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Author name: admin

At the break even point,

Question: At the break even point,

total cost is more than the sales revenue


total cost is less than the sales revenue


total cost is equal to sales revenue


fixed cost is equal to variable cost

Answer: Option C


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At the break even point, Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering

A company spends considerable amount on publicity to promote sales. This expenditure in break even chart is shown below the

Question: A company spends considerable amount on publicity to promote sales. This expenditure in break even chart is shown below the

fixed cost line


variable cost line


total cost line


sales revenue line

Answer: Option B


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A company spends considerable amount on publicity to promote sales. This expenditure in break even chart is shown below the Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering

In break even analysis, total cost consists of

Question: In break even analysis, total cost consists of

fixed cost + sales revenue


variable cost + sales revenue


fixed cost + variable cost


fixed cost + variable cost + profit

Answer: Option C


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In break even analysis, total cost consists of Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering

Break even point is the point where

Question: Break even point is the point where

fixed and variable cost lines intersect


fixed and total cost lines intersect


variable and total cost lines intersect


sales revenue and total expensive lines intersect

Answer: Option D


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Break even point is the point where Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering

Critical reading is a demanding process. To read critically, you must slow down your reading and, with pencil in hand, perform specific operations on the text. Mark up the text with your reactions, conclusions, and questions. When you read, become an active participant. This paragraph best supports the statement that

Question: Critical reading is a demanding process. To read critically, you must slow down your reading and, with pencil in hand, perform specific operations on the text. Mark up the text with your reactions, conclusions, and questions. When you read, become an active participant.
This paragraph best supports the statement that


critical reading is a slow, dull, but essential process


the best critical reading happens at critical times in a person’s life.


readers should get in the habit of questioning the truth of what they read.


critical reading requires thoughtful and careful attention.

Answer: Option D


This answer is implied by the whole paragraph. The author stresses the need to read critically by performing thoughtful and careful operations on the text. Choice a is incorrect because the author never says that reading is dull. Choices b, c, and e are not supported by the paragraph.

Critical reading is a demanding process. To read critically, you must slow down your reading and, with pencil in hand, perform specific operations on the text. Mark up the text with your reactions, conclusions, and questions. When you read, become an active participant. This paragraph best supports the statement that Read More »

Analyzing Arguments, Logical Reasoning

Abbreviated work factor data is applied for

Question: Abbreviated work factor data is applied for

material handling operation


maintenance operation


packing and shipping operation


all of these

Answer: Option D


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Abbreviated work factor data is applied for Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering