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At 100% relative humidity, the dew point temperature of moist air is

Question: At 100% relative humidity, the dew point temperature of moist air is

less than the wet bulb temperature.


more than the wet bulb temperature.


equal to the wet bulb temperature.


equal to the ambient temperature.

Answer: Option B


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At 100% relative humidity, the dew point temperature of moist air is Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics

Liquor poisoning generally occurs due to the presence of __________ in it.

Question: Liquor poisoning generally occurs due to the presence of __________ in it.

ethyl alcohol




methyl alcohol


carbonic acid

Answer: Option C


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Liquor poisoning generally occurs due to the presence of __________ in it. Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics

Frother is added in the froth floatation cell used in ore beneficiation to stabilise the air bubbles (i.e., froth), which will hold the ore particles, but it does not affect the floatability of minerals. Which of the following is not used as a frother?

Question: Frother is added in the froth floatation cell used in ore beneficiation to stabilise the air bubbles (i.e., froth), which will hold the ore particles, but it does not affect the floatability of minerals. Which of the following is not used as a frother?

Cresylic acid




Pine oil


all ‘a’ ‘b’ & ‘c’

Answer: Option B


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Frother is added in the froth floatation cell used in ore beneficiation to stabilise the air bubbles (i.e., froth), which will hold the ore particles, but it does not affect the floatability of minerals. Which of the following is not used as a frother? Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics

For a fixed cross-sectional area, the most economical channel section has maximum

Question: For a fixed cross-sectional area, the most economical channel section has maximum

wetted perimeter.


fluid discharge rate.


fluid velocity.


depth of flowing fluid.

Answer: Option B


No answer description available for this question.

For a fixed cross-sectional area, the most economical channel section has maximum Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics

A metalloid possesses the characteristics of both the metals and non-metals. Which of the following is not a metalloid ?

Question: A metalloid possesses the characteristics of both the metals and non-metals. Which of the following is not a metalloid ?







none of these

Answer: Option C


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A metalloid possesses the characteristics of both the metals and non-metals. Which of the following is not a metalloid ? Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics

Density in the solid state is slightly less than that in its liquid state, in case of

Question: Density in the solid state is slightly less than that in its liquid state, in case of

carbon dioxide






none of these.

Answer: Option B


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Density in the solid state is slightly less than that in its liquid state, in case of Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics

Addition of small amount of __________ to grey cast iron is done to produce nodular grey cast iron.

Question: Addition of small amount of __________ to grey cast iron is done to produce nodular grey cast iron.








Answer: Option C


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Addition of small amount of __________ to grey cast iron is done to produce nodular grey cast iron. Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics