becomes head of the Greek government-in-exile based in Egypt.
  • 1944 – Heinrich Kreipe is captured by Allied commandos in occupied Crete.
  • 1945 – World War II: Battle of Bautzen: Last successful German tank-offensive of the war and last noteworthy victory of the Wehrmacht.
  • 1945 – World War II: Filipino troops of the 66th Infantry Regiment, Philippine Commonwealth Army, USAFIP-NL and the American troops of the 33rd and 37th Infantry Division, United States Army are liberated in Baguio City and they fight against the Japanese forces under General Tomoyuki Yamashita.
  • 1954 – The Geneva Conference, an effort to restore peace in Indochina and Korea, begins.
  • 1956 – SS Ideal X, the world’s first successful container ship, leaves Port Newark, New Jersey, for Houston, Texas.
  • 1958 – Final run of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad’s Royal Blue from Washington, D.C., to New York City after 68 years, the first U.S. passenger train to use electric locomotives.
  • 1960 – Forced out by the April Revolution, President of South Korea Syngman Rhee resigns after 12 years of dictatorial rule.
  • 1962 – NASA’s Ranger 4 spacecraft crashes into the Moon.
  • 1963 – In Libya, amendments to the constitution transform Libya (United Kingdom of Libya) into one national unity (Kingdom of Libya) and allows for female participation in elections.
  • 1964 – Tanganyika and Zanzibar merge to form Tanzania.
  • 1966 – The magnitude 5.1 Tashkent earthquake affects the largest city in Soviet Central Asia with a maximum MSK intensity of VII (Very strong). Tashkent is mostly destroyed and 15–200 are killed.
  • 1966 – A new government is formed in the Republic of the Congo, led by Ambroise Noumazalaye.
  • 1970 – The Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization enters into force.
  • 1981 – Dr. Michael R. Harrison of the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center performs the world’s first human open fetal surgery.
  • 1982 – Fifty-seven people are killed by former police officer Woo Bum-kon in a shooting spree in South Gyeongsang Province, South Korea.
  • 1986 – A nuclear reactor accident occurs at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in the Soviet Union, creating the world’s worst nuclear disaster.
  • 1989 – The deadliest known tornado strikes Central Bangladesh, killing upwards of 1,300, injuring 12,000, and leaving as many as 80,000 homeless.
  • 1989 – People’s Daily publishes the April 26 Editorial which inflames the nascent Tiananmen Square protests.
  • 1991 – Seventy tornadoes break out in the central United States. Before the outbreak’s end, Andover, Kansas, would record the year’s only F5 tornado.
  • 1994 – China Airlines Flight 140 crashes at Nagoya Airport in Japan, killing 264 of the 271 people on board.
  • 2002 – Robert Steinhäuser kills 16 at Gutenberg-Gymnasium in Erfurt, Germany before dying of a self-inflicted gunshot.
  • 2005 – Under international pressure, Syria withdraws the last of its 14,000 troop military garrison in Lebanon, ending its 29-year military domination of that country (Syrian occupation of Lebanon).
  • 2018 – American comedian Bill Cosby is found guilty of sexual assault.

Births on April 26

  • 121 – Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor (d. 180)
  • 757 – Hisham I of Córdoba (d. 796)
  • 764 – Al-Hadi, Iranian caliph (d. 786)
  • 1284 – Alice de Toeni, Countess of Warwick (d. 1324)
  • 1319 – King John II of France (d. 1364)
  • 1538 – Gian Paolo Lomazzo, Italian painter and academic (d. 1600)
  • 1575 – Marie de’ Medici, queen of Henry IV of France (d. 1642)
  • 1647 – William Ashhurst, English banker, Sheriff of London, Lord Mayor of London and politician (d. 1720)
  • 1648 – Peter II of Portugal (d. 1706)
  • 1697 – Adam Falckenhagen, German lute player and composer (d. 1754)
  • 1710 – Thomas Reid, Scottish philosopher and academic (d. 1796)
  • 1718 – Esek Hopkins, American commander (d. 1802)
  • 1774 – Christian Leopold von Buch, German geologist and paleontologist (d. 1853)
  • 1782 – Maria Amalia of Naples and Sicily (d. 1866)
  • 1785 – John James Audubon, French-American ornithologist and painter (d. 1851)
  • 1787 – Ludwig Uhland, German poet, philologist, and historian (d. 1862)
  • 1798 – Eugène Delacroix, French painter and lithographer (d. 1863)
  • 1801 – Ambrose Dudley Mann, American politician and diplomat, 1st United States Assistant Secretary of State (d. 1889)
  • 1804 – Charles Goodyear, American banker, lawyer, and politician (d. 1876)
  • 1822 – Frederick Law Olmsted, American journalist and designer, co-designed Central Park (d. 1903)
  • 1834 – Charles Farrar Browne, American author (d. 1867)
  • 1856 – Joseph Ward, Australian-New Zealand businessman and politician, 17th Prime Minister of New Zealand (d. 1930)
  • 1862 – Edmund C. Tarbell, American painter and educator (d. 1938)
  • 1876 – Ernst Felle, German rower (d. 1959)
  • 1877 – James Dooley, Irish-Australian politician, 21st Premier of New South Wales (d. 1950)
  • 1878 – Rafael Guízar y Valencia, Mexican bishop and saint (d. 1938)
  • 1879 – Eric Campbell, British actor (d. 1917)
  • 1879 – Owen Willans Richardson, English physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1959)
  • 1886 – Ma Rainey, American singer (d. 1939)
  • 1886 – Ğabdulla Tuqay, Russian poet and publicist (d. 1913)
  • 1889 – Anita Loos, American author, playwright, and screenwriter (d. 1981)
  • 1889 – Ludwig Wittgenstein, Austrian-English philosopher and academic (d. 1951)
  • 1894 – Rudolf Hess, Egyptian-German politician (d. 1987)
  • 1896 – Ruut Tarmo, Estonian actor and director (d. 1967)
  • 1896 – Ernst Udet, German colonel and pilot (d. 1941)
  • 1897 – Eddie Eagan, American boxer and bobsledder (d. 1967)
  • 1897 – Douglas Sirk, German-American director and screenwriter (d. 1987)
  • 1898 – Vicente Aleixandre, Spanish poet and author, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1984)
  • 1898 – John Grierson, Scottish director and producer (d. 1972)
  • 1899 – Oscar Rabin, Latvian-English saxophonist and bandleader (d. 1958)
  • 1900 – Eva Aschoff, German bookbinder and calligrapher (d. 1969)
  • 1900 – Charles Francis Richter, American seismologist and physicist (d. 1985)
  • 1900 – Hack Wilson, American baseball player (d. 1948)
  • 1904 – Paul-Émile Léger, Canadian cardinal (d. 1991)
  • 1904 – Xenophon Zolotas, Greek economist and politician, 177th Prime Minister of Greece (d. 2004)
  • 1905 – Jean Vigo, French director and screenwriter (d. 1934)
  • 1907 – Ilias Tsirimokos, Greek politician, Prime Minister of Greece (d. 1968)
  • 1909 – Marianne Hoppe, German actress (d. 2002)
  • 1910 – Tomoyuki Tanaka, Japanese screenwriter and producer (d. 1997)
  • 1911 – Paul Verner, German soldier and politician (d. 1986)
  • 1912 – A. E. van Vogt, Canadian-American author (d. 2000)
  • 1914 – Bernard Malamud, Jewish American novelist and short story writer (d. 1986)
  • 1914 – James Rouse, American real estate developer (d. 1996)
  • 1916 – Eyvind Earle, American artist, author, and illustrator (d. 2000)
  • 1916 – Ken Wallis, English commander, engineer, and pilot (d. 2013)
  • 1916 – Morris West, Australian author and playwright (d. 1999)
  • 1917 – Sal Maglie, American baseball player and coach (d. 1992)
  • 1917 – I. M. Pei, Chinese-American architect, designed the National Gallery of Art and Bank of China Tower (d. 2019)
  • 1917 – Virgil Trucks, American baseball player and coach (d. 2013)
  • 1918 – Fanny Blankers-Koen, Dutch sprinter and long jumper (d. 2004)
  • 1921 – Jimmy Giuffre, American clarinet player, saxophonist, and composer (d. 2008)
  • 1922 – J. C. Holt, English historian and academic (d. 2014)
  • 1922 – Jeanne Sauvé, Canadian journalist and politician, 23rd Governor General of Canada (d. 1993)
  • 1922 – Margaret Scott, South African-Australian ballerina and choreographer (d. 2019)
  • 1924 – Browning Ross, American runner and soldier (d. 1998)
  • 1925 – Vladimir Boltyansky, Russian mathematician, educator and author (d. 2019)
  • 1925 – Gerard Cafesjian, American businessman and philanthropist (d. 2013)
  • 1925 – Michele Ferrero, Italian entrepreneur (d. 2015)
  • 1925 – Frank Hahn, British economist (d. 2013)
  • 1926 – Michael Mathias Prechtl, German soldier and illustrator (d. 2003)
  • 1927 – Jack Douglas, English actor (d. 2008)
  • 1927 – Harry Gallatin, American basketball player and coach (d. 2015)
  • 1927 – Granny Hamner, American baseball player (d. 1993)
  • 1929 – Richard Mitchell, American author and educator (d. 2002)
  • 1930 – Roger Moens, Belgian runner and sportscaster
  • 1931 – Paul Almond, Canadian director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2015)
  • 1931 – Bernie Brillstein, American talent agent and producer (d. 2008)
  • 1931 – John Cain Jr., Australian politician, 41st Premier of Victoria (d. 2019)
  • 1932 – Israr Ahmed, Indian-Pakistani theologian, philosopher, and scholar (d. 2010)
  • 1932 – Shirley Cawley, English long jumper
  • 1932 – Frank D’Rone, American singer and guitarist (d. 2013)
  • 1932 – Francis Lai, French accordion player and composer (d. 2018)
  • 1932 – Michael Smith, English-Canadian biochemist and geneticist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2000)
  • 1933 – Carol Burnett, American actress, singer, and producer
  • 1933 – Filiberto Ojeda Ríos, Puerto Rican-American general (d. 2005)
  • 1933 – Arno Allan Penzias, German-American physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate
  • 1935 – Patricia Reilly Giff, American author and educator
  • 1937 – Jean-Pierre Beltoise, French race car driver and motorcycle racer (d. 2015)
  • 1938 – Duane Eddy, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor
  • 1938 – Maurice Williams, American doo-wop/R&B singer-songwriter
  • 1940 – Molvi Iftikhar Hussain Ansari, Indian cleric and politician (d. 2014)
  • 1940 – Giorgio Moroder, Italian singer-songwriter and producer
  • 1940 – Cliff Watson, English rugby league player (d. 2018)
  • 1941 – Claudine Auger, French model and actress (d. 2019)
  • 1942 – Svyatoslav Belza, Russian journalist, author, and critic (d. 2014)
  • 1942 – Sharon Carstairs, Canadian lawyer and politician, Leader of the Government in the Senate
  • 1942 – Michael Kergin, Canadian diplomat, Canadian Ambassador to the United States
  • 1942 – Bobby Rydell, American singer and actor
  • 1942 – Jadwiga Staniszkis, Polish sociologist, political scientist, and academic
  • 1943 – Gary Wright, American singer-songwriter, keyboard player, and producer
  • 1943 – Peter Zumthor, Swiss architect and academic, designed the Therme Vals
  • 1944 – Richard Bradshaw, English conductor (d. 2007)
  • 1945 – Howard Davies, English director and producer (d. 2016)
  • 1945 – Dick Johnson, Australian race car driver
  • 1945 – Sylvain Simard, Canadian academic and politician
  • 1946 – Ralph Coates, English international footballer (d. 2010)
  • 1946 – Marilyn Nelson, American poet and author
  • 1946 – Alberto Quintano, Chilean footballer
  • 1949 – Carlos Bianchi, Argentinian footballer and manager
  • 1949 – Jerry Blackwell, American wrestler (d. 1995)
  • 1951 – John Battle, English politician
  • 1954 – Tatyana Fomina, Estonian chess player
  • 1954 – Alan Hinkes, English mountaineer and explorer
  • 1955 – Kurt Bodewig, German politician
  • 1956 – Koo Stark, American actress and photographer
  • 1958 – John Crichton-Stuart, 7th Marquess of Bute, Scottish race car driver
  • 1958 – Giancarlo Esposito, American actor, director, and producer
  • 1958 – Georgios Kostikos, Greek footballer, coach, and manager
  • 1959 – John Corabi, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • 1960 – Steve Lombardozzi, American baseball player and coach
  • 1960 – Roger Taylor, English drummer
  • 1961 – Joan Chen, Chinese-American actress, director, producer, and screenwriter
  • 1961 – Chris Mars, American artist
  • 1962 – Colin Anderson, English footballer
  • 1962 – Debra Wilson, American actress and comedian
  • 1963 – Jet Li, Chinese-Singaporean martial artist, actor, and producer
  • 1963 – Colin Scotts, Australian-American football player
  • 1963 – Cornelia Ullrich, German hurdler
  • 1963 – Bill Wennington, Canadian basketball player
  • 1965 – Susannah Harker, English actress
  • 1965 – Kevin James, American actor and comedian
  • 1967 – Glenn Thomas Jacobs, American professional wrestler, actor, businessman and politician
  • 1967 – Marianne Jean-Baptiste, English actress and singer-songwriter
  • 1967 – Toomas Tõniste, Estonian sailor and politician
  • 1970 – Dean Austin, English footballer and manager
  • 1970 – Melania Trump, Slovene-American model; 47th First Lady of the United States
  • 1970 – Kristen R. Ghodsee, American ethnographer and academic
  • 1970 – Tionne “T-Boz” Watkins, American singer-songwriter, dancer, and actress
  • 1971 – Jay DeMarcus, American bass player, songwriter, and producer
  • 1972 – Jason Bargwanna, Australian race car driver
  • 1972 – Kiko, Spanish footballer
  • 1972 – Natrone Means, American football player and coach
  • 1972 – Avi Nimni, Israeli footballer and manager
  • 1973 – Geoff Blum, American baseball player and sportscaster
  • 1973 – Jules Naudet, French-American director and producer
  • 1973 – Chris Perry, English footballer
  • 1973 – Óscar García Junyent, Spanish footballer and coach
  • 1975 – Joey Jordison, American musician, songwriter, record producer
  • 1975 – Rahul Verma, Indian social worker and activist
  • 1976 – Luigi Panarelli, Italian footballer
  • 1976 – Václav Varaďa, Czech ice hockey player
  • 1977 – Samantha Cristoforetti, Italian astronaut
  • 1977 – Kosuke Fukudome, Japanese baseball player
  • 1977 – Roxana Saberi, American journalist and author
  • 1977 – Tom Welling, American actor
  • 1978 – Joe Crede, American baseball player
  • 1978 – Stana Katic, Canadian actress
  • 1978 – Peter Madsen, Danish footballer
  • 1980 – Jordana Brewster, Panamanian-American actress
  • 1980 – Marlon King, English footballer
  • 1980 – Anna Mucha, Polish actress and journalist
  • 1980 – Channing Tatum, American actor and producer
  • 1981 – Caro Emerald, Dutch pop and jazz singer
  • 1981 – Ms. Dynamite, English rapper and producer
  • 1981 – Sandra Schmitt, German skier (d. 2000)
  • 1982 – Novlene Williams-Mills, Jamaican sprinter
  • 1983 – José María López, Argentinian race car driver
  • 1983 – Jessica Lynch, American soldier
  • 1984 – Emily Wickersham, American actress
  • 1985 – John Isner, American tennis player
  • 1985 – Andrea Koch Benvenuto, Chilean tennis player
  • 1986 – Lior Refaelov, Israeli footballer
  • 1986 – Sean Evans, American YouTuber and producer
  • 1986 – Yuliya Zaripova, Russian runner
  • 1987 – Jorge Andújar Moreno, Spanish footballer
  • 1988 – Ben Spina, Australian rugby league player
  • 1988 – Manuel Viniegra, Mexican footballer
  • 1988 – Gareth Evans, English footballer
  • 1989 – Melvin Ingram, American football player
  • 1990 – Mitch Rein, Australian rugby league player
  • 1990 – Nevin Spence, Northern Irish rugby player (d. 2012)
  • 1991 – Lazaros Fotias, Greek footballer
  • 1991 – Peter Handscomb, Australian cricketer
  • 1991 – Will Heard, British singer and songwriter
  • 1991 – Isaac Liu, New Zealand rugby league player
  • 1991 – Ignacio Lores Varela, Uruguayan footballer
  • 1991 – Srdjan Pejicic, Canadian/Bosnian basketball player
  • 1991 – Wojciech Pszczolarski, Polish bicycle racer
  • 1992 – Aaron Judge, American baseball player
  • 1994 – Daniil Kvyat, Russian race car driver

