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During solid state sintering of powders, the following mechanism can be active.

Question: During solid state sintering of powders, the following mechanism can be active.

Evaporation and condensation.


Solid state diffusion processes.


Liquid formation in grain boundaries.


Creation of more dislocations.

Answer: Option B


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During solid state sintering of powders, the following mechanism can be active. Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics

A simple closed grinding circuit may consist of

Question: A simple closed grinding circuit may consist of

a ball mill and a classifier.


a rod mill and a hydrocyclone.


a jaw crusher and a hydrocyclone.


a ball mill and a froth floatation cell.

Answer: Option A


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A simple closed grinding circuit may consist of Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics

Fatigue life is expected to increase by

Question: Fatigue life is expected to increase by

increasing the size of the sample.


smooth polishing of the surface of the sample.


having compressive residual stresses at the surface.


having tensile residual stresses at the surface.

Answer: Option C


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Fatigue life is expected to increase by Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics

In multipass welds, shot peening is done after each pass to

Question: In multipass welds, shot peening is done after each pass to

close the surface porosity.


break the continuity of columnar grains.


flatten the weldment.


introduce texture in the weld.

Answer: Option A


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In multipass welds, shot peening is done after each pass to Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics

A particle is settling in a liquid under Stokesian conditions. The free falling velocity of the particle is proportional to

Question: A particle is settling in a liquid under Stokesian conditions. The free falling velocity of the particle is proportional to

particle diameter


particle diameter


(particle diameter)2


(particle diameter)3

Answer: Option B


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A particle is settling in a liquid under Stokesian conditions. The free falling velocity of the particle is proportional to Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics

If a solid is compressed adiabatically in its elastic range, its __________ remains constat

Question: If a solid is compressed adiabatically in its elastic range, its __________ remains constat

internal energy







Answer: Option C


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If a solid is compressed adiabatically in its elastic range, its __________ remains constat Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics

In fluid flow, and heat and mass transfer, one encounters (i) kinematic velocity (μ), (ii) molecular diffusivity (θ) and thermal diffusivity (α). The units of these quantities are.

Question: In fluid flow, and heat and mass transfer, one encounters (i) kinematic velocity (μ), (ii) molecular diffusivity (θ) and thermal diffusivity (α). The units of these quantities are.

μ , α and θ all have units of m/s.


μ , α and θ all have units of m2/s.


α and θ have units of m2/s, while μ has unit of m/s.


α and θ have units of m/s, while μ has unit of m2/s.

Answer: Option C


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In fluid flow, and heat and mass transfer, one encounters (i) kinematic velocity (μ), (ii) molecular diffusivity (θ) and thermal diffusivity (α). The units of these quantities are. Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Chemical Engineering Basics