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Manometric head, in case of a centrifugal pump, is equal to

Question: Manometric head, in case of a centrifugal pump, is equal to

Suction lift + Loss of head in suction pipe due to friction + Delivery lift + Loss of head in delivery pipe due to friction + Velocity head in the delivery pipe


Workdone per kN of water – Losses within the impeller


Energy per kN at outlet of impeller – Energy per kN at inlet of impeller


all of the above

Answer: Option D


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Manometric head, in case of a centrifugal pump, is equal to Read More »

Hydraulic Machines, Mechanical Engineering

In the casing of a centrifugal pump, the kinetic energy of the water is converted into pressure energy before the water leaves the casing.

Question: In the casing of a centrifugal pump, the kinetic energy of the water is converted into pressure energy before the water leaves the casing.




Answer: Option A


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In the casing of a centrifugal pump, the kinetic energy of the water is converted into pressure energy before the water leaves the casing. Read More »

Hydraulic Machines, Mechanical Engineering

Which of the following statement is wrong ?

Question: Which of the following statement is wrong ?

The reaction turbines are used for low head and high discharge.


The angle of taper on draft tube is less than 8°.


An impulse turbine is generally fitted slightly above the tail race.


A Francis turbine is an impulse turbine.

Answer: Option D


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Which of the following statement is wrong ? Read More »

Hydraulic Machines, Mechanical Engineering

The cavitation in reaction turbines is avoided, to a great extent by

Question: The cavitation in reaction turbines is avoided, to a great extent by

installing the turbine below the tail race level


using stainless steel runner of the turbine


providing highly polished blades to the runner


all of the above

Answer: Option D


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The cavitation in reaction turbines is avoided, to a great extent by Read More »

Hydraulic Machines, Mechanical Engineering

A Pelton wheel working under a constant head and discharge, has maximum efficiency when the speed ratio is

Question: A Pelton wheel working under a constant head and discharge, has maximum efficiency when the speed ratio is





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Answer: Option C


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A Pelton wheel working under a constant head and discharge, has maximum efficiency when the speed ratio is Read More »

Hydraulic Machines, Mechanical Engineering