Deaths on  April 26

  • 499 – Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei (b. 467)
  • 645 – Richarius, Frankish monk and saint (b. 560)
  • 680 – Muawiyah I, Umayyad caliph (b. 602)
  • 757 – Pope Stephen II (b. 715)
  • 893 – Chen Jingxuan, general of the Tang Dynasty
  • 962 – Adalbero I, bishop of Metz
  • 1192 – Emperor Go-Shirakawa of Japan (b. 1127)
  • 1366 – Simon Islip, Archbishop of Canterbury
  • 1392 – Jeong Mong-ju, Korean civil minister, diplomat and scholar (b. 1338)
  • 1444 – Robert Campin, Flemish painter (b. 1378)
  • 1478 – Giuliano de’ Medici, Italian ruler (b. 1453)
  • 1489 – Ashikaga Yoshihisa, Japanese shōgun (b. 1465)
  • 1558 – Jean Fernel, French physician (b. 1497)
  • 1686 – Magnus Gabriel De la Gardie, Swedish statesman and military man (b. 1622)
  • 1716 – John Somers, 1st Baron Somers, English jurist and politician, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain (b. 1651)
  • 1784 – Nano Nagle, Irish nun and educator, founded the Presentation Sisters (b. 1718)
  • 1789 – Petr Ivanovich Panin, Russian general (b. 1721)
  • 1809 – Bernhard Schott, German music publisher (b. 1748)
  • 1865 – John Wilkes Booth, American actor, assassin of Abraham Lincoln (b. 1838)
  • 1881 – Ludwig Freiherr von und zu der Tann-Rathsamhausen, German general (b. 1815)
  • 1895 – Eric Stenbock, Estonian-English author and poet (b. 1860)
  • 1910 – Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Norwegian-French author, poet, and playwright, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1832)
  • 1915 – John Bunny, American actor (b. 1863)
  • 1920 – Srinivasa Ramanujan, Indian mathematician and theorist (b. 1887)
  • 1932 – William Lockwood, English cricketer (b. 1868)
  • 1934 – Arturs Alberings, Latvian politician, former Prime Minister of Latvia (b. 1876)
  • 1940 – Carl Bosch, German chemist and engineer, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1874)
  • 1944 – Violette Morris, French footballer, shot putter, and discus thrower (b. 1893)
  • 1945 – Sigmund Rascher, German physician (b. 1909)
  • 1945 – Pavlo Skoropadskyi, German-Ukrainian general and politician, Hetman of Ukraine (b. 1871)
  • 1946 – James Larkin White, American miner, explorer, and park ranger (b. 1882)
  • 1950 – George Murray Hulbert, American lawyer, judge, and politician (b. 1881)
  • 1951 – Arnold Sommerfeld, German physicist and academic (b. 1868)
  • 1956 – Edward Arnold, American actor (b. 1890)
  • 1957 – Gichin Funakoshi, Japanese martial artist, founded Shotokan (b. 1868)
  • 1964 – E. J. Pratt, Canadian poet and author (b. 1882)
  • 1968 – John Heartfield, German illustrator and photographer (b. 1891)
  • 1969 – Morihei Ueshiba, Japanese martial artist, founded aikido (b. 1883)
  • 1970 – Erik Bergman, Swedish minister and author (b. 1886)
  • 1970 – Gypsy Rose Lee, American actress, striptease dancer, and writer (b. 1911)
  • 1973 – Irene Ryan, American actress and philanthropist (b. 1902)
  • 1976 – Sidney Franklin, American bullfighter (b. 1903)
  • 1976 – Sid James, South African-English actor (b. 1913)
  • 1976 – Armstrong Sperry, American author and illustrator (b. 1897)
  • 1980 – Cicely Courtneidge, Australian-born British actress, comedian and singer (b. 1893)
  • 1981 – Jim Davis, American actor (b. 1909)
  • 1984 – Count Basie, American pianist, composer, and bandleader (b. 1904)
  • 1986 – Broderick Crawford, American actor (b. 1911)
  • 1986 – Bessie Love, American actress (b. 1898)
  • 1986 – Dechko Uzunov, Bulgarian painter (b. 1899)
  • 1987 – Shankar, Indian composer and conductor (b. 1922)
  • 1987 – John Silkin, English lawyer and politician, Shadow Leader of the House of Commons (b. 1923)
  • 1989 – Lucille Ball, American model, actress, comedian, and producer (b. 1911)
  • 1991 – Leo Arnaud, French-American composer and conductor (b. 1904)
  • 1991 – Carmine Coppola, American composer and conductor (b. 1910)
  • 1991 – A. B. Guthrie, Jr., American novelist and historian, (b. 1901)
  • 1991 – Richard Hatfield, Canadian lawyer and politician, 26th Premier of New Brunswick (b. 1931)
  • 1994 – Masutatsu Ōyama, Japanese martial artist, founded Kyokushin kaikan (b. 1923)
  • 1996 – Stirling Silliphant, American screenwriter and producer (b. 1918)
  • 1999 – Adrian Borland, English singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (b. 1957)
  • 1999 – Jill Dando, English journalist and television personality (b. 1961)
  • 2003 – Rosemary Brown, Jamaican-Canadian academic and politician (b. 1930)
  • 2003 – Yun Hyon-seok, South Korean poet and author (b. 1984)
  • 2003 – Edward Max Nicholson, Irish environmentalist, co-founded the World Wide Fund for Nature (b. 1904)
  • 2004 – Hubert Selby, Jr., American author, poet, and screenwriter (b. 1928)
  • 2005 – Mason Adams, American actor (b. 1919)
  • 2005 – Elisabeth Domitien, Prime Minister of the Central African Republic (b. 1925)
  • 2005 – Maria Schell, Austrian-Swiss actress (b. 1926)
  • 2005 – Augusto Roa Bastos, Paraguayan journalist, author, and academic (b. 1917)
  • 2007 – Jack Valenti, American businessman, created the MPAA film rating system (b. 1921)
  • 2009 – Hans Holzer, Austrian-American paranormal investigator and author (b. 1920)
  • 2010 – Mariam A. Aleem, Egyptian graphic designer and academic (b. 1930)
  • 2010 – Urs Felber, Swiss engineer and businessman (b. 1942)
  • 2011 – Phoebe Snow, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (b. 1950)
  • 2012 – Terence Spinks, English boxer and trainer (b. 1938)
  • 2013 – Jacqueline Brookes, American actress and educator (b. 1930)
  • 2013 – George Jones, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (b. 1931)
  • 2014 – Gerald Guralnik, American physicist and academic (b. 1936)
  • 2014 – Paul Robeson, Jr., American historian and author (b. 1927)
  • 2014 – DJ Rashad, American electronic musician, producer and DJ (b. 1979)
  • 2015 – Jayne Meadows, American actress (b. 1919)
  • 2015 – Marcel Pronovost, Canadian ice hockey player and coach (b. 1930)
  • 2016 – Harry Wu, Chinese human rights activist (b. 1937)
  • 2017 – Jonathan Demme, American filmmaker, producer and screenwriter (b. 1944)

Holidays and observances on April 26

  • Chernobyl disaster related observances:
    • Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl tragedy (Belarus)
    • Memorial Day of Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes (Russia)
  • Christian feast day:
    • Aldobrandesca (or Alda)
    • Franca Visalta
    • Lucidius of Verona
    • Our Lady of Good Counsel
    • Pope Anacletus and Marcellinus
    • Riquier
    • Paschasius Radbertus
    • Peter of Rates (or of Braga)
    • Robert Hunt (Episcopal Church (USA))
    • Stephen of Perm, see also Old Permic Alphabet Day
    • Trudpert
    • April 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • Confederate Memorial Day (Florida, United States)
  • Union Day (Tanzania)
  • World Intellectual Property Day

April 26 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day Read More »

On This Day

April 25 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day

  • 404 BC – Admiral Lysander and King Pausanias of Sparta blockade Athens and bring the Peloponnesian War to a successful conclusion.
  • 775 – The Battle of Bagrevand puts an end to an Armenian rebellion against the Abbasid Caliphate. Muslim control over Transcaucasia is solidified and its Islamization begins, while several major Armenian nakharar families lose power and their remnants flee to the Byzantine Empire.
  • 799 – After mistreatment and disfigurement by the citizens of Rome, pope Leo III flees to the Frankish court of king Charlemagne at Paderborn for protection.
  • 1134 – The name Zagreb was mentioned for the first time in the Felician Charter relating to the establishment of the Zagreb Bishopric around 1094.
  • 1607 – Eighty Years’ War: The Dutch fleet destroys the anchored Spanish fleet at Gibraltar.
  • 1644 – The Chongzhen Emperor, the last Emperor of Ming dynasty China, commits suicide during a peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng.
  • 1707 – A coalition of Britain, the Netherlands and Portugal is defeated by a Franco-Spanish army at Almansa (Spain) in the War of the Spanish Succession.
  • 1792 – Highwayman Nicolas J. Pelletier becomes the first person executed by guillotine.
  • 1792 – “La Marseillaise” (the French national anthem) is composed by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle.
  • 1804 – The western Georgian kingdom of Imereti accepts the suzerainty of the Russian Empire.
  • 1829 – Charles Fremantle arrives in HMS Challenger off the coast of modern-day Western Australia prior to declaring the Swan River Colony for the United Kingdom.
  • 1846 – Thornton Affair: Open conflict begins over the disputed border of Texas, triggering the Mexican–American War.
  • 1849 – The Governor General of Canada, Lord Elgin, signs the Rebellion Losses Bill, outraging Montreal’s English population and triggering the Montreal Riots.
  • 1859 – British and French engineers break ground for the Suez Canal.
  • 1862 – American Civil War: Forces under U.S. Admiral David Farragut demand the surrender of the Confederate city of New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • 1864 – American Civil War: The Battle of Marks’ Mills.
  • 1882 – French and Vietnamese troops clashed in Tonkin, when Commandant Henri Rivière seized the citadel of Hanoi with a small force of marine infantry.
  • 1898 – Spanish–American War: The United States declares war on Spain.
  • 1901 – New York becomes the first U.S. state to require automobile license plates.
  • 1915 – World War I: The Battle of Gallipoli begins: The invasion of the Turkish Gallipoli Peninsula by British, French, Indian, Newfoundland, Australian and New Zealand troops, begins with landings at Anzac Cove and Cape Helles.
  • 1916 – Anzac Day is commemorated for the first time on the first anniversary of the landing at ANZAC Cove.
  • 1920 – At the San Remo conference, the principal Allied Powers of World War I adopt a resolution to determine the allocation of Class “A” League of Nations mandates for administration of the former Ottoman-ruled lands of the Middle East.
  • 1938 – U.S. Supreme Court delivers its opinion in Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins and overturns a century of federal common law.
  • 1940 – Merkið, the flag of the Faroe Islands is approved by the British occupation government.
  • 1944 – The United Negro College Fund is incorporated.
  • 1945 – Elbe Day: United States and Soviet troops meet in Torgau along the River Elbe, cutting the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany in two.
  • 1945 – Liberation Day (Italy): The Nazi occupation army surrenders and leaves Northern Italy after a general partisan insurrection by the Italian resistance movement; the puppet fascist regime dissolves and Benito Mussolini is captured after trying to escape. This day was set as a public holiday to celebrate the Liberation of Italy.
  • 1945 – United Nations Conference on International Organization: Founding negotiations for the United Nations begin in San Francisco.
  • 1945 – The last German troops retreat from Finland’s soil in Lapland, ending the Lapland War. Military acts of Second World War end in Finland.
  • 1951 – Korean War: Assaulting Chinese forces are forced to withdraw after heavy fighting with UN forces, primarily made up of Australian and Canadian troops, at the Battle of Kapyong.
  • 1953 – Francis Crick and James Watson publish “Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid” describing the double helix structure of DNA.
  • 1954 – The first practical solar cell is publicly demonstrated by Bell Telephone Laboratories.
  • 1959 – The Saint Lawrence Seaway, linking the North American Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean, officially opens to shipping.
  • 1960 – The United States Navy submarine USS Triton completes the first submerged circumnavigation of the globe.
  • 1961 – Robert Noyce is granted a patent for an integrated circuit.
  • 1972 – Vietnam War: Nguyen Hue Offensive: The North Vietnamese 320th Division forces 5,000 South Vietnamese troops to retreat and traps about 2,500 others northwest of Kontum.
  • 1974 – Carnation Revolution: A leftist military coup in Portugal overthrows the authoritarian-conservative Estado Novo regime and establishes a democratic government.
  • 1975 – As North Vietnamese forces close in on the South Vietnamese capital Saigon, the Australian Embassy is closed and evacuated, almost ten years to the day since the first Australian troop commitment to South Vietnam.
  • 1981 – More than 100 workers are exposed to radiation during repairs of at the Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant in Japan.
  • 1982 – Israel completes its withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula per the Camp David Accords.
  • 1983 – Cold War: American schoolgirl Samantha Smith is invited to visit the Soviet Union by its leader Yuri Andropov after he read her letter in which she expressed fears about nuclear war.
  • 1983 – Pioneer 10 travels beyond Pluto’s orbit.
  • 1986 – Mswati III is crowned King of Swaziland, succeeding his father Sobhuza II.
  • 1988 – In Israel, John Demjanjuk is sentenced to death for war crimes committed in World War II.
  • 1990 – Violeta Chamorro takes office as the President of Nicaragua, the first woman to hold the position.
  • 2001 – Michele Alboreto is killed while testing an Audi R8 at the Lausitzring in Germany.
  • 2004 – The March for Women’s Lives brings between 500,000 and 800,000 protesters, mostly pro-choice, to Washington D.C. to protest the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003, and other restrictions on abortion.
  • 2005 – The final piece of the Obelisk of Axum is returned to Ethiopia after being stolen by the invading Italian army in 1937.
  • 2005 – Bulgaria and Romania sign accession treaties to join the European Union.
  • 2007 – Boris Yeltsin’s funeral: The first to be sanctioned by the Russian Orthodox Church for a head of state since the funeral of Emperor Alexander III in 1894.
  • 2015 – Nearly 9,100 are killed after a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake strikes Nepal.

Births on April 25

  • 1214 – Louis IX of France (d. 1270)
  • 1228 – Conrad IV of Germany (d. 1254)
  • 1284 – Edward II of England (d. 1327)
  • 1287 – Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of March, English politician, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (d. 1330)
  • 1502 – Georg Major, German theologian and academic (d. 1574)
  • 1529 – Francesco Patrizi, Italian philosopher and scientist (d. 1597)
  • 1599 – Oliver Cromwell, English general and politician, Lord Protector of Great Britain (d. 1658)
  • 1621 – Roger Boyle, 1st Earl of Orrery, English soldier and politician (d. 1679)
  • 1666 – Johann Heinrich Buttstett, German organist and composer (d. 1727)
  • 1694 – Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington, English architect and politician, Lord High Treasurer of Ireland (d. 1753)
  • 1710 – James Ferguson, Scottish astronomer and author (d. 1776)
  • 1723 – Giovanni Marco Rutini, Italian composer (d. 1797)
  • 1725 – Augustus Keppel, 1st Viscount Keppel, English admiral and politician (d. 1786)
  • 1767 – Nicolas Oudinot, French general (d. 1847)
  • 1770 – Georg Sverdrup, Norwegian philologist and academic (d. 1850)
  • 1776 – Princess Mary, Duchess of Gloucester and Edinburgh (d. 1857)
  • 1843 – Princess Alice of the United Kingdom (d. 1878)
  • 1849 – Felix Klein, German mathematician and academic (d. 1925)
  • 1850 – Luise Adolpha Le Beau, German composer and educator (d. 1927)
  • 1851 – Leopoldo Alas, Spanish author, critic, and academic (d. 1901)
  • 1854 – Charles Sumner Tainter, American engineer and inventor (d. 1940)
  • 1862 – Edward Grey, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon, English ornithologist and politician, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (d. 1933)
  • 1868 – John Moisant, American pilot and engineer (d. 1910)
  • 1871 – Lorne Currie, French-English sailor (d. 1926)
  • 1872 – C. B. Fry, English cricketer, footballer, educator, and politician (d. 1956)
  • 1873 – Walter de la Mare, English poet, short story writer, and novelist (d. 1956)
  • 1873 – Howard Garis, American author, creator of the Uncle Wiggily series of children’s stories (d. 1962)
  • 1874 – Guglielmo Marconi, Italian businessman and inventor, developed Marconi’s law, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1937)
  • 1874 – Ernest Webb, English-Canadian race walker (d. 1937)
  • 1876 – Jacob Nicol, Canadian publisher, lawyer, and politician (d. 1958)
  • 1878 – William Merz, American gymnast and triathlete (d. 1946)
  • 1882 – Fred McLeod, Scottish golfer (d. 1976)
  • 1887 – Kojo Tovalou Houénou, Beninese lawyer and critic (d. 1936)
  • 1892 – Maud Hart Lovelace, American author (d. 1980)
  • 1896 – Fred Haney, American baseball player, coach, and manager (d. 1977)
  • 1897 – Mary, Princess Royal and Countess of Harewood (d. 1965)
  • 1900 – Gladwyn Jebb, English politician and diplomat, Secretary-General of the United Nations (d. 1996)
  • 1900 – Wolfgang Pauli, Austrian-Swiss-American physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1958)
  • 1902 – Werner Heyde, German psychiatrist and academic (d. 1964)
  • 1902 – Mary Miles Minter, American actress (d. 1984)
  • 1903 – Andrey Kolmogorov, Russian mathematician and academic (d. 1987)
  • 1905 – George Nepia, New Zealand rugby player and referee (d. 1986)
  • 1906 – William J. Brennan Jr., American colonel and Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court (d. 1997)
  • 1908 – Edward R. Murrow, American journalist (d. 1965)
  • 1909 – William Pereira, American architect, designed the Transamerica Pyramid (d. 1985)
  • 1910 – Arapeta Awatere, New Zealand interpreter, military leader, politician, and murderer (d. 1976)
  • 1911 – Connie Marrero, Cuban baseball player and coach (d. 2014)
  • 1912 – Earl Bostic, African-American saxophonist (d. 1965)
  • 1913 – Nikolaos Roussen, Greek captain (d. 1944)
  • 1914 – Ross Lockridge Jr., American author and academic (d. 1948)
  • 1915 – Mort Weisinger, American journalist and author (d. 1978)
  • 1916 – Jerry Barber, American golfer (d. 1994)
  • 1917 – Ella Fitzgerald, American singer (d. 1996)
  • 1917 – Jean Lucas, French racing driver (d. 2003)
  • 1918 – Graham Payn, South African-born English actor and singer (d. 2005)
  • 1918 – Gérard de Vaucouleurs, French-American astronomer and academic (d. 1995)
  • 1918 – Astrid Varnay, Swedish-American soprano and actress (d. 2006)
  • 1919 – Finn Helgesen, Norwegian speed skater (d. 2011)
  • 1921 – Karel Appel, Dutch painter and sculptor (d. 2006)
  • 1923 – Francis Graham-Smith, English astronomer and academic
  • 1923 – Melissa Hayden, Canadian ballerina (d. 2006)
  • 1923 – Albert King, African-American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (d. 1992)
  • 1924 – Ingemar Johansson, Swedish race walker (d. 2009)
  • 1924 – Franco Mannino, Italian pianist, composer, director, and playwright (d. 2005)
  • 1924 – Paulo Vanzolini, Brazilian singer-songwriter and zoologist (d. 2013)
  • 1925 – Tony Christopher, Baron Christopher, English trade union leader and businessman
  • 1925 – Sammy Drechsel, German comedian and journalist (d. 1986)
  • 1925 – Louis O’Neil, Canadian academic and politician (d. 2018)
  • 1926 – Johnny Craig, American author and illustrator (d. 2001)
  • 1926 – Gertrude Fröhlich-Sandner, Austrian politician (d. 2008)
  • 1926 – Patricia Castell, Argentine actress (d. 2013)
  • 1927 – Corín Tellado, Spanish author (d. 2009)
  • 1927 – Albert Uderzo, French author and illustrator (d. 2020)
  • 1928 – Cy Twombly, American-Italian painter and sculptor (d. 2011)
  • 1929 – Yvette Williams, New Zealand long jumper, shot putter, and discus thrower (d. 2019)
  • 1930 – Paul Mazursky, American actor, director, and screenwriter (d. 2014)
  • 1930 – Godfrey Milton-Thompson, English admiral and surgeon (d. 2012)
  • 1930 – Peter Schulz, German lawyer and politician, Mayor of Hamburg (d. 2013)
  • 1931 – Felix Berezin, Russian mathematician and physicist (d. 1980)
  • 1931 – David Shepherd, English painter and author (d. 2017)
  • 1932 – Nikolai Kardashev, Russian astrophysicist (d. 2019)
  • 1932 – Meadowlark Lemon, African-American basketball player and minister (d. 2015)
  • 1932 – Lia Manoliu, Romanian discus thrower and politician (d. 1998)
  • 1933 – Jerry Leiber, American songwriter and producer (d. 2011)
  • 1933 – Joyce Ricketts, American baseball player (d. 1992)
  • 1934 – Peter McParland, Northern Irish footballer and manager
  • 1935 – Bob Gutowski, American pole vaulter (d. 1960)
  • 1935 – Reinier Kreijermaat, Dutch footballer (d. 2018)
  • 1936 – Henck Arron, Surinamese banker and politician, 1st Prime Minister of the Republic of Suriname (d. 2000)
  • 1938 – Roger Boisjoly, American aerodynamicist and engineer (d. 2012)
  • 1938 – Ton Schulten, Dutch painter and graphic designer
  • 1939 – Tarcisio Burgnich, Italian footballer and manager
  • 1939 – Michael Llewellyn-Smith, English academic and diplomat
  • 1939 – Robert Skidelsky, Baron Skidelsky, English historian and academic
  • 1939 – Veronica Sutherland, English academic and British diplomat
  • 1940 – Al Pacino, American actor and director
  • 1941 – Bertrand Tavernier, French actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
  • 1942 – Jon Kyl, American lawyer and politician
  • 1943 – Tony Christie, English singer-songwriter and actor
  • 1944 – Len Goodman, English dancer
  • 1944 – Mike Kogel, German singer-songwriter
  • 1944 – Stephen Nickell, English economist and academic
  • 1944 – Bruce Ponder, English geneticist and cancer researcher
  • 1945 – Stu Cook, American bass player, songwriter, and producer
  • 1945 – Richard C. Hoagland, American theorist and author
  • 1945 – Björn Ulvaeus, Swedish singer-songwriter and producer
  • 1946 – Talia Shire, American actress
  • 1946 – Peter Sutherland, Irish lawyer and politician, Attorney General of Ireland
  • 1946 – Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Russian colonel, lawyer, and politician
  • 1947 – Johan Cruyff, Dutch footballer and manager (d. 2016)
  • 1947 – Jeffrey DeMunn, American actor
  • 1948 – Mike Selvey, English cricketer and sportscaster
  • 1948 – Yu Shyi-kun, Taiwanese politician, 39th Premier of the Republic of China
  • 1949 – Vicente Pernía, Argentinian footballer and race car driver
  • 1949 – Dominique Strauss-Kahn, French economist, lawyer, and politician, French Minister of Finance
  • 1949 – James Fenton, English poet, journalist and literary critic
  • 1950 – Donnell Deeny, Northern Irish lawyer and judge
  • 1950 – Steve Ferrone, English drummer
  • 1950 – Peter Hintze, German politician (d. 2016)
  • 1950 – Valentyna Kozyr, Ukrainian high jumper
  • 1951 – Ian McCartney, Scottish politician, Minister of State for Trade
  • 1952 – Ketil Bjørnstad, Norwegian pianist and composer
  • 1952 – Vladislav Tretiak, Russian ice hockey player and coach
  • 1952 – Jacques Santini, French footballer and coach
  • 1953 – Ron Clements, American animator, producer, and screenwriter
  • 1953 – Gary Cosier, Australian cricketer
  • 1953 – Anthony Venables, English economist, author, and academic
  • 1954 – Melvin Burgess, English author
  • 1954 – Randy Cross, American football player and sportscaster
  • 1954 – Róisín Shortall, Irish educator and politician
  • 1955 – Américo Gallego, Argentinian footballer and coach
  • 1955 – Parviz Parastui, Iranian actor and singer
  • 1955 – Zev Siegl, American businessman, co-founded Starbucks
  • 1956 – Dominique Blanc, French actress, director, and screenwriter
  • 1956 – Abdalla Uba Adamu, Nigerian professor, media scholar
  • 1957 – Theo de Rooij, Dutch cyclist and manager
  • 1958 – Fish, Scottish singer-songwriter
  • 1958 – Misha Glenny, British journalist
  • 1959 – Paul Madden, English diplomat, British High Commissioner to Australia
  • 1959 – Daniel Kash, Canadian actor and director
  • 1959 – Tony Phillips, American baseball player (d. 2016)
  • 1960 – Paul Baloff, American singer (d. 2002)
  • 1960 – Robert Peston, English journalist
  • 1960 – Bruce Redman, Australian director, producer, and critic
  • 1961 – Dinesh D’Souza, Indian-American journalist and author
  • 1961 – Miran Tepeš, Slovenian ski jumper
  • 1962 – Foeke Booy, Dutch footballer and manager
  • 1963 – Joy Covey, American businesswoman (d. 2013)
  • 1963 – Dave Martin, English footballer
  • 1963 – David Moyes, Scottish footballer and manager
  • 1963 – Bernd Müller, German footballer and manager
  • 1963 – Paul Wassif, English singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • 1964 – Hank Azaria, American actor, voice artist, comedian and producer
  • 1964 – Andy Bell, English singer-songwriter
  • 1965 – Eric Avery, American bass player and songwriter
  • 1965 – Mark Bryant, American basketball player and coach
  • 1965 – John Henson, American puppeteer and voice actor (d. 2014)
  • 1966 – Diego Domínguez, Argentinian-Italian rugby player
  • 1966 – Femke Halsema, Dutch sociologist, academic, and politician
  • 1966 – Darren Holmes, American baseball player and coach
  • 1966 – Erik Pappas, American baseball player and coach
  • 1967 – Angel Martino, American swimmer
  • 1968 – Vitaliy Kyrylenko, Ukrainian long jumper
  • 1968 – Thomas Strunz, German footballer
  • 1969 – Joe Buck, American sportscaster
  • 1969 – Martin Koolhoven, Dutch director and screenwriter
  • 1969 – Jon Olsen, American swimmer
  • 1969 – Darren Woodson, American football player and sportscaster
  • 1969 – Renée Zellweger, American actress and producer
  • 1970 – Jason Lee, American skateboarder, actor, comedian and producer
  • 1971 – Sara Baras, Spanish dancer
  • 1971 – Brad Clontz, American baseball player
  • 1973 – Carlota Castrejana, Spanish triple jumper
  • 1973 – Fredrik Larzon, Swedish drummer
  • 1973 – Barbara Rittner, German tennis player
  • 1975 – Jacque Jones, American baseball player and coach
  • 1976 – Gilberto da Silva Melo, Brazilian footballer
  • 1976 – Tim Duncan, American basketball player
  • 1976 – Breyton Paulse, South African rugby player
  • 1976 – Rainer Schüttler, German tennis player and coach
  • 1977 – Constantinos Christoforou, Cypriot singer-songwriter
  • 1977 – Ilias Kotsios, Greek footballer
  • 1977 – Marguerite Moreau, American actress and producer
  • 1977 – Matthew West, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor
  • 1978 – Matt Walker, English swimmer
  • 1980 – Ben Johnston, Scottish drummer and songwriter
  • 1980 – James Johnston, Scottish bass player and songwriter
  • 1980 – Daniel MacPherson, Australian actor and television host
  • 1980 – Bruce Martin, New Zealand cricketer
  • 1980 – Kazuhito Tadano, Japanese baseball player
  • 1980 – Alejandro Valverde, Spanish cyclist
  • 1981 – Dwone Hicks, American football player
  • 1981 – Felipe Massa, Brazilian racing driver
  • 1981 – John McFall, English sprinter
  • 1981 – Anja Pärson, Swedish skier
  • 1982 – Brian Barton, American baseball player
  • 1982 – Monty Panesar, English cricketer
  • 1982 – Marco Russo, Italian footballer
  • 1983 – Johnathan Thurston, Australian rugby league player
  • 1983 – DeAngelo Williams, American football player
  • 1984 – Robert Andino, American baseball player
  • 1984 – Isaac Kiprono Songok, Kenyan runner
  • 1985 – Giedo van der Garde, Dutch racing driver
  • 1986 – Alexei Emelin, Russian ice hockey player
  • 1986 – Thin Seng Hon, Cambodian Paralympic athlete
  • 1986 – Gwen Jorgensen, American triathlete
  • 1986 – Claudia Rath, German heptathlete
  • 1987 – Razak Boukari, Togolese footballer
  • 1987 – Jay Park, American-South Korean singer-songwriter and dancer
  • 1987 – Johann Smith, American soccer player
  • 1988 – James Sheppard, Canadian ice hockey player
  • 1989 – Marie-Michèle Gagnon, Canadian skier
  • 1989 – Michael van Gerwen, Dutch darts player
  • 1989 – Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, the 11th Panchen Lama, one of the highest-ranking spiritual leaders in Tibet
  • 1990 – Jean-Éric Vergne, French racing driver
  • 1990 – Taylor Walker, Australian footballer
  • 1991 – Alex Shibutani, American ice dancer
  • 1993 – Alex Bowman, American race car driver
  • 1993 – Daniel Norris, American baseball player
  • 1994 – Omar McLeod, Jamaican hurdler
  • 1995 – Lewis Baker, English footballer
  • 1996 – Mack Horton, Australian swimmer
  • 1997 – Julius Ertlthaler, Austrian footballer

Deaths on April 25

  • 501 – Rusticus, saint and archbishop of Lyon (b. 455)
  • 775 – Smbat VII Bagratuni, Armenian prince
  • 775 – Mushegh VI Mamikonian, Armenian prince
  • 908 – Zhang Wenwei, Chinese chancellor
  • 1074 – Herman I, Margrave of Baden
  • 1077 – Géza I of Hungary (b. 1040)
  • 1185 – Emperor Antoku of Japan (b. 1178)
  • 1217 – Hermann I, Landgrave of Thuringia
  • 1228 – Queen Isabella II of Jerusalem (b. 1212)
  • 1243 – Boniface of Valperga, Bishop of Aosta
  • 1264 – Roger de Quincy, 2nd Earl of Winchester, medieval English nobleman; Earl of Winchester (b. 1195)
  • 1295 – Sancho IV of Castile (b. 1258)
  • 1342 – Pope Benedict XII (b. 1285)
  • 1397 – Thomas Holland, 2nd Earl of Kent, English nobleman
  • 1472 – Leon Battista Alberti, Italian author, poet, and philosopher (b. 1404)
  • 1516 – John Yonge, English diplomat (b. 1467)
  • 1566 – Louise Labé, French poet and author (b. 1520)
  • 1566 – Diane de Poitiers, mistress of King Henry II of France (b. 1499)
  • 1595 – Torquato Tasso, Italian poet and songwriter (b. 1544)
  • 1605 – Naresuan, Siamese King of Ayutthaya Kingdom (b. c. 1555)
  • 1644 – Chongzhen Emperor of China (b. 1611)
  • 1660 – Henry Hammond, English cleric and theologian (b. 1605)
  • 1690 – David Teniers the Younger, Flemish painter and educator (b. 1610)
  • 1744 – Anders Celsius, Swedish astronomer, physicist, and mathematician (b. 1701)
  • 1770 – Jean-Antoine Nollet, French minister, physicist, and academic (b. 1700)
  • 1800 – William Cowper, English poet (b. 1731)
  • 1840 – Siméon Denis Poisson, French mathematician and physicist (b. 1781)
  • 1873 – Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy, Russian painter and sculptor (b. 1783)
  • 1875 – 12th Dalai Lama (b. 1857)
  • 1878 – Anna Sewell, English author (b. 1820)
  • 1890 – Crowfoot, Canadian tribal chief (b. 1830)
  • 1891 – Nathaniel Woodard, English priest and educator (b. 1811)
  • 1892 – Henri Duveyrier, French explorer (b. 1840)
  • 1892 – Karl von Ditmar, Estonian-German geologist and explorer (b. 1822)
  • 1906 – John Knowles Paine, American composer and educator (b. 1839)
  • 1911 – Emilio Salgari, Italian journalist and author (b. 1862)
  • 1913 – Joseph-Alfred Archambeault, Canadian bishop (b. 1859)
  • 1915 – Frederick W. Seward, American journalist, lawyer, and politician, 6th United States Assistant Secretary of State (b. 1830)
  • 1919 – Augustus D. Juilliard, American businessman and philanthropist (b. 1836)
  • 1923 – Louis-Olivier Taillon, Canadian lawyer and politician, 8th Premier of Quebec (b. 1840)
  • 1928 – Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel, Russian general (b. 1878)
  • 1941 – Salih Bozok, Turkish commander and politician (b. 1881)
  • 1943 – Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, Russian director, producer, and playwright (b. 1858)
  • 1944 – George Herriman, American cartoonist (b. 1880)
  • 1944 – Tony Mullane, Irish-American baseball player (b. 1859)
  • 1944 – William Stephens, American engineer and politician, 24th Governor of California (b. 1859)
  • 1945 – Huldreich Georg Früh, Swiss composer (b. 1903)
  • 1961 – Robert Garrett, American discus thrower and shot putter (b. 1875)
  • 1970 – Anita Louise, American actress (b. 1915)
  • 1972 – George Sanders, English actor (b. 1906)
  • 1973 – Olga Grey, Hungarian-American actress (b. 1896)
  • 1974 – Gustavo R. Vincenti, Maltese architect and developer (b. 1888)
  • 1975 – Mike Brant, Israeli singer and songwriter (b.1947)
  • 1976 – Carol Reed, English director and producer (b. 1906)
  • 1976 – Markus Reiner, Israeli engineer and educator (b. 1886)
  • 1982 – John Cody, American cardinal (b. 1907)
  • 1983 – William S. Bowdern, American priest and author (b. 1897)
  • 1988 – Carolyn Franklin, American singer-songwriter (b. 1944)
  • 1988 – Clifford D. Simak, American journalist and author (b. 1904)
  • 1990 – Dexter Gordon, American saxophonist, composer, and actor (b. 1923)
  • 1992 – Yutaka Ozaki, Japanese singer-songwriter (b. 1965)
  • 1995 – Art Fleming, American game show host (b. 1925)
  • 1995 – Ginger Rogers, American actress, singer, and dancer (b. 1911)
  • 1995 – Lev Shankovsky, Ukrainian military historian (b. 1903)
  • 1996 – Saul Bass, American graphic designer and director (b. 1920)
  • 1998 – Wright Morris, American author and photographer (b. 1910)
  • 1999 – Michael Morris, 3rd Baron Killanin, Irish journalist and author (b. 1914)
  • 1999 – Roger Troutman, American singer-songwriter and producer (b. 1951)
  • 2000 – Lucien Le Cam, French mathematician and statistician (b. 1924)
  • 2000 – David Merrick, American director and producer (b. 1911)
  • 2001 – Michele Alboreto, Italian racing driver (b. 1956)
  • 2002 – Lisa Lopes, American rapper and dancer (b. 1971)
  • 2003 – Samson Kitur, Kenyan runner (b. 1966)
  • 2004 – Thom Gunn, English-American poet and academic (b. 1929)
  • 2005 – Jim Barker, American politician (b. 1935)
  • 2005 – Swami Ranganathananda, Indian monk and educator (b. 1908)
  • 2006 – Jane Jacobs, American-Canadian journalist, author, and activist (b. 1916)
  • 2006 – Peter Law, Welsh politician and independent member of parliament (b. 1948)
  • 2007 – Alan Ball Jr., English footballer and manager (b. 1945)
  • 2007 – Arthur Milton, English footballer and cricketer (b. 1928)
  • 2007 – Bobby Pickett, American singer-songwriter (b. 1938)
  • 2008 – Humphrey Lyttelton, English trumpet player, composer, and radio host (b. 1921)
  • 2009 – Bea Arthur, American actress and singer (b. 1922)
  • 2010 – Dorothy Provine, American actress and singer (b. 1935)
  • 2010 – Alan Sillitoe, English novelist, short story writer, essayist, and poet (b. 1928)
  • 2011 – Poly Styrene, British musician (b. 1957)
  • 2012 – Gerry Bahen, Australian footballer (b. 1929)
  • 2012 – Denny Jones, American rancher and politician (b. 1910)
  • 2012 – Moscelyne Larkin, American ballerina and educator (b. 1925)
  • 2012 – Louis le Brocquy, Irish painter and illustrator (b. 1916)
  • 2013 – Brian Adam, Scottish biochemist and politician (b. 1948)
  • 2013 – Jacob Avshalomov, American composer and conductor (b. 1919)
  • 2013 – György Berencsi, Hungarian virologist and academic (b. 1941)
  • 2013 – Rick Camp, American baseball player (b. 1953)
  • 2014 – Dan Heap, Canadian priest and politician (b. 1925)
  • 2014 – William Judson Holloway Jr., American soldier, lawyer, and judge (b. 1923)
  • 2014 – Earl Morrall, American football player and coach (b. 1934)
  • 2014 – Tito Vilanova, Spanish footballer and manager (b. 1968)
  • 2014 – Stefanie Zweig, German journalist and author (b. 1932)
  • 2015 – Jim Fanning, American-Canadian baseball player and manager (b. 1927)
  • 2015 – Matthias Kuhle, German geographer and academic (b. 1948)
  • 2015 – Don Mankiewicz, American screenwriter and novelist (b. 1922)
  • 2015 – Mike Phillips, American basketball player (b. 1956)
  • 2016 – Tom Lewis, Australian politician, 33rd Premier of New South Wales (b. 1922)
  • 2018 – Madeeha Gauhar, Pakistani actress, playwright and director of social theater, and women’s rights activist (b. 1956)
  • 2019 – John Havlicek, American basketball player (b. 1940)

