Question: Buoyancy force depends on the __________ the liquid. [A]. depth of immersion in [B]. displaced mass of [C]. surface tension of [D]. viscosity of Answer: Option B Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: A dummy activity is used in PERT network to describe the [A]. precedence relationship. [B]. resource idleness. [C]. resource restriction. [D]. necessary time delay. Answer: Option A Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: Auto collimator is used to check [A]. flatness [B]. angle [C]. rotor balancing [D]. roughness Answer: Option B Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: Heat dissipation in cooling towers is mainly by [A]. conduction [B]. convection [C]. evaporation [D]. radiation Answer: Option C Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: Calorific value of __________ are almost same. [A]. lignite & anthracite coal [B]. lignite & coal gas [C]. petrol & diesel [D]. coal gas & natural gas Answer: Option C Explanation: No answer description available for this question.