A diabetic patient developed cellulitis due to staphylococcus aureus, which was found to be Methicillin resistant on the antibiotic sensitivity testing. All of the following antibiotics will be appropriate EXCEPT________________? A. VancomycinB. Imipenem C. Teichoplanin D. Linezolid

All of the following lab tests can be used to distinguish streptococcus mutans from other oral streptococci, except______________? A. Gram staining B. Fermentation of mannitol and sorbital C. Production of intracellular and extracellular adherent polysacharide D. Colony morphology on saliva…

A veterinary doctor had pyrexia of unknown origin His blood culture in special laboratory media was positive for gram negative short bacilli which was oxidase positive. Which one of the following is the likely organism grown in culture ? A.…