According to Foucault carceral organizations________________? A. emphasized human relations and employee satisfaction B. increased the amount of power held by managers C. stripped inmates of their previous identitiesD. isolated people and put them under surveillance

Patterns of drug use in Britain reveal that____________? A. it has increased and is no longer confined to a hedonistic youth subculture B. the most commonly used recreational drug is Ecstasy C. teenage girls are more likely to experiment with…

The work of Smart suggested that_____________? A. the rates of violent crime were similar for men and women B. women’s sexual delinquency was more likely to be normalized than men’sC. women’s criminal behavior tended to reflect traditional gender roles D.…

The term secondary deviation refers to________________? A. the punishment or stigmatization of deviant acts B. the labelling of an act as deviant through social reactions to it C. the ways in which taking on a deviant role affects future actionD.…

Lombroso claimed that_____________? A. criminals were socialized underworld of crime B. no act is intrinsically deviantC. biological failings drove some people into crime D. women were less likely to be arrested than men