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» Copywriting solved MCQs

When you have a big story with a lot of elements, its best to use ___________________ to plan your story.


When you have a big story with a lot of elements, its best to use ___________________ to plan your story.


The Lead Sentence


The Inverted Pyramid


The Maestro Method


The Five News Values

Answer» c. The Maestro Method

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

When you have a big story with a lot of elements, its best to use ___________________ to plan your story. Read More »

» Copywriting solved MCQs

A transparent box at the payment counter where the retailer stocks his chocolates, might urge a customer to buy a chocolate….


A transparent box at the payment counter where the retailer stocks his chocolates, might urge a customer to buy a chocolate….


Outdoor Advertising


Point of Purchase Display


print ad


Product placements

Answer» b. Point of Purchase Display

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

A transparent box at the payment counter where the retailer stocks his chocolates, might urge a customer to buy a chocolate…. Read More »

» Copywriting solved MCQs

Good copywriters will always focus on:


Good copywriters will always focus on:


What benefits you will enjoy as the purchaser, not what features we, as the company, are providing.


What benefits you will enjoy as the purchaser,


Clients benefits


Features of products

Answer» a. What benefits you will enjoy as the purchaser, not what features we, as the company, are providing.

Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India

Good copywriters will always focus on: Read More »

» Copywriting solved MCQs