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English Literature Mcqs

Which sorts of political reform took place during the Romantic period ?

Which sorts of political reform took place during the Romantic period ?

A. Parliamentary reform, increasing representation of the working classes
B. Labor reform, improving working conditions for industrial laborers
C. Educational reform, producing a dramatic increase in literacy
D. A and C only

Which sorts of political reform took place during the Romantic period ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Restoration and 18th Century

What served as the inspiration for P.B Shelley’s poems to the working classes ?

What served as the inspiration for P.B Shelley’s poems to the working classes ?

A Song: “Men of England” and England in 1819?
A. the organization of a working class men’s choral group in Southern England
B. the Battle of Waterloo
C. the Peterloo Massacre
D. the storming of the Bastille

What served as the inspiration for P.B Shelley’s poems to the working classes ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Restoration and 18th Century

Which of the following periodical publications (reviews and magazines) appeared in the Romantic era ?

Which of the following periodical publications (reviews and magazines) appeared in the Romantic era ?

A. London Magazine
B. The Spectator
C. The Edinburgh Review
D. A and C only

Which of the following periodical publications (reviews and magazines) appeared in the Romantic era ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Restoration and 18th Century

What is the term we now use for what the Romantics called “mesmerism,” one of the “occult” practices that allowed people to explore altered states of consciousness ?

What is the term we now use for what the Romantics called “mesmerism,” one of the “occult” practices that allowed people to explore altered states of consciousness ?

A. smoking opium
B. hypnotism
C. psychoanalysis
D. dream interpretation

What is the term we now use for what the Romantics called “mesmerism,” one of the “occult” practices that allowed people to explore altered states of consciousness ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Restoration and 18th Century