Holidays and observances on April 25

  • Anniversary of the First Cabinet of Kurdish Government (Iraqi Kurdistan)
  • Anzac Day (Australia, New Zealand)
  • Arbor Day (Germany)
  • Christian feast day:
    • Giovanni Battista Piamarta
    • Major Rogation (Western Christianity)
    • Mark the Evangelist
    • Maughold
    • Philo and Agathopodes
    • Anianus of Alexandria
    • April 25 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • DNA Day
  • Flag Day (Faroe Islands)
  • Freedom Day (Portugal)
  • Liberation Day (Italy)
  • Liberation Day (South Georgia)
  • Military Foundation Day (North Korea)
  • Parental Alienation Awareness Day
  • Red Hat Society Day
  • Sinai Liberation Day (Egypt)
  • World Malaria Day

April 25 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day Read More »

On This Day

April 22 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day

  • 238 – Year of the Six Emperors: The Roman Senate outlaws emperor Maximinus Thrax for his bloodthirsty proscriptions in Rome and nominates two of its members, Pupienus and Balbinus, to the throne.
  • 1500 – Portuguese navigator Pedro Álvares Cabral lands in Brazil.
  • 1519 – Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés establishes a settlement at Veracruz, Mexico.
  • 1529 – Treaty of Zaragoza divides the eastern hemisphere between Spain and Portugal along a line 297.5 leagues (1,250 kilometres (780 mi)) east of the Moluccas.
  • 1622 – The Capture of Ormuz by the East India Company ends Portuguese control of Hormuz Island.
  • 1809 – The second day of the Battle of Eckmühl: The Austrian army is defeated by the First French Empire army led by Napoleon and driven over the Danube in Regensburg.
  • 1836 – Texas Revolution: A day after the Battle of San Jacinto, forces under Texas General Sam Houston identify Mexican General Antonio López de Santa Anna among the captives of the battle when some of his fellow soldiers mistakenly give away his identity.
  • 1864 – The U.S. Congress passes the Coinage Act of 1864 that mandates that the inscription In God We Trust be placed on all coins minted as United States currency.
  • 1876 – The first game in the history of the National League was played at the Jefferson Street Grounds in Philadelphia. This game is often pointed to as the beginning of Major League Baseball.
  • 1889 – At noon, thousands rush to claim land in the Land Rush of 1889. Within hours the cities of Oklahoma City and Guthrie are formed with populations of at least 10,000.
  • 1898 – Spanish–American War: The USS Nashville captures a Spanish merchant ship.
  • 1906 – The 1906 Intercalated Games, now recognized as part of the official Olympic Games, open in Athens.
  • 1915 – The use of poison gas in World War I escalates when chlorine gas is released as a chemical weapon in the Second Battle of Ypres.
  • 1930 – The United Kingdom, Japan and the United States sign the London Naval Treaty regulating submarine warfare and limiting shipbuilding.
  • 1944 – The 1st Air Commando Group using Sikorsky R-4 helicopters stage the first use of helicopters in combat with combat search and rescue operations in the China Burma India Theater.
  • 1944 – World War II: Operation Persecution is initiated: Allied forces land in the Hollandia (currently known as Jayapura) area of New Guinea.
  • 1944 – World War II: In Greenland, the Allied Sledge Patrol attack the German Bassgeiger weather station.
  • 1945 – World War II: Prisoners at the Jasenovac concentration camp revolt. Five hundred twenty are killed and around eighty escape.
  • 1948 – Arab–Israeli War: The port city of Haifa is captured by Jewish forces.
  • 1951 – Korean War: The Chinese People’s Volunteer Army begin assaulting positions defended by the Royal Australian Regiment and the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry at the Battle of Kapyong.
  • 1954 – Red Scare: Witnesses begin testifying and live television coverage of the Army–McCarthy hearings begins.
  • 1969 – British yachtsman Sir Robin Knox-Johnston wins the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race and completes the first solo non-stop circumnavigation of the world.
  • 1969 – The formation of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) is announced at a mass rally in Calcutta.
  • 1970 – The first Earth Day is celebrated.
  • 1972 – Increased American bombing in Vietnam prompts anti-war protests in Los Angeles, New York City, and San Francisco.
  • 1977 – Optical fiber is first used to carry live telephone traffic.
  • 1983 – The German magazine Stern claims the “Hitler Diaries” had been found in wreckage in East Germany; the diaries are subsequently revealed to be forgeries.
  • 1992 – In a series of explosions in Guadalajara, Mexico, 206 people are killed, nearly 500 injured and 15,000 left homeless.
  • 1993 – Eighteen-year-old Stephen Lawrence is murdered in a racially motivated attack while waiting for a bus in Well Hall, Eltham.
  • 1997 – Haouch Khemisti massacre in Algeria where 93 villagers are killed.
  • 2000 – In a pre-dawn raid, federal agents seize six-year-old Elián González from his relatives’ home in Miami.
  • 2004 – Two fuel trains collide in Ryongchon, North Korea, killing up to 150 people.
  • 2005 – Japan’s Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi apologizes for Japan’s war record.
  • 2008 – The United States Air Force retires the remaining F-117 Nighthawk aircraft in service.
  • 2013 – The Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrest and charge two men with plotting to disrupt a Toronto area train service in a plot claimed to be backed by Al-Qaeda elements.
  • 2014 – More than 60 people are killed and 80 are seriously injured in a train crash in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s Katanga Province.
  • 2016 – The Paris Agreement is signed, an agreement to help fight global warming.
  • 2019 – The 2019 Luzon earthquake kills at least 18 people in the Philippines.

Births on April 22

  • 1412 – Reinhard III, Count of Hanau (1451–1452) (d. 1452)
  • 1444 – Elizabeth of York, Duchess of Suffolk (d. 1503)
  • 1451 – Isabella I of Castile (d. 1504)
  • 1518 – Antoine of Navarre (d. 1562)
  • 1592 – Wilhelm Schickard, German astronomer and mathematician (d. 1635)
  • 1610 – Pope Alexander VIII (d. 1691)
  • 1658 – Giuseppe Torelli, Italian violinist and composer (d. 1709)
  • 1690 – John Carteret, 2nd Earl Granville, English politician, Lord President of the Council (d. 1763)
  • 1707 – Henry Fielding, English novelist and playwright (d. 1754)
  • 1711 – Paul II Anton, Prince Esterházy, Austrian soldier (d. 1762)
  • 1724 – Immanuel Kant, German anthropologist, philosopher, and academic (d. 1804)
  • 1732 – John Johnson, English architect and surveyor (d. 1814)
  • 1744 – James Sullivan, American lawyer and politician, 7th Governor of Massachusetts (d. 1808)
  • 1757 – Alessandro Rolla, Italian violinist and composer (d. 1841)
  • 1766 – Germaine de Staël, French author and political philosopher (d. 1817)
  • 1812 – Solomon Caesar Malan, Swiss-English orientalist (d. 1894)
  • 1816 – Charles-Denis Bourbaki, French general (d. 1897)
  • 1830 – Emily Davies, British suffragist and educator, co-founder and an early Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge University
  • 1832 – Julius Sterling Morton, American journalist and politician, 3rd United States Secretary of Agriculture (d. 1902)
  • 1844 – Lewis Powell, American soldier, attempted assassin of William H. Seward (d. 1865)
  • 1852 – William IV, Grand Duke of Luxembourg (d. 1912)
  • 1858 – Ethel Smyth, English composer (d. 1944)
  • 1854 – Henri La Fontaine, Belgian lawyer and author, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1943)
  • 1860 – Ada Rehan, Irish-American actress (d. 1916)
  • 1870 – Vladimir Lenin, Russian revolutionary and founder of Soviet Russia (d. 1924)
  • 1872 – Princess Margaret of Prussia (d. 1954)
  • 1873 – Ellen Glasgow, American author (d. 1945)
  • 1876 – Róbert Bárány, Austrian-Swedish otologist and physician, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1936)
  • 1876 – Georg Lurich, Estonian wrestler and strongman (d. 1920)
  • 1879 – Bernhard Gregory, Estonian-German chess player (d. 1939)
  • 1884 – Otto Rank, Austrian-American psychologist and academic (d. 1939)
  • 1886 – Izidor Cankar, Slovenian historian, author, and diplomat (d. 1958)
  • 1889 – Richard Glücks, German SS officer (d. 1945)
  • 1891 – Laura Gilpin, American photographer (d. 1979)
  • 1891 – Vittorio Jano, Italian engineer (d. 1965)
  • 1891 – Harold Jeffreys, English mathematician, geophysicist, and astronomer (d. 1989)
  • 1891 – Nicola Sacco, Italian-American anarchist (d. 1927)
  • 1892 – Vernon Johns, African-American minister and activist (d. 1965)
  • 1899 – Vladimir Nabokov, Russian-born novelist and critic (d. 1977)
  • 1900 – Nellie Beer, British politician, Lord Mayor of Manchester from 1966–67 (d. 1988)
  • 1904 – J. Robert Oppenheimer, American physicist and academic (d. 1967)
  • 1905 – Robert Choquette, American-Canadian author, poet, and diplomat (d. 1991)
  • 1906 – Eric Fenby, English composer and educator (d. 1997)
  • 1906 – Prince Gustaf Adolf, Duke of Västerbotten (d. 1947)
  • 1908 – Ivan Yefremov, Russian paleontologist and author (d. 1972)
  • 1909 – Rita Levi-Montalcini, Sephardic Jewish-Italian neurologist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2012)
  • 1909 – Indro Montanelli, Italian journalist and historian (d. 2001)
  • 1909 – Spyros Markezinis, Greek politician, Prime Minister of Greece (d. 2000)
  • 1910 – Norman Steenrod, American mathematician and academic (d. 1971)
  • 1912 – Kathleen Ferrier, English operatic singer (d. 1953)
  • 1912 – Kaneto Shindo, Japanese director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2012)
  • 1914 – Baldev Raj Chopra, Indian director and producer (d. 2008)
  • 1914 – Jan de Hartog, Dutch-American author and playwright (d. 2002)
  • 1914 – José Quiñones Gonzales, Peruvian soldier and pilot (d. 1941)
  • 1914 – Michael Wittmann, German SS officer (d. 1944)
  • 1916 – Hanfried Lenz, German mathematician and academic (d. 2013)
  • 1916 – Yehudi Menuhin, American-Swiss violinist and conductor (d. 1999)
  • 1917 – Yvette Chauviré, French ballerina (d. 2016)
  • 1917 – Sidney Nolan, Australian painter (d. 1992)
  • 1918 – William Jay Smith, American poet and academic (d. 2015)
  • 1918 – Mickey Vernon, American baseball player and coach (d. 2008)
  • 1919 – Donald J. Cram, American chemist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2001)
  • 1919 – Carl Lindner, Jr., American businessman and philanthropist (d. 2011)
  • 1922 – Richard Diebenkorn, American soldier and painter (d. 1993)
  • 1922 – Charles Mingus, American bassist, composer, and bandleader (d. 1979)
  • 1922 – Wolf V. Vishniac, American microbiologist and academic (d. 1973)
  • 1923 – Peter Kane Dufault, American soldier, pilot, and poet (d. 2013)
  • 1923 – Bettie Page, American model and actress (d. 2008)
  • 1923 – Aaron Spelling, American actor, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2006)
  • 1924 – Nam Duck-woo, South Korean politician, 12th Prime Minister of South Korea (d. 2013)
  • 1926 – Charlotte Rae, American actress and singer (d. 2018)
  • 1926 – James Stirling, Scottish architect, designed the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart and Seeley Historical Library (d. 1992)
  • 1927 – Laurel Aitken, Cuban-Jamaican singer (d. 2005)
  • 1929 – Michael Atiyah, English-Lebanese mathematician and academic (d. 2019)
  • 1929 – Robert Wade-Gery, English diplomat, British High Commissioner to India (d. 2015)
  • 1930 – Enno Penno, Estonian politician, Prime Minister of Estonia in exile (d. 2016)
  • 1931 – John Buchanan, Canadian lawyer and politician, 20th Premier of Nova Scotia (d. 2019)
  • 1931 – Ronald Hynd, English dancer and choreographer
  • 1933 – Anthony Llewellyn, Welsh-American chemist and astronaut (d. 2013)
  • 1935 – Christopher Ball, English linguist and academic
  • 1935 – Paul Chambers, African-American bassist and composer (d. 1969)
  • 1935 – Bhama Srinivasan, Indian-American mathematician and academic
  • 1936 – Glen Campbell, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor (d. 2017)
  • 1936 – Pierre Hétu, Canadian pianist and conductor (d. 1998)
  • 1937 – Jack Nicholson, American actor and producer
  • 1937 – Jack Nitzsche, American singer-songwriter, pianist, and conductor (d. 2000)
  • 1938 – Alan Bond, English-Australian businessman (d. 2015)
  • 1938 – Gani Fawehinmi, Nigerian lawyer and activist (d. 2009)
  • 1938 – Issey Miyake, Japanese fashion designer
  • 1938 – Adam Raphael, English journalist and author
  • 1939 – Mel Carter, American singer and actor
  • 1939 – John Foley, English general and politician, Lieutenant Governor of Guernsey
  • 1939 – Ray Guy, Canadian journalist and author (d. 2013)
  • 1939 – Jason Miller, American actor and playwright (d. 2001)
  • 1939 – Theodor Waigel, German lawyer and politician, German Federal Minister of Finance
  • 1941 – Greville Howard, Baron Howard of Rising, English politician
  • 1942 – Giorgio Agamben, Italian philosopher and academic
  • 1942 – Mary Prior, English politician, Lord Lieutenant of Bristol
  • 1943 – Keith Crisco, American businessman and politician (d. 2014)
  • 1943 – Janet Evanovich, American author
  • 1943 – Louise Glück, American poet
  • 1943 – John Maples, Baron Maples, English lawyer and politician, Shadow Secretary of State for Defence (d. 2012)
  • 1943 – Scott W. Williams, American mathematician and professor
  • 1944 – Steve Fossett, American businessman, pilot, and sailor (d. 2007)
  • 1944 – Doug Jarrett, Canadian ice hockey player (d. 2014)
  • 1944 – Joshua Rifkin, American conductor and musicologist
  • 1945 – Gopalkrishna Gandhi, Indian civil servant and politician, 22nd Governor of West Bengal
  • 1945 – Demetrio Stratos, Egyptian-Italian singer-songwriter (d. 1979)
  • 1946 – Steven L. Bennett, American captain and pilot, Medal of Honor recipient (d. 1972)
  • 1946 – Paul Davies, English physicist and author
  • 1946 – Louise Harel, Canadian lawyer and politician
  • 1946 – Archy Kirkwood, Baron Kirkwood of Kirkhope, Scottish lawyer and politician
  • 1946 – Nicholas Stern, Baron Stern of Brentford, English economist and academic
  • 1946 – John Waters, American actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
  • 1948 – John Pritchard, English bishop
  • 1949 – Spencer Haywood, American basketball player
  • 1950 – Peter Frampton, English singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer
  • 1950 – Jancis Robinson, English journalist and critic
  • 1951 – Paul Carrack, English singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • 1951 – Aivars Kalējs, Latvian organist, composer, and pianist
  • 1951 – Ana María Shua, Argentinian author and poet
  • 1952 – François Berléand, French actor
  • 1952 – Dave Loveridge, New Zealand rugby player
  • 1952 – Phil Smith, American basketball player (d. 2002)
  • 1953 – Valeri Bondarenko, Estonian footballer and coach
  • 1953 – Richard Broadbent, English businessman
  • 1955 – David Collier, English businessman
  • 1957 – Donald Tusk, Polish journalist and politician, 14th Prime Minister of Poland
  • 1959 – Keith Boanas, English footballer and manager
  • 1959 – Terry Francona, American baseball player, coach, and manager
  • 1959 – Catherine Mary Stewart, Canadian actress
  • 1959 – Ryan Stiles, American-Canadian actor and producer
  • 1960 – Lloyd Honeyghan, Jamaican-English boxer
  • 1960 – Mart Laar, Estonian historian and politician, 9th Prime Minister of Estonia
  • 1960 – Randall L. Stephenson, American businessman
  • 1961 – Alo Mattiisen, Estonian composer (d. 1996)
  • 1961 – Ann McKechin, Scottish lawyer and politician, Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland
  • 1961 – Dewey Nicks, American photographer and director
  • 1962 – Danièle Sauvageau, Canadian ice hockey player and coach
  • 1963 – Rosalind Gill, English sociologist and academic
  • 1963 – Magnús Ver Magnússon, Icelandic weightlifter and strongman
  • 1964 – Paul Baxter, English footballer
  • 1965 – Miguel Leal, Portuguese footballer and manager
  • 1965 – Peter Zezel, Canadian ice hockey and soccer player (d. 2009)
  • 1966 – Mickey Morandini, American baseball player and manager
  • 1966 – Jeffrey Dean Morgan, American actor
  • 1967 – David J. C. MacKay, English physicist, engineer, and academic
  • 1967 – Sherri Shepherd, American actress and talk show panelist
  • 1967 – Harvey Williams, American football player
  • 1968 – Jo Angel, Australian cricketer
  • 1968 – Bimbo Coles, American basketball player and coach
  • 1968 – Zarley Zalapski, Canadian ice hockey player
  • 1969 – Dion Dublin, English footballer and sportscaster
  • 1970 – Erkki Bahovski, Estonian journalist
  • 1971 – Eric Mabius, American actor
  • 1971 – Spencer Prior, English footballer
  • 1972 – Sabine Appelmans, Belgian tennis player
  • 1972 – Owen Finegan, Australian rugby player and coach
  • 1972 – Milka Duno, Venezuelan race car driver and engineer
  • 1972 – Sergei Hohlov-Simson, Estonian footballer and manager
  • 1972 – Willie Robertson, American hunter and businessman
  • 1973 – Adem Poric, English-Australian footballer
  • 1973 – Ofer Talker, Israeli footballer and manager
  • 1974 – Shavo Odadjian, Armenian-American bass player, songwriter, and producer
  • 1975 – Greg Moore, Canadian race car driver (d. 1999)
  • 1975 – Carlos Sastre, Spanish cyclist
  • 1975 – Anders Nyström, Swedish guitarist and songwriter
  • 1976 – Dan Cloutier, Canadian ice hockey player and coach
  • 1976 – Paul Henderson, Australian footballer
  • 1976 – Michał Żewłakow, Polish footballer
  • 1977 – Mark van Bommel, Dutch footballer
  • 1978 – Paul Malakwen Kosgei, Kenyan runner and coach
  • 1978 – David Masters, English cricketer
  • 1978 – Matt Orford, Australian rugby league player
  • 1978 – Jason Stollsteimer, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • 1978 – Esteban Tuero, Argentinian race car driver
  • 1979 – Zoltán Gera, Hungarian international footballer and manager
  • 1979 – Daniel Johns, Australian singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • 1980 – Igor Budan, Croatian footballer
  • 1980 – Clarke Dermody, New Zealand rugby player
  • 1980 – Nicolas Douchez, French footballer
  • 1980 – Courtney Friel, American journalist
  • 1980 – Carlos Hernández, Venezuelan baseball player
  • 1980 – Quincy Timberlake, Kenyan-Australian activist, engineer, and politician
  • 1980 – Rutledge Wood, American racing analyst and television personality
  • 1981 – Madis Kallas, Estonian decathlete and activist
  • 1981 – Rafael Sperafico, Brazilian race car driver (d. 2007)
  • 1981 – Jonathan Trott, South African-English cricketer
  • 1982 – Kaká, Brazilian footballer
  • 1982 – Cassidy Freeman, American actress and musician
  • 1982 – Joel Monaghan, Australian rugby league player
  • 1982 – David Purcey, American baseball player
  • 1982 – Aidas Reklys, Lithuanian figure skater
  • 1982 – Aleksander Saharov, Estonian footballer
  • 1982 – Noriko Shitaya, Japanese voice actress
  • 1983 – Remi Ayodele, American football player
  • 1983 – Sam W. Heads, English-American entomologist and palaeontologist
  • 1983 – Jos Hooiveld, Dutch footballer
  • 1983 – Matt Jones, American football player
  • 1983 – Vangelis Mantzios, Greek footballer
  • 1984 – Amelle Berrabah, English singer-songwriter
  • 1985 – Kristin Fairlie, Canadian actress
  • 1986 – Amber Heard, American actress and producer
  • 1986 – Marshawn Lynch, American football player
  • 1986 – Dušan Šakota, Serbian-Greek basketball player
  • 1987 – David Luiz, Brazilian footballer
  • 1987 – David Mateos, Spanish footballer
  • 1988 – Dee Gordon, American baseball player
  • 1989 – DeJuan Blair, American basketball player
  • 1989 – Jasper Cillessen, Dutch footballer
  • 1989 – Aron Gunnarsson, Icelandic footballer
  • 1990 – Óscar González, Mexican boxer (d. 2014)
  • 1990 – Machine Gun Kelly, American rapper and actor
  • 1991 – Jordi Murphy, Irish international rugby player
  • 1991 – Braydon Smith, Australian boxer (d. 2015)
  • 1992 – Kenny Stills, American football player
  • 1992 – Joonas Vaino, Estonian basketball player
  • 1993 – Anthony McDonald-Tipungwuti, Australian footballer
  • 1993 – Ngani Laumape, New Zealand rugby player
  • 1993 – Marcel Ritzmaier, Austrian footballer

