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Author name: admin

A dummy activity becomes a critical activity when its earliest start time (EST) is same as its latest finishing time (LFT).

Question: A dummy activity becomes a critical activity when its earliest start time (EST) is same as its latest finishing time (LFT).




Answer: Option A


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A dummy activity becomes a critical activity when its earliest start time (EST) is same as its latest finishing time (LFT). Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering

A dummy activity in a net work diagram

Question: A dummy activity in a net work diagram

is represented by a dotted line


is an artificial activity


does not consume time or resources


all of these

Answer: Option D


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A dummy activity in a net work diagram Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering

Which of the following statement is correct about the network diagram?

Question: Which of the following statement is correct about the network diagram?

The events are represented graphically by circles or nodes at the beginning and the end of activity by arrows.


The tail end of the arrow represents the start of an activity.


The head of the arrow represents the end of an activity.


all of the above

Answer: Option D


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Which of the following statement is correct about the network diagram? Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering

An activity of the project is graphically represented by __________ on the network diagram.

Question: An activity of the project is graphically represented by __________ on the network diagram.

a circle


a straight line


an arrow

Answer: Option C


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An activity of the project is graphically represented by __________ on the network diagram. Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering

Generally PERT is preferred over CPM for the purpose of project evaluation.

Question: Generally PERT is preferred over CPM for the purpose of project evaluation.




Answer: Option A


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Generally PERT is preferred over CPM for the purpose of project evaluation. Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering

Critical path method

Question: Critical path method

helps in ascertaining time schedules


makes better and detailed planning possible


provides a standard method for communicating project plans schedules and to time and cost performance


all of the above

Answer: Option D


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Critical path method Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering