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The bacterial cell wall has all of the following properties except______________?

The bacterial cell wall has all of the following properties except______________?

A. It consists of a mixed polymer called peptidoglycon
B. It is the structure principally responsible for the reaction of gram staining
C. It is a unique flexible plastic structure
D. It contains D-isomers of amino acids

The bacterial cell wall has all of the following properties except______________? Read More »

Bacteriology, Medical Mcqs, Microbiology

Electron microscopic examination of the bacterial flora of necrotising ulcerative gingivitis indicates the presence of microorganisms within non-necrotic tissues in advance of other bacteria. The organisms involved are______________?

Electron microscopic examination of the bacterial flora of necrotising ulcerative gingivitis indicates the presence of microorganisms within non-necrotic tissues in advance of other bacteria. The organisms involved are______________?

A. Cocci
B. Spirochetes
C. Bacteriophages
D. Filamentous rods

Electron microscopic examination of the bacterial flora of necrotising ulcerative gingivitis indicates the presence of microorganisms within non-necrotic tissues in advance of other bacteria. The organisms involved are______________? Read More »

Bacteriology, Medical Mcqs, Microbiology