Question: A nautical mile is [A]. one minute arc of the great circle passing through two points [B]. one minute arc of the longitude [C]. 6080 ft [D]. 1855.109 m Answer: Option E Explanation: No answer description available for this…

Question: International date line is located along [A]. standard meridian [B]. Greenwich meridian [C]. equator [D]. 180° longitude Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: Longitudes are measured from 0° to [A]. 180° eastward [B]. 180° westward [C]. 180° east or westward [D]. 360° eastward Answer: Option C Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: Latitude of a place is the angular distance from [A]. Greenwich to the place [B]. equator to the poles [C]. equator to the nearer pole [D]. equator to the nearer pole along the meridian of the place Answer: Option…