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Marketing Mcqs

The market consists of a set of consumers having income, access and interest in a product is called ____________?

The market consists of a set of consumers having income, access and interest in a product is called ____________?

A. target market
B. penetrated market
C. potential market
D. available market

The market consists of a set of consumers having income, access and interest in a product is called ____________? Read More »

Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand, Marketing Mcqs

The system with special equipment, people and methods to gather and analyze information for marketers is called ___________?

The system with special equipment, people and methods to gather and analyze information for marketers is called ___________?

A. management information system
B. marketing information system
C. financial information system
D. corporate information system

The system with special equipment, people and methods to gather and analyze information for marketers is called ___________? Read More »

Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand, Marketing Mcqs

The index showing that it is expensive to attract few or more prospects is referred in _____________?

The index showing that it is expensive to attract few or more prospects is referred in _____________?

A. low market penetration index
B. strict demand
C. high market penetration index
D. stretched market penetration index

The index showing that it is expensive to attract few or more prospects is referred in _____________? Read More »

Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand, Marketing Mcqs

An analysis of income distribution and person’s savings is the part of ____________?

An analysis of income distribution and person’s savings is the part of ____________?

A. geographic environment analysis
B. economic environment analysis
C. demographic environment analysis
D. analysis of natural environment

An analysis of income distribution and person’s savings is the part of ____________? Read More »

Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand, Marketing Mcqs

The maximum number of sales of all the firms in an industry, for a given period of time is called __________?

The maximum number of sales of all the firms in an industry, for a given period of time is called __________?

A. total market potential
B. total production potential
C. total demand potential
D. current demand

The maximum number of sales of all the firms in an industry, for a given period of time is called __________? Read More »

Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand, Marketing Mcqs

The long-term social and economic changes on a highly large scale is classified as __________?

The long-term social and economic changes on a highly large scale is classified as __________?

A. minor trends
B. mega trends
C. special followers
D. introductory products

The long-term social and economic changes on a highly large scale is classified as __________? Read More »

Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand, Marketing Mcqs