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The relation among various mass transfer co-efficients (M.T.C) for ideal gases is given by (where, Kc & Km are M.T.C. for equimolar counter diffusion with concentration & mole fraction respectively as the driving force. and, Kp= M.T.C. for diffusion of a gas through a stagnant inert gas with pressure as driving force) ?

The relation among various mass transfer co-efficients (M.T.C) for ideal gases is given by (where, Kc & Km are M.T.C. for equimolar counter diffusion with concentration & mole fraction respectively as the driving force. and, Kp= M.T.C. for diffusion of a gas through a stagnant inert gas with pressure as driving force) ?

A. Kc = Kp = Km
B. Kc = Kp/RT = Km . RT/P
C. Kc = Kp . RT = Km . RT/p
D. None of these