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English Literature Mcqs

Which chilling novel of surveillance and entrapment had the alternative title Things as They Are ?

Which chilling novel of surveillance and entrapment had the alternative title Things as They Are ?

A. Jane Austen’s Emma
B. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
C. William Godwin’s Caleb Williams
D. Sir Walter Scott’s Waverley

Which chilling novel of surveillance and entrapment had the alternative title Things as They Are ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Romantic Period

Thomas and Henrietta Bowdler’s edition of The Family Shakespeare gave rise to the verb bowdlerize.What does it mean ?

Thomas and Henrietta Bowdler’s edition of The Family Shakespeare gave rise to the verb bowdlerize.What does it mean ?

A. the expurgation of indelicate language
B. the modernization of archaic vocabulary
C. the insertion of bawdy songs
D. the misspelling of simple words like theand and

Thomas and Henrietta Bowdler’s edition of The Family Shakespeare gave rise to the verb bowdlerize.What does it mean ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Romantic Period

Which of the following texts published in the 1790s did not epitomize the radical social thinking stimulated by the French Revolution ?

Which of the following texts published in the 1790s did not epitomize the radical social thinking stimulated by the French Revolution ?

A. Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Men
B. Paine’s Rights of Man
C. Godwin’s Enquiry Concerning Political Justice
D. Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France

Which of the following texts published in the 1790s did not epitomize the radical social thinking stimulated by the French Revolution ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Romantic Period

Which of the following became the most popular Romantic poetic form, following on Wordsworth’s claim that poetic inspiration is contained within the inner feelingsof the individual poet as the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings ?

Which of the following became the most popular Romantic poetic form, following on Wordsworth’s claim that poetic inspiration is contained within the inner feelingsof the individual poet as the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings ?

A. the lyric poem written in the first person
B. the sonnet
C. doggerel rhyme
D. the political tract

Which of the following became the most popular Romantic poetic form, following on Wordsworth’s claim that poetic inspiration is contained within the inner feelingsof the individual poet as the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Romantic Period