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English Literature Mcqs

What does the phrase White Man’s Burden, coined by Kipling, refer to ?

What does the phrase White Man’s Burden, coined by Kipling, refer to ?

A. Britain’s manifest destiny to colonize the world
B. the moral responsibility to bring civilization and Christianity to the peoples of the world
C. the British need to improve technology and transportation in other parts of the world
D. the importance of solving economic and social problems in England before tackling the world’s problems

What does the phrase White Man’s Burden, coined by Kipling, refer to ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Victorian Age

Which of the following statements about The Canterbury Tales is true ?

Which of the following statements about The Canterbury Tales is true ?

A. The Wife of Bath, The Clerk, Sir Gawain and The Franklin are characters and tale-tellers in this work.
B. “The General Prologue’ is appended to The Canterbury Tales.
C. In all, Chaucer tells thirty tales in this work.
D. The Canterbury Tales remained unfinished at the time of its author’s death.

Which of the following statements about The Canterbury Tales is true ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Victorian Age

Which best describes the general feeling expressed in literature during the last decade of the Victorian era ?

Which best describes the general feeling expressed in literature during the last decade of the Victorian era ?

A. studied melancholy and aestheticism
B. sincere earnestness and Protestant zeal
C. raucous celebration mixed with selfcongratulatory sophistication
D. paranoid introspection and cryptic dissent

Which best describes the general feeling expressed in literature during the last decade of the Victorian era ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, MCQs / Q&A

Which contemporary discussions on women’s rights did Tennyson’s The Princess address ?

Which contemporary discussions on women’s rights did Tennyson’s The Princess address ?

A. the grueling working conditions for women in textile factories
B. the debate on women’s suffrage
C. the need to enlarge and improve educational opportunities for women, resulting in the establishment of the first women’s college in London
D. the question of monarchical succession and if a woman should hold royal power

Which contemporary discussions on women’s rights did Tennyson’s The Princess address ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, MCQs / Q&A

Which event did not occur as part of the rise of the British Empire under Queen Victoria ?

Which event did not occur as part of the rise of the British Empire under Queen Victoria ?

A. Between 1853 and 1880, 2,466,000 emigrants left Britain, many bound for the colonies.
B. In 1876, Queen Victoria was named empress of India.
C. To save costs and maximize profits, the day-to-day government of India was transferred from Parliament to the private East India Company.
D. From 1830 to 1870, the sum total of investments abroad by British capitalists had risen from £300 billion to £800 billion.

Which event did not occur as part of the rise of the British Empire under Queen Victoria ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Victorian Age