Deaths on April 22

  • 296 – Pope Caius
  • 536 – Pope Agapetus I
  • 591 – Peter III of Raqqa
  • 613 – Saint Theodore of Sykeon
  • 846 – Wuzong, Chinese emperor (b. 814)
  • 1208 – Philip of Poitou, Prince-Bishop of Durham
  • 1322 – Francis of Fabriano, Italian writer (b. 1251)
  • 1355 – Eleanor of Woodstock, countess regent of Guelders, eldest daughter of King Edward II of England (b. 1318)
  • 1585 – Henry of Saxe-Lauenburg, Prince-Archbishop of Bremen, Prince-Bishop of Osnabrück and Paderborn (b. 1550)
  • 1616 – Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish novelist, poet, and playwright (b. 1547)
  • 1672 – Georg Stiernhielm, Swedish linguist and poet (b. 1598)
  • 1699 – Hans Erasmus Aßmann, German poet (b. 1646)
  • 1758 – Antoine de Jussieu, French botanist and physician (b. 1686)
  • 1778 – James Hargreaves, British inventor (b. 1720)
  • 1806 – Pierre-Charles Villeneuve, French admiral (b. 1763)
  • 1821 – Gregory V of Constantinople, Greek patriarch and saint (b. 1746)
  • 1833 – Richard Trevithick, English engineer and explorer (b. 1771)
  • 1850 – Friedrich Robert Faehlmann, Estonian philologist and physician (b. 1798)
  • 1854 – Nicolás Bravo, Mexican general and politician, 11th President of Mexico (b. 1786)
  • 1871 – Martín Carrera, Mexican general and president (1855) (b. 1806)
  • 1877 – James P. Kirkwood, Scottish-American engineer (b. 1807)
  • 1892 – Édouard Lalo, French violinist and composer (b. 1823)
  • 1893 – Chaim Aronson, Lithuanian businessman and author (b. 1825)
  • 1894 – Kostas Krystallis, Greek author and poet (b. 1868)
  • 1896 – Thomas Meik, English engineer, founded Halcrow Group (b. 1812)
  • 1908 – Henry Campbell-Bannerman, Scottish-English merchant and politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (b. 1836)
  • 1925 – André Caplet, French composer and conductor (b. 1878)
  • 1929 – Henry Lerolle, French painter and art collector (b. 1848)
  • 1932 – Ferenc Oslay, Hungarian-Slovene historian and author (b. 1883)
  • 1933 – Henry Royce, English engineer and businessman, co-founded Rolls-Royce Limited (b. 1863)
  • 1944 – Nikolaos Roussen, Greek captain (b. 1913)
  • 1945 – Wilhelm Cauer, German mathematician and academic (b. 1900)
  • 1945 – Käthe Kollwitz, German painter and sculptor (b. 1867)
  • 1946 – Lionel Atwill, English-American actor (b. 1885)
  • 1946 – Harlan F. Stone, American lawyer and jurist, 12th Chief Justice of the United States (b. 1872)
  • 1949 – Charles Middleton, American actor (b. 1874)
  • 1950 – Charles Hamilton Houston, American lawyer and academic (b. 1895)
  • 1951 – Horace Donisthorpe, English myrmecologist and coleopterist (b. 1870)
  • 1956 – Walt Faulkner, American race car driver (b. 1918)
  • 1968 – Stephen H. Sholes, American record producer (b. 1911)
  • 1978 – Will Geer, American actor (b. 1902)
  • 1980 – Jane Froman, American actress and singer (b. 1907)
  • 1980 – Fritz Strassmann, German chemist and physicist (b. 1902)
  • 1983 – Earl Hines, American pianist and bandleader (b. 1903)
  • 1984 – Ansel Adams, American photographer and environmentalist (b. 1902)
  • 1985 – Paul Hugh Emmett, American chemist and academic (b. 1900)
  • 1985 – Jacques Ferron, Canadian physician and author (b. 1921)
  • 1986 – Mircea Eliade, Romanian historian and author (b. 1907)
  • 1987 – Erika Nõva, Estonian architect (b. 1905)
  • 1988 – Grigori Kuzmin, Russian-Estonian astronomer and academic (b. 1917)
  • 1988 – Irene Rich, American actress (b. 1891)
  • 1989 – Emilio G. Segrè, Italian-American physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1905)
  • 1990 – Albert Salmi, American actor (b. 1928)
  • 1994 – Richard Nixon, American lieutenant, lawyer, and politician, 37th President of the United States (b. 1913)
  • 1995 – Jane Kenyon, American poet and author (b. 1947)
  • 1996 – Erma Bombeck, American journalist and author (b. 1927)
  • 1996 – Jug McSpaden, American golfer and architect (b. 1908)
  • 1998 – Kitch Christie, South African rugby player and coach (b. 1940)
  • 1999 – Chan Canasta, Polish-English magician (b. 1920)
  • 1999 – Munir Ahmad Khan, Pakistani nuclear engineer (b. 1926)
  • 2002 – Linda Lovelace, American porn actress and activist (b. 1949)
  • 2003 – Felice Bryant, American songwriter (b. 1925)
  • 2003 – James H. Critchfield, American CIA officer (b. 1917)
  • 2003 – Martha Griffiths, American lawyer, judge, and politician, 58th Lieutenant Governor of Michigan (b. 1912)
  • 2003 – Mike Larrabee, American runner (b. 1933)
  • 2004 – Jason Dunham, American soldier, Medal of Honor recipient (b. 1981)
  • 2004 – Pat Tillman, American football player and soldier (b. 1976)
  • 2005 – Erika Fuchs, German translator (b. 1906)
  • 2005 – Philip Morrison, American physicist and academic (b. 1915)
  • 2005 – Eduardo Paolozzi, Scottish sculptor and artist (b. 1924)
  • 2006 – Henriette Avram, American computer scientist and academic (b. 1919)
  • 2006 – D’Iberville Fortier, Canadian diplomat (b. 1926)
  • 2006 – Alida Valli, Italian actress (b. 1921)
  • 2007 – Juanita Millender-McDonald, American educator and politician (b. 1938)
  • 2008 – Cameron Argetsinger, American race car driver and lawyer (b. 1921)
  • 2008 – Ed Chynoweth, Canadian businessman (b. 1941)
  • 2009 – Jack Cardiff, British cinematographer, director and photographer (b. 1914)
  • 2010 – Richard Barrett, American lawyer and activist (b. 1943)
  • 2011 – Hazel Dickens, American singer-songwriter, bassist and guitarist (b. 1935)
  • 2012 – John Amabile, American football player and coach (b. 1939)
  • 2012 – Bill Granger, American author (b. 1941)
  • 2012 – Buzz Potamkin, American director and producer (b. 1945)
  • 2012 – George Rathmann, American chemist, biologist, and businessman (b. 1927)
  • 2013 – Dave Gold, American businessman, founded 99 Cents Only Stores (b. 1932)
  • 2013 – George Stanley Gordon, American businessman (b. 1926)
  • 2013 – Richie Havens, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (b. 1941)
  • 2013 – Lalgudi Jayaraman, Indian violinist and composer (b. 1930)
  • 2013 – Mike Smith, English footballer (b. 1935)
  • 2013 – Robert Suderburg, American pianist, composer, and conductor (b. 1936)
  • 2013 – J. S. Verma, Indian judge, 27th Chief Justice of India (b. 1933)
  • 2014 – Allen Jacobs, American football player and coach (b. 1941)
  • 2014 – Jovan Krkobabić, Serbian politician, Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia (b. 1930)
  • 2014 – Mohammad Naseem, Pakistani-English activist (b. 1924)
  • 2014 – Werner Potzernheim, German cyclist (b. 1927)
  • 2014 – Oswaldo Vigas, Venezuelan painter (b. 1926)
  • 2015 – Dick Balharry, Scottish environmentalist and photographer (b. 1937)
  • 2015 – Gennadi Vengerov, Belarusian-Russian actor (b. 1959)
  • 2017 – Erin Moran, American actress (b. 1960)
  • 2017 – Donna Leanne Williams, Australian writer, artist, activist (b. 1963)

Holidays and observances on April 22

  • Christian feast day:
    • Acepsimas of Hnaita and companions (Catholic Church)
    • Arwald
    • Epipodius and Alexander
    • Hudson Stuck (Episcopal Church)
    • John Muir (Episcopal Church)
    • Opportuna of Montreuil
    • Pope Caius
    • Pope Soter
    • St Senorina
    • April 22 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • Discovery Day (Brazil)
  • Earth Day (International observance) and its related observance:
    • International Mother Earth Day
  • Holocaust Remembrance Day (Serbia)
  • From 2018 onwards, a national day of commemoration for the murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence (United Kingdom)

April 22 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day Read More »

On This Day

April 20 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day

April 20 in History

  • 1303 – The Sapienza University of Rome is instituted by a bull of Pope Boniface VIII.
  • 1453 – Three Genoese galleys and a Byzantine blockade runner fight their way through an Ottoman blockading fleet a few weeks before the fall of Constantinople.
  • 1534 – Jacques Cartier begins his first voyage to what is today the east coast of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • 1535 – The sun dog phenomenon is observed over Stockholm, as later depicted in the famous painting Vädersolstavlan.
  • 1653 – Oliver Cromwell dissolves the Rump Parliament.
  • 1657 – Admiral Robert Blake destroys a Spanish silver fleet under heavy fire at the Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
  • 1657 – Freedom of religion is granted to the Jews of New Amsterdam (later New York City).
  • 1689 – Deposed monarch James II of England lays siege to Derry.
  • 1752 – Start of Konbaung–Hanthawaddy War, a new phase in the Burmese Civil War (1740–57).
  • 1770 – The Georgian king, Erekle II, abandoned by his Russian ally Count Totleben, wins a victory over Ottoman forces at Aspindza.
  • 1775 – American Revolutionary War: The Siege of Boston begins, following the battles at Lexington and Concord.
  • 1789 – George Washington arrives at Grays Ferry, Philadelphia while en route to Manhattan for his inauguration.
  • 1792 – France declares war against the “King of Hungary and Bohemia”, the beginning of French Revolutionary Wars.
  • 1800 – The Septinsular Republic is established.
  • 1809 – Two Austrian army corps in Bavaria are defeated by a First French Empire army led by Napoleon at the Battle of Abensberg on the second day of a four-day campaign that ended in a French victory.
  • 1810 – The governor of Caracas, Venezuela declares independence from Spain.
  • 1818 – The case of Ashford v Thornton ends, with Abraham Thornton allowed to go free rather than face a retrial for murder, after his demand for trial by battle is upheld.
  • 1828 – René Caillié becomes the second non-Muslim to enter (and the first to return from) Timbuktu, following Major Gordon Laing.
  • 1836 – U.S. Congress passes an act creating the Wisconsin Territory.
  • 1861 – American Civil War: Robert E. Lee resigns his commission in the United States Army in order to command the forces of the state of Virginia.
  • 1862 – Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard complete the experiment disproving the theory of spontaneous generation.
  • 1865 – Astronomer Angelo Secchi demonstrates the Secchi disk, which measures water clarity, aboard Pope Pius IX’s yacht, the L’Immaculata Concezion.
  • 1876 – The April Uprising begins. Its suppression shocks European opinion, and Bulgarian independence becomes a condition for ending the Russo-Turkish War.
  • 1884 – Pope Leo XIII publishes the encyclical Humanum genus.
  • 1898 – U.S. President William McKinley signed a joint resolution to Congress for declaration of war against Spain, beginning the Spanish–American War.
  • 1902 – Pierre and Marie Curie refine radium chloride.
  • 1908 – Opening day of competition in the New South Wales Rugby League.
  • 1912 – Opening day for baseball’s Tiger Stadium in Detroit, and Fenway Park in Boston.
  • 1914 – Nineteen men, women, and children die in the Ludlow Massacre during a Colorado coal-miners’ strike.
  • 1916 – The Chicago Cubs play their first game at Weeghman Park (currently Wrigley Field), defeating the Cincinnati Reds 7–6 in 11 innings.
  • 1918 – Manfred von Richthofen, a.k.a. The Red Baron, shoots down his 79th and 80th victims, his final victories before his death the following day.
  • 1922 – The Soviet government creates South Ossetian Autonomous Oblast within Georgian SSR.
  • 1939 – Adolf Hitler’s 50th birthday’s celebrations in Germany
  • 1945 – World War II: U.S. troops capture Leipzig, Germany, only to later cede the city to the Soviet Union.
  • 1945 – World War II: Führerbunker: On his 56th birthday Adolf Hitler makes his last trip to the surface to award Iron Crosses to boy soldiers of the Hitler Youth.
  • 1945 – Twenty Jewish children used in medical experiments at Neuengamme are killed in the basement of the Bullenhuser Damm school.
  • 1946 – The League of Nations officially dissolves, giving most of its power to the United Nations.
  • 1961 – Cold War: Failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion of US-backed Cuban exiles against Cuba.
  • 1968 – English politician Enoch Powell makes his controversial “Rivers of Blood” speech.
  • 1972 – Apollo program: Apollo 16 lunar module, commanded by John Young and piloted by Charles Duke, lands on the moon.
  • 1998 – Air France Flight 422 crashes after taking off from El Dorado International Airport in Bogotá, Colombia, killing all 53 people on board.
  • 1999 – Columbine High School massacre: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold kill 13 people and injure 24 others before committing suicide at Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado.
  • 2007 – Johnson Space Center shooting: William Phillips with a handgun barricade himself in NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas before killing a male hostage and himself.
  • 2008 – Danica Patrick wins the Indy Japan 300 becoming the first female driver in history to win an Indy car race.
  • 2010 – The Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explodes in the Gulf of Mexico, killing eleven workers and beginning an oil spill that would last six months.
  • 2012 – One hundred twenty-seven people are killed when a plane crashes in a residential area near the Benazir Bhutto International Airport near Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • 2013 – A 6.6-magnitude earthquake strikes Lushan County, Ya’an, in China’s Sichuan province, killing more than 150 people and injuring thousands.
  • 2015 – Ten people are killed in a bomb attack on a convoy carrying food supplies to a United Nations compound in Garowe in the Somali region of Puntland.

