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» Copywriting solved MCQs

One of the department in advertising agency who’s take a responsibility to a whole advertising campaign and have a direct relationship with the client is called?


One of the department in advertising agency who’s take a responsibility to a whole advertising campaign and have a direct relationship with the client is called?


Media Department


Account Director


Account Executive Department


Creative Department

Answer» c. Account Executive Department

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

One of the department in advertising agency who’s take a responsibility to a whole advertising campaign and have a direct relationship with the client is called? Read More »

» Copywriting solved MCQs

What is narrative radio ad copy means?


What is narrative radio ad copy means?


The ads that made in a story and the talents or announcer telling about the benefits of product, how to use the product, and where the product can be obtained


A form of radio ad that conveys messages in the form of short duration songs


A form of radio ad that only shows the conversation of one person only


The ads that using a straight to the point approach or directly to the purpose of the radio ads

Answer» a. The ads that made in a story and the talents or announcer telling about the benefits of product, how to use the product, and where the product can be obtained

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

What is narrative radio ad copy means? Read More »

» Copywriting solved MCQs

What kind of printed ad copy element that have a function as the core message or contain detailed information from the advertised product or service?


What kind of printed ad copy element that have a function as the core message or contain detailed information from the advertised product or service?


Body Copy


Sub Headline





Answer» a. Body Copy

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

What kind of printed ad copy element that have a function as the core message or contain detailed information from the advertised product or service? Read More »

» Copywriting solved MCQs

What are some of the aspects you might want to consider in writing persuasive text?


What are some of the aspects you might want to consider in writing persuasive text?


What I’ve got for you and What it’s going to do for you


what do you think of this product


what product do you used before


what varous alternatives are avalable

Answer» a. What I’ve got for you and What it’s going to do for you

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

What are some of the aspects you might want to consider in writing persuasive text? Read More »

» Copywriting solved MCQs