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Out of the following substances, one ton of __________ will store the maximum heat for a rise of 30°C in temperature.

Question: Out of the following substances, one ton of __________ will store the maximum heat for a rise of 30°C in temperature.







lime stone

Answer: Option C


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Out of the following substances, one ton of __________ will store the maximum heat for a rise of 30°C in temperature. Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics

‘Flare tower’ used in industry is meant for

Question: ‘Flare tower’ used in industry is meant for

venting off (after burning) the excess inflammable/toxic gases at high pressure.


absorbing the pollutant gases from the furnace exhaust.


cooling of furnace exhaust gases.


none of these.

Answer: Option A


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‘Flare tower’ used in industry is meant for Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics

‘Sterilised zone’ around a hazardous chemical industry is an area with __________ km radius around it, in which the total population/inhabitants should be less than 20000 preferably in the upwind direction.

Question: ‘Sterilised zone’ around a hazardous chemical industry is an area with __________ km radius around it, in which the total population/inhabitants should be less than 20000 preferably in the upwind direction.








Answer: Option B


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‘Sterilised zone’ around a hazardous chemical industry is an area with __________ km radius around it, in which the total population/inhabitants should be less than 20000 preferably in the upwind direction. Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics

Hardness & tensile strength of austenitic stainless steel can be increased by

Question: Hardness & tensile strength of austenitic stainless steel can be increased by



cold working





Answer: Option B


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Hardness & tensile strength of austenitic stainless steel can be increased by Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics