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English Literature Mcqs

What did Victorian journalists mean by terming certain women surplusor redundant ?

What did Victorian journalists mean by terming certain women surplusor redundant ?

A. They remained unmarried due to a population imbalance between the sexes.
B. Their willingness to work for low wages resulted in a surplus of textiles, causing them to drop in price.
C. They were women writers who wrote frequently about similar topics.
D. They prostituted themselves as a way to make money in a market economy that didn’t provide extensive job opportunities to women.

What did Victorian journalists mean by terming certain women surplusor redundant ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Victorian Age

Fill in the blanks from Tennyson’s The Princess. Man for the field and woman for the …..: Man for the sword and for the ___________ she: Man with the head and woman with the __________Man to command and woman to _____________?

Fill in the blanks from Tennyson’s The Princess. Man for the field and woman for the …..: Man for the sword and for the ___________ she: Man with the head and woman with the __________Man to command and woman to _____________?

A. crop; scabbard; foot; agree
B. throne; scepter; soul; decree
C. school; scalpel; pen; set free
D. hearth; needle; heart; obey

Fill in the blanks from Tennyson’s The Princess. Man for the field and woman for the …..: Man for the sword and for the ___________ she: Man with the head and woman with the __________Man to command and woman to _____________? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Victorian Age

What best describes the subject of most Victorian novels ?

What best describes the subject of most Victorian novels ?

A. the representation of a large and comprehensive social world in realistic detail
B. a surrealist exploration of alternate states of consciousness
C. the attempt of a protagonist to define his or her place in society
D. A and C

What best describes the subject of most Victorian novels ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Victorian Age

Who, among the following, was a Catholic novelist, an Intelligence Officer, a film critic and set his fictions in far-away places wrecked by political conflicts ?

Who, among the following, was a Catholic novelist, an Intelligence Officer, a film critic and set his fictions in far-away places wrecked by political conflicts ?

A. Graham Greene
B. Anthony Powell
C. Evelyn Waugh
D. William Golding

Who, among the following, was a Catholic novelist, an Intelligence Officer, a film critic and set his fictions in far-away places wrecked by political conflicts ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Victorian Age

What factors contributed to the increased popularity of nonfiction prose ?

What factors contributed to the increased popularity of nonfiction prose ?

A. a new market position for nonfiction writing and an exalted sense of the didactic function of the writer
B. a Puritanical distrust of fictions and a thirst for trivia
C. the forbiddingly high cost of threevolume novels and the difficulty of finding poetry in bookshops outside of London
D. the deconstruction of the truth-fiction dichotomy and an accompanying relativistic sense that every oion was of equal value

What factors contributed to the increased popularity of nonfiction prose ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, MCQs / Q&A

Which of the following discoveries, theories, and events contributed to Victorians feeling less like they were a uniquely special, central species in the universe and more isolated ?

Which of the following discoveries, theories, and events contributed to Victorians feeling less like they were a uniquely special, central species in the universe and more isolated ?

A. geology
B. evolution
C. discoveries in astronomy about stellar distances
D. all of the above

Which of the following discoveries, theories, and events contributed to Victorians feeling less like they were a uniquely special, central species in the universe and more isolated ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, MCQs / Q&A