Which of these research projects would count as intersectional? A comparative study of employment based on______________?
A. social class and gender
B. gender and ethnicity
C. ethnicity and sexuality
D. all of them
A. social class and gender
B. gender and ethnicity
C. ethnicity and sexuality
D. all of them
A. open mobility
B. lateral mobility
C. intragenerational mobility
D. intergenerational mobility
A. intersectionality
B. ascription
C. mobility
D. meritocracy
A. Max Weber
B. Erik Olin-Wright
C. John Goldthorpe
D. Karl Marx
A. slavery
B. Social class
C. caste
D. estates
A. the dedication necessary to get ahead in life
B. class consciousness
C. capitalist enthusiasm
D. false consciousness
A. are not equally pleasant
B. are equally important
C. offer individuals varying degrees of personal growth
D. are usually not defined
A. horizontal mobility
B. transgenerational mobility
C. vertical mobility
D. geographic mobility
A. the poor simply do not want the same things that other members of society want
B. the poor have had their access to achievement blocked by the social order
C. the theory is too cultural and fails to take into account psychological implications
D. not enough research has been done to come to any meaningful conclusion
Critics of the culture of poverty thesis point out that________________? Read More »
Social Stratification, Sociology Mcqs A. the magnitude and manner of consumption of goods and services.
B. the likelihood that individuals and groups will enjoy desired goods and services experiences and opportunities for living long and healthy lives
C. the respect admiration and recognition associated with a social status
D. the view that the poor possess self- perpetuating lifeways
Life chances are________________? Read More »
Social Stratification, Sociology Mcqs