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Author name: admin

Earliest finish time can be regarded as

Question: Earliest finish time can be regarded as

earliest start time + duration of activity


earliest start time – duration of activity


latest finish time + duration of activity


latest finish time – duration of activity

Answer: Option A


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Earliest finish time can be regarded as Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering


Question: PERT

provides an approach for keeping planning up-to-date


provides a way for management to require that planning be done on a uniform and logical basis


permits management to foresee quickly the impact of variations from the plan


all of the above

Answer: Option D


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PERT Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering

Monte Carlo solution in queuing theory is extremely useful in queuing problems that can not be analysed mathematically.

Question: Monte Carlo solution in queuing theory is extremely useful in queuing problems that can not be analysed mathematically.




Answer: Option A


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Monte Carlo solution in queuing theory is extremely useful in queuing problems that can not be analysed mathematically. Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering

Both Rowan plan and 50-50 Halsey plan will provide the same earning when the actual time is __________ the standard time.

Question: Both Rowan plan and 50-50 Halsey plan will provide the same earning when the actual time is __________ the standard time.





equal to



Answer: Option B


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Both Rowan plan and 50-50 Halsey plan will provide the same earning when the actual time is __________ the standard time. Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering