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To what Prophet the Injeel was revealed by Allah?

To what Prophet the Injeel was revealed by Allah?

A. Prophet Ibraheem (A.S)
B. Prophet Dawood (A.S)
C. Prophet Moosa (A.S)
D. Prophet Essa (A.S)

Injeel is, according to Islam, the holy book of Prophet Essa (A.S) , one of the holy books revealed by ALLAH before the Qur’an, alongside others such as the Tawrat (Torah) of Musa A.S (Moses) and Zabur on Prophet Dawud A.S.
All the other Books are no more in their original form. Changes, alterations and additions have been made to them. Only the Holy Quran is Still in its Original Format. Allah has promised to safeguard the text of the HOLY QURAN, which is miraculous.The HOLY QURAN was the final book of Allah. It is still pure, clear and free from any change or alteration.

To what Prophet the Injeel was revealed by Allah? Read More »

Islamic Studies Mcqs, MCQs / Q&A

To what Prophet the Zabur was revealed by Allah?

To what Prophet the Zabur was revealed by Allah?

A. Prophet Ibraheem (A.S)
B. Prophet Dawood (A.S)
C. Prophet Moosa (A.S)
D. Prophet Essa (A.S)

Zabur is, according to Islam, the holy book of Hazrat Dawud (A.S) , one of the holy books revealed by ALLAH before the Qur’an, alongside others such as the Tawrat (Torah) of Musa A.S (Moses) and the Injeel (Gospel) of Isa A.S (Jesus).
4 books revealed by Allah, and to whom were they revealed to?

  • The TOURAAT (OLD TESTAMENT) was given to Hazrat MOOSA (A.S).
  • The ZABOOR (PSALMS) were given to Hazrat DAWOOD (A.S).
  • The INJEEL (NEW TESTAMENT) was given to Hazrat ESA (A.S).
  • The HOLY QURAN, the final Book of Allah was revealed to Hazrat MUHAMMAD MUSTAFA Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam.
  • Besides these there were many more smaller Kitaabs revealed, e.g.

    • 10 Sahifas were revealed to Hazrat ADAM (Alayhis-Salaam ).
    • 50 Sahifas were revealed to Hazrat SHIES (Alayhis-Salaam).
    • 30 Sahifas were revealed to Hazrat IDRIS (Alayhis-Salaam).
    • Between 10 and 30 Sahifas were revealed to Hazrat IBRAHAM (Alayhis-Salaam) (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon all of them).

    All the other Books besides the HOLY QURAN were revealed at once.

    • The HOLY QURAN was revealed over a period of 23 years.
    • The HOLY QURAN has been memorized by thousands from the beginning of ISLAM right to the present day.
    • Allah has promised to safeguard the text of the HOLY QURAN, which is miraculous.
    • The HOLY QURAN was the final book of Allah. It is still pure, clear and free from any change or alteration.

    All the other Books are no more in their original form. Changes, alterations and additions have been made to them.

    To what Prophet the Zabur was revealed by Allah? Read More »

    Islamic Studies Mcqs, MCQs / Q&A

    In the “Sacrilegious wars”, when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was 20 years of age, Quraish and their allies were lead by __________.

    In the “Sacrilegious wars”, when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was 20 years of age, Quraish and their allies were lead by __________.

    A. Abu Jahal
    B. Abu Lahab
    C. Umayah bin Khalaf
    D. Harb bin Umayah

    In the “Sacrilegious wars”, when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was 20 years of age, Quraish and their allies were lead by __________. Read More »

    Islamic Studies Mcqs, MCQs / Q&A

    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had __________ daughters.

    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had __________ daughters.

    A. 1
    B. 2
    C. 3
    D. 4

    Daughters of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ:
    1. Hazrat Zainab was eldest of the daughters of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). She married with Abual Bin Aas Bin Rabbi.
    2. Hazrat Ruqayah was married with Hazrat Usman bin Affan. However, she died in the life of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).
    3. Hazrat Umme Kalsoom was the third daughter of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who was married with Hazrat Usman bin Affan after the death of Hazrat Ruqayah. Hazrat Usman has the honour of marrying two daughters of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and that is why he is known as Zunnoorain (a man with two noors [lights]).
    4. Hazrat Fatima was the youngest and most beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him). As mentioned earlier, it was Hazrat Fatima from whom the clan of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) continued and all the decedents of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) are from Hazrat Fatima.

    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had __________ daughters. Read More »

    Islamic Studies Mcqs, MCQs / Q&A

    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had __________ sons.

    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had __________ sons.

    A. 1
    B. 2
    C. 3
    D. 4

    Sons of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ:
    1. Hazrat Al-Qasim. Hazrat Qasim’s mother was HAZRAT KHADIJA, the first wife of the Holy Prophet.
    2. Hazrat Abdullah (Tayyab, Tahir). He was also born from HAZRAT KHADIJA.
    3. Hazrat Ibrahim was the third son of Prophet Muhammad, who was born from Hazrat Maria.
    Hazrat Maria was gifted by the Ruler of Sikandria to the Holy Prophet to whom the Holy Prophet got married.
    All the three sons died in their childhood. Hazrat Qasim and Hazrat Abdullah are buried in Jannat ul Moalla, Mecca, whereas Hazrat Ibrahim rests in peace at Jannat ul Baki, Madina tul Munawarah.

    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had __________ sons. Read More »

    Islamic Studies Mcqs, MCQs / Q&A