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For a given dry bulb temperature, as the relative humidity __________ the wet bulb temperature will increase.

Question: For a given dry bulb temperature, as the relative humidity __________ the wet bulb temperature will increase.




Answer: Option B


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For a given dry bulb temperature, as the relative humidity __________ the wet bulb temperature will increase. Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

As relative humidity decreases, the dew point temperature will be __________ wet bulb temperature.

Question: As relative humidity decreases, the dew point temperature will be __________ wet bulb temperature.

same as


lower than


higher man

Answer: Option B


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As relative humidity decreases, the dew point temperature will be __________ wet bulb temperature. Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

At 100% relative humidity, wet bulb temperature, dry bulb temperature, dew point temperature and saturation temperature are equal.

Question: At 100% relative humidity, wet bulb temperature, dry bulb temperature, dew point temperature and saturation temperature are equal.




Answer: Option A


No answer description available for this question.

At 100% relative humidity, wet bulb temperature, dry bulb temperature, dew point temperature and saturation temperature are equal. Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

In a psychrometric chart, specific humidity (moisture content) lines are

Question: In a psychrometric chart, specific humidity (moisture content) lines are

vertical and uniformly spaced


horizontal and uniformly spaced


horizontal and non-uniformly spaced


curved lines

Answer: Option B


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In a psychrometric chart, specific humidity (moisture content) lines are Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

In a psychrometric chart, dew point temperature lines are horizontal and non-uniformly spaced.

Question: In a psychrometric chart, dew point temperature lines are horizontal and non-uniformly spaced.




Answer: Option A


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In a psychrometric chart, dew point temperature lines are horizontal and non-uniformly spaced. Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Dew point temperature corresponds to the saturation temperature of vapour at its partial pressure.

Question: Dew point temperature corresponds to the saturation temperature of vapour at its partial pressure.




Answer: Option A


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Dew point temperature corresponds to the saturation temperature of vapour at its partial pressure. Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

According to Dalton’s law of partial pressures, (where pb = Barometric pressure, pa = Partial pressure of dry air, and pv = Partial pressure of water vapour)

Question: According to Dalton’s law of partial pressures, (where pb = Barometric pressure, pa = Partial pressure of dry air, and pv = Partial pressure of water vapour)

Pb = pa – pv


Pb = pa + pv


Pb = pa x pv


Pb = pa/pv

Answer: Option B


No answer description available for this question.

According to Dalton’s law of partial pressures, (where pb = Barometric pressure, pa = Partial pressure of dry air, and pv = Partial pressure of water vapour) Read More »

Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning