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Author name: admin

A-B-C analysis

Question: A-B-C analysis

is a basic technique of materials management


is meant for relative inventory control


does not depend upon the unit cost of the item but on its annual consumption


all of the above

Answer: Option D


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A-B-C analysis Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering

In a functional organisation

Question: In a functional organisation

quality of work is better


wastage of material is minimum


specialised knowledge and guidance to individual worker is provided


all of the above

Answer: Option D


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In a functional organisation Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering

F. W. Taylor introduced a system of organisation known as

Question: F. W. Taylor introduced a system of organisation known as

line organisation


functional organisation


line and staff organisation


line, staff and functional organisation

Answer: Option B


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F. W. Taylor introduced a system of organisation known as Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering

Military type of organisation is known as

Question: Military type of organisation is known as

line organisation


functional organisation


line and staff organisation


line, staff and functional organisation

Answer: Option A


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Military type of organisation is known as Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering

A PERT network has three activities on critical path with mean time 3, 8 and 6 and standard deviations 1, 2 and 2 respectively. The probability that the project will be completed in 20 days is

Question: A PERT network has three activities on critical path with mean time 3, 8 and 6 and standard deviations 1, 2 and 2 respectively. The probability that the project will be completed in 20 days is








Answer: Option C


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A PERT network has three activities on critical path with mean time 3, 8 and 6 and standard deviations 1, 2 and 2 respectively. The probability that the project will be completed in 20 days is Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering

In a network shown in the below figure, the critical path is along

Question: In a network shown in the below figure, the critical path is along








Answer: Option B


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In a network shown in the below figure, the critical path is along Read More »

Industrial Engineering And Production Management, Mechanical Engineering