Births on April 20

  • 1494 – Johannes Agricola, German theologian and reformer (d. 1566)
  • 1544 – Renata of Lorraine, Duchess consort of Bavaria (d. 1602)
  • 1586 – Rose of Lima, Peruvian mystic and saint (d. 1617)
  • 1633 – Emperor Go-Kōmyō of Japan (d. 1654)
  • 1646 – Charles Plumier, French botanist and author (d. 1704)
  • 1650 – William Bedloe, English spy (d. 1680)
  • 1718 – David Brainerd, American missionary (d. 1747)
  • 1723 – Cornelius Harnett, American merchant, farmer, and politician (d. 1781)
  • 1727 – Florimond Claude, Comte de Mercy-Argenteau, Belgian-Austrian minister and diplomat (d. 1794)
  • 1745 – Philippe Pinel, French physician and psychiatrist (d. 1826)
  • 1748 – Georg Michael Telemann, German composer and theologian (d. 1831)
  • 1772 – William Lawless, Irish revolutionary and French general (d. 1824)
  • 1808 – Napoleon III, French politician, 1st President of France (d. 1873)
  • 1816 – Bogoslav Šulek, Croatian philologist, historian, and lexicographer (d. 1895)
  • 1818 – Heinrich Göbel, German-American mechanic and engineer (d. 1893)
  • 1826 – Dinah Craik, English author and poet (d. 1887)
  • 1836 – Eli Whitney Blake, Jr., American scientist and academic (d. 1895)
  • 1839 – Carol I of Romania, King of Romania (d. 1914)
  • 1840 – Odilon Redon, French painter and illustrator (d. 1916)
  • 1850 – Daniel Chester French, American sculptor, designed the Lincoln statue (d. 1931)
  • 1851 – Alexander Dianin, Russian chemist (d. 1918)
  • 1851 – Siegmund Lubin, Polish-American businessman, founded the Lubin Manufacturing Company (d. 1923)
  • 1860 – Justinien de Clary, French target shooter (d. 1933)
  • 1871 – Sydney Chapman, English economist and civil servant (d. 1951)
  • 1873 – James Harcourt, English character actor (d. 1951)
  • 1875 – Vladimir Vidrić, Croatian poet and lawyer (d. 1909)
  • 1879 – Paul Poiret, French fashion designer (d. 1944)
  • 1882 – Holland Smith, American general (d. 1967)
  • 1884 – Princess Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (d. 1966)
  • 1884 – Oliver Kirk, American boxer (d. 1960)
  • 1884 – Daniel Varoujan, Armenian poet and educator (d. 1915)
  • 1889 – Albert Jean Amateau, Turkish rabbi, lawyer, and activist (d. 1996)
  • 1889 – Prince Erik, Duke of Västmanland (d. 1918)
  • 1889 – Marie-Antoinette de Geuser, French mystic (d. 1918)
  • 1889 – Adolf Hitler, Austrian born German politician, Führer of Nazi Germany (d. 1945)
  • 1889 – Tonny Kessler, Dutch footballer (d. 1960)
  • 1890 – Maurice Duplessis, Canadian lawyer and politician, 16th Premier of Quebec (d. 1959)
  • 1890 – Adolf Schärf, Austrian soldier and politician, 6th President of Austria (d. 1965)
  • 1891 – Dave Bancroft, American baseball player and manager (d. 1972)
  • 1893 – Harold Lloyd, American actor, comedian, and producer (d. 1971)
  • 1893 – Joan Miró, Spanish painter and sculptor (d. 1983)
  • 1895 – Emile Christian, American trombonist and composer (d. 1973)
  • 1895 – Henry de Montherlant, French essayist, novelist, and dramatist (d. 1972)
  • 1896 – Wop May, Canadian captain and pilot (d. 1952)
  • 1899 – Alan Arnett McLeod, Canadian lieutenant, Victoria Cross recipient (d. 1918)
  • 1904 – Bruce Cabot, American actor (d. 1972)
  • 1907 – Miran Bux, Pakistani cricketer (d. 1991)
  • 1907 – Augoustinos Kantiotes, Greek bishop (d. 2010)
  • 1908 – Lionel Hampton, American vibraphone player, pianist, bandleader, and actor (d. 2002)
  • 1910 – Fatin Rüştü Zorlu, Turkish diplomat and politician (d. 1961)
  • 1913 – Mimis Fotopoulos, Greek actor and poet (d. 1986)
  • 1913 – Willi Hennig, German biologist and entomologist (d. 1976)
  • 1913 – Roger Rochard, French runner (d. 1993)
  • 1914 – Betty Lou Gerson, American actress (d. 1999)
  • 1915 – Joseph Wolpe, South African psychotherapist and physician (d. 1997)
  • 1916 – Nasiba Zeynalova, Azerbaijani actress (d. 2004)
  • 1918 – Kai Siegbahn, Swedish physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2007)
  • 1919 – Richard Hillary, Australian lieutenant and pilot (d. 1943)
  • 1920 – Frances Ames, South African neurologist, psychiatrist, and human rights activist (d. 2002)
  • 1920 – Clement Isong, Nigerian banker and politician, Governor of Cross River State (d. 2000)
  • 1920 – Ronald Speirs, American colonel (d. 2007)
  • 1920 – John Paul Stevens, American lawyer and jurist, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (d. 2019)
  • 1923 – Mother Angelica, American nun and broadcaster, founded Eternal Word Television Network (d. 2016)
  • 1923 – Irene Lieblich, Polish-American painter and illustrator (d. 2008)
  • 1923 – Tito Puente, American drummer and producer (d. 2000)
  • 1924 – Nina Foch, Dutch-American actress (d. 2008)
  • 1924 – Leslie Phillips, English actor and producer
  • 1924 – Guy Rocher, Canadian sociologist and academic
  • 1925 – Ernie Stautner, German-American football player and coach (d. 2006)
  • 1925 – Elena Verdugo, American actress (d. 2017)
  • 1927 – Bud Cullen, Canadian judge and politician, 1st Canadian Minister of Employment and Immigration (d. 2005)
  • 1927 – Phil Hill, American race car driver (d. 2008)
  • 1927 – K. Alex Müller, Swiss physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate
  • 1928 – Robert Byrne, American chess player and author (d. 2013)
  • 1928 – Johnny Gavin, Irish international footballer (d. 2007)
  • 1929 – Harry Agganis, American baseball and football player (d. 1955)
  • 1929 – Bobby Hollander, American film director, actor, and magazine publisher (d. 2002)
  • 1930 – Dwight Gustafson, American composer and conductor (d. 2014)
  • 1930 – Antony Jay, English director and screenwriter (d. 2016)
  • 1931 – Michael Allenby, 3rd Viscount Allenby, English lieutenant and politician (d. 2014)
  • 1931 – John Eccles, 2nd Viscount Eccles, English businessman and politician
  • 1932 – Myriam Bru, French actress
  • 1933 – Kristaq Dhamo, Albanian actor and film director
  • 1936 – Lisa Davis, English and American former child and adult actress
  • 1936 – Pauli Ellefsen, Faroese technician, surveyor, and politician, 6th Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands (d. 2012)
  • 1936 – Pat Roberts, American captain, journalist, and politician
  • 1936 – Christopher Robinson, English organist and conductor
  • 1937 – Jiří Dienstbier, Czech journalist and politician, Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs (d. 2011)
  • 1937 – Antonios Kounadis, Greek discus thrower
  • 1937 – Harvey Quaytman, American painter and educator (d. 2002)
  • 1937 – George Takei, American actor
  • 1938 – Betty Cuthbert, Australian sprinter
  • 1938 – Manfred Kinder, German runner
  • 1938 – Peter Snow, British historian and journalist
  • 1938 – Eszter Tamási, Hungarian actress (d. 1991)
  • 1939 – Elspeth Ballantyne, Australian actress
  • 1939 – Peter S. Beagle, American author and screenwriter
  • 1939 – Gro Harlem Brundtland, Norwegian physician and politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Norway
  • 1939 – Johnny Tillotson, American singer-songwriter
  • 1940 – James Gammon, American actor (d. 2010)
  • 1941 – Ryan O’Neal, American actor
  • 1942 – Giles Henderson, English lawyer and academic
  • 1942 – Arto Paasilinna, Finnish journalist and author
  • 1943 – Alan Beith, English academic and politician
  • 1943 – John Eliot Gardiner, English conductor and director
  • 1943 – Edie Sedgwick, American model and actress (d. 1971)
  • 1944 – Toivo Aare, Estonian journalist and author (d. 1999)
  • 1945 – Michael Brandon, American actor and director
  • 1945 – Olga Karlatos, Greek actress and Bermudian lawyer
  • 1945 – Thein Sein, Burmese general and politician, 8th President of Burma
  • 1945 – Naftali Temu, Kenyan runner (d. 2003)
  • 1945 – Steve Spurrier, American football player and head coach, 1966 Heisman Trophy winner
  • 1946 – Sandro Chia, Italian painter and sculptor
  • 1946 – Julien Poulin, Canadian actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
  • 1946 – Gordon Smiley, American race car driver (d. 1982)
  • 1947 – Rita Dionne-Marsolais, Canadian economist and politician
  • 1947 – David Leland, English actor, director, and screenwriter
  • 1947 – Viktor Suvorov, Russian intelligence officer, historian, and author
  • 1948 – Gregory Itzin, American actor
  • 1948 – Matthias Kuhle, German geographer and academic (d. 2015)
  • 1949 – Veronica Cartwright, English-American actress
  • 1949 – Toller Cranston, Canadian-Mexican figure skater and painter (d. 2015)
  • 1949 – Massimo D’Alema, Italian journalist and politician, 76th Prime Minister of Italy
  • 1949 – Jessica Lange, American actress
  • 1950 – Steve Erickson, American author and critic
  • 1950 – Alexander Lebed, Russian general and politician (d. 2002)
  • 1950 – N. Chandrababu Naidu, Indian politician, 13th Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh
  • 1951 – Louise Jameson, English actress
  • 1951 – Luther Vandross, American singer-songwriter and producer (d. 2005)
  • 1952 – Louka Katseli, Greek economist and politician
  • 1952 – Božidar Maljković, Serbian basketball player and coach
  • 1952 – Eric Pickles, English politician, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
  • 1953 – Sebastian Faulks, English journalist and author
  • 1955 – Donald Pettit, American engineer and astronaut
  • 1956 – Beatrice Ask, Swedish politician, Swedish Minister for Justice
  • 1956 – Peter Chelsom, English film director, writer, and actor
  • 1956 – Kakha Bendukidze, Georgian economist and politician
  • 1956 – Georgie Glen, Scottish actress
  • 1958 – Viacheslav Fetisov, Russian ice hockey player and coach
  • 1959 – Perry Haddock, Australian rugby league player
  • 1960 – Debbie Flintoff-King, Australian hurdler and coach
  • 1961 – Don Mattingly, American baseball player, coach, and manager
  • 1961 – Konstantin Lavronenko, Russian actor
  • 1961 – Nicholas Lyndhurst, English actor
  • 1961 – Paul Usher, English actor
  • 1963 – Maurício Gugelmin, Brazilian race car driver
  • 1963 – Rachel Whiteread, English sculptor
  • 1964 – Crispin Glover, American actor
  • 1964 – Andy Serkis, English actor and director
  • 1964 – Rosalynn Sumners, American figure skater
  • 1965 – Kostis Chatzidakis, Greek politician, Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and Tourism
  • 1965 – Léa Fazer, Swiss film director, screenwriter and actress
  • 1965 – Adrián Fernández, Mexican race car driver
  • 1965 – Rebecca Lacey, English actress
  • 1966 – David Chalmers, Australian philosopher and academic
  • 1966 – David Filo, American businessman, co-founded Yahoo!
  • 1966 – Vincent Riendeau, Canadian ice hockey player
  • 1967 – Mike Portnoy, American drummer and songwriter
  • 1967 – Raymond van Barneveld, Dutch darts player
  • 1968 – Julia Morris, Australian entertainer
  • 1968 – Yelena Välbe, Russian skier and manager
  • 1968 – Roman Virastyuk, Ukrainian shot putter
  • 1969 – Felix Baumgartner, Austrian skydiver and BASE jumper
  • 1969 – Will Hodgman, Australian politician, 45th Premier of Tasmania
  • 1970 – Sarantuya, Mongolian soprano
  • 1970 – Avishai Cohen, Israeli singer-songwriter and bassist
  • 1970 – Shemar Moore, American actor
  • 1971 – Carla Geurts, Dutch swimmer, physiologist, and academic
  • 1971 – Allan Houston, American basketball player and manager
  • 1971 – Nikos Kyzeridis, Greek footballer
  • 1972 – Lê Huỳnh Đức, Vietnamese footballer, coach, and manager
  • 1972 – Carmen Electra, American model and actress
  • 1972 – Željko Joksimović, Serbian singer-songwriter and producer
  • 1972 – Stephen Marley, American singer, guitarist, and producer
  • 1972 – Julia Peng, Taiwanese singer
  • 1973 – Isabel dos Santos, Angolan businesswoman and first African woman billionaire
  • 1973 – Lamond Murray, American basketball player
  • 1974 – Adrian Ilie, Romanian footballer
  • 1974 – Julie Fernandez, English actress and model
  • 1974 – Urmas Paet, Estonian journalist and politician, 26th Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • 1975 – Killer Mike, American rapper and activist
  • 1976 – Aldo Bobadilla, Paraguayan footballer
  • 1976 – Shay Given, Irish footballer and manager
  • 1976 – Chris Mason, Canadian ice hockey player
  • 1976 – Ismail Rasheed, Maldivian actor
  • 1976 – Georgina Rylance, English actress
  • 1979 – Stian Barsnes-Simonsen, Norwegian actor and television host
  • 1979 – Ludovic Magnin, Swiss footballer and coach
  • 1979 – Nate Marquardt, American mixed martial artist
  • 1980 – Gunta Baško, Latvian basketball player
  • 1980 – Sunaina Sunaina, Indian weightlifter
  • 1980 – Jasmin Wagner, German singer and actress
  • 1982 – Jacqueline Govaert, Dutch singer-songwriter and pianist
  • 1982 – Dario Knežević, Croatian footballer
  • 1983 – Danny Granger, American basketball player
  • 1983 – Miranda Kerr, Australian model
  • 1983 – Joanne King, Irish actress
  • 1984 – Nelson Évora, Ivorian-Portuguese triple jumper
  • 1984 – Bárbara Lennie, Spanish actress
  • 1984 – Edixon Perea, Colombian footballer
  • 1984 – Jenna Shoemaker, American triathlete
  • 1985 – Curt Hawkins, American wrestler
  • 1985 – Brent Seabrook, Canadian ice hockey player
  • 1987 – Chun Woo-hee, South Korean actress
  • 1988 – Brandon Belt, American baseball player
  • 1989 – Cally-Jo, English fine artist and tattoo artist
  • 1989 – Nina Davuluri, Miss America 2014
  • 1989 – Carlos Valdes, Colombian-American actor and singer
  • 1990 – Luhan, Chinese singer and actor
  • 1990 – Abby Mavers, English actress
  • 1992 – Kristian Álvarez, Mexican footballer
  • 1992 – Marko Meerits, Estonian footballer
  • 1995 – Damian McKenzie, New Zealand rugby union player
  • 1995 – Jean Marie Dongou, Cameroonian footballer
  • 1997 – Alexander “Sascha” Zverev, German tennis player
  • 1998 – Zachary Claman DeMelo, Canadian racing driver

Deaths on April 20

  • 689 – Cædwalla, king of Wessex (b. 659)
  • 767 – Taichō, Japanese monk (b. 682)
  • 888 – Xi Zong, Chinese emperor (b. 862)
  • 1099 – Peter Bartholomew (b. 1061)
  • 1164 – Antipope Victor IV
  • 1176 – Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke, English-Irish politician, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland (b. 1130)
  • 1248 – Güyük Khan, Mongol ruler, 3rd Great Khan of the Mongol Empire (b. 1206)
  • 1284 – Hōjō Tokimune, regent of Japan (b. 1251)
  • 1314 – Pope Clement V (b. 1264)
  • 1322 – Simon Rinalducci, Italian Augustinian friar
  • 1521 – Zhengde, Chinese emperor (b. 1491)
  • 1534 – Elizabeth Barton, English nun and martyr (b. 1506)
  • 1558 – Johannes Bugenhagen, German priest and theologian (b. 1485)
  • 1643 – Christoph Demantius, German composer and poet (b. 1567)
  • 1703 – Lancelot Addison, English clergyman and educator (b. 1632)
  • 1769 – Chief Pontiac, American tribal leader (b. 1720)
  • 1831 – John Abernethy, English surgeon and anatomist (b. 1764)
  • 1873 – William Tite, English architect, designed the Royal Exchange (b. 1798)
  • 1874 – Alexander H. Bailey, American lawyer, judge, and politician (b. 1817)
  • 1881 – William Burges, English architect and designer (b. 1827)
  • 1886 – Charles-François-Frédéric, marquis de Montholon-Sémonville, French general and diplomat, French ambassador to the United States (b. 1814)
  • 1887 – Muhammad Sharif Pasha, Greek-Egyptian politician, 2nd Prime Minister of Egypt (b. 1826)
  • 1899 – Joseph Wolf, German ornithologist and illustrator (b. 1820)
  • 1902 – Joaquim de Sousa Andrade, Brazilian poet and educator (b. 1833)
  • 1912 – Bram Stoker, Anglo-Irish novelist and critic, created Count Dracula (b. 1847)
  • 1918 – Karl Ferdinand Braun, German-American physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1850)
  • 1927 – Enrique Simonet, Spanish painter and educator (b. 1866)
  • 1929 – Prince Henry of Prussia (b. 1862)
  • 1931 – Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon, 5th Baronet, Scottish-English fencer and businessman (b. 1862)
  • 1932 – Giuseppe Peano, Italian mathematician and philosopher (b. 1858)
  • 1935 – John Cameron, Scottish footballer and manager (b. 1872)
  • 1935 – Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon, English fashion designer (b. 1863)
  • 1942 – Jüri Jaakson, Estonian businessman and politician, 6th State Elder of Estonia (b. 1870)
  • 1944 – Elmer Gedeon, American baseball player and pilot (b. 1917)
  • 1945 – Erwin Bumke, Polish-German jurist and politician (b. 1874)
  • 1946 – Mae Busch, Australian actress (b. 1891)
  • 1947 – Christian X of Denmark (b. 1870)
  • 1951 – Ivanoe Bonomi, Italian politician, 25th Prime Minister of Italy (b. 1873)
  • 1961 – Ado Vabbe, Estonian painter (b. 1892)
  • 1967 – Léo-Paul Desrosiers, Canadian journalist and author (b. 1896)
  • 1968 – Rudolph Dirks, German-American illustrator (b. 1877)
  • 1969 – Vjekoslav Luburić, Croatian Ustaše official and concentration camp administrator (b. 1914)
  • 1980 – M. Canagaratnam, Sri Lankan politician (b. 1924)
  • 1982 – Archibald MacLeish, American poet, playwright, and lawyer (b. 1892)
  • 1986 – Sibte Hassan, Pakistani journalist, scholar, and activist (b. 1916)
  • 1991 – Steve Marriott, English singer-songwriter and producer (b. 1947)
  • 1991 – Don Siegel, American director and producer (b. 1912)
  • 1992 – Marjorie Gestring, American springboard diver (b. 1922)
  • 1992 – Benny Hill, English comedian, actor, and screenwriter (b. 1924)
  • 1993 – Cantinflas, Mexican actor, producer, and screenwriter (b. 1911)
  • 1995 – Milovan Đilas, Yugoslav communist, politician, theorist and author (b. 1911)
  • 1996 – Trần Văn Trà, Vietnamese general and politician (b. 1918)
  • 1999 – Casualties of the Columbine High School massacre:
    • Cassie Bernall, American student (b. 1981)
    • Eric Harris, American student and murderer (b. 1981)
    • Dylan Klebold, American student and murderer (b. 1981)
    • Rachel Scott, American student, inspired the Rachel’s Challenge (b. 1981)
  • 1999 – Rick Rude, American wrestler (b. 1958)
  • 2001 – Giuseppe Sinopoli, Italian conductor and composer (b. 1946)
  • 2002 – Alan Dale, American singer (b. 1925)
  • 2003 – Daijiro Kato, Japanese motorcycle racer (b. 1976)
  • 2003 – Bernard Katz, German-English biophysicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1911)
  • 2004 – Lizzy Mercier Descloux, French musician, singer-songwriter, composer, actress, writer and painter (b. 1956)
  • 2005 – Fumio Niwa, Japanese journalist and author (b. 1904)
  • 2007 – Andrew Hill, American pianist, composer, and bandleader (b. 1931)
  • 2007 – Michael Fu Tieshan, Chinese bishop (b. 1931)
  • 2008 – Monica Lovinescu, Romanian journalist and author (b. 1923)
  • 2010 – Dorothy Height, American educator and activist (b. 1912)
  • 2011 – Tim Hetherington, English photographer and journalist (b. 1970)
  • 2012 – Bert Weedon, English guitarist and songwriter (b. 1920)
  • 2014 – Mithat Bayrak, Turkish wrestler and trainer (b. 1929)
  • 2014 – Rubin Carter, American-Canadian boxer (b. 1937)
  • 2014 – Neville Wran, Australian lawyer and politician, 35th Premier of New South Wales (b. 1926)
  • 2016 – Victoria Wood, British comedian, actress and writer (b. 1953)
  • 2017 – Cuba Gooding Sr., American singer and actor (b. 1944)
  • 2018 – Avicii, Swedish DJ, and musician (b. 1989)
  • 2019 – Jacqueline Saburido, Venezuelan activist (b. 1978)

Holidays and observances on April 20

  • 420 (cannabis culture) (International)
  • Christian feast day:
    • Agnes of Montepulciano
    • Beuno
    • Hugh of Anzy le Duc
    • Johannes Bugenhagen (Lutheran)
    • Marcellinus of Gaul (Embrun)
    • Blessed Oda of Brabant
    • Pope Anicetus
    • Theotimos
    • April 20 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • UN Chinese Language Day (United Nations)

April 20 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day Read More »

On This Day

April 16 – History, Events, Births, Deaths, Holidays and Observances On This Day

  • AD 73 – Masada, a Jewish fortress, falls to the Romans after several months of siege, ending the First Jewish–Roman War.
  • 1346 – Stefan Dušan, “the Mighty”, is crowned Emperor of the Serbs at Skopje, his empire occupying much of the Balkans.
  • 1520 – The Revolt of the Comuneros begins in Spain against the rule of Charles V.
  • 1582 – Spanish conquistador Hernando de Lerma founds the settlement of Salta, Argentina.
  • 1746 – The Battle of Culloden is fought between the French-supported Jacobites and the British Hanoverian forces commanded by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, in Scotland.After the battle many highland traditions were banned and the Highlands of Scotland were cleared of inhabitants.
  • 1780 – Franz Friedrich Wilhelm von Fürstenberg founds the University of Münster.
  • 1799 – French Revolutionary Wars: The Battle of Mount Tabor: Napoleon drives Ottoman Turks across the River Jordan near Acre.
  • 1818 – The United States Senate ratifies the Rush–Bagot Treaty, limiting naval armaments on the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain.
  • 1847 – Shooting of a Māori by an English sailor results in the opening of the Wanganui Campaign of the New Zealand Wars.
  • 1853 – The Great Indian Peninsula Railway opens the first passenger rail in India, from Bori Bunder to Thane.
  • 1858 – The Wernerian Natural History Society, a former Scottish learned society, is wound up.
  • 1862 – American Civil War: Battle at Lee’s Mills in Virginia.
  • 1862 – American Civil War: The District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act, a bill ending slavery in the District of Columbia, becomes law.
  • 1863 – American Civil War: During the Vicksburg Campaign, gunboats commanded by acting Rear Admiral David Dixon Porter run downriver past Confederate artillery batteries at Vicksburg.
  • 1881 – In Dodge City, Kansas, Bat Masterson fights his last gun battle.
  • 1908 – Natural Bridges National Monument is established in Utah.
  • 1910 – The oldest existing indoor ice hockey arena still used for the sport in the 21st century, Boston Arena, opens for the first time.
  • 1912 – Harriet Quimby becomes the first woman to fly an airplane across the English Channel.
  • 1917 – Vladimir Lenin returns to Petrograd, Russia, from exile in Switzerland.
  • 1919 – Mohandas Gandhi organizes a day of “prayer and fasting” in response to the killing of Indian protesters in the Jallianwala Bagh massacre by the British colonial troops three days earlier.
  • 1919 – Polish–Soviet War: The Polish army launches the Vilna offensive to capture Vilnius in modern Lithuania.
  • 1922 – The Treaty of Rapallo, pursuant to which Germany and the Soviet Union re-establish diplomatic relations, is signed.
  • 1925 – During the Communist St Nedelya Church assault in Sofia, Bulgaria, 150 are killed and 500 are wounded.
  • 1941 – World War II: The Italian-German Tarigo convoy is attacked and destroyed by British ships.
  • 1941 – World War II: The Nazi-affiliated Ustaše is put in charge of the Independent State of Croatia by the Axis powers after Operation 25 is effected.
  • 1943 – Albert Hofmann accidentally discovers the hallucinogenic effects of the research drug LSD. He intentionally takes the drug three days later on April 19.
  • 1944 – World War II: Allied forces start bombing Belgrade, killing about 1,100 people. This bombing fell on the Orthodox Christian Easter.
  • 1945 – World War II: The Red Army begins the final assault on German forces around Berlin, with nearly one million troops fighting in the Battle of the Seelow Heights.
  • 1945 – The United States Army liberates Nazi Sonderlager (high security) prisoner-of-war camp Oflag IV-C (better known as Colditz).
  • 1945 – More than 7,000 die when the German refugee ship Goya is sunk by a Soviet submarine.
  • 1947 – An explosion on board a freighter in port causes the city of Texas City, Texas, to catch fire, killing almost 600.
  • 1947 – Bernard Baruch first applies the term “Cold War” to describe the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  • 1961 – In a nationally broadcast speech, Cuban leader Fidel Castro declares that he is a Marxist–Leninist and that Cuba is going to adopt Communism.
  • 1963 – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. pens his Letter from Birmingham Jail while incarcerated in Birmingham, Alabama for protesting against segregation.
  • 1972 – Apollo program: The launch of Apollo 16 from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
  • 1990 – “Doctor Death”, Jack Kevorkian, participates in his first assisted suicide.
  • 2001 – India and Bangladesh begin a five-day border conflict, but are unable to resolve the disputes about their border.
  • 2003 – The Treaty of Accession is signed in Athens admitting ten new member states to the European Union.
  • 2007 – Virginia Tech shooting: Seung-Hui Cho guns down 32 people and injures 17 before committing suicide.
  • 2012 – The trial for Anders Behring Breivik, the perpetrator of the 2011 Norway attacks, begins in Oslo, Norway.
  • 2012 – The Pulitzer Prize winners were announced, it was the first time since 1977 that no book won the Fiction Prize.
  • 2013 – A 7.8-magnitude earthquake strikes Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Iran, killing at least 35 people and injuring 117 others.
  • 2013 – The 2013 Baga massacre is started when Boko Haram militants engage government soldiers in Baga.
  • 2014 – The South Korean ferry MV Sewol capsizes and sinks near Jindo Island, killing 304 passengers and crew and leading to widespread criticism of the South Korean government, media, and shipping authorities.

Births on April 16

  • 1435 – Jan II the Mad, Duke of Żagań (1439–1449 and 1461–1468 and again in 1472) (d. 1504)
  • 1488 – Jungjong of Joseon (d. 1544)
  • 1495 – Petrus Apianus, German mathematician and astronomer (d. 1557)
  • 1516 – Tabinshwehti, Burmese king (d. 1550)
  • 1569 – John Davies, English poet and lawyer (d. 1626)
  • 1635 – Frans van Mieris the Elder, Dutch painter (d. 1681)
  • 1646 – Jules Hardouin-Mansart, French architect, designed the Château de Dampierre and Grand Trianon (d. 1708)
  • 1660 – Hans Sloane, Irish-English physician and academic (d. 1753)
  • 1661 – Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax, English poet and politician, First Lord of the Treasury (d. 1715)
  • 1682 – John Hadley, English mathematician, invented the octant (d. 1744)
  • 1697 – Johann Gottlieb Görner, German organist and composer (d. 1778)
  • 1728 – Joseph Black, French-Scottish physician and chemist (d. 1799)
  • 1730 – Henry Clinton, English general and politician (d. 1795)
  • 1755 – Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun, French painter (d. 1842)
  • 1786 – John Franklin, English admiral and politician, 4th Lieutenant Governor of Van Diemen’s Land (d. 1847)
  • 1800 – George Bingham, 3rd Earl of Lucan, English field marshal and politician (d. 1888)
  • 1808 – Caleb Blood Smith, American journalist, lawyer, and politician, 6th United States Secretary of the Interior (d. 1864)
  • 1821 – Ford Madox Brown, French-English soldier and painter (d. 1893)
  • 1823 – Gotthold Eisenstein, German mathematician and academic (d. 1852)
  • 1826 – Sir James Corry, 1st Baronet, British politician (d. 1891)
  • 1827 – Octave Crémazie, Canadian poet and bookseller (d. 1879)
  • 1839 – Antonio Starabba, Marchese di Rudinì, Italian politician, 12th Prime Minister of Italy (d. 1908)
  • 1834 – Charles Lennox Richardson, English merchant (d. 1862)
  • 1844 – Anatole France, French journalist, novelist, and poet, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1924)
  • 1847 – Hans Auer, Swiss-Austrian architect, designed the Federal Palace of Switzerland (d. 1906)
  • 1848 – Kandukuri Veeresalingam, Indian author and activist (d. 1919)
  • 1851 – Ponnambalam Ramanathan, Sri Lankan lawyer and politician, 3rd Solicitor General of Sri Lanka (d. 1930)
  • 1864 – Rose Talbot Bullard, American medical doctor and professor (d. 1915)
  • 1865 – Harry Chauvel, Australian general (d. 1945)
  • 1866 – José de Diego, Puerto Rican journalist, lawyer, and politician (d. 1918)
  • 1867 – Wilbur Wright, American inventor (d. 1912)
  • 1871 – John Millington Synge, Irish author, poet, and playwright (d. 1909)
  • 1874 – Jōtarō Watanabe, Japanese general (d. 1936)
  • 1878 – R. E. Foster, English cricketer and footballer (d. 1914)
  • 1882 – Seth Bingham, American organist and composer (d. 1972)
  • 1884 – Ronald Barnes, 3rd Baron Gorell, English cricketer, journalist, and politician (d. 1963)
  • 1885 – Leó Weiner, Hungarian composer and educator (d. 1960)
  • 1886 – Michalis Dorizas, Greek-American football player and javelin thrower (d. 1957)
  • 1886 – Ernst Thälmann, German politician (d. 1944)
  • 1888 – Billy Minter, English footballer and manager (d. 1940)
  • 1889 – Charlie Chaplin, English actor, director, producer, screenwriter, and composer (d. 1977)
  • 1890 – Fred Root, English cricketer and umpire (d. 1954)
  • 1890 – Gertrude Chandler Warner, American author and educator (d. 1979)
  • 1891 – Dorothy P. Lathrop, American author and illustrator (d. 1980)
  • 1892 – Howard Mumford Jones, American author, critic, and academic (d. 1980)
  • 1893 – Germaine Guèvremont, Canadian journalist and author (d. 1968)
  • 1893 – John Norton, American hurdler (d. 1979)
  • 1895 – Ove Arup, English-Danish engineer and businessman, founded Arup (d. 1988)
  • 1896 – Robert Henry Best, American journalist (d. 1952)
  • 1896 – Árpád Weisz, Hungarian footballer (d. 1944)
  • 1899 – Osman Achmatowicz, Polish chemist and academic (d. 1988)
  • 1900 – Polly Adler, Russian-American madam and author (d. 1962)
  • 1903 – Paul Waner, American baseball player and manager (d. 1965)
  • 1904 – Fifi D’Orsay, Canadian-American vaudevillian, actress, and singer (d. 1983)
  • 1905 – Frits Philips, Dutch businessman (d. 2005)
  • 1907 – Joseph-Armand Bombardier, Canadian inventor and businessman, founded Bombardier Inc. (d. 1964)
  • 1907 – August Eigruber, Austrian-German politician (d. 1947)
  • 1908 – Ellis Marsalis, Sr., American businessman and activist (d. 2004)
  • 1908 – Ray Ventura, French jazz bandleader (d. 1979)
  • 1910 – Berton Roueché, American journalist and author (d. 1994)
  • 1911 – Guy Burgess, English-Russian spy (d. 1963)
  • 1913 – Les Tremayne, English actor (d. 2003)
  • 1914 – John Hodiak, American actor (d. 1955)
  • 1915 – Robert Speck, Canadian politician, 1st Mayor of Mississauga (d. 1972)
  • 1916 – Behçet Necatigil, Turkish author, poet, and translator (d. 1979)
  • 1917 – Victoria Eugenia Fernández de Córdoba, 18th Duchess of Medinaceli (d. 2013)
  • 1917 – Barry Nelson, American actor (d. 2007)
  • 1918 – Dick Gibson, English racing driver (d. 2010)
  • 1918 – Hsuan Hua, Chinese-American monk and author (d. 1995)
  • 1918 – Juozas Kazickas, Lithuanian-American businessman and philanthropist (d. 2014)
  • 1918 – Spike Milligan, Irish actor, comedian, and writer (d. 2002)
  • 1919 – Merce Cunningham, American dancer and choreographer (d. 2009)
  • 1919 – Nilla Pizzi, Italian singer (d. 2011)
  • 1919 – Pedro Ramírez Vázquez, Mexican architect, designed the Tijuana Cultural Center and National Museum of Anthropology (d. 2013)
  • 1919 – Thomas Willmore, English geometer and academic (d. 2005)
  • 1920 – Ananda Dassanayake, Sri Lankan politician (d. 2012)
  • 1920 – Prince George Valdemar of Denmark (d. 1986)
  • 1921 – Arlin M. Adams, American lawyer and judge (d. 2015)
  • 1921 – Wolfgang Leonhard, German historian and author (d. 2014)
  • 1921 – Peter Ustinov, English actor, director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2004)
  • 1922 – Kingsley Amis, English novelist, poet, and critic (d. 1995)
  • 1922 – John Christopher, English author (d. 2012)
  • 1922 – Lawrence N. Guarino, American colonel (d. 2014)
  • 1922 – Leo Tindemans, Belgian politician, 43rd Prime Minister of Belgium (d. 2014)
  • 1923 – Warren Barker, American composer (d. 2006)
  • 1923 – Arch A. Moore Jr., American sergeant, lawyer, and politician, 28th Governor of West Virginia (d. 2015)
  • 1924 – John Harvey-Jones, English academic and businessman (d. 2008)
  • 1924 – Henry Mancini, American composer and conductor (d. 1994)
  • 1924 – Rudy Pompilli, American saxophonist (d. 1976)
  • 1924 – Madanjeet Singh, Indian diplomat, author, and philanthropist (d. 2013)
  • 1926 – Pierre Fabre, French pharmacist, founded Laboratoires Pierre Fabre (d. 2013)
  • 1927 – Edie Adams, American actress and singer (d. 2008)
  • 1927 – Pope Benedict XVI
  • 1927 – Rolf Schult, German actor (d. 2013)
  • 1928 – Dick Lane, American football player and soldier (d. 2002)
  • 1929 – Roy Hamilton, American singer (d. 1969)
  • 1929 – Ralph Slatyer, Australian biologist and ecologist (d. 2012)
  • 1929 – Ed Townsend, American singer-songwriter and producer (d. 2003)
  • 1930 – Doug Beasy, Australian footballer and educator (d. 2013)
  • 1930 – Herbie Mann, American flute player and composer (d. 2003)
  • 1932 – Maury Meyers, American lawyer and politician (d. 2014)
  • 1933 – Marcos Alonso Imaz, Spanish footballer (d. 2012)
  • 1933 – Joan Bakewell, English journalist and author
  • 1933 – Perry Botkin Jr., American composer, arranger and musician
  • 1933 – Vera Krepkina, Russian long jumper
  • 1933 – Ike Pappas, American journalist and actor (d. 2008)
  • 1934 – Vince Hill, English singer-songwriter
  • 1934 – Robert Stigwood, Australian producer and manager (d. 2016)
  • 1934 – Barrie Unsworth, Australian politician, 36th Premier of New South Wales
  • 1934 – Vicar, Chilean cartoonist (d. 2012)
  • 1935 – Marcel Carrière, Canadian director and screenwriter
  • 1935 – Sarah Kirsch, German poet and author (d. 2013)
  • 1935 – Lennart Risberg, Swedish boxer (d. 2013)
  • 1935 – Dominique Venner, French journalist and historian (d. 2013)
  • 1935 – Bobby Vinton, American singer
  • 1936 – Vadim Kuzmin, Russian physicist and academic (d. 2015)
  • 1937 – Gert Potgieter, South African hurdler and coach
  • 1938 – Rich Rollins, American baseball player
  • 1938 – Gordon Wilson, Scottish lawyer and politician (d. 2017)
  • 1939 – John Amabile, American football player and coach (d. 2012)
  • 1939 – Dusty Springfield, English singer and record producer (d. 1999)
  • 1940 – Benoît Bouchard, Canadian academic and politician, 18th Canadian Minister of Transport
  • 1940 – David Holford, Barbadian cricketer
  • 1940 – Queen Margrethe II of Denmark
  • 1940 – Joan Snyder, American painter
  • 1940 – Thomas Stonor, 7th Baron Camoys, English banker and politician, Lord Chamberlain of the United Kingdom
  • 1941 – Allan Segal, American director and producer (d. 2012)
  • 1942 – Jim Lonborg, American baseball pitcher
  • 1942 – Sir Frank Williams, English businessman, founded the Williams F1 Racing Team
  • 1943 – Lonesome Dave Peverett, English singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 2000)
  • 1943 – Petro Tyschtschenko, Austrian-German businessman
  • 1943 – John Watkins, Australian cricketer
  • 1945 – Tom Allen, American lawyer and politician
  • 1946 – Margot Adler, American journalist and author (d. 2014)
  • 1946 – Ernst Bakker, Dutch politician (d. 2014)
  • 1946 – Johnnie Lewis, Liberian lawyer and politician, 18th Chief Justice of Liberia (d. 2015)
  • 1946 – R. Carlos Nakai, American flute player
  • 1947 – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, American basketball player and coach
  • 1947 – Gerry Rafferty, Scottish singer-songwriter (d. 2011)
  • 1948 – Reg Alcock, Canadian businessman and politician, 17th Canadian President of the Treasury Board (d. 2011)
  • 1950 – David Graf, American actor (d. 2001)
  • 1950 – Colleen Hewett, Australian singer and actress
  • 1951 – Ioan Mihai Cochinescu, Romanian author and photographer
  • 1951 – David Nutt, English psychiatrist and academic
  • 1952 – Bill Belichick, American football player and coach
  • 1952 – Michel Blanc, French actor and director
  • 1952 – Esther Roth-Shahamorov, Israeli sprinter and hurdler
  • 1952 – Billy West, American voice actor, singer-songwriter, and comedian
  • 1953 – Peter Garrett, Australian singer-songwriter and politician
  • 1953 – Jay O. Sanders, American actor
  • 1954 – Ellen Barkin, American actress
  • 1954 – John Bowe, Australian racing driver
  • 1954 – Mike Zuke, Canadian ice hockey player
  • 1955 – Bruce Bochy, American baseball player and manager
  • 1955 – Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
  • 1956 – David M. Brown, American captain, pilot, and astronaut (d. 2003)
  • 1956 – T Lavitz, American keyboard player, composer, and producer (d. 2010)
  • 1956 – Lise-Marie Morerod, Swiss skier
  • 1957 – Patricia De Martelaere, Belgian philosopher, author, and academic (d. 2009)
  • 1958 – Tim Flach, English photographer and director
  • 1958 – Ulf Wakenius, Swedish guitarist
  • 1959 – Alison Ramsay, English-Scottish field hockey player and lawyer
  • 1960 – Wahab Akbar, Filipino politician (d. 2007)
  • 1960 – Rafael Benítez, Spanish footballer and manager
  • 1960 – Pierre Littbarski, German footballer and manager
  • 1961 – Jarbom Gamlin, Indian lawyer and politician, 7th Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh (d. 2014)
  • 1961 – Linda Ruth Williams, British film studies academic
  • 1962 – Anna Dello Russo, Italian journalist
  • 1962 – Douglas Elmendorf, American economist and politician
  • 1962 – Ian MacKaye, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer
  • 1963 – Saleem Malik, Pakistani cricketer
  • 1963 – Jimmy Osmond, American singer
  • 1964 – David Kohan, American screenwriter and producer
  • 1964 – Dave Pirner, American singer, songwriter and producer
  • 1964 – Esbjörn Svensson, Swedish pianist (d. 2008)
  • 1965 – Yves-François Blanchet, Canadian politician
  • 1965 – Jon Cryer, American actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
  • 1965 – Martin Lawrence, American actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
  • 1966 – Jarle Vespestad, Norwegian drummer
  • 1966 – Jeff Varner, American newscaster and reality television personality
  • 1968 – Vickie Guerrero, American wrestler and manager
  • 1968 – Rüdiger Stenzel, German runner
  • 1969 – Patrik Järbyn, Swedish skier
  • 1969 – Fernando Viña, American baseball player and sportscaster
  • 1970 – Dero Goi, German singer-songwriter and drummer
  • 1970 – Walt Williams, American basketball player
  • 1971 – Cameron Blades, Australian rugby player
  • 1971 – Selena, American singer-songwriter, actress, and fashion designer (d. 1995)
  • 1971 – Seigo Yamamoto, Japanese racing driver
  • 1971 – Natasha Zvereva, Belarusian tennis player
  • 1972 – Conchita Martínez, Spanish-American tennis player
  • 1972 – Tracy K. Smith, American poet and educator
  • 1973 – Akon, Senegalese-American singer, rapper and songwriter
  • 1973 – Charlotta Sörenstam, Swedish golfer
  • 1973 – Teddy Cobeña, Spanish-Ecuadorian expressionist and representational sculptor
  • 1975 – Keon Clark, American basketball player
  • 1976 – Lukas Haas, American actor and musician
  • 1976 – Kelli O’Hara, American actress and singer
  • 1977 – Freddie Ljungberg, Swedish footballer
  • 1979 – Christijan Albers, Dutch racing driver
  • 1979 – Lars Börgeling, German pole vaulter
  • 1979 – Daniel Browne, New Zealand rugby player
  • 1981 – Anestis Agritis, Greek footballer
  • 1981 – Maya Dunietz, Israeli singer-songwriter and pianist
  • 1981 – Matthieu Proulx, Canadian football player
  • 1982 – Gina Carano, American mixed martial artist and actress
  • 1982 – Boris Diaw, French basketball player
  • 1982 – Jonathan Vilma, American football player
  • 1983 – Marié Digby, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actress
  • 1983 – Cat Osterman, American softball player
  • 1984 – Teddy Blass, American composer and producer
  • 1984 – Claire Foy, English actress
  • 1984 – Tucker Fredricks, American speed skater
  • 1984 – Paweł Kieszek, Polish footballer
  • 1984 – Kerron Stewart, Jamaican sprinter
  • 1985 – Luol Deng, Sudanese-English basketball player
  • 1985 – Brendon Leonard, New Zealand rugby player
  • 1985 – Benjamín Rojas, Argentinian singer-songwriter and actor
  • 1985 – Taye Taiwo, Nigerian footballer
  • 1986 – Paul di Resta, Scottish racing driver
  • 1986 – Shinji Okazaki, Japanese footballer
  • 1986 – Peter Regin, Danish ice hockey player
  • 1986 – Epke Zonderland, Dutch gymnast
  • 1987 – Cenk Akyol, Turkish basketball player
  • 1987 – Aaron Lennon, English international footballer
  • 1988 – Kyle Okposo, American ice hockey player
  • 1990 – Reggie Jackson, American basketball player
  • 1990 – Vangelis Mantzaris, Greek basketball player
  • 1990 – Tony McQuay, American sprinter
  • 1990 – Travis Shaw, American baseball player
  • 1991 – Nolan Arenado, American baseball player
  • 1991 – Kim Kyung-jung, South Korean footballer
  • 1993 – Mirai Nagasu, American figure skater
  • 1993 – Chance the Rapper, American rapper
  • 1994 – Albert Almora, American baseball player
  • 1994 – Will Fuller, American football player
  • 2002 – Sadie Sink, American actress

