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Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans

The problem arises in price cut when the customer’s assume that quality of product has become poor is called __________?

The problem arises in price cut when the customer’s assume that quality of product has become poor is called __________?

A. low-quality trap
B. fragile-market-share trap
C. shallow-pockets trap
D. price-war traps

The problem arises in price cut when the customer’s assume that quality of product has become poor is called __________? Read More »

Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans, Marketing Mcqs

The price cut technique which results in increasing market share but less loyal customers in market is classified as ___________?

The price cut technique which results in increasing market share but less loyal customers in market is classified as ___________?

A. low-quality trap
B. fragile-market-share trap
C. shallow-pockets trap
D. price-war traps

The price cut technique which results in increasing market share but less loyal customers in market is classified as ___________? Read More »

Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans, Marketing Mcqs

The kind of industry in which sellers of commodities such as paper, fertilizer and steel is classified as ________?

The kind of industry in which sellers of commodities such as paper, fertilizer and steel is classified as ________?

A. every day competitive industry
B. oligopolistic industry
C. monopolistic industry
D. pure competition industry

The kind of industry in which sellers of commodities such as paper, fertilizer and steel is classified as ________? Read More »

Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans, Marketing Mcqs

The form of countertrade in which buyer’s and seller’s exchange goods without involving any third party is classified as _________?

The form of countertrade in which buyer’s and seller’s exchange goods without involving any third party is classified as _________?

A. barter
B. compensation deal
C. offset
D. buy back arrangement

The form of countertrade in which buyer’s and seller’s exchange goods without involving any third party is classified as _________? Read More »

Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans, Marketing Mcqs

The bidding technique in which only one bid is submitted by sellers is classified as ________?

The bidding technique in which only one bid is submitted by sellers is classified as ________?

A. equalizing-bid auctions
B. descending bids auction
C. ascending bids auctions
D. sealed-bid auctions

The bidding technique in which only one bid is submitted by sellers is classified as ________? Read More »

Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans, Marketing Mcqs

The price discrimination in which seller charges less to the customers, who buy in large volumes is classified as __________?

The price discrimination in which seller charges less to the customers, who buy in large volumes is classified as __________?

A. second-degree price discrimination
B. first-degree price discrimination
C. third-degree discrimination
D. fourth-degree discrimination

The price discrimination in which seller charges less to the customers, who buy in large volumes is classified as __________? Read More »

Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans, Marketing Mcqs

The type of auction which have many buyers and only one seller and the bidder raises the price of an offer is classified as _________?

The type of auction which have many buyers and only one seller and the bidder raises the price of an offer is classified as _________?

A. English auctions
B. Dutch auctions
C. equalizing-bid auctions
D. Australian auctions

The type of auction which have many buyers and only one seller and the bidder raises the price of an offer is classified as _________? Read More »

Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans, Marketing Mcqs

The image pricing, location pricing, channel pricing and time pricing are all types of price discrimination of __________?

The image pricing, location pricing, channel pricing and time pricing are all types of price discrimination of __________?

A. First degree
B. Second degree
C. Third degree
D. Fourth degree

The image pricing, location pricing, channel pricing and time pricing are all types of price discrimination of __________? Read More »

Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans, Marketing Mcqs