The sum of three numbers is 172. The ratio of the first and second numbers is 8:11. The ratio of the second and third is 5:7. Find the second number.

The sum of three numbers is 172. The ratio of the first and second numbers is 8:11. The ratio of the second and third is 5:7. Find the second number.

A. 44
B. 55
C. 66
D. 77
Let the numbers be a, b and c. a+b+c = 172 a:b = 8:11 b:c = 5:7 11a = 8b a = 8b/11 7b = 5c c = 7b/5 (8b/11)+b+(7b/5) = 172 40b+55b+77b = 172*55 172b = 172*55 b=55