Deaths on April 16

  • AD 69 – Otho, Roman emperor (b. AD 32)
  • 665 – Fructuosus of Braga, French archbishop and saint
  • 1090 – Sikelgaita, duchess of Apulia (b. c. 1040)
  • 1113 – Sviatopolk II of Kiev (b. 1050)
  • 1118 – Adelaide del Vasto, regent of Sicily, mother of Roger II of Sicily, queen of Baldwin I of Jerusalem
  • 1198 – Frederick I, Duke of Austria (b. 1175)
  • 1234 – Richard Marshal, 3rd Earl of Pembroke (b. 1191)
  • 1375 – John Hastings, 2nd Earl of Pembroke, English nobleman and soldier (b. 1347)
  • 1496 – Charles II, Duke of Savoy (b. 1489)
  • 1587 – Anne Seymour, Duchess of Somerset (b. 1497)
  • 1640 – Countess Charlotte Flandrina of Nassau (b. 1579)
  • 1645 – Tobias Hume, Scottish soldier, viol player, and composer (b. 1569)
  • 1687 – George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, English poet and politician, Lord Lieutenant of the West Riding of Yorkshire (b. 1628)
  • 1689 – Aphra Behn, English author and playwright (b. 1640)
  • 1742 – Stefano Benedetto Pallavicino, Italian poet and translator (b. 1672)
  • 1756 – Jacques Cassini, French astronomer (b. 1677)
  • 1783 – Christian Mayer, Czech astronomer and educator (b. 1719)
  • 1788 – Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, French mathematician, cosmologist, and author (b. 1707)
  • 1828 – Francisco Goya, Spanish-French painter and illustrator (b. 1746)
  • 1846 – Domenico Dragonetti, Italian bassist and composer (b. 1763)
  • 1850 – Marie Tussaud, French-English sculptor, founded the Madame Tussauds Wax Museum (b. 1761)
  • 1859 – Alexis de Tocqueville, French historian and philosopher, French Minister of Foreign Affairs (b. 1805)
  • 1879 – Bernadette Soubirous, French nun and saint (b. 1844)
  • 1888 – Zygmunt Florenty Wróblewski, Polish physicist and chemist (b. 1845)
  • 1899 – Emilio Jacinto, Filipino journalist and activist (b. 1875)
  • 1904 – Maximilian Kronberger, German poet and author (b. 1888)
  • 1904 – Samuel Smiles, Scottish-English author (b. 1812)
  • 1914 – George William Hill, American astronomer and mathematician (b. 1838)
  • 1915 – Nelson W. Aldrich, American businessman and politician (b. 1841)
  • 1925 – Stefan Nerezov, Bulgarian general (b. 1867)
  • 1928 – Henry Birks, Canadian businessman, founded Henry Birks and Sons (b. 1840)
  • 1928 – Roman Steinberg, Estonian wrestler (b. 1900)
  • 1930 – José Carlos Mariátegui, Peruvian journalist, philosopher, and activist (b. 1894)
  • 1935 – Panait Istrati, Romanian journalist and author (b. 1884)
  • 1937 – Jay Johnson Morrow, American military engineer and politician, 3rd Governor of the Panama Canal Zone (b. 1870)
  • 1938 – Steve Bloomer, English footballer and manager (b. 1874)
  • 1941 – Josiah Stamp, 1st Baron Stamp, English economist and civil servant (b. 1880)
  • 1942 – Princess Alexandra of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (b. 1878)
  • 1942 – Denis St. George Daly, Irish polo player (b. 1862)
  • 1946 – Arthur Chevrolet, Swiss-American race car driver and engineer (b. 1884)
  • 1947 – Rudolf Höss, German SS officer (b. 1900)
  • 1950 – Eduard Oja, Estonian composer, conductor, and critic (b. 1905)
  • 1950 – Anders Peter Nielsen, Danish target shooter (b. 1867)
  • 1955 – David Kirkwood, Scottish engineer and politician (b. 1872)
  • 1958 – Rosalind Franklin, English biophysicist and academic (b. 1920)
  • 1960 – Mihály Fekete, Hungarian actor, screenwriter and film director (b. 1884)
  • 1961 – Carl Hovland, American psychologist and academic (b. 1912)
  • 1965 – Francis Balfour, English soldier and colonial administrator (b. 1884)
  • 1965 – Sydney Chaplin, English actor, comedian, brother of Charlie Chaplin (b. 1885)
  • 1966 – Eric Lambert, Australian author (b. 1918)
  • 1968 – Fay Bainter, American actress (b. 1893)
  • 1968 – Edna Ferber, American novelist, short story writer, and playwright (b. 1885)
  • 1969 – Hem Vejakorn, Thai illustrator and painter (b. 1904)
  • 1970 – Richard Neutra, Austrian-American architect, designed the Los Angeles County Hall of Records (b. 1892)
  • 1970 – Péter Veres, Hungarian politician, Hungarian Minister of Defence (b. 1897)
  • 1972 – Yasunari Kawabata, Japanese novelist and short story writer, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1899)
  • 1972 – Frank O’Connor, Australian public servant (b. 1894)
  • 1973 – István Kertész, Hungarian conductor and educator (b. 1929)
  • 1978 – Lucius D. Clay, American officer and military governor in occupied Germany (b. 1898)
  • 1980 – Morris Stoloff, American composer (b. 1898)
  • 1985 – Scott Brady, American actor (b. 1924)
  • 1988 – Khalil al-Wazir, Palestinian commander, founded Fatah (b. 1935)
  • 1988 – Youri Egorov, Russian pianist (b. 1954)
  • 1989 – Jocko Conlan, American baseball player and umpire (b. 1899)
  • 1989 – Kaoru Ishikawa Japanese author and educator (b. 1915)
  • 1989 – Miles Lawrence, English cricketer (b. 1940)
  • 1989 – Hakkı Yeten, Turkish footballer and manager (b. 1910)
  • 1991 – David Lean, English director, producer, and screenwriter (b. 1908)
  • 1992 – Neville Brand, American actor (b. 1920)
  • 1992 – Alexandru Nicolschi, Romanian spy and activist (b. 1915)
  • 1992 – Andy Russell, American singer and actor (b. 1919)
  • 1994 – Paul-Émilien Dalpé, Canadian labor unionist (b. 1919)
  • 1994 – Ralph Ellison, American novelist and critic (b. 1913)
  • 1996 – Lucille Bremer, American actress and dancer (b. 1917)
  • 1996 – Stavros Niarchos, Greek-Swiss businessman (b. 1909)
  • 1997 – Esmeralda Arboleda Cadavid, Colombian politician (b. 1921)
  • 1997 – Roland Topor, French actor, director, and painter (b. 1938)
  • 1998 – Alberto Calderón, Argentinian-American mathematician and academic (b. 1920)
  • 1998 – Fred Davis, English snooker player (b. 1913)
  • 1998 – Marie-Louise Meilleur, Canadian super-centenarian (b. 1880)
  • 1999 – Skip Spence, Canadian-American singer-songwriter and guitarist (b. 1946)
  • 2001 – Robert Osterloh, American actor (b. 1918)
  • 2001 – Michael Ritchie, American director, producer, and screenwriter (b. 1938)
  • 2001 – Alec Stock, English footballer and manager (b. 1917)
  • 2002 – Billy Ayre, English footballer and manager (b. 1952)
  • 2002 – Ruth Fertel, American businesswoman, founded Ruth’s Chris Steak House (b. 1927)
  • 2002 – Robert Urich, American actor (b. 1946)
  • 2003 – Graham Jarvis, Canadian actor (b. 1930)
  • 2003 – Graham Stuart Thomas, English horticulturalist and author (b. 1909)
  • 2005 – Kay Walsh, English actress, singer, and dancer (b. 1911)
  • 2007 – Frank Bateson, New Zealand astronomer (b. 1909)
  • 2007 – Gaétan Duchesne, Canadian ice hockey player (b. 1962)
  • 2007 – Maria Lenk, Brazilian swimmer (b. 1915)
  • 2007 – Chandrabose Suthaharan, Sri Lankan journalist
  • 2008 – Edward Norton Lorenz, American mathematician and meteorologist (b. 1917)
  • 2010 – Rasim Delić, Bosnian general and convicted war criminal (b. 1949)
  • 2010 – Daryl Gates, American police officer, created the D.A.R.E. Program (b. 1926)
  • 2011 – Gerry Alexander, Jamaican cricketer and veterinarian (b. 1928)
  • 2011 – Allan Blakeney, Canadian scholar and politician, 10th Premier of Saskatchewan (b. 1925)
  • 2011 – Sol Saks, American screenwriter and producer (b. 1910)
  • 2012 – Sári Barabás, Hungarian soprano (b. 1914)
  • 2012 – Marian Biskup, Polish author and academic (b. 1922)
  • 2012 – Alan Hacker, English clarinet player and conductor (b. 1938)
  • 2012 – George Kunda, Zambian lawyer and politician, 11th Vice-President of Zambia (b. 1956)
  • 2012 – Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller, Danish businessman (b. 1913)
  • 2012 – Carlo Petrini, Italian footballer and coach (b. 1948)
  • 2013 – Charles Bruzon, Gibraltarian politician (b. 1938)
  • 2013 – Ali Kafi, Algerian colonel and politician (b. 1928)
  • 2013 – Siegfried Ludwig, Austrian politician, 18th Governor of Lower Austria (b. 1926)
  • 2013 – Pentti Lund, Finnish-Canadian ice hockey player (b. 1925)
  • 2013 – George Beverly Shea, Canadian-American singer-songwriter (b. 1909)
  • 2013 – Pat Summerall, American football player and sportscaster (b. 1930)
  • 2013 – Pedro Ramírez Vázquez, Mexican architect, designed the Tijuana Cultural Center and National Museum of Anthropology (b. 1919)
  • 2014 – Gyude Bryant, Liberian businessman and politician (b. 1949)
  • 2014 – Aulis Rytkönen, Finnish footballer and manager (b. 1929)
  • 2014 – Ernst Florian Winter, Austrian-American historian and political scientist (b. 1923)
  • 2015 – Valery Belousov, Russian ice hockey player and coach (b. 1948)
  • 2015 – Attaphol Buspakom, Thai footballer and manager (b. 1962)
  • 2015 – Oles Buzina, Ukrainian journalist and author (b. 1969)
  • 2015 – Stanislav Gross, Czech lawyer and politician, 5th Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (b. 1969)
  • 2016 – Charlie Hodge, Canadian ice hockey player (b. 1933)
  • 2018 – Harry Anderson, American actor and magician (b. 1952)
  • 2018 – Jim Caine, British jazz pianist (b. 1926)

Holidays and observances on April 16

  • Christian feast day:
    • Benedict Joseph Labre
    • Bernadette Soubirous
    • Drogo
    • Fructuosus of Braga
    • Isabella Gilmore (Church of England)
    • Martyrs of Zaragoza
    • Molly Brant (Konwatsijayenni) (Anglican Church of Canada, Episcopal Church)
    • Turibius of Astorga
    • April 16 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • Birthday of José de Diego (Puerto Rico, United States)
  • Birthday of Queen Margrethe II (Denmark)
  • Emancipation Day (Washington, D.C., United States)
  • Foursquare Day (International observance)
  • Memorial Day for the Victims of the Holocaust (Hungary)
  • National Healthcare Decisions Day (United States)
  • Remembrance of Chemical Attack on Balisan and Sheikh Wasan (Iraqi Kurdistan)
  • World Voice Day

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On This Day