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English Literature Mcqs

What happened in 1707 that would forever alter the relationship between England, Wales, and Scotland ?

What happened in 1707 that would forever alter the relationship between England, Wales, and Scotland ?

A. the trial and execution of Mary, Queen of Scots
B. the Toleration Act
C. the failed invasion of the Spanish Armada
D. the Act of Union

What happened in 1707 that would forever alter the relationship between England, Wales, and Scotland ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, MCQs / Q&A

In which work do you read: “My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings / Look on my works ye mighty, and despair!” ?

In which work do you read: “My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings / Look on my works ye mighty, and despair!” ?

A. The Man of Feeling
B. In Memoriam
C. Song to Aella
D. Ozymandias

In which work do you read: “My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings / Look on my works ye mighty, and despair!” ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Restoration and 18th Century

Romantic poets would have enjoyed, agreed with, and perhaps written about which of the following figures as depicted ?

Romantic poets would have enjoyed, agreed with, and perhaps written about which of the following figures as depicted ?

A. Goethe’s Faust in Faust, who is sinful because he attempts to exceed the bounds of human knowledge by making a pact with the devil but is nonetheless redeemed in his striving to break free of the bounds of mortality
B. Icarus, who is killed in attempting to fly because only Gods have the power to fly and mortals must be taught the limitations of human existence
C. Prometheus, who succeeds in stealing fire from the Gods and thereby surpasses the limitations placed on humans by the Gods
D. A and C only

Romantic poets would have enjoyed, agreed with, and perhaps written about which of the following figures as depicted ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Restoration and 18th Century

In which work do you read: “There can be no freedom or beauty about a home life that depends on borrowing and debt.” ?

In which work do you read: “There can be no freedom or beauty about a home life that depends on borrowing and debt.” ?

A. A Doll’s House
B. Riders to the Sea
C. A Handful of Dust
D. The Fatal Curiosity

In which work do you read: “There can be no freedom or beauty about a home life that depends on borrowing and debt.” ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Restoration and 18th Century

Which group of intellectual women established literary clubs of their own around 1750 under the leadership of Elizabeth Vesey and Elizabeth Montagu ?

Which group of intellectual women established literary clubs of their own around 1750 under the leadership of Elizabeth Vesey and Elizabeth Montagu ?

A. the bluestockings
B. the coteries of plenty
C. the Pre-Raphaelites
D. the tattlers and spectators

Which group of intellectual women established literary clubs of their own around 1750 under the leadership of Elizabeth Vesey and Elizabeth Montagu ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, MCQs / Q&A