Which of the following social groups do occupational class schemes not have difficulty accommodating ?
A. students
B. manual working class
C. the unemployed
D. retired people
A. students
B. manual working class
C. the unemployed
D. retired people
A. class systems are relatively fluid
B. class position is entirely subjective
C. class is economically based
D. class positions are in part achieved
Which one of the following does not apply to social class systems ? Read More »
Social Stratification, Sociology Mcqs A. Conflict theory is better at explaining inequality
B. Only functionalist theory has merit when discussing social structure
C. Some sociologists have tried to synthesize the conflict and functionalist perspectives to argue that stratification systems are institutions that have evolved in order to reduce conflict
D. none of the above
A. its benefits individuals and groups who have the power to dominate and exploit others
B. privilege prestige and power are equally distributed in society
C. the capitalist drive to distribute wealth equitably is the foundation of modern society
D. capitalists and workers are class conscious
The conflict theory holds that stratification exists because____________? Read More »
Social Stratification, Sociology Mcqs A. intergenerational mobility
B. socioeconomic life cycle
C. vertical mobility
D. none of the above
A. Social mobility occurs only when shifts occur in the availability of different types of talent in the work force
B. Social mobility can occur when societies change altering the division of labor
C. Social mobility is controlled by those in the higher strata through control of opportunities for training and education
D. none of above
Which of the following is true regarding social mobility ? Read More »
Social Stratification, Sociology Mcqs A. the poor who are concentrated in isolated rural areas
B. individuals who experience occasional poverty but who move back into the “mainstream” of economic life within 12 months
C. the persistently poor who exist mainly because of a sharp climb in joblessness due to a redistribution of jobs in the inner city
D. both b and c
“Underclass “refers to____________? Read More »
Social Stratification, Sociology Mcqs A. large densely populated areas
B. small groups
C. highly transient communities
D. none of the above
A. inequality occurs in a random fashion
B. inequalities are passed from generation to generation
C. inequality is regulated by the government
D. none of the above is true
A. Marx
B. Weber
C. Parsons
D. Lincoln