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Two continuous bioreactors containing the same organisms, fed with the same feed at the same dilution rate were compared. Reactor 1 started with an initial concentration of glucose of 10 g.l-1, while reactor 2 contained 0.1 g.l-1 of glucose at the start of the process then at steady state

Question: Two continuous bioreactors containing the same organisms, fed with the same feed at the same dilution rate were compared. Reactor 1 started with an initial concentration of glucose of 10 g.l-1, while reactor 2 contained 0.1 g.l-1 of glucose at the start of the process then at steady state

the concentration of glucose in reactor 1 would be greater than that in reactor 2


the concentration of glucose in reactor 1 would be equal to reactor 2


the concentration of glucose in reactor 1 would always be zero.


the concentration of glucose in reactor 1 would be less than that in reactor 2

Answer: Option B


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