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English Literature Mcqs

In literature, some of Shakespeare’s most powerful plays were written in that period (for example The Tempest, King Lear, and Macbeth), as well as powerful works by John Webster and ______________?

In literature, some of Shakespeare’s most powerful plays were written in that period (for example The Tempest, King Lear, and Macbeth), as well as powerful works by John Webster and ______________?

A. William Shakespeare
B. Ben Jonson
C. Ben Jonson folios
D. English Renaissance theatre

In literature, some of Shakespeare’s most powerful plays were written in that period (for example The Tempest, King Lear, and Macbeth), as well as powerful works by John Webster and ______________? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Jacobean Era

Jonson was also an important innovator in the specialized literary sub-genre of the….., which went through an intense development in the Jacobean era ?

Jonson was also an important innovator in the specialized literary sub-genre of the….., which went through an intense development in the Jacobean era ?

A. William Shakespeare
B. Ben Jonson
C. Masque
D. A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Jonson was also an important innovator in the specialized literary sub-genre of the….., which went through an intense development in the Jacobean era ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Jacobean Era

The word “Jacobean” is derived from the ___________ name Jacob, which is the original form of the English name James?

The word “Jacobean” is derived from the ___________ name Jacob, which is the original form of the English name James?

A. Samaritan Hebrew language
B. Biblical Hebrew
C. Mishnaic Hebrew
D. Hebrew language

The word “Jacobean” is derived from the ___________ name Jacob, which is the original form of the English name James? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Jacobean Era

Which social philosophy, dominant during the Industrial Revolution, dictated that only the free operation of economic laws would ensure the general welfare and that the government should not interfere in any person’s pursuit of their personal interests ?

Which social philosophy, dominant during the Industrial Revolution, dictated that only the free operation of economic laws would ensure the general welfare and that the government should not interfere in any person’s pursuit of their personal interests ?

A. economic independence
B. the Rights of Man
C. laissez-faire
D. enclosure

Which social philosophy, dominant during the Industrial Revolution, dictated that only the free operation of economic laws would ensure the general welfare and that the government should not interfere in any person’s pursuit of their personal interests ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, MCQs / Q&A

Which of the following periodical publications (reviews and magazines) first appeared in the Romantic era ?

Which of the following periodical publications (reviews and magazines) first appeared in the Romantic era ?

A. London Magazine
B. The Spectator
C. The Edinburgh Review
D. a and c only

Which of the following periodical publications (reviews and magazines) first appeared in the Romantic era ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Romantic Period

Which of the following factors did not contribute to the growth of the reading public in this period ?

Which of the following factors did not contribute to the growth of the reading public in this period ?

A. The notoriety of the Lake School
B. Technological developments, such as the steam-driven printing press
C. Innovations in retailing, such as the cut-price sale of remaindered books
D. Increased literacy, thanks in large part to Sunday schools

Which of the following factors did not contribute to the growth of the reading public in this period ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Romantic Period

What did Byron deride with his scathing reference to ’Peddlers,’ and ’Boats,’ and ’Wagons’! ?

What did Byron deride with his scathing reference to ’Peddlers,’ and ’Boats,’ and ’Wagons’! ?

A. the neo-classical influence of Pope and Dryden
B. the clumsiness of Shakespeare’s plots
C. the Orientalist fantasies of Coleridge
D. Wordsworth’s devotion to the ordinary and everyday

What did Byron deride with his scathing reference to ’Peddlers,’ and ’Boats,’ and ’Wagons’! ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Romantic Period

Who applied the term Romanticto the literary period dating from 1785 to 1830 ?

Who applied the term Romanticto the literary period dating from 1785 to 1830 ?

A. Wordsworth because he wanted to distinguish his poetry and the poetry of his friends from that of the ancien r´gime, especially satire
B. English historians half a century after the period ended
C. The Satanic Schoolof Byron, Percy Shelley, and their followers
D. Oliver Goldsmith in The Deserted Village (1770)

Who applied the term Romanticto the literary period dating from 1785 to 1830 ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Romantic Period