Question: A pathogen can be a (n) [A]. agent that causes a disease [B]. virus [C]. bacteria [D]. All of these Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: CD antigens [A]. allow leukocytes to recognize antigen [B]. are each expressed on only one cell type [C]. are expressed on immune cells to mark them for separation [D]. function as receptors for cytokine and CAMs Answer: Option D…

Question: Very low doses of antigen may induce [A]. hypersensitivity [B]. immunological ignorance [C]. low zone tolerance [D]. low zone immunity Answer: Option C Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: Lymphocytes are activated by antigen in the [A]. blood stream [B]. bone marrow [C]. liver [D]. lymph nodes Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: For specific antigen recognition by T cells, [A]. antigen is bound by a T cell membrane antibody [B]. denaturation of antigen does not reduce epitope recognition [C]. MHC molecules are not required [D]. antigen exposure during T cell maturation…